Add missing files; add more operators

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Woodrow 2011-10-16 20:51:09 +10:00
parent 913e7e7866
commit fd50833e83
2 changed files with 507 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
qgisexpressionbuilder.cpp - A genric expression string builder widget.
Date : 29-May-2011
Copyright : (C) 2011 by Nathan Woodrow
Email : nathan.woodrow at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgsexpressionbuilderwidget.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include "qgsexpression.h"
#include "qgsmessageviewer.h"
#include <QMenu>
QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::QgsExpressionBuilderWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
mModel = new QStandardItemModel( );
mProxyModel = new QgsExpressionItemSearhProxy();
mProxyModel->setSourceModel( mModel );
expressionTree->setModel( mProxyModel );
expressionTree->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( expressionTree, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint & ) ), this, SLOT( showContextMenu( const QPoint & ) ) );
connect( btnPlusPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnMinusPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnDividePushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnMultiplyPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnExpButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnConcatButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnOpenBracketPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
connect( btnCloseBracketPushButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(operatorButtonClicked()));
// TODO Can we move this stuff to QgsExpression, like the functions?
this->registerItem("Operators","+"," + ");
this->registerItem("Operators","-"," -");
this->registerItem("Operators","*"," * ");
this->registerItem("Operators","/"," / ");
this->registerItem("Operators","%"," % ");
this->registerItem("Operators","^"," ^ ");
this->registerItem("Operators","="," = ");
this->registerItem("Operators",">"," > ");
this->registerItem("Operators","<"," < ");
this->registerItem("Operators","<>"," <> ");
this->registerItem("Operators","<="," <= ");
this->registerItem("Operators",">="," >= ");
this->registerItem("Operators","||"," || ","<b>|| (String Concatenation)</b> "\
"<br> Joins two values together into a string " \
"<br> <i>Usage:</i><br>'Dia' || Diameter");
this->registerItem("Operators","LIKE"," LIKE ");
this->registerItem("Operators","ILIKE"," ILIKE ");
this->registerItem("Operators","IS"," IS NOT ");
this->registerItem("Operators","OR"," OR ");
this->registerItem("Operators","AND"," AND ");
this->registerItem("Operators","NOT"," NOT ");
// Load the fuctions from the QgsExpression class
int count = QgsExpression::functionCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
QgsExpression::FunctionDef func = QgsExpression::BuiltinFunctions[i];
QString name = func.mName;
if ( func.mParams >= 1 )
name += "(";
this->registerItem(func.mGroup,func.mName, " " + name + " ", func.mHelpText);
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::setLayer( QgsVectorLayer *layer )
mLayer = layer;
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::on_expressionTree_clicked(const QModelIndex &index)
// Get the item
QModelIndex idx = mProxyModel->mapToSource(index);
QgsExpressionItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsExpressionItem*>(mModel->itemFromIndex( idx ));
if ( item == 0 )
// Loading field values are handled with a
// right click so we just show the help.
if (item->getItemType() == QgsExpressionItem::Field)
txtHelpText->setText( tr("Double click to add field name to expression string. <br> " \
"Or right click to select loading value options then " \
"double click an item in the value list to add it to the expression string."));
// Show the help for the current item.
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::on_expressionTree_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
QModelIndex idx = mProxyModel->mapToSource(index);
QgsExpressionItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsExpressionItem*>(mModel->itemFromIndex( idx ));
if (item == 0)
// Don't handle the double click it we are on a header node.
if (item->getItemType() == QgsExpressionItem::Header)
// Insert the expression text.
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::loadFieldNames()
// TODO We should really return a error the user of the widget that
// the there is no layer set.
if ( !mLayer )
const QgsFieldMap fieldMap = mLayer->pendingFields();
QgsFieldMap::const_iterator fieldIt = fieldMap.constBegin();
for ( ; fieldIt != fieldMap.constEnd(); ++fieldIt )
QString fieldName = fieldIt.value().name();
this->registerItem("Fields", fieldName, " " + fieldName + " ","", QgsExpressionItem::Field);
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::fillFieldValues(int fieldIndex, int countLimit)
// TODO We should really return a error the user of the widget that
// the there is no layer set.
if ( !mLayer )
// TODO We should thread this so that we don't hold the user up if the layer is massive.
mValueListWidget->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
mValueListWidget->blockSignals( true );
QList<QVariant> values;
mLayer->uniqueValues( fieldIndex, values, countLimit );
foreach(QVariant value, values)
mValueListWidget->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
mValueListWidget->blockSignals( false );
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::registerItem(QString group,
QString label,
QString expressionText,
QString helpText,
QgsExpressionItem::ItemType type)
QgsExpressionItem* item = new QgsExpressionItem(label,expressionText, helpText, type);
// Look up the group and insert the new function.
if (mExpressionGroups.contains(group))
QgsExpressionItem* groupNode = mExpressionGroups.value(group);
// If the group doesn't exsit yet we make it first.
QgsExpressionItem* newgroupNode = new QgsExpressionItem(group,"", QgsExpressionItem::Header);
mExpressionGroups.insert(group , newgroupNode );
QString QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::getExpressionString()
return this->txtExpressionString->toPlainText();
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::setExpressionString(const QString expressionString)
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::on_txtExpressionString_textChanged()
QString text = this->txtExpressionString->toPlainText();
// If the string is empty the expression will still "fail" although
// we don't show the user an error as it will be confusing.
if ( text.isEmpty() )
// Return false for isVaild because a null expression is still invaild.
emit expressionParsed(false);
QgsExpression exp( text );
// TODO We could do this without a layer.
// Maybe just calling exp.evaluate()?
if ( mLayer )
// TODO We should really cache the feature.
QgsFeature feature;
mLayer->featureAtId( 0 , feature );
QVariant value = exp.evaluate( &feature, mLayer->pendingFields() );
if (!exp.hasEvalError())
lblPreview->setText( value.toString() );
if ( exp.hasParserError() || exp.hasEvalError())
QString tooltip = "<b>Parser Error:</b> <br>" + exp.parserErrorString();
if (exp.hasEvalError())
tooltip += "<br><br> <b>Eval Error:</b> <br>" + exp.evalErrorString();
this->lblPreview->setText( "Expression is invaild <a href=""more"">(more info)</a>" );
this->lblPreview->setStyleSheet("color: rgba(255, 6, 10, 255);");
emit expressionParsed(false);
emit expressionParsed(true);
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::on_txtSearchEdit_textChanged()
mProxyModel->setFilterWildcard( txtSearchEdit->text() );
if ( txtSearchEdit->text().isEmpty() )
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::on_lblPreview_linkActivated(QString link)
QgsMessageViewer * mv = new QgsMessageViewer( this );
mv->setWindowTitle( "More info on expression error" );
mv->setMessageAsHtml( this->txtExpressionString->toolTip());
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::on_mValueListWidget_itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *item)
txtExpressionString->insertPlainText( " " + item->text() + " " );
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::operatorButtonClicked()
QPushButton* button = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>( sender() );
txtExpressionString->insertPlainText( " " + button->text() + " " );
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::showContextMenu( const QPoint & pt)
QModelIndex idx = expressionTree->indexAt( pt );
idx = mProxyModel->mapToSource( idx );
QgsExpressionItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsExpressionItem*>(mModel->itemFromIndex( idx ));
if ( !item )
if (item->getItemType() == QgsExpressionItem::Field)
QMenu* menu = new QMenu( this );
menu->addAction( tr( "Load top 10 unique values" ), this, SLOT( loadSampleValues()) );
menu->addAction( tr( "Load all unique values" ), this, SLOT( loadAllValues() ) );
menu->popup( expressionTree->mapToGlobal( pt ) );
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::loadSampleValues()
QModelIndex idx = mProxyModel->mapToSource(expressionTree->currentIndex());
QgsExpressionItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsExpressionItem*>(mModel->itemFromIndex( idx ));
// TODO We should really return a error the user of the widget that
// the there is no layer set.
if ( !mLayer )
int fieldIndex = mLayer->fieldNameIndex(item->text());
void QgsExpressionBuilderWidget::loadAllValues()
QModelIndex idx = mProxyModel->mapToSource(expressionTree->currentIndex());
QgsExpressionItem* item = dynamic_cast<QgsExpressionItem*>(mModel->itemFromIndex( idx ));
// TODO We should really return a error the user of the widget that
// the there is no layer set.
if ( !mLayer )
int fieldIndex = mLayer->fieldNameIndex(item->text());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
qgisexpressionbuilder.h - A genric expression string builder widget.
Date : 29-May-2011
Copyright : (C) 2006 by Nathan Woodrow
Email : nathan.woodrow at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <QWidget>
#include "ui_qgsexpressionbuilder.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "QStandardItemModel"
#include "QStandardItem"
#include "QSortFilterProxyModel"
/** Search proxy used to filter the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree.
* The default search for a tree model only searches top level this will handle one
* level down
class QgsExpressionItemSearhProxy : public QSortFilterProxyModel
QgsExpressionItemSearhProxy() { }
bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const
if (source_parent == qobject_cast<QStandardItemModel*>(sourceModel())->invisibleRootItem()->index())
return true;
return QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent);
/** An expression item that can be used in the QgsExpressionBuilderWidget tree.
class QgsExpressionItem : public QStandardItem
enum ItemType
QgsExpressionItem(QString label,
QString expressionText,
QString helpText,
QgsExpressionItem::ItemType itemType = ExpressionNode)
: QStandardItem(label)
mExpressionText = expressionText;
mHelpText = helpText;
mType = itemType;
QgsExpressionItem(QString label,
QString expressionText,
QgsExpressionItem::ItemType itemType = ExpressionNode)
: QStandardItem(label)
mExpressionText = expressionText;
mType = itemType;
QString getExpressionText() { return mExpressionText; }
/** Get the help text that is associated with this expression item.
* @return The help text.
QString getHelpText() { return mHelpText; }
/** Set the help text for the current item
* @note The help text can be set as a html string.
void setHelpText(QString helpText) { mHelpText = helpText; }
/** Get the type of expression item eg header, field, ExpressionNode.
* @return The QgsExpressionItem::ItemType
QgsExpressionItem::ItemType getItemType() { return mType ; }
QString mExpressionText;
QString mHelpText;
QgsExpressionItem::ItemType mType;
/** A reusable widget that can be used to build a expression string.
* See QgsExpressionBuilderDialog for exmaple of usage.
class QgsExpressionBuilderWidget : public QWidget, private Ui::QgsExpressionBuilderWidgetBase {
QgsExpressionBuilderWidget(QWidget *parent);
/** Sets layer in order to get the fields and values
* @note this needs to be called before calling loadFieldNames().
void setLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer );
/** Loads all the field names from the layer.
* @remarks Should this really be public couldn't we just do this for the user?
void loadFieldNames();
/** Gets the expression string that has been set in the expression area.
* @returns The expression as a string. */
QString getExpressionString();
/** Sets the expression string for the widget */
void setExpressionString(const QString expressionString);
/** Registers a node item for the expression builder.
* @param group The group the item will be show in the tree view. If the group doesn't exsit it will be created.
* @param label The label that is show to the user for the item in the tree.
* @param expressionText The text that is inserted into the expression area when the user double clicks on the item.
* @param helpText The help text that the user will see when item is selected.
* @param type The type of the expression item.
void registerItem(QString group, QString label,QString expressionText,
QString helpText = "",
QgsExpressionItem::ItemType type = QgsExpressionItem::ExpressionNode);
public slots:
void on_expressionTree_clicked(const QModelIndex &index);
void on_expressionTree_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index);
void on_txtExpressionString_textChanged();
void on_txtSearchEdit_textChanged();
void on_lblPreview_linkActivated(QString link);
void on_mValueListWidget_itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem* item);
void operatorButtonClicked();
void showContextMenu( const QPoint & );
void loadSampleValues();
void loadAllValues();
/** Emited when the user changes the expression in the widget.
* Users of this widget should connect to this signal to decide if to let the user
* continue.
* @param isVaild Is true if the expression the user has typed is vaild.
void expressionParsed(bool isVaild);
void fillFieldValues(int fieldIndex, int countLimit);
QgsVectorLayer *mLayer;
QStandardItemModel *mModel;
QgsExpressionItemSearhProxy *mProxyModel;
QMap<QString, QgsExpressionItem*> mExpressionGroups;
QgsFeature* mFeature;