GPKG: proper handling of unknown geometry

This handles the test use case for layer:
Layer name: geometry2d
Geometry: Unknown (any)
Feature Count: 8

The browser tree will now show the different geometry
layers and allow them to be added in the canvas,
GeometryCollections are skipped.
This commit is contained in:
Alessandro Pasotti 2017-08-13 19:10:09 +02:00
parent 97d168e163
commit ad2f760c0e

View File

@ -156,11 +156,19 @@ QVector<QgsDataItem *> QgsGeoPackageConnectionItem::createChildren()
layerType = layerTypeFromDb( geometryType );
if ( layerType != QgsLayerItem::LayerType::NoType )
// example URI: '/path/gdal_sample_v1.2_no_extensions.gpkg|layerid=7'
QString uri = QStringLiteral( "%1|layerid=%2" ).arg( mPath, layerId );
QgsGeoPackageVectorLayerItem *item = new QgsGeoPackageVectorLayerItem( this, name, mPath, uri, layerType );
QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Adding GPKG Vector item %1 %2 %3" ).arg( name, uri, geometryType ) );
children.append( item );
if ( geometryType.contains( QStringLiteral( "Collection" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Layer %1 is a geometry collection: skipping %2" ).arg( name, mPath ), 3 );
// example URI: '/path/gdal_sample_v1.2_no_extensions.gpkg|layerid=7|geometrytype=Point'
QString uri = QStringLiteral( "%1|layerid=%2|geometrytype=%3" ).arg( mPath, layerId, geometryType );
// TODO?: not sure, but if it's a collection, an expandable node would be better?
QgsGeoPackageVectorLayerItem *item = new QgsGeoPackageVectorLayerItem( this, name, mPath, uri, layerType );
QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Adding GPKG Vector item %1 %2 %3" ).arg( name, uri, geometryType ), 3 );
children.append( item );