use combobox for classification and boolean attributes

This commit is contained in:
uclaros 2025-02-11 22:27:04 +02:00 committed by Martin Dobias
parent cd6810aa71
commit af2dc31d1a
2 changed files with 85 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
#include "qgsdockablewidgethelper.h"
#include "qgsrubberband.h"
#include "qgspointcloudlayer.h"
#include "qgspointcloudlayer3drenderer.h"
#include <QWidget>
#include <QActionGroup>
@ -108,12 +109,16 @@ Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget( const QString &name, bool isDocked )
mSpinChangeAttributeValue = new QgsDoubleSpinBox();
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setShowClearButton( false );
mPointCloudEditingToolbar->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "Value" ) ) );
mPointCloudEditingToolbar->addWidget( mSpinChangeAttributeValue );
mSpinChangeAttributeValueAction = mPointCloudEditingToolbar->addWidget( mSpinChangeAttributeValue );
mCboChangeAttributeValue = new QComboBox();
mCboChangeAttributeValue->setMaxVisibleItems( 15 );
mCboChangeAttributeValueAction = mPointCloudEditingToolbar->addWidget( mCboChangeAttributeValue );
QAction *actionEditingToolbar = toolBar->addAction( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "mIconPointCloudLayer.svg" ) ), tr( "Show Editing Toolbar" ), this, [this] { mEditingToolBar->setVisible( !mEditingToolBar->isVisible() ); } );
actionEditingToolbar->setCheckable( true );
connect( mCboChangeAttribute, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, [this]( int ) { onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged(); } );
connect( mSpinChangeAttributeValue, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, [this]( double ) { onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged(); } );
connect( mCboChangeAttributeValue, qOverload<int>( &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged ), this, [this]( int ) { mMapToolPointCloudChangeAttribute->setNewValue( mCboChangeAttributeValue->currentData().toDouble() ); } );
connect( mSpinChangeAttributeValue, qOverload<double>( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, [this]( double ) { mMapToolPointCloudChangeAttribute->setNewValue( mSpinChangeAttributeValue->value() ); } );
QAction *toggleOnScreenNavigation = toolBar->addAction(
QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "mAction3DNavigation.svg" ) ),
@ -474,6 +479,7 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::updateLayerRelatedActions( QgsMapLayer *layer )
QgsPointCloudLayer *pcLayer = qobject_cast<QgsPointCloudLayer *>( layer );
const QVector<QgsPointCloudAttribute> attributes = pcLayer->attributes().attributes();
const QString previousAttribute = mCboChangeAttribute->currentText();
@ -500,6 +506,8 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::updateLayerRelatedActions( QgsMapLayer *layer )
connect( pcLayer->undoStack(), &QUndoStack::canUndoChanged, mActionUndo, &QAction::setEnabled );
connect( pcLayer->undoStack(), &QUndoStack::canRedoChanged, mActionRedo, &QAction::setEnabled );
mPointCloudEditingToolbar->setEnabled( pcLayer->isEditable() );
// Re-parse the class values when the renderer changes - renderer3DChanged() is not fired when only the renderer symbol is changed
connect( pcLayer, &QgsMapLayer::request3DUpdate, this, &Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged );
bool Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::eventFilter( QObject *watched, QEvent *event )
@ -878,6 +886,7 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged()
const QString attributeName = mCboChangeAttribute->currentText();
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setSuffix( QString() );
bool useComboBox = false;
if ( attributeName == QLatin1String( "Intensity" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "PointSourceId" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "Red" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "Green" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "Blue" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "Infrared" ) )
@ -893,10 +902,11 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged()
else if ( attributeName == QLatin1String( "Synthetic" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "KeyPoint" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "Withheld" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "Overlap" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "ScanDirectionFlag" ) || attributeName == QLatin1String( "EdgeOfFlightLine" ) )
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setMinimum( 0 );
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setMaximum( 1 );
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setDecimals( 0 );
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setSuffix( QStringLiteral( " (%1)" ).arg( mSpinChangeAttributeValue->value() == 0. ? tr( "False" ) : tr( "True" ) ) );
useComboBox = true;
QgsSignalBlocker< QComboBox > blocker( mCboChangeAttributeValue );
mCboChangeAttributeValue->addItem( tr( "False" ), 0 );
mCboChangeAttributeValue->addItem( tr( "True" ), 1 );
else if ( attributeName == QLatin1String( "ScannerChannel" ) )
@ -906,11 +916,65 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged()
else if ( attributeName == QLatin1String( "Classification" ) )
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setMinimum( 0 );
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setMaximum( 255 );
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setDecimals( 0 );
const QMap<int, QString> codes = QgsPointCloudDataProvider::translatedLasClassificationCodes();
mSpinChangeAttributeValue->setSuffix( QStringLiteral( " (%1)" ).arg( codes.value( mSpinChangeAttributeValue->value() ) ) );
useComboBox = true;
const double oldValue = mCboChangeAttributeValue->currentData().toDouble();
whileBlocking( mCboChangeAttributeValue )->clear();
// Instead of showing a list of all available las codes, we are going to build a list of "most popular" and display it on top,
// consisting of Classification renderer classes and used classes in the data from the layer's stats
// Then the full list will go on after a separator.
const QMap<int, QString> lasCodes = QgsPointCloudDataProvider::translatedLasClassificationCodes();
QMap<int, QString> classes;
QgsPointCloudLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsPointCloudLayer *>( QgisApp::instance()->activeLayer() );
if ( layer )
QgsAbstract3DRenderer *r = layer->renderer3D();
// if there's a clsasification renderer, let's use the classes' labels
if ( QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer *cr = dynamic_cast<QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer *>( r ) )
const QgsPointCloud3DSymbol *s = cr->symbol();
if ( const QgsClassificationPointCloud3DSymbol *cs = dynamic_cast<const QgsClassificationPointCloud3DSymbol *>( s ) )
if ( cs->attribute() == QLatin1String( "Classification" ) )
for ( const QgsPointCloudCategory &c : cs->categoriesList() )
classes[c.value()] = c.label();
// then add missing classes from the layer stats too
const QMap<int, int> statisticsClasses = layer->statistics().availableClasses( QStringLiteral( "Classification" ) );
for ( auto it = statisticsClasses.constBegin(); it != statisticsClasses.constEnd(); ++it )
if ( !classes.contains( it.key() ) )
classes[it.key()] = lasCodes[it.key()];
for ( auto it = classes.constBegin(); it != classes.constEnd(); ++it )
whileBlocking( mCboChangeAttributeValue )->addItem( QStringLiteral( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( it.key() ).arg( it.value() ), it.key() );
// after a separator, we add all the standard las classification codes 0-255 but we are keeping the classification renderer's labels
mCboChangeAttributeValue->insertSeparator( mCboChangeAttributeValue->count() );
for ( auto it = lasCodes.constBegin(); it != lasCodes.constEnd(); ++it )
whileBlocking( mCboChangeAttributeValue )->addItem( QStringLiteral( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( it.key() ).arg( classes.value( it.key(), it.value() ) ), it.key() );
// Try to reselect last selected value
for ( int i = 0; i < mCboChangeAttributeValue->count(); ++i )
bool ok = false;
if ( mCboChangeAttributeValue->itemData( i ).toDouble( &ok ) == oldValue && ok )
mCboChangeAttributeValue->setCurrentIndex( i );
else if ( attributeName == QLatin1String( "UserData" ) )
@ -933,7 +997,13 @@ void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::onPointCloudChangeAttributeSettingsChanged()
mMapToolPointCloudChangeAttribute->setAttribute( attributeName );
mMapToolPointCloudChangeAttribute->setNewValue( mSpinChangeAttributeValue->value() );
mMapToolPointCloudChangeAttribute->setNewValue( useComboBox ? mCboChangeAttributeValue->currentData().toDouble() : mSpinChangeAttributeValue->value() );
mCboChangeAttributeValueAction->setVisible( useComboBox );
mSpinChangeAttributeValueAction->setVisible( !useComboBox );
mCboChangeAttributeValue->setEditable( true );
mCboChangeAttributeValue->lineEdit()->setReadOnly( true );
void Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget::setSceneExtentOn2DCanvas()

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@ -165,7 +165,10 @@ class APP_EXPORT Qgs3DMapCanvasWidget : public QWidget
QToolBar *mEditingToolBar = nullptr;
QComboBox *mCboChangeAttribute = nullptr;
QComboBox *mCboChangeAttributeValue = nullptr;
QgsDoubleSpinBox *mSpinChangeAttributeValue = nullptr;
QAction *mCboChangeAttributeValueAction = nullptr;
QAction *mSpinChangeAttributeValueAction = nullptr;
QMenu *mToolbarMenu = nullptr;