Support requests with http post. Up to now, only SOAP requests over HTTP POST have been supported

This commit is contained in:
Marco Hugentobler 2011-06-18 22:17:08 +02:00
parent d750abfa2b
commit 783b30e87d
7 changed files with 362 additions and 340 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ SET ( qgis_mapserv_SRCS

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ map service syntax for SOAP/HTTP POST
#include "qgscapabilitiescache.h"
#include "qgsconfigcache.h"
#include "qgsgetrequesthandler.h"
#include "qgspostrequesthandler.h"
#include "qgssoaprequesthandler.h"
#include "qgsproviderregistry.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
@ -206,8 +207,9 @@ int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
if ( strcmp( requestMethod, "POST" ) == 0 )
QgsDebugMsg( "Creating QgsSOAPRequestHandler" );
theRequestHandler = new QgsSOAPRequestHandler();
//QgsDebugMsg( "Creating QgsSOAPRequestHandler" );
//theRequestHandler = new QgsSOAPRequestHandler();
theRequestHandler = new QgsPostRequestHandler();

View File

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
#include "qgsgetrequesthandler.h"
#include "qgsftptransaction.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include "qgsmapserviceexception.h"
#include "qgsremotedatasourcebuilder.h"
#include "qgshttptransaction.h"
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QImage>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QUrl>
#include <stdlib.h>
QgsGetRequestHandler::QgsGetRequestHandler(): QgsHttpRequestHandler()
@ -18,8 +11,9 @@ QgsGetRequestHandler::QgsGetRequestHandler(): QgsHttpRequestHandler()
std::map<QString, QString> QgsGetRequestHandler::parseInput()
std::map<QString, QString> parameters;
QString queryString;
std::map<QString, QString> parameters;
const char* qs = getenv( "QUERY_STRING" );
if ( qs )
@ -32,282 +26,6 @@ std::map<QString, QString> QgsGetRequestHandler::parseInput()
return parameters; //no query string? something must be wrong...
//parameters are separated by &
QStringList elements = queryString.split( "&" );
QString element, key, value;
//insert key and value into the map
for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); ++it )
element = *it;
int sepidx = element.indexOf( "=", 0, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( sepidx == -1 )
key = element.left( sepidx );
value = element.mid( sepidx + 1 );
value = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( value.toLocal8Bit() ); //replace encoded special caracters and utf-8 encodings
if ( "SLD_BODY", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
key = "SLD";
else if ( "SLD", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
QByteArray fileContents;
if ( value.startsWith( "http", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
QgsHttpTransaction http( value );
if ( !http.getSynchronously( fileContents ) )
else if ( value.startsWith( "ftp", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
QgsFtpTransaction ftp;
if ( !ftp.get( value, fileContents ) )
value = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( fileContents );
continue; //only http and ftp supported at the moment
value = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( fileContents );
parameters.insert( std::make_pair( key.toUpper(), value ) );
QgsDebugMsg( "inserting pair " + key.toUpper() + " // " + value + " into the parameter map" );
//feature info format?
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator info_format_it = parameters.find( "INFO_FORMAT" );
if ( info_format_it != parameters.end() )
mFormat = info_format_it->second;
else //capabilities format or GetMap format
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator formatIt = parameters.find( "FORMAT" );
if ( formatIt != parameters.end() )
QString formatString = formatIt->second;
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "formatString is: %1" ).arg( formatString ) );
//remove the image/ in front of the format
if ( "image/png", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || "png", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "PNG";
else if ( "image/jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || "image/jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 \
|| "jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "JPG";
else if ( "svg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "SVG";
else if ( "pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "PDF";
mFormat = formatString;
requestStringToParameterMap( queryString, parameters );
return parameters;
void QgsGetRequestHandler::sendGetMapResponse( const QString& service, QImage* img ) const
Q_UNUSED( service );
if ( img )
if ( mFormat != "PNG" && mFormat != "JPG" )
sendServiceException( QgsMapServiceException( "InvalidFormat", "Output format '" + mFormat + "' is not supported in the GetMap request" ) );
//store the image in a QByteArray and send it directly
QByteArray ba;
QBuffer buffer( &ba ); QIODevice::WriteOnly );
img->save( &buffer, mFormat.toLocal8Bit().data(), -1 );
sendHttpResponse( &ba, formatToMimeType( mFormat ) );
void QgsGetRequestHandler::sendGetCapabilitiesResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const
QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray();
sendHttpResponse( &ba, "text/xml" );
void QgsGetRequestHandler::sendGetStyleResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const
QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray();
sendHttpResponse( &ba, "text/xml" );
void QgsGetRequestHandler::sendGetFeatureInfoResponse( const QDomDocument& infoDoc, const QString& infoFormat ) const
QByteArray ba;
QgsDebugMsg( "Info format is:" + infoFormat );
if ( infoFormat == "text/xml" )
ba = infoDoc.toByteArray();
else if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" || infoFormat == "text/html" )
//create string
QString featureInfoString;
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "GetFeatureInfo results\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<HEAD>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<TITLE> GetFeatureInfo results </TITLE>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\">\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "</HEAD>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<BODY>\n" );
QDomNodeList layerList = infoDoc.elementsByTagName( "Layer" );
//layer loop
for ( int i = 0; i < layerList.size(); ++i )
QDomElement layerElem = i ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "Layer '" + layerElem.attribute( "name" ) + "'\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TABLE border=1 width=100%>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH width=25%>Layer</TH><TD>" + layerElem.attribute( "name" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "</BR>" );
//feature loop (for vector layers)
QDomNodeList featureNodeList = layerElem.elementsByTagName( "Feature" );
QDomElement currentFeatureElement;
if ( featureNodeList.size() < 1 ) //raster layer?
QDomNodeList attributeNodeList = layerElem.elementsByTagName( "Attribute" );
for ( int j = 0; j < attributeNodeList.size(); ++j )
QDomElement attributeElement = j ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + " = '" +
attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "'\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH>" + attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + "</TH><TD>" +
attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
else //vector layer
for ( int j = 0; j < featureNodeList.size(); ++j )
QDomElement featureElement = j ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "Feature " + featureElement.attribute( "id" ) + "\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TABLE border=1 width=100%>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH>Feature</TH><TD>" + featureElement.attribute( "id" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
//attribute loop
QDomNodeList attributeNodeList = featureElement.elementsByTagName( "Attribute" );
for ( int k = 0; k < attributeNodeList.size(); ++k )
QDomElement attributeElement = k ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + " = '" +
attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "'\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH>" + attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + "</TH><TD>" + attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "</TABLE>\n</BR>\n" );
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "</TABLE>\n<BR></BR>\n" );
if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "</BODY>\n" );
ba = featureInfoString.toUtf8();
else //unsupported format, send exception
//todo: send service exception
sendHttpResponse( &ba, infoFormat );
void QgsGetRequestHandler::sendServiceException( const QgsMapServiceException& ex ) const
//create Exception DOM document
QDomDocument exceptionDoc;
QDomElement serviceExceptionReportElem = exceptionDoc.createElement( "ServiceExceptionReport" );
serviceExceptionReportElem.setAttribute( "version", "1.3.0" );
serviceExceptionReportElem.setAttribute( "xmlns", "" );
exceptionDoc.appendChild( serviceExceptionReportElem );
QDomElement serviceExceptionElem = exceptionDoc.createElement( "ServiceException" );
serviceExceptionElem.setAttribute( "code", ex.code() );
QDomText messageText = exceptionDoc.createTextNode( ex.message() );
serviceExceptionElem.appendChild( messageText );
serviceExceptionReportElem.appendChild( serviceExceptionElem );
QByteArray ba = exceptionDoc.toByteArray();
sendHttpResponse( &ba, "text/xml" );
void QgsGetRequestHandler::sendGetPrintResponse( QByteArray* ba ) const
sendHttpResponse( ba, formatToMimeType( mFormat ) );

View File

@ -23,11 +23,4 @@ class QgsGetRequestHandler: public QgsHttpRequestHandler
std::map<QString, QString> parseInput();
/**Sends the image back (but does not delete it)*/
void sendGetMapResponse( const QString& service, QImage* img ) const;
void sendGetCapabilitiesResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const;
void sendGetFeatureInfoResponse( const QDomDocument& infoDoc, const QString& infoFormat ) const;
void sendServiceException( const QgsMapServiceException& ex ) const;
void sendGetStyleResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const;
void sendGetPrintResponse( QByteArray* ba ) const;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,18 @@
#include "qgshttprequesthandler.h"
#include "qgsftptransaction.h"
#include "qgshttptransaction.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include "qgsmapserviceexception.h"
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QFile>
#include <QImage>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QUrl>
#include <fcgi_stdio.h>
QgsHttpRequestHandler::QgsHttpRequestHandler(): QgsRequestHandler()
@ -69,3 +80,333 @@ QString QgsHttpRequestHandler::formatToMimeType( const QString& format ) const
return format;
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::sendGetMapResponse( const QString& service, QImage* img ) const
Q_UNUSED( service );
if ( img )
if ( mFormat != "PNG" && mFormat != "JPG" )
sendServiceException( QgsMapServiceException( "InvalidFormat", "Output format '" + mFormat + "' is not supported in the GetMap request" ) );
//store the image in a QByteArray and send it directly
QByteArray ba;
QBuffer buffer( &ba ); QIODevice::WriteOnly );
img->save( &buffer, mFormat.toLocal8Bit().data(), -1 );
sendHttpResponse( &ba, formatToMimeType( mFormat ) );
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::sendGetCapabilitiesResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const
QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray();
sendHttpResponse( &ba, "text/xml" );
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::sendGetStyleResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const
QByteArray ba = doc.toByteArray();
sendHttpResponse( &ba, "text/xml" );
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::sendGetFeatureInfoResponse( const QDomDocument& infoDoc, const QString& infoFormat ) const
QByteArray ba;
QgsDebugMsg( "Info format is:" + infoFormat );
if ( infoFormat == "text/xml" )
ba = infoDoc.toByteArray();
else if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" || infoFormat == "text/html" )
//create string
QString featureInfoString;
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "GetFeatureInfo results\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<HEAD>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<TITLE> GetFeatureInfo results </TITLE>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\">\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "</HEAD>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<BODY>\n" );
QDomNodeList layerList = infoDoc.elementsByTagName( "Layer" );
//layer loop
for ( int i = 0; i < layerList.size(); ++i )
QDomElement layerElem = i ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "Layer '" + layerElem.attribute( "name" ) + "'\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TABLE border=1 width=100%>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH width=25%>Layer</TH><TD>" + layerElem.attribute( "name" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "</BR>" );
//feature loop (for vector layers)
QDomNodeList featureNodeList = layerElem.elementsByTagName( "Feature" );
QDomElement currentFeatureElement;
if ( featureNodeList.size() < 1 ) //raster layer?
QDomNodeList attributeNodeList = layerElem.elementsByTagName( "Attribute" );
for ( int j = 0; j < attributeNodeList.size(); ++j )
QDomElement attributeElement = j ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + " = '" +
attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "'\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH>" + attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + "</TH><TD>" +
attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
else //vector layer
for ( int j = 0; j < featureNodeList.size(); ++j )
QDomElement featureElement = j ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "Feature " + featureElement.attribute( "id" ) + "\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TABLE border=1 width=100%>\n" );
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH>Feature</TH><TD>" + featureElement.attribute( "id" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
//attribute loop
QDomNodeList attributeNodeList = featureElement.elementsByTagName( "Attribute" );
for ( int k = 0; k < attributeNodeList.size(); ++k )
QDomElement attributeElement = k ).toElement();
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + " = '" +
attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "'\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "<TR><TH>" + attributeElement.attribute( "name" ) + "</TH><TD>" + attributeElement.attribute( "value" ) + "</TD></TR>\n" );
if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "</TABLE>\n</BR>\n" );
if ( infoFormat == "text/plain" )
featureInfoString.append( "\n" );
else if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "</TABLE>\n<BR></BR>\n" );
if ( infoFormat == "text/html" )
featureInfoString.append( "</BODY>\n" );
ba = featureInfoString.toUtf8();
else //unsupported format, send exception
//todo: send service exception
sendHttpResponse( &ba, infoFormat );
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::sendServiceException( const QgsMapServiceException& ex ) const
//create Exception DOM document
QDomDocument exceptionDoc;
QDomElement serviceExceptionReportElem = exceptionDoc.createElement( "ServiceExceptionReport" );
serviceExceptionReportElem.setAttribute( "version", "1.3.0" );
serviceExceptionReportElem.setAttribute( "xmlns", "" );
exceptionDoc.appendChild( serviceExceptionReportElem );
QDomElement serviceExceptionElem = exceptionDoc.createElement( "ServiceException" );
serviceExceptionElem.setAttribute( "code", ex.code() );
QDomText messageText = exceptionDoc.createTextNode( ex.message() );
serviceExceptionElem.appendChild( messageText );
serviceExceptionReportElem.appendChild( serviceExceptionElem );
QByteArray ba = exceptionDoc.toByteArray();
sendHttpResponse( &ba, "text/xml" );
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::sendGetPrintResponse( QByteArray* ba ) const
sendHttpResponse( ba, formatToMimeType( mFormat ) );
void QgsHttpRequestHandler::requestStringToParameterMap( const QString& request, std::map<QString, QString>& parameters )
//parameters are separated by &
QStringList elements = request.split( "&" );
QString element, key, value;
//insert key and value into the map
for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = elements.begin(); it != elements.end(); ++it )
element = *it;
int sepidx = element.indexOf( "=", 0, Qt::CaseSensitive );
if ( sepidx == -1 )
key = element.left( sepidx );
value = element.mid( sepidx + 1 );
value = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( value.toLocal8Bit() ); //replace encoded special caracters and utf-8 encodings
if ( "SLD_BODY", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
key = "SLD";
else if ( "SLD", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
QByteArray fileContents;
if ( value.startsWith( "http", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
QgsHttpTransaction http( value );
if ( !http.getSynchronously( fileContents ) )
else if ( value.startsWith( "ftp", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
QgsFtpTransaction ftp;
if ( !ftp.get( value, fileContents ) )
value = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( fileContents );
continue; //only http and ftp supported at the moment
value = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( fileContents );
parameters.insert( std::make_pair( key.toUpper(), value ) );
QgsDebugMsg( "inserting pair " + key.toUpper() + " // " + value + " into the parameter map" );
//feature info format?
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator info_format_it = parameters.find( "INFO_FORMAT" );
if ( info_format_it != parameters.end() )
mFormat = info_format_it->second;
else //capabilities format or GetMap format
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator formatIt = parameters.find( "FORMAT" );
if ( formatIt != parameters.end() )
QString formatString = formatIt->second;
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "formatString is: %1" ).arg( formatString ) );
//remove the image/ in front of the format
if ( "image/png", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || "png", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "PNG";
else if ( "image/jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || "image/jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 \
|| "jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "JPG";
else if ( "svg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "SVG";
else if ( "pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
formatString = "PDF";
mFormat = formatString;
QString QgsHttpRequestHandler::readPostBody() const
char* lengthString = NULL;
int length = 0;
char* input = NULL;
QString inputString;
QString lengthQString;
lengthString = getenv( "CONTENT_LENGTH" );
if ( lengthString != NULL )
bool conversionSuccess = false;
lengthQString = QString( lengthString );
length = lengthQString.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
QgsDebugMsg( "length is: " + lengthQString );
if ( conversionSuccess )
input = ( char* )malloc( length + 1 );
memset( input, 0, length + 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i )
input[i] = getchar();
//fgets(input, length+1, stdin);
if ( input != NULL )
inputString = QString::fromLocal8Bit( input );
#ifdef WIN32 //cut off any strange charactes at the end of the file
int lastClosedBracketPos = inputString.lastIndexOf( ">" );
if ( lastClosedBracketPos != -1 )
inputString.truncate( lastClosedBracketPos + 1 );
#endif //WIN32
QgsDebugMsg( "input is NULL " );
free( input );
QgsDebugMsg( "could not convert CONTENT_LENGTH to int" );
return inputString;

View File

@ -28,11 +28,22 @@ class QgsHttpRequestHandler: public QgsRequestHandler
virtual void sendGetMapResponse( const QString& service, QImage* img ) const;
virtual void sendGetCapabilitiesResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const;
virtual void sendGetFeatureInfoResponse( const QDomDocument& infoDoc, const QString& infoFormat ) const;
virtual void sendServiceException( const QgsMapServiceException& ex ) const;
virtual void sendGetStyleResponse( const QDomDocument& doc ) const;
virtual void sendGetPrintResponse( QByteArray* ba ) const;
void sendHttpResponse( QByteArray* ba, const QString& format ) const;
/**Converts format to official mimetype (e.g. 'jpg' to 'image/jpeg')
@return mime string (or the entered string if not found)*/
QString formatToMimeType( const QString& format ) const;
void requestStringToParameterMap( const QString& request, std::map<QString, QString>& parameters );
/**Read CONTENT_LENGTH characters from stdin*/
QString readPostBody() const;

View File

@ -40,51 +40,7 @@ QgsSOAPRequestHandler::~QgsSOAPRequestHandler()
std::map<QString, QString> QgsSOAPRequestHandler::parseInput()
std::map<QString, QString> result;
char* lengthString = NULL;
int length = 0;
char* input = NULL;
QString inputString;
QString lengthQString;
lengthString = getenv( "CONTENT_LENGTH" );
if ( lengthString != NULL )
bool conversionSuccess = false;
lengthQString = QString( lengthString );
length = lengthQString.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
QgsDebugMsg( "length is: " + lengthQString );
if ( conversionSuccess )
input = ( char* )malloc( length + 1 );
memset( input, 0, length + 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i )
input[i] = getchar();
//fgets(input, length+1, stdin);
if ( input != NULL )
inputString = QString::fromLocal8Bit( input );
#ifdef WIN32 //cut off any strange charactes at the end of the file
int lastClosedBracketPos = inputString.lastIndexOf( ">" );
if ( lastClosedBracketPos != -1 )
inputString.truncate( lastClosedBracketPos + 1 );
#endif //WIN32
QgsDebugMsg( "input is NULL " );
free( input );
QgsDebugMsg( "could not convert CONTENT_LENGTH to int" );
QString inputString = readPostBody();
//QgsDebugMsg("input string is: " + inputString)