* better documentation
* translation on non translated string
* Grey out column min and max of individual layer snapping settings when snapping limit on scale is disabled.
Force the refresh when rowChanged is called even if the individual settings are the same to enable/disable immediately the columns when the snapping limit on scale button is pushed.
- LimitToScaleRange : Allows to enable snapping only when current scale on the canvas is in a specified range. This range is controled by the two parameters scale min and scale max.
- MinScale : Minimum scale in which the snapping is enabled
- MaxScale : Maximum scale in which the snapping is enabled
When LimitToScaleRange is set to true, snapping is disabled if the current scale out of [MinScale, MaxScale].
When LimitToScaleRange is set to false, the behavior remain unchanged and snapping is enabled whatever the scale.
This allows to limit the costly cache refresh for some heavy layers when panning said layer at a level where the snapping is not useful.