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synced 2025-03-08 00:02:35 -05:00
add QgsClassificationMethod
an abstract class for classification methods
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
begin : September 2019
copyright : (C) 2019 by Denis Rouzaud
email : denis@opengis.ch
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgis.h"
#include "qgsclassificationmethod.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayerutils.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "qgsgraduatedsymbolrenderer.h"
#include "qgsapplication.h"
#include "qgsclassificationmethodregistry.h"
const int QgsClassificationMethod::MAX_PRECISION = 15;
const int QgsClassificationMethod::MIN_PRECISION = -6;
static const QRegExp RE_TRAILING_ZEROES = QRegExp( "[.,]?0*$" );
static const QRegExp RE_NEGATIVE_ZERO = QRegExp( "^\\-0(?:[.,]0*)?$" );
QList<double> QgsClassificationMethod::listToValues( const QList<QgsClassificationRange> classes )
QList<double> values;
values.reserve( classes.count() );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < classes.count(); i++ )
values << classes.at( i ).upperBound();
return values;
QgsClassificationMethod::QgsClassificationMethod( bool valuesRequired, bool symmetricModeAvailable, int codeComplexity )
: mValuesRequired( valuesRequired )
, mSymmetricModeAvailable( symmetricModeAvailable )
, mCodeComplexity( codeComplexity )
void QgsClassificationMethod::copyBase( QgsClassificationMethod *c ) const
c->setSymmetricMode( mSymmetricEnabled, mSymmetryPoint, mAstride );
c->setLabelFormat( mLabelFormat );
c->setLabelPrecision( mLabelPrecision );
c->setLabelTrimTrailingZeroes( mLabelTrimTrailingZeroes );
QgsClassificationMethod *QgsClassificationMethod::create( const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context )
const QString methodId = element.attribute( QStringLiteral( "id" ) );
QgsClassificationMethod *method = QgsApplication::classificationMethodRegistry()->method( methodId );
// symmetric
QDomElement symmetricModeElem = element.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "symmetricMode" ) );
if ( !symmetricModeElem.isNull() )
bool symmetricEnabled = symmetricModeElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "enabled" ) ).toInt() == 1;
double symmetricPoint = symmetricModeElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "symmetrypoint" ) ).toDouble();
bool astride = symmetricModeElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "astride" ) ).toInt() == 1;
method->setSymmetricMode( symmetricEnabled, symmetricPoint, astride );
// label format
QDomElement labelFormatElem = element.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "labelformat" ) );
if ( !labelFormatElem.isNull() )
QString format = labelFormatElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "format" ), "%1" + QStringLiteral( " - " ) + "%2" );
int precision = labelFormatElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "labelprecision" ), QStringLiteral( "4" ) ).toInt();
bool trimTrailingZeroes = labelFormatElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "trimtrailingzeroes" ), QStringLiteral( "false" ) ) == QLatin1String( "true" );
method->setLabelFormat( format );
method->setLabelPrecision( precision );
method->setLabelTrimTrailingZeroes( trimTrailingZeroes );
// Read specific properties from the implementation
QDomElement extraElem = element.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "extraInformation" ) );
if ( !extraElem.isNull() )
method->readExtra( extraElem, context );
return method;
QDomElement QgsClassificationMethod::save( QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const
QDomElement methodElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "classificationMethod" ) );
methodElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "id" ), id() );
// symmetric
QDomElement symmetricModeElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "symmetricMode" ) );
symmetricModeElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "enabled" ), symmetricModeEnabled() ? 1 : 0 );
symmetricModeElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "symmetrypoint" ), symmetryPoint() );
symmetricModeElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "astride" ), mAstride ? 1 : 0 );
methodElem.appendChild( symmetricModeElem );
// label format
QDomElement labelFormatElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "labelFormat" ) );
labelFormatElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "format" ), labelFormat() );
labelFormatElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "labelprecision" ), labelPrecision() );
labelFormatElem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "trimtrailingzeroes" ), labelTrimTrailingZeroes() ? 1 : 0 );
methodElem.appendChild( labelFormatElem );
// extra information
QDomElement extraElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "extraInformation" ) );
saveExtra( extraElem, context );
methodElem.appendChild( extraElem );
return methodElem;
void QgsClassificationMethod::setSymmetricMode( bool enabled, double symmetryPoint, bool astride )
mSymmetricEnabled = enabled;
mSymmetryPoint = symmetryPoint;
mAstride = astride;
void QgsClassificationMethod::setLabelPrecision( int precision )
// Limit the range of decimal places to a reasonable range
precision = qBound( MIN_PRECISION, precision, MAX_PRECISION );
mLabelPrecision = precision;
mLabelNumberScale = 1.0;
while ( precision < 0 )
mLabelNumberScale /= 10.0;
mLabelNumberSuffix.append( '0' );
QString QgsClassificationMethod::formatNumber( double value ) const
if ( mLabelPrecision > 0 )
QString valueStr = QLocale().toString( value, 'f', mLabelPrecision );
if ( mLabelTrimTrailingZeroes )
valueStr = valueStr.remove( RE_TRAILING_ZEROES );
if ( RE_NEGATIVE_ZERO.exactMatch( valueStr ) )
valueStr = valueStr.mid( 1 );
return valueStr;
QString valueStr = QLocale().toString( value * mLabelNumberScale, 'f', 0 );
if ( valueStr == QLatin1String( "-0" ) )
valueStr = '0';
if ( valueStr != QLatin1String( "0" ) )
valueStr = valueStr + mLabelNumberSuffix;
return valueStr;
QList<QgsClassificationRange> QgsClassificationMethod::classes( const QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QString &expression, int numberOfClasses )
if ( expression.isEmpty() )
return QList<QgsClassificationRange>();
if ( numberOfClasses < 1 )
numberOfClasses = 1;
QList<double> values;
double minimum;
double maximum;
int fieldIndex = vl->fields().indexFromName( expression );
bool ok;
if ( mValuesRequired || fieldIndex == -1 )
values = QgsVectorLayerUtils::getDoubleValues( vl, expression, ok );
if ( !ok || values.isEmpty() )
return QList<QgsClassificationRange>();
auto result = std::minmax_element( values.begin(), values.end() );
minimum = *result.first;
maximum = *result.second;
minimum = vl->minimumValue( fieldIndex ).toDouble();
maximum = vl->maximumValue( fieldIndex ).toDouble();
// get the breaks
const QList<double> breaks = calculateBreaks( minimum, maximum, values, numberOfClasses );
// create classes
return breaksToClasses( breaks );
QList<QgsClassificationRange> QgsClassificationMethod::classes( const QList<double> &values, int numberOfClasses )
auto result = std::minmax_element( values.begin(), values.end() );
double minimum = *result.first;
double maximum = *result.second;
// get the breaks
const QList<double> breaks = calculateBreaks( minimum, maximum, values, numberOfClasses );
// create classes
return breaksToClasses( breaks );
QList<QgsClassificationRange> QgsClassificationMethod::classes( double minimum, double maximum, int numberOfClasses )
if ( mValuesRequired )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "The classification method %1 tries to calculate classes without values while they are required." ).arg( name() ) );
// get the breaks
QList<double> breaks = calculateBreaks( minimum, maximum, QList<double>(), numberOfClasses );
breaks.insert( 0, minimum );
// create classes
return breaksToClasses( breaks );
QList<QgsClassificationRange> QgsClassificationMethod::breaksToClasses( const QList<double> &breaks ) const
QList<QgsClassificationRange> classes;
QString label;
for ( int i = 1; i < breaks.count(); i++ )
const double lowerValue = breaks.at( i - 1 );
const double upperValue = breaks.at( i );
ClassPosition pos = Inner;
if ( i == 0 )
pos = LowerBound;
else if ( i == breaks.count() - 1 )
pos = UpperBound;
QString label = labelForRange( lowerValue, upperValue, pos );
classes << QgsClassificationRange( label, lowerValue, upperValue );
return classes;
void QgsClassificationMethod::makeBreaksSymmetric( QList<double> &breaks, double symmetryPoint, bool astride )
// remove the breaks that are above the existing opposite sign classes
// to keep colors symmetrically balanced around symmetryPoint
// if astride is true, remove the symmetryPoint break so that
// the 2 classes form only one
if ( breaks.count() < 2 )
std::sort( breaks.begin(), breaks.end() );
// breaks contain the maximum of the distrib but not the minimum
double distBelowSymmetricValue = std::fabs( breaks[0] - symmetryPoint );
double distAboveSymmetricValue = std::fabs( breaks[ breaks.size() - 2 ] - symmetryPoint ) ;
double absMin = std::min( distAboveSymmetricValue, distBelowSymmetricValue );
// make symmetric
for ( int i = 0; i <= breaks.size() - 2; ++i )
// part after "absMin" is for doubles rounding issues
if ( std::fabs( breaks.at( i ) - symmetryPoint ) >= ( absMin - std::fabs( breaks[0] - breaks[1] ) / 100. ) )
breaks.removeAt( i );
// remove symmetry point
if ( astride ) // && breaks.indexOf( symmetryPoint ) != -1) // if symmetryPoint is found
breaks.removeAt( breaks.indexOf( symmetryPoint ) );
QString QgsClassificationMethod::labelForRange( const QgsRendererRange &range, QgsClassificationMethod::ClassPosition position ) const
return labelForRange( range.lowerValue(), range.upperValue(), position );
QString QgsClassificationMethod::labelForRange( const double &lowerValue, const double &upperValue, ClassPosition position ) const
Q_UNUSED( position )
const QString lowerLabel = valueToLabel( lowerValue );
const QString upperLabel = valueToLabel( upperValue );
QString label( mLabelFormat );
label.replace( QLatin1String( "%1" ), lowerLabel ).replace( QLatin1String( "%2" ), upperLabel );
return label;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
begin : September 2019
copyright : (C) 2019 by Denis Rouzaud
email : denis@opengis.ch
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgis_core.h"
#include "qgsprocessingparameters.h"
class QgsVectorLayer;
class QgsRendererRange;
#ifdef SIP_RUN
// This is required for the ConvertToSubClassCode to work properly
// so RTTI for casting is available in the whole module.
% ModuleCode
#include "qgsclassificationequalinterval.h"
#include "qgsclassificationjenks.h"
#include "qgsclassificationprettybreaks.h"
#include "qgsclassificationquantile.h"
#include "qgsclassificationstandarddeviation.h"
% End
* \ingroup core
* QgsClassificationRange contains the information about a classification range
class CORE_EXPORT QgsClassificationRange
//! Constructor
QgsClassificationRange( const QString &label, const double &lowerBound, const double &upperBound )
: mLabel( label )
, mLowerBound( lowerBound )
, mUpperBound( upperBound )
//! Returns the lower bound
double lowerBound() const {return mLowerBound;}
//! Returns the upper bound
double upperBound() const {return mUpperBound;}
//! Returns the lower bound
QString label() const {return mLabel;}
QString mLabel;
double mLowerBound;
double mUpperBound;
* \ingroup core
* QgsClassification is an abstract class for implementations of classification methods
* \since QGIS 3.10
class CORE_EXPORT QgsClassificationMethod SIP_ABSTRACT
#ifdef SIP_RUN
if ( dynamic_cast<QgsClassificationEqualInterval *>( sipCpp ) )
sipType = sipType_QgsClassificationEqualInterval;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsClassificationJenks *>( sipCpp ) )
sipType = sipType_QgsClassificationJenks;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsClassificationPrettyBreaks *>( sipCpp ) )
sipType = sipType_QgsClassificationPrettyBreaks;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsClassificationQuantile *>( sipCpp ) )
sipType = sipType_QgsClassificationQuantile;
else if ( dynamic_cast<QgsClassificationStandardDeviation *>( sipCpp ) )
sipType = sipType_QgsClassificationStandardDeviation;
sipType = 0;
//! Defines the class position
enum ClassPosition
* Creates a classification method.
* \param valuesRequired if TRUE, this means that the method requires a set of values to determine the classes
* \param symmetricModeAvailable if TRUE, this allows using symmetric classification
* \param codeCommplexity as the exponent in the big O notation
* \param
explicit QgsClassificationMethod( bool valuesRequired, bool symmetricModeAvailable, int codeComplexity = 1 );
virtual ~QgsClassificationMethod() = default;
virtual QgsClassificationMethod *clone() const = 0 SIP_FACTORY;
//! The readable and translate name of the method
virtual QString name() const = 0;
//! The id of the method
virtual QString id() const = 0; // as saved in the project, must be unique in registry
* Returns the label for a range
virtual QString labelForRange( const double &lowerValue, const double &upperValue, ClassPosition position = Inner ) const;
//! Writes extra information about the method
virtual void saveExtra( QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const {Q_UNUSED( element ); Q_UNUSED( context )}
//! Reads extra information to apply it to the method
virtual void readExtra( const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) {Q_UNUSED( element ); Q_UNUSED( context )}
// *******************
// non-virtual methods
* Returns if the method requires values to calculate the classes
* If not, bounds are sufficient
bool valuesRequired() const {return mValuesRequired;}
//! Code complexity as the exponent in Big O notation
int codeComplexity() const {return mCodeComplexity;}
* Returns if the method supports symmetric calculation
bool symmetricModeAvailable() const {return mSymmetricModeAvailable;}
* Returns if the symmetric mode is enabled
bool symmetricModeEnabled() const {return mSymmetricModeAvailable && mSymmetricEnabled;}
* Returns the symmetry point for symmetric mode
double symmetryPoint() const {return mSymmetryPoint;}
* Returns if the symmetric mode is astride
* if TRUE, it will remove the symmetry point break so that the 2 classes form only one
bool astride() const {return mAstride;}
* Defines if the symmetric mode is enables and configures its parameters.
* If the symmetric mode is not available in the current implementation, calling this method has no effect.
* \param enabled if the symmetric mode is enabled
* \param symmetryPoint the value of the symmetry point
* \param astride if TRUE, it will remove the symmetry point break so that the 2 classes form only one
void setSymmetricMode( bool enabled, double symmetryPoint = 0, bool astride = false );
// Label properties
//! Returns the format of the label for the classes
QString labelFormat() const { return mLabelFormat; }
//! Defines the format of the labels for the classes, using %1 and %2 for the bounds
void setLabelFormat( const QString &format ) { mLabelFormat = format; }
//! Returns the precision for the formatting of the labels
int labelPrecision() const { return mLabelPrecision; }
//! Defines the precision for the formatting of the labels
void setLabelPrecision( int labelPrecision );
//! Returns if the trailing 0 are trimmed in the label
bool labelTrimTrailingZeroes() const { return mLabelTrimTrailingZeroes; }
//! Defines if the trailing 0 are trimmed in the label
void setLabelTrimTrailingZeroes( bool trimTrailingZeroes ) { mLabelTrimTrailingZeroes = trimTrailingZeroes; }
//! Transforms a list of classes to a list of breaks
static QList<double> listToValues( const QList<QgsClassificationRange> classes );
* This will calculate the breaks for a given layer to define the classes.
* The breaks do not contain the uppper and lower bounds (minimum and maximum values).
* \param vl The vector layer
* \param fieldName The name of the field on which the classes are calculated
* \param numberOfClasses The number of classes to be returned
QList<QgsClassificationRange> classes( const QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QString &expression, int numberOfClasses );
* This will calculate the breaks for a list of values.
* The breaks do not contain the uppper and lower bounds (minimum and maximum values)
* \param values The list of values
* \param numberOfClasses The number of classes to be returned
QList<QgsClassificationRange> classes( const QList<double> &values, int numberOfClasses );
* This will calculate the classes for defined bounds without any values.
* The breaks do not contain the uppper and lower bounds (minimum and maximum values)
* \warning If the method implementation requires values, this will return an empty list.
* \param values The list of values
* \param numberOfClasses The number of classes to be returned
QList<QgsClassificationRange> classes( double minimum, double maximum, int numberOfClasses );
QDomElement save( QDomDocument &doc, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const;
static QgsClassificationMethod *create( const QDomElement &element, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) SIP_FACTORY;
* Remove the breaks that are above the existing opposite sign classes to keep colors symmetrically balanced around symmetryPoint
* Does not put a break on the symmetryPoint. This is done before.
* \param breaks The breaks of an already-done classification
* \param symmetryPoint The point around which we want a symmetry
* \param astride A bool indicating if the symmetry is made astride the symmetryPoint or not ( [-1,1] vs. [-1,0][0,1] )
static void makeBreaksSymmetric( QList<double> &breaks SIP_INOUT, double symmetryPoint, bool astride );
* Returns the label for a range
QString labelForRange( const QgsRendererRange &range, ClassPosition position = Inner ) const;
static const int MAX_PRECISION;
static const int MIN_PRECISION;
//! Copy the parameters (shall be used in clone implementation)
void copyBase( QgsClassificationMethod *c ) const;
//! Format the number according to label properties
QString formatNumber( double value ) const;
// parameters (set by setters)
// if some are added here, they should be handled in the clone method
bool mSymmetricEnabled = false;
double mSymmetryPoint = 0;
bool mAstride = false;
QString mLabelFormat;
int mLabelPrecision = 4;
bool mLabelTrimTrailingZeroes = true;
* Calculate the breaks, should be reimplemented, values might be an empty list
* If the symmetric mode is available, the implementation is responsible of applying the symmetry
* The maximum value is expected to be added at the end of the list, but not the minimum
virtual QList<double> calculateBreaks( double minimum, double maximum,
const QList<double> &values, int numberOfClasses ) = 0;
//! This is called after calculating the breaks or restoring from XML, so it can rely on private variables
virtual QString valueToLabel( const double &value ) const {return formatNumber( value );}
//! Create a list of ranges from a list of classes
QList<QgsClassificationRange> breaksToClasses( const QList<double> &breaks ) const;
// implementation properties (set by initialization)
bool mValuesRequired; // if all values are required to calculate breaks
bool mSymmetricModeAvailable;
int mCodeComplexity;
// values used to manage number formatting - precision and trailing zeroes
double mLabelNumberScale = 1.0;
QString mLabelNumberSuffix;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user