This commit is contained in:
lbartoletti 2019-11-20 07:11:13 +01:00 committed by Nyall Dawson
parent 47bc117795
commit b848b0a9a7

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@ -46,12 +46,14 @@ class TestQgsMapToolAddFeaturePoint : public QObject
void cleanupTestCase();// will be called after the last testfunction was executed.
void testPointZ();
void testTopologicalEditingZ();
QgisApp *mQgisApp = nullptr;
QgsMapCanvas *mCanvas = nullptr;
QgsMapToolAddFeature *mCaptureTool = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerPointZSnap = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerLineZSnap = nullptr;
QgsVectorLayer *mLayerPointZ = nullptr;
@ -109,6 +111,18 @@ void TestQgsMapToolAddFeaturePoint::initTestCase()
mLayerPointZSnap->addFeature( pointF );
QCOMPARE( mLayerPointZSnap->featureCount(), ( long )1 );
// make line layer for snapping
mLayerLineZSnap = new QgsVectorLayer( QStringLiteral( "LineStringZ?crs=EPSG:27700" ), QStringLiteral( "Snap line" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
QVERIFY( mLayerLineZSnap->isValid() );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerLineZSnap );
QgsFeature lineF;
lineF.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "LineStringZ( 1 1 1, 5 5 5)" ) );
mLayerLineZSnap->addFeature( lineF );
QCOMPARE( mLayerLineZSnap->featureCount(), ( long )1 );
QgsSnappingConfig cfg = mCanvas->snappingUtils()->config();
cfg.setMode( QgsSnappingConfig::AllLayers );
cfg.setTolerance( 100 );
@ -116,11 +130,12 @@ void TestQgsMapToolAddFeaturePoint::initTestCase()
cfg.setEnabled( true );
mCanvas->snappingUtils()->setConfig( cfg );
mCanvas->setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerPointZ << mLayerPointZSnap );
mCanvas->setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << mLayerPointZ << mLayerPointZSnap << mLayerLineZSnap );
mCanvas->setCurrentLayer( mLayerPointZ );
mCanvas->snappingUtils()->locatorForLayer( mLayerPointZ )->init();
mCanvas->snappingUtils()->locatorForLayer( mLayerPointZSnap )->init();
mCanvas->snappingUtils()->locatorForLayer( mLayerLineZSnap )->init();
// create the tool
mCaptureTool = new QgsMapToolAddFeature( mCanvas, /*mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget, */ QgsMapToolCapture::CapturePoint );
@ -167,5 +182,38 @@ void TestQgsMapToolAddFeaturePoint::testPointZ()
void TestQgsMapToolAddFeaturePoint::testTopologicalEditingZ()
bool topologicalEditing = QgsProject::instance()->topologicalEditing();
QgsProject::instance()->setTopologicalEditing( true );
TestQgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizingUtils utils( mCaptureTool );
// test with default Z value = 333
QgsSettings().setValue( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/digitizing/default_z_value" ), 333 );
QSet<QgsFeatureId> oldFids = utils.existingFeatureIds();
utils.mouseClick( 3, 3, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), true );
QgsFeatureId newFid = utils.newFeatureId( oldFids );
QCOMPARE( mLayerPointZ->featureCount(), ( long )2 );
QString wkt = "PointZ (3 3 3)";
QCOMPARE( mLayerPointZ->getFeature( newFid ).geometry().asWkt(), wkt );
QCOMPARE( mLayerLineZSnap->featureCount(), ( long )1 );
wkt = "LineStringZ (1 1 1, 3 3 3, 5 5 5)";
QgsFeature f;
QgsFeatureIterator it = mLayerLineZSnap->getFeatures();
it.nextFeature( f );
QCOMPARE( f.geometry().asWkt(), wkt );
QgsProject::instance()->setTopologicalEditing( topologicalEditing );
QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsMapToolAddFeaturePoint )
#include "testqgsmaptooladdfeaturepoint.moc"