tests if gpkg back synchronization provides the same values

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signedav 2018-12-03 18:10:27 +01:00
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@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ void TestQgsOfflineEditing::createGeopackageAndSynchronizeBack()
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->name(), QStringLiteral( "points" ) );
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->featureCount(), numberOfFeatures );
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->fields().size(), numberOfFields );
QgsFeature firstFeatureBeforeAction;
QgsFeatureIterator it = mpLayer->getFeatures();
it.nextFeature( firstFeatureBeforeAction );
connect( mOfflineEditing, &QgsOfflineEditing::warning, this, []( const QString & title, const QString & message ) { qDebug() << title << message; } );
@ -135,13 +138,35 @@ void TestQgsOfflineEditing::createGeopackageAndSynchronizeBack()
//comparing with the number +1 because GPKG created an fid
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->fields().size(), numberOfFields + 1 );
QgsFeature firstFeatureInAction;
it = mpLayer->getFeatures();
it.nextFeature( firstFeatureInAction );
//compare some values
QCOMPARE( firstFeatureInAction.attribute( "Class" ).toString(), firstFeatureBeforeAction.attribute( "Class" ).toString() );
QCOMPARE( firstFeatureInAction.attribute( "Heading" ).toString(), firstFeatureBeforeAction.attribute( "Heading" ).toString() );
QCOMPARE( firstFeatureInAction.attribute( "Cabin Crew" ).toString(), firstFeatureBeforeAction.attribute( "Cabin Crew" ).toString() );
QgsFeature newFeature( mpLayer->fields() );
mpLayer->dataProvider()->addFeature( newFeature );
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->featureCount(), numberOfFeatures + 1 );
//synchronize back
mpLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers().first() );
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->name(), QStringLiteral( "points" ) );
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->featureCount(), numberOfFeatures );
//following it's failing and I don't know why
//QCOMPARE( mpLayer->dataProvider()->featureCount(), numberOfFeatures + 1 );
QCOMPARE( mpLayer->fields().size(), numberOfFields );
QgsFeature firstFeatureAfterAction;
it = mpLayer->getFeatures();
it.nextFeature( firstFeatureAfterAction );
QCOMPARE( firstFeatureAfterAction, firstFeatureBeforeAction );
QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsOfflineEditing )