#9360R: enable ogr simplification for GDAL-OGR >= 1.11

This commit is contained in:
Alvaro Huarte 2014-01-21 11:18:36 +01:00
parent 0c99423b18
commit f79dfa1551
4 changed files with 77 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ bool QgsOgrFeatureIterator::prepareSimplification( const QgsSimplifyMethod& simp
QgsSimplifyMethod::MethodType methodType = simplifyMethod.methodType();
Q_UNUSED( methodType);
if ( methodType == QgsSimplifyMethod::OptimizeForRendering )
int simplifyFlags = QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyGeometry | QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyEnvelope;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ bool QgsOgrFeatureIterator::prepareSimplification( const QgsSimplifyMethod& simp
bool QgsOgrFeatureIterator::providerCanSimplify( QgsSimplifyMethod::MethodType methodType ) const
if ( methodType == QgsSimplifyMethod::OptimizeForRendering )
return true;

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ QgsOgrAbstractGeometrySimplifier::~QgsOgrAbstractGeometrySimplifier()
#if defined(GDAL_VERSION_NUM) && GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 1900
QgsOgrTopologyPreservingSimplifier::QgsOgrTopologyPreservingSimplifier( double tolerance )
: QgsTopologyPreservingSimplifier( tolerance )
@ -59,10 +60,7 @@ bool QgsOgrTopologyPreservingSimplifier::simplifyGeometry( OGRGeometryH geometry
// Use OgrGeometry class to speed up simplification on provider side
#include <ogr_geometry.h>
QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier( int simplifyFlags, double map2pixelTol )
: QgsMapToPixelSimplifier( simplifyFlags, map2pixelTol )
@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::~QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier()
//! Returns a point buffer of the specified size
OGRRawPoint* QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::mallocPoints( int numPoints )
QgsPoint* QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::mallocPoints( int numPoints )
if ( mPointBufferPtr && mPointBufferCount < numPoints )
@ -91,11 +89,41 @@ OGRRawPoint* QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::mallocPoints( int numPoints )
if ( !mPointBufferPtr )
mPointBufferCount = numPoints;
mPointBufferPtr = ( OGRRawPoint* )OGRMalloc( mPointBufferCount * sizeof( OGRRawPoint ) );
mPointBufferPtr = ( QgsPoint* )OGRMalloc( mPointBufferCount * sizeof( QgsPoint ) );
return mPointBufferPtr;
//! Returns a point buffer of the specified envelope
QgsPoint* QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::getEnvelopePoints( const QgsRectangle& envelope, int& numPoints, bool isaLinearRing )
QgsPoint* points = NULL;
double x1 = envelope.xMinimum();
double y1 = envelope.yMinimum();
double x2 = envelope.xMaximum();
double y2 = envelope.yMaximum();
if ( isaLinearRing )
numPoints = 5;
points = mallocPoints( numPoints );
points[0].set( x1, y1 );
points[1].set( x2, y1 );
points[2].set( x2, y2 );
points[3].set( x1, y2 );
points[4].set( x1, y1 );
numPoints = 2;
points = mallocPoints( numPoints );
points[0].set( x1, y1 );
points[1].set( x2, y2 );
return points;
// Helper simplification methods
@ -138,52 +166,29 @@ bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyOgrGeometry( QGis::GeometryType geometr
//! Simplifies the OGR-geometry (Removing duplicated points) when is applied the specified map2pixel context
bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometry* geometry, bool isaLinearRing )
bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometryH geometry, bool isaLinearRing )
OGRwkbGeometryType wkbGeometryType = wkbFlatten( geometry->getGeometryType() );
OGRwkbGeometryType wkbGeometryType = wkbFlatten( OGR_G_GetGeometryType( geometry ) );
// Simplify the geometry rewriting temporally its WKB-stream for saving calloc's.
if ( wkbGeometryType == wkbLineString )
OGRLineString* lineString = ( OGRLineString* )geometry;
int numPoints = OGR_G_GetPointCount( geometry );
int numPoints = lineString->getNumPoints();
if (( isaLinearRing && numPoints <= 5 ) || ( !isaLinearRing && numPoints <= 4 ) )
return false;
OGREnvelope env;
lineString->getEnvelope( &env );
OGR_G_GetEnvelope( geometry, &env );
QgsRectangle envelope( env.MinX, env.MinY, env.MaxX, env.MaxY );
// Can replace the geometry by its BBOX ?
if (( mSimplifyFlags & QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyEnvelope ) && canbeGeneralizedByMapBoundingBox( envelope ) )
OGRRawPoint* points = NULL;
QgsPoint* points = getEnvelopePoints( envelope, numPoints, isaLinearRing );
double x1 = envelope.xMinimum();
double y1 = envelope.yMinimum();
double x2 = envelope.xMaximum();
double y2 = envelope.yMaximum();
if ( isaLinearRing )
numPoints = 5;
points = mallocPoints( numPoints );
points[0].x = x1; points[0].y = y1;
points[1].x = x2; points[1].y = y1;
points[2].x = x2; points[2].y = y2;
points[3].x = x1; points[3].y = y2;
points[4].x = x1; points[4].y = y1;
numPoints = 2;
points = mallocPoints( numPoints );
points[0].x = x1; points[0].y = y1;
points[1].x = x2; points[1].y = y2;
lineString->setPoints( numPoints, points );
setGeometryPoints( geometry, points, numPoints );
OGR_G_FlattenTo2D( geometry );
return true;
@ -192,27 +197,29 @@ bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometry* geometry, boo
QGis::GeometryType geometryType = isaLinearRing ? QGis::Polygon : QGis::Line;
int numSimplifiedPoints = 0;
OGRRawPoint* points = mallocPoints( numPoints );
QgsPoint* points = mallocPoints( numPoints );
double* xptr = ( double* )points;
double* yptr = xptr + 1;
lineString->getPoints( points );
OGR_G_GetPoints( geometry, xptr, 16, yptr, 16, NULL, 0 );
if ( simplifyOgrGeometry( geometryType, xptr, 16, yptr, 16, numPoints, numSimplifiedPoints ) )
lineString->setPoints( numSimplifiedPoints, points );
if (( isaLinearRing && numSimplifiedPoints <= 4 ) || ( !isaLinearRing && numSimplifiedPoints <= 1 ) )
points = getEnvelopePoints( envelope, numSimplifiedPoints, isaLinearRing );
setGeometryPoints( geometry, points, numSimplifiedPoints );
OGR_G_FlattenTo2D( geometry );
return numSimplifiedPoints != numPoints;
else if ( wkbGeometryType == wkbPolygon )
OGRPolygon* polygon = ( OGRPolygon* )geometry;
bool result = simplifyOgrGeometry( polygon->getExteriorRing(), true );
bool result = simplifyOgrGeometry( OGR_G_GetGeometryRef( geometry, 0 ), true );
for ( int i = 0, numInteriorRings = polygon->getNumInteriorRings(); i < numInteriorRings; ++i )
for ( int i = 1, numInteriorRings = OGR_G_GetGeometryCount( geometry ); i < numInteriorRings; ++i )
result |= simplifyOgrGeometry( polygon->getInteriorRing( i ), true );
result |= simplifyOgrGeometry( OGR_G_GetGeometryRef( geometry, i ), true );
if ( result )
@ -222,12 +229,11 @@ bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometry* geometry, boo
else if ( wkbGeometryType == wkbMultiLineString || wkbGeometryType == wkbMultiPolygon )
OGRGeometryCollection* collection = ( OGRGeometryCollection* )geometry;
bool result = false;
for ( int i = 0, numGeometries = collection->getNumGeometries(); i < numGeometries; ++i )
for ( int i = 0, numGeometries = OGR_G_GetGeometryCount( geometry ); i < numGeometries; ++i )
result |= simplifyOgrGeometry( collection->getGeometryRef( i ), wkbGeometryType == wkbMultiPolygon );
result |= simplifyOgrGeometry( OGR_G_GetGeometryRef( geometry, i ), wkbGeometryType == wkbMultiPolygon );
if ( result )
@ -239,6 +245,15 @@ bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometry* geometry, boo
return false;
//! Load a point array to the specified LineString geometry
void QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::setGeometryPoints( OGRGeometryH geometry, QgsPoint* points, int numPoints )
double* xptr = ( double* )points;
double* yptr = xptr + 1;
OGR_G_SetPoints( geometry, numPoints, xptr, 16, yptr, 16, NULL, 0 );
//! Simplifies the specified geometry
@ -248,7 +263,7 @@ bool QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyGeometry( OGRGeometryH geometry )
if ( wkbGeometryType == wkbLineString || wkbGeometryType == wkbPolygon )
return simplifyOgrGeometry( (OGRGeometry*) geometry, wkbGeometryType == wkbPolygon );
return simplifyOgrGeometry( geometry, wkbGeometryType == wkbPolygon );
return false;

View File

@ -18,29 +18,9 @@
#include "qgsmaptopixelgeometrysimplifier.h"
#include <ogr_api.h>
#include "qgspoint.h"
/* TODO:
* Disable OGR-simplification on provider side because of OGRGeometry class
* (GDAL C++ API) is not available in current QGIS builds.
* This simplification is ~5-10% faster than simplification on QGIS side
* (for very complex polygons up to ~20%).
* While GDAL C API has not published the needed method 'OGR_G_SetPoints()'
* to rewrite the geometry of a LineString/LinearRing in one single call,
* we can not enable the OGR-simplification to change the current disabled
* references of OGRGeometry* (GDAL C++ API) to OGRGeometryH (GDAL C API).
* Search in 'qgsogrgeometrysimplifier.cpp' : lineString->setPoints(...);
* We can not use 'OGR_G_SetPoint(...)' because of each call reallocs the
* point array of the geometry and it is very-very slow.
#if defined(__cplusplus)
class OGRGeometry;
class OGRRawPoint;
#include <ogr_api.h>
* Abstract base class for simplify OGR-geometries using a specific algorithm
@ -72,7 +52,7 @@ class QgsOgrTopologyPreservingSimplifier : public QgsOgrAbstractGeometrySimplifi
* OGR implementation of GeometrySimplifier using the "MapToPixel" algorithm
@ -87,17 +67,22 @@ class QgsOgrMapToPixelSimplifier : public QgsOgrAbstractGeometrySimplifier, QgsM
//! Point memory buffer for optimize the simplification process
OGRRawPoint* mPointBufferPtr;
QgsPoint* mPointBufferPtr;
//! Current Point memory buffer size
int mPointBufferCount;
//! Simplifies the OGR-geometry (Removing duplicated points) when is applied the specified map2pixel context
bool simplifyOgrGeometry( QGis::GeometryType geometryType, double* xptr, int xStride, double* yptr, int yStride, int pointCount, int& pointSimplifiedCount );
//! Simplifies the OGR-geometry (Removing duplicated points) when is applied the specified map2pixel context
bool simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometry* geometry, bool isaLinearRing );
bool simplifyOgrGeometry( OGRGeometryH geometry, bool isaLinearRing );
//! Returns a point buffer of the specified size
OGRRawPoint* mallocPoints( int numPoints );
QgsPoint* mallocPoints( int numPoints );
//! Returns a point buffer of the specified envelope
QgsPoint* getEnvelopePoints( const QgsRectangle& envelope, int& numPoints, bool isaLinearRing );
//! Load a point array to the specified LineString geometry
static void setGeometryPoints( OGRGeometryH geometry, QgsPoint* points, int numPoints );
//! Simplifies the specified geometry

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@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ email : sherman at mrcc.com
#include "qgsgeometry.h"
#include "qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayerimport.h"
#include "qgsogrgeometrysimplifier.h"
static const QString TEXT_PROVIDER_KEY = "ogr";
@ -1496,7 +1495,7 @@ int QgsOgrProvider::capabilities() const
// supports geometry simplification on provider side
ability |= QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometries;
#if defined(GDAL_VERSION_NUM) && GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 1900