mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 00:58:06 -05:00
Revert previous changes to QgsLegendModel and its items
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,231 +61,121 @@ void QgsComposerLegendItem::writeXMLChildren( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& d
: QgsComposerLegendItem( QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol )
QgsComposerLayerItem* QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem::parentLayerItem() const
return dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( parent() );
QgsMapLayer* QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem::parentMapLayer() const
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = parentLayerItem();
if ( !lItem ) return 0;
return QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( lItem->layerID() );
#include "qgssymbolv2.h"
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::QgsComposerSymbolV2Item(): QgsComposerLegendItem( QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol ), mSymbolV2( 0 )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QgsLegendSymbolItemV2& item )
: mItem( item )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QString& text ): QgsComposerLegendItem( text, QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol ), mSymbolV2( 0 )
setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QString& text )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text ): QgsComposerLegendItem( icon, text, QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol ), mSymbolV2( 0 )
setText( text );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text )
setIcon( icon );
setText( text );
QVariant QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::data( int role ) const
if ( role == Qt::DecorationRole )
if ( mIcon.isNull() )
mIcon = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::symbolPreviewIcon( mItem.symbol(), QSize( 30, 30 ) );
return mIcon;
else if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole )
QString lbl = label();
if ( parentLayerItem()->showFeatureCount() )
// Add counts to multi symbols layers only or labeled single symbols,
// so that single symbol layers are still drawn on single line
if ( parentLayerItem()->rowCount() > 1 || !lbl.isEmpty() )
lbl += QString( " [%1]" ).arg( parentVectorLayer()->featureCount( mItem.legacyRuleKey() ) );
return lbl;
return QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem::data( role );
delete mSymbolV2;
QStandardItem* QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::clone() const
return new QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( *this );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* cloneItem = new QgsComposerSymbolV2Item();
*cloneItem = *this;
if ( mSymbolV2 )
cloneItem->setSymbolV2( mSymbolV2->clone() );
return cloneItem;
void QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const
QDomElement vectorClassElem = doc.createElement( "VectorClassificationItemNg" );
if ( mItem.symbol() )
if ( mSymbolV2 )
QgsSymbolV2Map saveSymbolMap;
saveSymbolMap.insert( "classificationSymbol", mItem.symbol() );
saveSymbolMap.insert( "classificationSymbol", mSymbolV2 );
QDomElement symbolsElem = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::saveSymbols( saveSymbolMap, "symbols", doc );
vectorClassElem.appendChild( symbolsElem );
vectorClassElem.setAttribute( "text", mItem.label() );
vectorClassElem.setAttribute( "text", text() );
vectorClassElem.setAttribute( "userText", userText() );
elem.appendChild( vectorClassElem );
void QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable )
Q_UNUSED( xServerAvailable );
if ( itemElem.isNull() )
setText( itemElem.attribute( "text", "" ) );
setUserText( itemElem.attribute( "userText", "" ) );
QDomElement symbolsElem = itemElem.firstChildElement( "symbols" );
if ( !symbolsElem.isNull() )
QgsSymbolV2Map loadSymbolMap = QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::loadSymbols( symbolsElem );
//we assume there is only one symbol in the map...
QgsSymbolV2Map::iterator mapIt = loadSymbolMap.begin();
if ( mapIt != loadSymbolMap.end() )
QgsSymbolV2* symbolNg = mapIt.value();
if ( symbolNg )
setSymbolV2( symbolNg );
if ( xServerAvailable )
setIcon( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::symbolPreviewIcon( symbolNg, QSize( 30, 30 ) ) );
void QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::setSymbolV2( QgsSymbolV2* s )
Q_UNUSED( s );
delete mSymbolV2;
mSymbolV2 = s;
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::findItemByRuleKey( QgsComposerLayerItem* parentLayerItem, QString ruleKey )
for ( int i = 0; i < parentLayerItem->rowCount(); ++i )
if ( QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* sItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( parentLayerItem->child( 0 ) ) )
if ( sItem->ruleKey() == ruleKey )
return sItem;
return 0;
QgsVectorLayer* QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::parentVectorLayer() const
return qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( parentMapLayer() );
QString QgsComposerSymbolV2Item::label() const
if ( !mUserText.isEmpty() )
return mUserText;
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = parentVectorLayer();
if ( vLayer && vLayer->rendererV2() && vLayer->rendererV2()->type() == "singleSymbol" )
if ( !parentLayerItem()->userText().isEmpty() )
return parentLayerItem()->userText();
else if ( !vLayer->title().isEmpty() )
return vLayer->title();
return vLayer->name();
return mItem.label();
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem(): QgsComposerLegendItem( QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QColor& color, const QString& label )
: mColor( color )
, mLabel( label )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QString& text ): QgsComposerLegendItem( text, QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QString& text )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text ): QgsComposerLegendItem( icon, text, QgsComposerLegendStyle::Symbol )
setText( text );
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text )
setIcon( icon );
setText( text );
QVariant QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::data( int role ) const
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole )
return mUserText.isEmpty() ? mLabel : mUserText;
else if ( role == Qt::DecorationRole )
QPixmap itemPixmap( 20, 20 );
itemPixmap.fill( mColor );
return QIcon( itemPixmap );
return QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem::data( role );
QStandardItem* QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::clone() const
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* cloneItem = new QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem();
*cloneItem = *this;
cloneItem->setLayerID( mLayerID );
return cloneItem;
void QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const
QDomElement rasterClassElem = doc.createElement( "RasterClassificationItem" );
rasterClassElem.setAttribute( "text", mLabel );
rasterClassElem.setAttribute( "layerId", mLayerID );
rasterClassElem.setAttribute( "text", text() );
rasterClassElem.setAttribute( "userText", userText() );
rasterClassElem.setAttribute( "color", mColor.name() );
elem.appendChild( rasterClassElem );
@ -293,52 +183,23 @@ void QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc
void QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable )
Q_UNUSED( xServerAvailable );
if ( itemElem.isNull() )
mLabel = itemElem.attribute( "text", "" );
setText( itemElem.attribute( "text", "" ) );
setUserText( itemElem.attribute( "userText", "" ) );
setLayerID( itemElem.attribute( "layerId", "" ) );
setColor( QColor( itemElem.attribute( "color" ) ) );
if ( xServerAvailable )
QPixmap itemPixmap( 20, 20 );
itemPixmap.fill( mColor );
setIcon( QIcon( itemPixmap ) );
QgsComposerRasterImageItem::QgsComposerRasterImageItem( const QImage& image )
: mImage( image )
QStandardItem* QgsComposerRasterImageItem::clone() const
QgsComposerRasterImageItem* cloneItem = new QgsComposerRasterImageItem( mImage );
return cloneItem;
void QgsComposerRasterImageItem::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const
QDomElement rasterImageElem = doc.createElement( "RasterImageItem" );
// TODO: also save the image???
elem.appendChild( rasterImageElem );
void QgsComposerRasterImageItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable )
Q_UNUSED( itemElem );
Q_UNUSED( xServerAvailable );
QgsComposerLayerItem::QgsComposerLayerItem(): QgsComposerLegendItem( QgsComposerLegendStyle::Subgroup )
@ -355,28 +216,6 @@ QgsComposerLayerItem::~QgsComposerLayerItem()
QVariant QgsComposerLayerItem::data( int role ) const
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole )
QgsMapLayer* ml = mapLayer();
if ( !ml ) return QVariant();
QString label = mUserText.isEmpty() ? ml->name() : mUserText;
if ( QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( ml ) )
if ( showFeatureCount() )
label += QString( " [%1]" ).arg( vLayer->featureCount() );
return label;
return QgsComposerLegendItem::data( role );
QStandardItem* QgsComposerLayerItem::clone() const
QgsComposerLayerItem* cloneItem = new QgsComposerLayerItem();
@ -389,7 +228,7 @@ void QgsComposerLayerItem::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) cons
QDomElement layerItemElem = doc.createElement( "LayerItem" );
layerItemElem.setAttribute( "layerId", mLayerID );
layerItemElem.setAttribute( "text", data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() );
layerItemElem.setAttribute( "text", text() );
layerItemElem.setAttribute( "userText", userText() );
layerItemElem.setAttribute( "showFeatureCount", showFeatureCount() );
layerItemElem.setAttribute( "style", QgsComposerLegendStyle::styleName( mStyle ) );
@ -438,10 +277,6 @@ void QgsComposerLayerItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAva
currentChildItem = new QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem();
else if ( elemTag == "RasterImageItem" )
currentChildItem = new QgsComposerRasterImageItem();
continue; //unsupported child type
@ -453,15 +288,25 @@ void QgsComposerLayerItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAva
void QgsComposerLayerItem::setDefaultStyle( double scaleDenominator, QString rule )
Q_UNUSED( scaleDenominator );
Q_UNUSED( rule );
QgsMapLayer* QgsComposerLayerItem::mapLayer() const
return QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( mLayerID );
// set default style according to number of symbols
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( layerID() ) );
if ( vLayer )
QgsFeatureRendererV2* renderer = vLayer->rendererV2();
if ( renderer )
QPair<QString, QgsSymbolV2*> symbolItem = renderer->legendSymbolItems( scaleDenominator, rule ).value( 0 );
if ( renderer->legendSymbolItems( scaleDenominator, rule ).size() > 1 || !symbolItem.first.isEmpty() )
setStyle( QgsComposerLegendStyle::Subgroup );
// Hide title by default for single symbol
setStyle( QgsComposerLegendStyle::Hidden );
@ -489,7 +334,7 @@ void QgsComposerGroupItem::writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) cons
QDomElement layerGroupElem = doc.createElement( "GroupItem" );
// text is always user text, but for forward compatibility for now write both
layerGroupElem.setAttribute( "text", data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString() );
layerGroupElem.setAttribute( "text", text() );
layerGroupElem.setAttribute( "userText", userText() );
layerGroupElem.setAttribute( "style", QgsComposerLegendStyle::styleName( mStyle ) );
writeXMLChildren( layerGroupElem, doc );
@ -551,8 +396,6 @@ void QgsComposerGroupItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAva
QgsComposerStyleItem::QgsComposerStyleItem(): QStandardItem()
@ -19,19 +19,10 @@
#include "qgscomposerlegendstyle.h"
#include "qgslegendsymbolitemv2.h"
#include <QStandardItem>
class QDomDocument;
class QDomElement;
class QgsComposerLayerItem;
class QgsLegendSettings;
class QgsMapLayer;
class QgsSymbolV2;
class QgsVectorLayer;
/**Abstract base class for the legend item types*/
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerLegendItem: public QStandardItem
@ -45,10 +36,8 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerLegendItem: public QStandardItem
GroupItem = QStandardItem::UserType,
// TODO: unify all item types derived from BaseSymbol item under one value (to allow extensibility)
@ -69,6 +58,7 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerLegendItem: public QStandardItem
// Set text defined by user
virtual void setUserText( const QString & text ) { mUserText = text; }
void writeXMLChildren( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const;
@ -78,90 +68,47 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerLegendItem: public QStandardItem
QString mUserText;
* The QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem class is base class for implementations of custom legend items.
* @note added in 2.6
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem : public QgsComposerLegendItem
QgsComposerLayerItem* parentLayerItem() const;
QgsMapLayer* parentMapLayer() const;
class QgsSymbolV2;
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerSymbolV2Item : public QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerSymbolV2Item: public QgsComposerLegendItem
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QgsLegendSymbolItemV2& item );
//! @deprecated
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QString& text );
//! @deprecated
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QString& text );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text );
virtual ~QgsComposerSymbolV2Item();
//! override text + lazy creation of icon
virtual QVariant data( int role ) const;
virtual QStandardItem* clone() const;
virtual void writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const;
virtual void readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable = true );
/** Set symbol (takes ownership)
@deprecated */
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setSymbolV2( QgsSymbolV2* s );
/** @deprecated */
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsSymbolV2* symbolV2() const { return mItem.symbol(); }
/**Set symbol (takes ownership)*/
void setSymbolV2( QgsSymbolV2* s );
QgsSymbolV2* symbolV2() {return mSymbolV2;}
ItemType itemType() const { return SymbologyV2Item; }
//! @note added in 2.6
QString ruleKey() const { return mItem.ruleKey(); }
//! @note added in 2.6
const QgsLegendSymbolItemV2& itemData() const { return mItem; }
//! @note added in 2.6
static QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* findItemByRuleKey( QgsComposerLayerItem* parentLayerItem, QString ruleKey );
QgsVectorLayer* parentVectorLayer() const;
QString label() const;
QgsLegendSymbolItemV2 mItem;
mutable QIcon mIcon;
QgsSymbolV2* mSymbolV2;
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem : public QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem : public QgsComposerLegendItem
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QColor& color, const QString& label );
//! @deprecated
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QString& text );
//! @deprecated
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text );
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QString& text );
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( const QIcon& icon, const QString& text );
virtual ~QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem();
virtual QVariant data( int role ) const;
virtual QStandardItem* clone() const;
virtual void writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const;
virtual void readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable = true );
//! @deprecated
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setLayerID( const QString& id ) { mLayerID = id; }
//! @deprecated
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED QString layerID() const { return mLayerID; }
void setLayerID( const QString& id ) { mLayerID = id; }
QString layerID() const { return mLayerID; }
ItemType itemType() const { return RasterSymbolItem; }
void setColor( const QColor& c ) { mColor = c; }
@ -169,43 +116,15 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem : public QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem
QString mLayerID;
QColor mColor;
QString mLabel;
* Draws a raster image in the legend
* @note added in 2.6
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerRasterImageItem : public QgsComposerBaseSymbolItem
QgsComposerRasterImageItem( const QImage& image );
virtual QStandardItem* clone() const;
virtual void writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const;
virtual void readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable = true );
ItemType itemType() const { return RasterImageItem; }
QImage mImage;
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerLayerItem : public QgsComposerLegendItem
QgsComposerLayerItem( const QString& text );
virtual ~QgsComposerLayerItem();
virtual QVariant data( int role ) const;
virtual QStandardItem* clone() const;
virtual void writeXML( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const;
@ -219,15 +138,9 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerLayerItem : public QgsComposerLegendItem
void setShowFeatureCount( bool show ) { mShowFeatureCount = show; }
bool showFeatureCount() const { return mShowFeatureCount; }
//! @deprecated does nothing
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED void setDefaultStyle( double scaleDenominator = -1, QString rule = "" );
//! convenience method to obtain layer pointed at
//! @note added in 2.6
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer() const;
void setDefaultStyle( double scaleDenominator = -1, QString rule = "" );
QString mLayerID;
// Show vector feature counts
bool mShowFeatureCount;
@ -245,13 +158,8 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerGroupItem: public QgsComposerLegendItem
virtual void readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable = true );
ItemType itemType() const { return GroupItem; }
* Item used for 2nd column of the legend model for layers and groups to indicate
* style of the item (e.g. hidden, group, sub-group)
class CORE_EXPORT QgsComposerStyleItem: public QStandardItem
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
#include "qgsfield.h"
#include "qgslayertree.h"
#include "qgsmaplayer.h"
#include "qgsmaplayerlegend.h"
#include "qgsmaplayerregistry.h"
#include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
#include "qgsrendererv2.h"
@ -34,9 +33,7 @@
#include <QSettings>
#include <QMessageBox>
: QStandardItemModel()
, mAutoUpdate( true )
QgsLegendModel::QgsLegendModel(): QStandardItemModel(), mAutoUpdate( true )
setColumnCount( 2 );
@ -142,58 +139,6 @@ void QgsLegendModel::setLayerSet( const QStringList& layerIds, double scaleDenom
currentLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( *idIter );
addLayer( currentLayer, scaleDenominator, rule );
// filter out items where the rule is not matching - used by WMS to get symbol icon for a particular rule
if ( !rule.isEmpty() )
for ( int i = rowCount() - 1 ; i >= 0; --i )
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( invisibleRootItem()->child( i ) );
if ( !lItem )
// remove rules that do not match
bool gotMatchingRule = false;
for ( int j = 0; j < lItem->rowCount(); ++j )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* sItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( lItem->child( j ) );
if ( !sItem )
if ( sItem->itemData().label() == rule )
QStandardItem* takenSItem = lItem->takeChild( j );
lItem->removeRows( 0, lItem->rowCount() );
lItem->setChild( 0, takenSItem );
gotMatchingRule = true;
if ( !gotMatchingRule )
removeRow( i );
if ( scaleDenominator != -1 )
for ( int i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i )
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( invisibleRootItem()->child( i ) );
if ( !lItem )
for ( int j = lItem->rowCount() - 1; j >= 0; --j )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* sItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( lItem->child( j ) );
if ( !sItem )
if ( !sItem->itemData().isScaleOK( scaleDenominator ) )
lItem->removeRow( j );
QStandardItem* QgsLegendModel::addGroup( QString text, int position, QStandardItem* parentItem )
@ -219,6 +164,258 @@ QStandardItem* QgsLegendModel::addGroup( QString text, int position, QStandardIt
return groupItem;
int QgsLegendModel::addVectorLayerItemsV2( QStandardItem* layerItem, QgsVectorLayer* vlayer, double scaleDenominator, QString rule )
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( layerItem );
if ( !layerItem || !lItem || !vlayer )
return 1;
QgsFeatureRendererV2* renderer = vlayer->rendererV2();
if ( !renderer )
return 2;
if ( lItem->showFeatureCount() )
if ( !vlayer->countSymbolFeatures() )
QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot get feature counts" );
QgsLegendSymbolList lst = renderer->legendSymbolItems( scaleDenominator, rule );
QgsLegendSymbolList::const_iterator symbolIt = lst.constBegin();
int row = 0;
for ( ; symbolIt != lst.constEnd(); ++symbolIt )
if ( scaleDenominator == -1 && rule.isEmpty() )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* currentSymbolItem = new QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( "" );
// Get userText from old item if exists
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* oldSymbolItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( layerItem->child( row, 0 ) );
if ( oldSymbolItem )
currentSymbolItem->setUserText( oldSymbolItem->userText() );
currentSymbolItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
if ( symbolIt->second )
if ( mHasTopLevelWindow ) //only use QIcon / QPixmap if we have a running x-server
currentSymbolItem->setIcon( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::symbolPreviewIcon( symbolIt->second, QSize( 30, 30 ) ) );
currentSymbolItem->setSymbolV2( symbolIt->second->clone() );
layerItem->setChild( row, 0, currentSymbolItem );
// updateSymbolV2ItemText needs layer set
updateSymbolV2ItemText( currentSymbolItem );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* currentSymbolItem = new QgsComposerSymbolV2Item( "" );
if ( mHasTopLevelWindow ) //only use QIcon / QPixmap if we have a running x-server
currentSymbolItem->setIcon( QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils::symbolPreviewIcon( symbolIt->second, QSize( 30, 30 ) ) );
currentSymbolItem->setSymbolV2( symbolIt->second->clone() );
layerItem->setChild( row, 0, currentSymbolItem );
currentSymbolItem->setText( symbolIt->first );
// Don't remove row on getLegendGraphic (read only with filter)
if ( scaleDenominator == -1 && rule.isEmpty() )
// Delete following old items (if current number of items decreased)
for ( int i = layerItem->rowCount() - 1; i >= row; --i )
layerItem->removeRow( i );
return 0;
int QgsLegendModel::addRasterLayerItems( QStandardItem* layerItem, QgsMapLayer* rlayer )
if ( !layerItem || !rlayer )
return 1;
QgsRasterLayer* rasterLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( rlayer );
if ( !rasterLayer )
return 2;
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "layer providertype:: %1" ).arg( rasterLayer->providerType() ) );
if ( rasterLayer->providerType() == "wms" )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* currentSymbolItem = new QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( "" );
// GetLegendGraphics in case of WMS service... image can return null if GetLegendGraphics
// is not supported by the server
// double currentScale = legend()->canvas()->scale();
QImage legendGraphic = rasterLayer->dataProvider()->getLegendGraphic();
if ( !legendGraphic.isNull() )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "downloaded legend with dimension width:" ) + QString::number( legendGraphic.width() ) + QString( " and Height:" ) + QString::number( legendGraphic.height() ) );
if ( mHasTopLevelWindow )
currentSymbolItem->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap::fromImage( legendGraphic ) ) );
currentSymbolItem->setText( tr( "No Legend Available" ) );
currentSymbolItem->setLayerID( rasterLayer->id() );
currentSymbolItem->setColor( QColor() );
layerItem->removeRows( 0, layerItem->rowCount() );
layerItem->setChild( layerItem->rowCount(), 0, currentSymbolItem );
QList< QPair< QString, QColor > > rasterItemList = rasterLayer->legendSymbologyItems();
QList< QPair< QString, QColor > >::const_iterator itemIt = rasterItemList.constBegin();
int row = 0;
for ( ; itemIt != rasterItemList.constEnd(); ++itemIt )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* currentSymbolItem = new QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem( itemIt->first );
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* oldSymbolItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem*>( layerItem->child( row, 0 ) );
if ( oldSymbolItem )
currentSymbolItem->setUserText( oldSymbolItem->userText() );
currentSymbolItem->setText( currentSymbolItem->userText() );
if ( mHasTopLevelWindow )
QPixmap itemPixmap( 20, 20 );
itemPixmap.fill( itemIt->second );
currentSymbolItem->setIcon( QIcon( itemPixmap ) );
currentSymbolItem->setLayerID( rasterLayer->id() );
QColor itemColor = itemIt->second;
//determine raster layer opacity, and adjust item color opacity to match
QgsRasterRenderer* rasterRenderer = rasterLayer->renderer();
int opacity = 255;
if ( rasterRenderer )
opacity = rasterRenderer->opacity() * 255.0;
itemColor.setAlpha( opacity );
currentSymbolItem->setColor( itemColor );
int currentRowCount = layerItem->rowCount();
layerItem->setChild( currentRowCount, 0, currentSymbolItem );
// Delete following old items (if current number of items decreased)
for ( int i = layerItem->rowCount() - 1; i >= row; --i )
layerItem->removeRow( i );
return 0;
void QgsLegendModel::updateSymbolV2ItemText( QStandardItem* symbolItem )
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* sv2Item = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( symbolItem );
if ( !sv2Item ) return;
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( sv2Item->parent() );
if ( !lItem ) return;
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( lItem->layerID() );
if ( !mapLayer ) return;
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( mapLayer );
if ( !vLayer ) return;
QgsFeatureRendererV2* renderer = vLayer->rendererV2();
if ( !renderer ) return;
if ( lItem->showFeatureCount() ) vLayer->countSymbolFeatures();
QgsLegendSymbolList symbolList = renderer->legendSymbolItems();
QPair<QString, QgsSymbolV2*> symbol = symbolList.value( symbolItem->row() );
QString label = sv2Item->userText().isEmpty() ? symbol.first : sv2Item->userText();
if ( renderer->type() == "singleSymbol" )
if ( !sv2Item->userText().isEmpty() )
label = sv2Item->userText();
else if ( !lItem->userText().isEmpty() )
label = lItem->userText();
else if ( !vLayer->title().isEmpty() )
label = vLayer->title();
label = vLayer->name();
if ( lItem->showFeatureCount() )
// Add counts to multi symbols layers only or labeled single symbols,
// so that single symbol layers are still drawn on single line
if ( symbolList.size() > 1 || !label.isEmpty() )
label += QString( " [%1]" ).arg( vLayer->featureCount( symbol.second ) );
symbolItem->setText( label );
void QgsLegendModel::updateRasterSymbolItemText( QStandardItem* symbolItem )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* rItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem*>( symbolItem );
if ( !rItem ) return;
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( rItem->parent() );
if ( !lItem ) return;
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( lItem->layerID() );
if ( !mapLayer ) return;
QgsRasterLayer* rLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer*>( mapLayer );
if ( !rLayer ) return;
QPair< QString, QColor> symbol = rLayer->legendSymbologyItems().value( symbolItem->row() );
QString label = rItem->userText().isEmpty() ? symbol.first : rItem->userText();
symbolItem->setText( label );
void QgsLegendModel::updateItem( QStandardItem* item )
@ -255,7 +452,29 @@ void QgsLegendModel::updateItemText( QStandardItem* item )
emit dataChanged( cItem->index(), cItem->index() );
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( cItem );
if ( lItem )
updateLayerItemText( lItem );
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* sv2Item = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( cItem );
if ( sv2Item )
updateSymbolV2ItemText( sv2Item );
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* rItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem*>( cItem );
if ( rItem )
updateRasterSymbolItemText( rItem );
// group
cItem->setText( cItem->userText() );
void QgsLegendModel::updateLayer( QStandardItem* layerItem )
@ -264,16 +483,47 @@ void QgsLegendModel::updateLayer( QStandardItem* layerItem )
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( layerItem );
if ( lItem )
emit dataChanged( lItem->index(), lItem->index() );
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = lItem->mapLayer();
if ( mapLayer && mapLayer->legend() )
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( lItem->layerID() );
if ( mapLayer )
// mapLayer->legend()->createLegendModelItems( lItem );
updateLayerItemText( lItem );
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( mapLayer );
if ( vLayer )
addVectorLayerItemsV2( lItem, vLayer );
QgsRasterLayer* rLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer*>( mapLayer );
if ( rLayer )
addRasterLayerItems( lItem, rLayer );
void QgsLegendModel::updateLayerItemText( QStandardItem* layerItem )
QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( layerItem );
if ( !lItem ) return;
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( lItem->layerID() );
if ( !mapLayer ) return;
QString label = lItem->userText().isEmpty() ? mapLayer->name() : lItem->userText();
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( mapLayer );
if ( vLayer )
addVectorLayerItemsV2( lItem, vLayer );
if ( lItem->showFeatureCount() )
label += QString( " [%1]" ).arg( vLayer->featureCount() );
lItem->setText( label );
void QgsLegendModel::removeLayer( const QString& layerId )
@ -305,17 +555,11 @@ void QgsLegendModel::removeLayer( const QString& layerId )
void QgsLegendModel::addLayer( QgsMapLayer* theMapLayer, double scaleDenominator, QString rule, QStandardItem* parentItem )
Q_UNUSED( rule );
if ( !theMapLayer )
if ( scaleDenominator != -1 && theMapLayer->hasScaleBasedVisibility() &&
( theMapLayer->minimumScale() > scaleDenominator || theMapLayer->maximumScale() < scaleDenominator ) )
if ( !parentItem )
parentItem = invisibleRootItem();
@ -326,18 +570,29 @@ void QgsLegendModel::addLayer( QgsMapLayer* theMapLayer, double scaleDenominator
layerItem->setUserText( theMapLayer->title() );
layerItem->setLayerID( theMapLayer->id() );
layerItem->setDefaultStyle( scaleDenominator, rule );
layerItem->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
QList<QStandardItem *> itemsList;
itemsList << layerItem << new QgsComposerStyleItem( layerItem );
parentItem->appendRow( itemsList );
// theMapLayer->legend()->createLegendModelItems( layerItem );
if ( theMapLayer->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
switch ( theMapLayer->type() )
// hide title by default for single symbol
layerItem->setStyle( layerItem->rowCount() > 1 ? QgsComposerLegendStyle::Subgroup : QgsComposerLegendStyle::Hidden );
case QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer:
QgsVectorLayer* vl = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( theMapLayer );
if ( vl )
addVectorLayerItemsV2( layerItem, vl, scaleDenominator, rule );
case QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer:
addRasterLayerItems( layerItem, theMapLayer );
if ( mAutoUpdate )
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
class QDomDocument;
class QDomElement;
class QgsComposerLayerItem;
class QgsLayerTreeGroup;
class QgsMapLayer;
class QgsSymbolV2;
@ -115,6 +114,16 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsLegendModel : public QStandardItemModel
void layersChanged();
/**Adds classification items of vector layers using new symbology*/
int addVectorLayerItemsV2( QStandardItem* layerItem, QgsVectorLayer* vlayer, double scaleDenominator = -1, QString rule = "" );
/**Adds item of raster layer
@return 0 in case of success*/
int addRasterLayerItems( QStandardItem* layerItem, QgsMapLayer* rlayer );
void updateLayerItemText( QStandardItem* layerItem );
void updateSymbolV2ItemText( QStandardItem* symbolItem );
void updateRasterSymbolItemText( QStandardItem* symbolItem );
void addGroupFromLayerTree( QgsLayerTreeGroup* parentGroup, QStandardItem* parentItem );
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