[processing] Add new parameter type for print layout names

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Nyall Dawson 2019-03-11 14:03:43 +10:00
parent 5ec43cfdc1
commit dd49720863
6 changed files with 329 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ their acceptable ranges, defaults, etc.
sipType = sipType_QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination;
else if ( sipCpp->type() == QgsProcessingParameterBand::typeName() )
sipType = sipType_QgsProcessingParameterBand;
else if ( sipCpp->type() == QgsProcessingParameterLayout::typeName() )
sipType = sipType_QgsProcessingParameterLayout;
sipType = nullptr;
@ -2747,6 +2749,49 @@ Sets whether multiple band selections are permitted.
class QgsProcessingParameterLayout : QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
A print layout parameter, allowing users to select a print layout.
QgsProcessingParameterLayout should be evaluated by calling :py:func:`QgsProcessingAlgorithm.parameterAsString()`
This will return the name of the target print layout.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
#include "qgsprocessingparameters.h"
QgsProcessingParameterLayout( const QString &name, const QString &description = QString(), const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant(),
bool optional = false );
Constructor for QgsProcessingParameterLayout.
static QString typeName();
Returns the type name for the parameter class.
virtual QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *clone() const /Factory/;
virtual QString type() const;
virtual QString valueAsPythonString( const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context ) const;
virtual QString asScriptCode() const;
virtual QString asPythonString( QgsProcessing::PythonOutputType outputType = QgsProcessing::PythonQgsProcessingAlgorithmSubclass ) const;
static QgsProcessingParameterLayout *fromScriptCode( const QString &name, const QString &description, bool isOptional, const QString &definition ) /Factory/;
Creates a new parameter using the definition from a script code.

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@ -1519,6 +1519,8 @@ QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromVariantM
def.reset( new QgsProcessingParameterBand( name ) );
else if ( type == QgsProcessingParameterMeshLayer::typeName() )
def.reset( new QgsProcessingParameterMeshLayer( name ) );
else if ( type == QgsProcessingParameterLayout::typeName() )
def.reset( new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( name ) );
QgsProcessingParameterType *paramType = QgsApplication::instance()->processingRegistry()->parameterType( type );
@ -1603,6 +1605,8 @@ QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCo
return QgsProcessingParameterBand::fromScriptCode( name, description, isOptional, definition );
else if ( type == QStringLiteral( "mesh" ) )
return QgsProcessingParameterMeshLayer::fromScriptCode( name, description, isOptional, definition );
else if ( type == QStringLiteral( "layout" ) )
return QgsProcessingParameterLayout::fromScriptCode( name, description, isOptional, definition );
return nullptr;
@ -5198,3 +5202,73 @@ bool QgsProcessingParameterDistance::fromVariantMap( const QVariantMap &map )
mDefaultUnit = static_cast< QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit>( map.value( QStringLiteral( "default_unit" ), QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnknownUnit ).toInt() );
return true;
// QgsProcessingParameterLayout
QgsProcessingParameterLayout::QgsProcessingParameterLayout( const QString &name, const QString &description, const QVariant &defaultValue, bool optional )
: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition( name, description, defaultValue, optional )
QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *QgsProcessingParameterLayout::clone() const
return new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( *this );
QString QgsProcessingParameterLayout::valueAsPythonString( const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext & ) const
if ( !value.isValid() || value.isNull() )
return QStringLiteral( "None" );
if ( value.canConvert<QgsProperty>() )
return QStringLiteral( "QgsProperty.fromExpression('%1')" ).arg( value.value< QgsProperty >().asExpression() );
QString s = value.toString();
return QgsProcessingUtils::stringToPythonLiteral( s );
QString QgsProcessingParameterLayout::asScriptCode() const
QString code = QStringLiteral( "##%1=" ).arg( mName );
if ( mFlags & FlagOptional )
code += QStringLiteral( "optional " );
code += QStringLiteral( "layout " );
code += mDefault.toString();
return code.trimmed();
QString QgsProcessingParameterLayout::asPythonString( const QgsProcessing::PythonOutputType outputType ) const
switch ( outputType )
case QgsProcessing::PythonQgsProcessingAlgorithmSubclass:
QString code = QStringLiteral( "QgsProcessingParameterLayout('%1', '%2'" ).arg( name(), description() );
if ( mFlags & FlagOptional )
code += QStringLiteral( ", optional=True" );
QgsProcessingContext c;
code += QStringLiteral( ", defaultValue=%1)" ).arg( valueAsPythonString( mDefault, c ) );
return code;
return QString();
QgsProcessingParameterLayout *QgsProcessingParameterLayout::fromScriptCode( const QString &name, const QString &description, bool isOptional, const QString &definition )
QString def = definition;
if ( def.startsWith( '"' ) || def.startsWith( '\'' ) )
def = def.mid( 1 );
if ( def.endsWith( '"' ) || def.endsWith( '\'' ) )
def.chop( 1 );
QVariant defaultValue = def;
if ( def == QStringLiteral( "None" ) )
defaultValue = QVariant();
return new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( name, description, defaultValue, isOptional );

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@ -258,6 +258,8 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
sipType = sipType_QgsProcessingParameterFolderDestination;
else if ( sipCpp->type() == QgsProcessingParameterBand::typeName() )
sipType = sipType_QgsProcessingParameterBand;
else if ( sipCpp->type() == QgsProcessingParameterLayout::typeName() )
sipType = sipType_QgsProcessingParameterLayout;
sipType = nullptr;
@ -2582,6 +2584,43 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsProcessingParameterBand : public QgsProcessingParameterDefi
bool mAllowMultiple = false;
* \class QgsProcessingParameterLayout
* \ingroup core
* A print layout parameter, allowing users to select a print layout.
* QgsProcessingParameterLayout should be evaluated by calling QgsProcessingAlgorithm::parameterAsString().
* This will return the name of the target print layout.
* \since QGIS 3.8
class CORE_EXPORT QgsProcessingParameterLayout : public QgsProcessingParameterDefinition
* Constructor for QgsProcessingParameterLayout.
QgsProcessingParameterLayout( const QString &name, const QString &description = QString(), const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant(),
bool optional = false );
* Returns the type name for the parameter class.
static QString typeName() { return QStringLiteral( "layout" ); }
QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *clone() const override SIP_FACTORY;
QString type() const override { return typeName(); }
QString valueAsPythonString( const QVariant &value, QgsProcessingContext &context ) const override;
QString asScriptCode() const override;
QString asPythonString( QgsProcessing::PythonOutputType outputType = QgsProcessing::PythonQgsProcessingAlgorithmSubclass ) const override;
* Creates a new parameter using the definition from a script code.
static QgsProcessingParameterLayout *fromScriptCode( const QString &name, const QString &description, bool isOptional, const QString &definition ) SIP_FACTORY;
// clazy:excludeall=qstring-allocations

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@ -1458,4 +1458,57 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSink : public QgsProcessingPa
* A print layout parameter for Processing algorithms.
* \ingroup core
* \note No Python bindings available. Get your copy from QgsApplication.processingRegistry().parameterType('layout')
* \since QGIS 3.8
class CORE_EXPORT QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayout : public QgsProcessingParameterType
QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *create( const QString &name ) const override SIP_FACTORY
return new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( name );
QString description() const override
return QCoreApplication::translate( "Processing", "A print layout parameter." );
QString name() const override
return QCoreApplication::translate( "Processing", "Print Layout" );
QString id() const override
return QStringLiteral( "layout" );
QString pythonImportString() const override
return QStringLiteral( "from qgis.core import QgsProcessingParameterLayout" );
QString className() const override
return QStringLiteral( "QgsProcessingParameterLayout" );
QStringList acceptedPythonTypes() const override
return QStringList() << QObject::tr( "str: name of print layout in current project" )
<< QStringLiteral( "QgsProperty" );
QStringList acceptedStringValues() const override
return QStringList() << QObject::tr( "Name of print layout in current project" );

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ QgsProcessingRegistry::QgsProcessingRegistry( QObject *parent SIP_TRANSFERTHIS )
addParameterType( new QgsProcessingParameterTypeDistance() );
addParameterType( new QgsProcessingParameterTypeBand() );
addParameterType( new QgsProcessingParameterTypeFeatureSink() );
addParameterType( new QgsProcessingParameterTypeLayout() );

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@ -558,6 +558,7 @@ class TestQgsProcessing: public QObject
void parameterFileOut();
void parameterFolderOut();
void parameterBand();
void parameterLayout();
void checkParamValues();
void combineLayerExtent();
void processingFeatureSource();
@ -5810,6 +5811,122 @@ void TestQgsProcessing::parameterBand()
QCOMPARE( fromCode->parentLayerParameterName(), def->parentLayerParameterName() );
void TestQgsProcessing::parameterLayout()
QgsProcessingContext context;
// not optional!
std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterLayout > def( new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( "non_optional", QString(), QString(), false ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( 1 ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( "test" ) );
QVERIFY( !def->checkValueIsAcceptable( "" ) );
QVERIFY( !def->checkValueIsAcceptable( QVariant() ) );
// string
QVariantMap params;
params.insert( "non_optional", QString( "abcdef" ) );
QCOMPARE( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterAsString( def.get(), params, context ), QString( "abcdef" ) );
QCOMPARE( def->valueAsPythonString( QVariant(), context ), QStringLiteral( "None" ) );
QCOMPARE( def->valueAsPythonString( 5, context ), QStringLiteral( "'5'" ) );
QCOMPARE( def->valueAsPythonString( QStringLiteral( "abc" ), context ), QStringLiteral( "'abc'" ) );
QCOMPARE( def->valueAsPythonString( QStringLiteral( "abc\ndef" ), context ), QStringLiteral( "'abc\\ndef'" ) );
QCOMPARE( def->valueAsPythonString( "uri='complex' username=\"complex\"", context ), QStringLiteral( "'uri=\\'complex\\' username=\\\"complex\\\"'" ) );
QCOMPARE( def->valueAsPythonString( QStringLiteral( "c:\\test\\new data\\test.dat" ), context ), QStringLiteral( "'c:\\\\test\\\\new data\\\\test.dat'" ) );
QString pythonCode = def->asPythonString();
QCOMPARE( pythonCode, QStringLiteral( "QgsProcessingParameterLayout('non_optional', '', defaultValue=None)" ) );
QString code = def->asScriptCode();
QCOMPARE( code, QStringLiteral( "##non_optional=layout" ) );
std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterLayout > fromCode( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( code ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "non optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->defaultValue(), def->defaultValue() );
QVariantMap map = def->toVariantMap();
QgsProcessingParameterLayout fromMap( "x" );
QVERIFY( fromMap.fromVariantMap( map ) );
QCOMPARE( fromMap.name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromMap.description(), def->description() );
QCOMPARE( fromMap.flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromMap.defaultValue(), def->defaultValue() );
def.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout *>( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromVariantMap( map ) ) );
QVERIFY( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout *>( def.get() ) );
fromCode.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( QStringLiteral( "##non_optional=layout None" ) ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "non optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QVERIFY( !fromCode->defaultValue().isValid() );
fromCode.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( QStringLiteral( "##non_optional=layout it's mario" ) ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "non optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->defaultValue().toString(), QStringLiteral( "it's mario" ) );
def->setDefaultValue( QStringLiteral( "it's mario" ) );
pythonCode = def->asPythonString();
QCOMPARE( pythonCode, QStringLiteral( "QgsProcessingParameterLayout('non_optional', '', defaultValue='it\\'s mario')" ) );
code = def->asScriptCode();
fromCode.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( code ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "non optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->defaultValue(), def->defaultValue() );
fromCode.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( QStringLiteral( "##non_optional=layout 'my val'" ) ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "non optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->defaultValue().toString(), QStringLiteral( "my val" ) );
fromCode.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( QStringLiteral( "##non_optional=layout \"my val\"" ) ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "non optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->defaultValue().toString(), QStringLiteral( "my val" ) );
// optional
def.reset( new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( "optional", QString(), QString( "default" ), true ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( 1 ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( "test" ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( "" ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( QVariant() ) );
params.insert( "optional", QVariant() );
QCOMPARE( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterAsString( def.get(), params, context ), QString( "default" ) );
params.insert( "optional", QString() ); //empty string should not result in default value
QCOMPARE( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterAsString( def.get(), params, context ), QString() );
pythonCode = def->asPythonString();
QCOMPARE( pythonCode, QStringLiteral( "QgsProcessingParameterLayout('optional', '', optional=True, defaultValue='default')" ) );
code = def->asScriptCode();
QCOMPARE( code, QStringLiteral( "##optional=optional layout default" ) );
fromCode.reset( dynamic_cast< QgsProcessingParameterLayout * >( QgsProcessingParameters::parameterFromScriptCode( code ) ) );
QVERIFY( fromCode.get() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->name(), def->name() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->description(), QStringLiteral( "optional" ) );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->flags(), def->flags() );
QCOMPARE( fromCode->defaultValue(), def->defaultValue() );
// not optional, valid default!
def.reset( new QgsProcessingParameterLayout( "non_optional", QString(), QString( "def" ), false ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( 1 ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( "test" ) );
QVERIFY( !def->checkValueIsAcceptable( "" ) );
QVERIFY( def->checkValueIsAcceptable( QVariant() ) ); // should be valid, falls back to valid default
void TestQgsProcessing::checkParamValues()
DummyAlgorithm a( "asd" );