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synced 2025-02-28 00:17:30 -05:00
[GRASS] new feature attributes fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1132,11 +1132,26 @@ void QgsGrassProvider::onFeatureAdded( QgsFeatureId fid )
if ( FID_IS_NEW( fid ) )
// add new category
// TODO: add category also to boundary if user defined at least one attribute?
if ( type != GV_BOUNDARY )
// TODO: redo of deleted new features - save new cats somewhere,
// resetting fid probably is not possible because it is stored in undo commands and used in buffer maps
// It may be that user manualy entered cat value
const QgsFeature &feature = mEditBuffer->addedFeatures()[fid];
int catIndex = feature.fields()->indexFromName( mLayer->keyColumnName() );
if ( catIndex != -1 )
QVariant userCatVariant = feature.attributes().value( catIndex );
if ( !userCatVariant.isNull() )
newCat = userCatVariant.toInt();
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "user defined newCat = %1" ).arg( newCat ) );
if ( newCat == 0 )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "get new cat for mCidxFieldIndex = %1" ).arg( mCidxFieldIndex ) );
if ( mCidxFieldIndex == -1 )
@ -1147,16 +1162,84 @@ void QgsGrassProvider::onFeatureAdded( QgsFeatureId fid )
newCat = cidxGetMaxCat( mCidxFieldIndex ) + 1;
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "newCat = %1" ).arg( newCat ) );
Vect_cat_set( cats, mLayerField, newCat );
QString error;
mLayer->insertAttributes( newCat, error );
// if the cat is user defined, the record may alredy exist
if ( mLayer->attributes().contains( newCat ) )
QgsDebugMsg( "record exists" );
// TODO: open warning dialog?
// For now we are expecting that user knows what he is doing.
// We update existing record by non null values and set feature null values to existing values
mLayer->updateAttributes( newCat, feature, error ); // also updates feature by existing non null attributes
// There may be other new features with the same cat which we have to update
QgsFeatureMap& addedFeatures = const_cast<QgsFeatureMap&>( mEditBuffer->addedFeatures() );
Q_FOREACH ( QgsFeatureId addedFid, addedFeatures.keys() )
if ( addedFid == fid )
int addedCat = mLayer->map()->newCats().value( addedFid ); // it should always exist
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "addedFid = %1 addedCat = %2" ).arg( addedFid ).arg( addedCat ) );
if ( addedCat == newCat )
QgsFeature addedFeature = addedFeatures[addedFid];
// TODO: better to update form mLayer->attributes() ?
for ( int i = 0; i < feature.fields()->size(); i++ )
if ( feature.fields()->field( i ).name() == QgsGrassVectorMap::topoSymbolFieldName() )
if ( feature.attributes()[i].isNull() )
addedFeature.setAttribute( i, feature.attributes()[i] );
addedFeatures[addedFid] = addedFeature;
// Update all changed attributes
// TODO: table does not get refreshed immediately
QgsChangedAttributesMap &changedAttributes = const_cast<QgsChangedAttributesMap &>( mEditBuffer->changedAttributeValues() );
Q_FOREACH ( QgsFeatureId changedFid, changedAttributes.keys() )
int changedCat = QgsGrassFeatureIterator::catFromFid( changedFid );
int realChangedCat = changedCat;
if ( mLayer->map()->newCats().contains( changedFid ) )
realChangedCat = mLayer->map()->newCats().value( changedFid );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "changedFid = %1 changedCat = %2 realChangedCat = %3" )
.arg( changedFid ).arg( changedCat ).arg( realChangedCat ) );
if ( realChangedCat == newCat )
QgsAttributeMap attributeMap = changedAttributes[changedFid];
Q_FOREACH ( int index, attributeMap.keys() )
attributeMap[index] = feature.attributes().value( index );
changedAttributes[changedFid] = attributeMap;
mLayer->insertAttributes( newCat, feature, error );
if ( !error.isEmpty() )
QgsGrass::warning( error );
// Old feature delete undo
@ -1228,6 +1311,8 @@ void QgsGrassProvider::onFeatureAdded( QgsFeatureId fid )
addedFeatures[fid].setAttribute( 0, newCat );
mLayer->map()->newCats()[fid] = newCat;
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "newCats[%1] = %2" ).arg( fid ).arg( newCat ) );
@ -1365,11 +1450,17 @@ void QgsGrassProvider::onAttributeValueChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, int idx, const
int oldLid = QgsGrassFeatureIterator::lidFromFid( fid );
int cat = QgsGrassFeatureIterator::catFromFid( fid );
int realLine = oldLid;
int realCat = cat;
if ( mLayer->map()->newLids().contains( oldLid ) ) // if it was changed already
realLine = mLayer->map()->newLids().value( oldLid );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fid = %1 oldLid = %2 realLine = %3 cat = %4" ).arg( fid ).arg( oldLid ).arg( realLine ).arg( cat ) );
if ( mLayer->map()->newCats().contains( fid ) )
realCat = mLayer->map()->newCats().value( fid );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fid = %1 oldLid = %2 realLine = %3 cat = %4 realCat = %5" )
.arg( fid ).arg( oldLid ).arg( realLine ).arg( cat ).arg( realCat ) );
// index is for current fields
if ( idx < 0 || idx > mEditLayer->fields().size() )
@ -1379,10 +1470,10 @@ void QgsGrassProvider::onAttributeValueChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, int idx, const
QgsField field = mEditLayer->fields()[idx];
if ( cat > 0 )
if ( realCat > 0 )
QString error;
mLayer->changeAttributeValue( cat, field, value, error );
mLayer->changeAttributeValue( realCat, field, value, error );
if ( !error.isEmpty() )
QgsGrass::warning( error );
@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ bool QgsGrassVectorMap::closeEdit( bool newMap )
// Mapset must be set before Vect_close()
QgsGrass::setMapset( mGrassObject.gisdbase(), mGrassObject.location(), mGrassObject.mapset() );
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ class GRASS_LIB_EXPORT QgsGrassVectorMap : public QObject
QHash<int, int> & oldLids() { return mOldLids; }
QHash<int, int> & newLids() { return mNewLids; }
QHash<int, QgsAbstractGeometryV2*> & oldGeometries() { return mOldGeometries; }
QHash<int, int> & newCats() { return mNewCats; }
/** Get geometry of line.
* @return geometry (point,line or polygon(GV_FACE)) or 0 */
@ -183,6 +184,9 @@ class GRASS_LIB_EXPORT QgsGrassVectorMap : public QObject
QHash<int, int> mNewLids;
// Hash of original lines' geometries of lines which were changed, keys are GRASS lid
QHash<int, QgsAbstractGeometryV2*> mOldGeometries;
// New categories attached to new features or old features without category
// fid -> cat, the fid may be old fid without category or new (negative) feature id
QHash<int, int> mNewCats;
// Mutex used to avoid concurrent read/write, used only in editing mode
QMutex mReadWriteMutex;
@ -772,7 +772,8 @@ void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::insertCats( QString &error )
int cat;
Vect_cidx_get_cat_by_index( map()->map(), cidxIndex, i, &cat, 0, 0 );
insertAttributes( cat, error );
QgsFeature feature;
insertAttributes( cat, feature, error );
if ( !error.isEmpty() )
QgsDebugMsg( error );
@ -782,13 +783,38 @@ void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::insertCats( QString &error )
void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::insertAttributes( int cat, QString &error )
void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::insertAttributes( int cat, const QgsFeature &feature, QString &error )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mField = %1 cat = %2" ).arg( mField ).arg( cat ) );
if ( mHasTable )
QString query = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 ( %2 ) VALUES ( %3 )" ).arg( mFieldInfo->table ).arg( mFieldInfo->key ).arg( cat );
QStringList names;
QStringList values;
names << mFieldInfo->key;
values << QString::number( cat );
if ( feature.isValid() && feature.fields() )
// append feature attributes if not null
for ( int i = 0; i < feature.fields()->size(); i++ )
QString name = feature.fields()->at( i ).name();
if ( name == mFieldInfo->key )
QVariant valueVariant = feature.attributes().value( i );
if ( !valueVariant.isNull() )
names << name;
values << quotedValue( valueVariant );
QString query = QString( "INSERT INTO %1 ( %2 ) VALUES ( %3 )" ).arg( mFieldInfo->table ).arg( names.join( ", " ) ).arg( values.join( "," ) );
executeSql( query, error );
if ( error.isEmpty() )
@ -802,6 +828,77 @@ void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::insertAttributes( int cat, QString &error )
void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::updateAttributes( int cat, const QgsFeature &feature, QString &error, bool nullValues )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mField = %1 cat = %2" ).arg( mField ).arg( cat ) );
if ( !mHasTable )
error = tr( "Table does not exit" );
if ( !feature.isValid() || !feature.fields() )
error = tr( "Feature invalid" );
QStringList updates;
QMap<int, QVariant> cacheUpdates;
// append feature attributes if not null
for ( int i = 0; i < feature.fields()->size(); i++ )
QString name = feature.fields()->at( i ).name();
if ( name == mFieldInfo->key )
QVariant valueVariant = feature.attributes().value( i );
int cacheIndex = mAttributeFields.indexFromName( name );
if ( valueVariant.isNull() && !nullValues )
// update feature null values by existing values
if ( cacheIndex != -1 )
feature.attributes()[i] = mAttributes[cat][cacheIndex];
updates << name + " = " + quotedValue( valueVariant );
if ( cacheIndex == -1 )
QgsDebugMsg( "cannot find cache index for attribute " + name );
cacheUpdates[cacheIndex] = valueVariant;
if ( updates.isEmpty() )
QgsDebugMsg( "nothing to update" );
QString query = QString( "UPDATE %1 SET %2 WHERE %3 = %4" ).arg( mFieldInfo->table )
.arg( updates.join( ", " ) ).arg( mFieldInfo->key ).arg( cat );
executeSql( query, error );
if ( error.isEmpty() )
Q_FOREACH ( int index, cacheUpdates.keys() )
mAttributes[cat][index] = cacheUpdates[index];
void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::deleteAttribute( int cat, QString &error )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mField = %1 cat = %2" ).arg( mField ).arg( cat ) );
@ -913,5 +1010,7 @@ void QgsGrassVectorMapLayer::changeAttributeValue( int cat, QgsField field, QVar
db_free_string( &dbstr );
// TODO: update cached attributes because another feature may share the same cat
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <QPair>
#include "qgsfield.h"
#include "qgsfeature.h"
extern "C"
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ class GRASS_LIB_EXPORT QgsGrassVectorMapLayer : public QObject
bool hasTable() { return mHasTable; }
int keyColumn() { return mKeyColumn; }
QString keyColumnName() { return mFieldInfo ? mFieldInfo->key : QString(); }
QList< QPair<double, double> > minMax() { return mMinMax; }
int userCount() { return mUsers; }
void addUser();
@ -96,7 +98,13 @@ class GRASS_LIB_EXPORT QgsGrassVectorMapLayer : public QObject
/** Insert new attributes to the table (it does not check if attributes already exists)
* @param cat */
void insertAttributes( int cat, QString &error );
void insertAttributes( int cat, const QgsFeature &feature, QString &error );
/** Update existing record by values from feature.
* @param cat
* @param nullValues override all values, if false, only non empty values are used for update
void updateAttributes( int cat, const QgsFeature &feature, QString &error, bool nullValues = false );
/** Delete attributes from the table
* @param cat
Reference in New Issue
Block a user