mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 00:58:06 -05:00
[composer] Setting the composition for a composer view correctly creates item widgets and sets up connections for composer to composition (fix #10038)
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,8 +89,11 @@ class QgsComposerView : QGraphicsView
QgsComposerView::Tool currentTool() const;
void setCurrentTool( QgsComposerView::Tool t );
/**Sets composition (derived from QGraphicsScene)*/
/**Sets the composition for the view. If the composition is being set manually and not by a QgsComposer, then this must
* be set BEFORE adding any items to the composition.
void setComposition( QgsComposition* c /KeepReference/ );
/**Returns the composition or 0 in case of error*/
QgsComposition* composition();
@ -158,4 +161,7 @@ class QgsComposerView : QGraphicsView
void composerViewShow( QgsComposerView* );
/**Emitted before composerview is hidden*/
void composerViewHide( QgsComposerView* );
/**Emitted when the composition is set for the view*/
void compositionSet( QgsComposition* );
@ -487,10 +487,15 @@ QgsComposer::QgsComposer( QgisApp *qgis, const QString& title )
mComposition->setParent( mView );
mView->setComposition( mComposition );
//this connection is set up after setting the view's composition, as we don't want setComposition called
//for new composers
connect( mView, SIGNAL( compositionSet( QgsComposition* ) ), this, SLOT( setComposition( QgsComposition* ) ) );
int minDockWidth( 335 );
@ -515,11 +520,7 @@ QgsComposer::QgsComposer( QgisApp *qgis, const QString& title )
mUndoDock->setFeatures( QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable );
mAtlasDock->setFeatures( QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable );
QgsCompositionWidget* compositionWidget = new QgsCompositionWidget( mGeneralDock, mComposition );
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( paperSizeChanged() ), compositionWidget, SLOT( displayCompositionWidthHeight() ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( printAsRasterChanged( bool ) ), compositionWidget, SLOT( setPrintAsRasterCheckBox( bool ) ) );
connect( compositionWidget, SIGNAL( pageOrientationChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setPrinterPageOrientation( QString ) ) );
mGeneralDock->setWidget( compositionWidget );
//undo widget
mUndoView = new QUndoView( mComposition->undoStack(), this );
@ -658,12 +659,29 @@ void QgsComposer::setIconSizes( int size )
void QgsComposer::connectSlots()
void QgsComposer::connectViewSlots()
if ( !mView )
connect( mView, SIGNAL( selectedItemChanged( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( showItemOptions( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );
connect( mView, SIGNAL( itemRemoved( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( deleteItem( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );
connect( mView, SIGNAL( actionFinished() ), this, SLOT( setSelectionTool() ) );
//listen out for position updates from the QgsComposerView
connect( mView, SIGNAL( cursorPosChanged( QPointF ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusCursorPos( QPointF ) ) );
connect( mView, SIGNAL( zoomLevelChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateStatusZoom() ) );
void QgsComposer::connectCompositionSlots()
if ( !mComposition )
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( selectedItemChanged( QgsComposerItem* ) ), this, SLOT( showItemOptions( QgsComposerItem* ) ) );
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( composerArrowAdded( QgsComposerArrow* ) ), this, SLOT( addComposerArrow( QgsComposerArrow* ) ) );
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( composerHtmlFrameAdded( QgsComposerHtml*, QgsComposerFrame* ) ), this, SLOT( addComposerHtmlFrame( QgsComposerHtml*, QgsComposerFrame* ) ) );
@ -680,19 +698,21 @@ void QgsComposer::connectSlots()
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( nPagesChanged() ), mHorizontalRuler, SLOT( update() ) );
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( nPagesChanged() ), mVerticalRuler, SLOT( update() ) );
//listen out for position updates from the QgsComposerView
connect( mView, SIGNAL( cursorPosChanged( QPointF ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusCursorPos( QPointF ) ) );
//listen out to status bar updates from the atlas
QgsAtlasComposition* atlasMap = &mComposition->atlasComposition();
connect( atlasMap, SIGNAL( statusMsgChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusAtlasMsg( QString ) ) );
//listen out to status bar updates from the composition
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( statusMsgChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusCompositionMsg( QString ) ) );
void QgsComposer::connectOtherSlots()
//also listen out for position updates from the horizontal/vertical rulers
connect( mHorizontalRuler, SIGNAL( cursorPosChanged( QPointF ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusCursorPos( QPointF ) ) );
connect( mVerticalRuler, SIGNAL( cursorPosChanged( QPointF ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusCursorPos( QPointF ) ) );
//listen out for zoom updates
connect( this, SIGNAL( zoomLevelChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateStatusZoom() ) );
connect( mView, SIGNAL( zoomLevelChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateStatusZoom() ) );
//listen out to status bar updates from the composition
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( statusMsgChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusCompositionMsg( QString ) ) );
//listen out to status bar updates from the atlas
QgsAtlasComposition* atlasMap = &mComposition->atlasComposition();
connect( atlasMap, SIGNAL( statusMsgChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( updateStatusAtlasMsg( QString ) ) );
void QgsComposer::open( void )
@ -1200,6 +1220,41 @@ void QgsComposer::activateDeuteranopePreview()
mView->setPreviewModeEnabled( true );
void QgsComposer::setComposition( QgsComposition* composition )
if ( !composition )
//delete composition widget
QgsCompositionWidget* oldCompositionWidget = qobject_cast<QgsCompositionWidget *>( mGeneralDock->widget() );
delete oldCompositionWidget;
mComposition = composition;
//setup atlas composition widget
QgsAtlasCompositionWidget* oldAtlasWidget = qobject_cast<QgsAtlasCompositionWidget *>( mAtlasDock->widget() );
delete oldAtlasWidget;
mAtlasDock->setWidget( new QgsAtlasCompositionWidget( mAtlasDock, mComposition ) );
//set state of atlas controls
QgsAtlasComposition* atlasMap = &mComposition->atlasComposition();
toggleAtlasControls( atlasMap->enabled() );
connect( atlasMap, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( toggleAtlasControls( bool ) ) );
connect( atlasMap, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( updateAtlasMapLayerAction( QgsVectorLayer * ) ) );
//default printer page setup
void QgsComposer::on_mActionExportAtlasAsPDF_triggered()
QgsComposition::AtlasMode previousMode = mComposition->atlasMode();
@ -2811,6 +2866,20 @@ void QgsComposer::readXML( const QDomDocument& doc )
void QgsComposer::createCompositionWidget()
if ( !mComposition )
QgsCompositionWidget* compositionWidget = new QgsCompositionWidget( mGeneralDock, mComposition );
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( paperSizeChanged() ), compositionWidget, SLOT( displayCompositionWidthHeight() ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( printAsRasterChanged( bool ) ), compositionWidget, SLOT( setPrintAsRasterCheckBox( bool ) ) );
connect( compositionWidget, SIGNAL( pageOrientationChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setPrinterPageOrientation( QString ) ) );
mGeneralDock->setWidget( compositionWidget );
void QgsComposer::readXML( const QDomElement& composerElem, const QDomDocument& doc, bool fromTemplate )
// Set title only if reading from project file
@ -2837,14 +2906,9 @@ void QgsComposer::readXML( const QDomElement& composerElem, const QDomDocument&
mComposition->readXML( compositionElem, doc );
//create compositionwidget
QgsCompositionWidget* compositionWidget = new QgsCompositionWidget( mGeneralDock, mComposition );
connect( mComposition, SIGNAL( paperSizeChanged() ), compositionWidget, SLOT( displayCompositionWidthHeight() ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( printAsRasterChanged( bool ) ), compositionWidget, SLOT( setPrintAsRasterCheckBox( bool ) ) );
connect( compositionWidget, SIGNAL( pageOrientationChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setPrinterPageOrientation( QString ) ) );
mGeneralDock->setWidget( compositionWidget );
//read and restore all the items
if ( mComposition )
@ -2876,20 +2940,12 @@ void QgsComposer::readXML( const QDomElement& composerElem, const QDomDocument&
//make sure z values are consistent
//disconnect from view's compositionSet signal, since that will be emitted automatically
disconnect( mView, SIGNAL( compositionSet( QgsComposition* ) ), this, SLOT( setComposition( QgsComposition* ) ) );
mView->setComposition( mComposition );
connect( mView, SIGNAL( compositionSet( QgsComposition* ) ), this, SLOT( setComposition( QgsComposition* ) ) );
if ( mUndoView )
//init undo/redo buttons
mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
if ( mComposition->undoStack() )
mUndoView->setStack( mComposition->undoStack() );
connect( mComposition->undoStack(), SIGNAL( canUndoChanged( bool ) ), mActionUndo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
connect( mComposition->undoStack(), SIGNAL( canRedoChanged( bool ) ), mActionRedo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
// atlas properties reading
QDomNodeList atlasNodeList = composerElem.elementsByTagName( "Atlas" );
@ -2903,19 +2959,9 @@ void QgsComposer::readXML( const QDomElement& composerElem, const QDomDocument&
//set state of atlas controls
QgsAtlasComposition* atlasMap = &mComposition->atlasComposition();
mActionAtlasPreview->setEnabled( atlasMap->enabled() );
mActionAtlasPreview->setChecked( false );
mActionAtlasFirst->setEnabled( false );
mActionAtlasLast->setEnabled( false );
mActionAtlasNext->setEnabled( false );
mActionAtlasPrev->setEnabled( false );
mActionPrintAtlas->setEnabled( atlasMap->enabled() );
mActionExportAtlasAsImage->setEnabled( atlasMap->enabled() );
mActionExportAtlasAsSVG->setEnabled( atlasMap->enabled() );
mActionExportAtlasAsPDF->setEnabled( atlasMap->enabled() );
toggleAtlasControls( atlasMap->enabled() );
connect( atlasMap, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( toggleAtlasControls( bool ) ) );
connect( atlasMap, SIGNAL( coverageLayerChanged( QgsVectorLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( updateAtlasMapLayerAction( QgsVectorLayer * ) ) );
updateAtlasMapLayerAction( atlasMap->enabled() );
//default printer page setup
@ -2923,6 +2969,24 @@ void QgsComposer::readXML( const QDomElement& composerElem, const QDomDocument&
void QgsComposer::setupUndoView()
if ( !mUndoView || !mComposition )
//init undo/redo buttons
mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
if ( mComposition->undoStack() )
mUndoView->setStack( mComposition->undoStack() );
connect( mComposition->undoStack(), SIGNAL( canUndoChanged( bool ) ), mActionUndo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
connect( mComposition->undoStack(), SIGNAL( canRedoChanged( bool ) ), mActionRedo, SLOT( setEnabled( bool ) ) );
void QgsComposer::restoreGridSettings()
//restore grid settings
@ -429,8 +429,20 @@ class QgsComposer: public QMainWindow, private Ui::QgsComposerBase
/**Establishes the signal slot connection for the class*/
void connectSlots();
/**Establishes the signal slot connections from the QgsComposerView to the composer*/
void connectViewSlots();
/**Establishes the signal slot connections from the QgsComposition to the composer*/
void connectCompositionSlots();
/**Establishes other signal slot connections for the composer*/
void connectOtherSlots();
/**Creates the composition widget*/
void createCompositionWidget();
/**Sets up the compositions undo/redo connections*/
void setupUndoView();
//! True if a composer map contains a WMS layer
bool containsWMSLayer() const;
@ -572,7 +584,6 @@ class QgsComposer: public QMainWindow, private Ui::QgsComposerBase
QgsMapLayerAction* mAtlasFeatureAction;
void printAsRasterChanged( bool state );
@ -618,6 +629,9 @@ class QgsComposer: public QMainWindow, private Ui::QgsComposerBase
void activateProtanopePreview();
void activateDeuteranopePreview();
//! Sets the composition for the composer window
void setComposition( QgsComposition* composition );
@ -177,8 +177,10 @@ class APP_EXPORT QgisAppInterface : public QgisInterface
QgsMessageBar * messageBar();
// ### QGIS 3: return QgsComposer*, not QgsComposerView*
QList<QgsComposerView*> activeComposers();
// ### QGIS 3: return QgsComposer*, not QgsComposerView*
/** Create a new composer
* @param title window title for new composer (one will be generated if empty)
* @return pointer to composer's view
@ -186,6 +188,7 @@ class APP_EXPORT QgisAppInterface : public QgisInterface
QgsComposerView* createNewComposer( QString title = QString( "" ) );
// ### QGIS 3: return QgsComposer*, not QgsComposerView*
/** Duplicate an existing parent composer from composer view
* @param composerView pointer to existing composer view
* @param title window title for duplicated composer (one will be generated if empty)
@ -1574,6 +1574,9 @@ void QgsComposerView::setComposition( QgsComposition* c )
mVerticalRuler->setComposition( c );
//emit compositionSet, so that composer windows can update for the new composition
emit compositionSet( c );
QgsComposition* QgsComposerView::composition()
@ -120,8 +120,11 @@ class GUI_EXPORT QgsComposerView: public QGraphicsView
QgsComposerView::Tool currentTool() const {return mCurrentTool;}
void setCurrentTool( QgsComposerView::Tool t );
/**Sets composition (derived from QGraphicsScene)*/
/**Sets the composition for the view. If the composition is being set manually and not by a QgsComposer, then this must
* be set BEFORE adding any items to the composition.
void setComposition( QgsComposition* c );
/**Returns the composition or 0 in case of error*/
QgsComposition* composition();
@ -259,6 +262,9 @@ class GUI_EXPORT QgsComposerView: public QGraphicsView
void composerViewShow( QgsComposerView* );
/**Emitted before composerview is hidden*/
void composerViewHide( QgsComposerView* );
/**Emitted when the composition is set for the view*/
void compositionSet( QgsComposition* );
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