Removed gdal deps in qgisapp.

Moved raster load stuff to a group at the end of qgisapp.cpp file.

Removed generically useable raster fns from qgisapp to static methods of qgsrasterlayer.

Some renaming of variable names etc.

Added addRaster(QgsRasterLayer *) private method to qgisapp - which is intended for use via plugins that want to load  'ready made' / symbolised raster layer into the mapCanvas.

git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
This commit is contained in:
timlinux 2004-06-13 22:01:40 +00:00
parent 0629fbc080
commit 72089002c9
4 changed files with 709 additions and 708 deletions

View File

@ -73,9 +73,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include <gdal_priv.h>
#include "qgsrect.h"
@ -100,7 +97,6 @@
#include "qgshelpviewer.h"
#include "qgsmaplayerregistry.h"
#include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
#include "qgsrasterlayerproperties.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "qgspluginmanager.h"
@ -273,7 +269,6 @@ QgisApp::QgisApp(QWidget * parent, const char *name, WFlags fl):QgisAppBase(pare
// register all GDAL and OGR plug-ins
QPixmap icon;
@ -1037,518 +1032,6 @@ bool QgisApp::addLayer(QStringList const &theLayerQStringList)
The subset of GDAL formats that we currently support.
Some day this won't be necessary as there'll be a time when
theoretically we'll support everything that GDAL can throw at us.
These are GDAL driver description strings.
static const char *const supportedRasterFormats_[] = {
"" // used to indicate end of list
returns true if the given raster driver name is one currently
supported, otherwise it returns false
@param driverName GDAL driver description string
static bool isSupportedRasterDriver_(QString const &driverName)
size_t i = 0;
while (supportedRasterFormats_[i][0]) // while not end of string list
// If we've got a case-insensitive match for a GDAL aware driver
// description, then we've got a match. Why case-insensitive?
// I'm just being paranoid in that I can envision a situation
// whereby GDAL slightly changes driver description string case,
// in which case we'd catch it here. Not that that would likely
// happen, but if it does, we'll already compensate.
// GS - At Qt 3.1.2, the case sensitive argument. So we change the
// driverName to lower case before testing
QString format = supportedRasterFormats_[i];
if (driverName.lower().startsWith(format.lower()))
return true;
return false;
} // isSupportedRasterDriver_
Builds the list of file filter strings to later be used by
We query GDAL for a list of supported raster formats; we then build
a list of file filter strings from that list. We return a string
that contains this list that is suitable for use in a a
QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames() call.
static void buildSupportedRasterFileFilter_(QString & fileFilters)
// first get the GDAL driver manager
GDALDriverManager *driverManager = GetGDALDriverManager();
if (!driverManager)
std::cerr << "unable to get GDALDriverManager\n";
return; // XXX good place to throw exception if we
} // XXX decide to do exceptions
// then iterate through all of the supported drivers, adding the
// corresponding file filter
GDALDriver *driver; // current driver
char **driverMetadata; // driver metadata strings
QString driverLongName(""); // long name for the given driver
QString driverExtension(""); // file name extension for given driver
QString driverDescription; // QString wrapper of GDAL driver description
QStringList metadataTokens; // essentially the metadata string delimited by '='
QString catchallFilter; // for Any file(*.*), but also for those
// drivers with no specific file
// filter
// Grind through all the drivers and their respective metadata.
// We'll add a file filter for those drivers that have a file
// extension defined for them; the others, welll, even though
// theoreticaly we can open those files because there exists a
// driver for them, the user will have to use the "All Files" to
// open datasets with no explicitly defined file name extension.
// Note that file name extension strings are of the form
// "DMD_EXTENSION=.*". We'll also store the long name of the
// driver, which will be found in DMD_LONGNAME, which will have the
// same form.
for (int i = 0; i < driverManager->GetDriverCount(); ++i)
driver = driverManager->GetDriver(i);
if (!driver)
qWarning("unable to get driver %d", i);
// now we need to see if the driver is for something currently
// supported; if not, we give it a miss for the next driver
driverDescription = driver->GetDescription();
if (!isSupportedRasterDriver_(driverDescription))
// not supported, therefore skip
qWarning("skipping unsupported driver %s", driver->GetDescription());
// std::cerr << "got driver string " << driver->GetDescription() << "\n";
driverMetadata = driver->GetMetadata();
// presumably we know we've run out of metadta if either the
// address is 0, or the first character is null
while (driverMetadata && '\0' != driverMetadata[0])
metadataTokens = QStringList::split("=", *driverMetadata);
// std::cerr << "\t" << *driverMetadata << "\n";
// XXX add check for malformed metadataTokens
// Note that it's oddly possible for there to be a
// DMD_EXTENSION with no corresponding defined extension
// string; so we check that there're more than two tokens.
if (metadataTokens.count() > 1)
if ("DMD_EXTENSION" == metadataTokens[0])
driverExtension = metadataTokens[1];
} else if ("DMD_LONGNAME" == metadataTokens[0])
driverLongName = metadataTokens[1];
// remove any superfluous (.*) strings at the end as
// they'll confuse QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames()
// if we have both the file name extension and the long name,
// then we've all the information we need for the current
// driver; therefore emit a file filter string and move to
// the next driver
if (!(driverExtension.isEmpty() || driverLongName.isEmpty()))
// XXX add check for SDTS; in that case we want (*CATD.DDF)
fileFilters += createFileFilter_(driverLongName, "*." + driverExtension);
break; // ... to next driver, if any.
} // each metadata item
if (driverExtension.isEmpty() && !driverLongName.isEmpty())
// Then what we have here is a driver with no corresponding
// file extension; e.g., GRASS. In which case we append the
// string to the "catch-all" which will match all file types.
// (I.e., "*.*") We use the driver description intead of the
// long time to prevent the catch-all line from getting too
// large.
// ... OTOH, there are some drivers with missing
// DMD_EXTENSION; so let's check for them here and handle
// them appropriately
// USGS DEMs use "*.dem"
if (driverDescription.startsWith("USGSDEM"))
fileFilters += createFileFilter_(driverLongName, "*.dem");
} else if (driverDescription.startsWith("DTED"))
// DTED use "*.dt0"
fileFilters += createFileFilter_(driverLongName, "*.dt0");
} else
catchallFilter += QString(driver->GetDescription()) + " ";
driverExtension = driverLongName = ""; // reset for next driver
} // each loaded GDAL driver
// can't forget the default case
fileFilters += catchallFilter + "All other files (*)";
} // buildSupportedRasterFileFilter_()
/** @todo XXX I'd *really* like to return, ya know, _false_.
void QgisApp::addRasterLayer()
QString fileFilters;
// build the file filters based on the loaded GDAL drivers
QStringList selectedFiles;
openFilesRememberingFilter_("lastRasterFileFilter", fileFilters, selectedFiles);
if (selectedFiles.isEmpty())
// no files were selected, so just bail
}// QgisApp::addRasterLayer()
bool QgisApp::addRasterLayer(QFileInfo const & rasterFile)
// let the user know we're going to possibly be taking a while
mMapCanvas->freeze(); // XXX why do we do this?
// XXX ya know QgsRasterLayer can snip out the basename on its own;
// XXX why do we have to pass it in for it?
QgsRasterLayer *layer =
new QgsRasterLayer(rasterFile.filePath(), rasterFile.baseName());
Q_CHECK_PTR( layer );
if ( ! layer )
// XXX insert meaningful whine to the user here; although be
// XXX mindful that a null layer may mean exhausted memory resources
return false;
if (layer->isValid())
// register this layer with the central layers registry
// XXX doesn't the mMapCanvas->addLayer() do this?
// connect up any request the raster may make to update the app progress
// connect up any request the raster may make to update the statusbar message
// add it to the mapcanvas collection
//connect up a request from the raster layer to show in overview map
mProjectIsDirtyFlag = true;
// init the context menu so it can connect to slots in main app
} else
QString msg(rasterFile.baseName() + " is not a valid or recognized raster data source");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Invalid Data Source", msg);
delete layer;
return false;
// mMapLegend->update(); NOW UPDATED VIA SIGNAL/SLOTS
return true;
} // QgisApp::addRasterLayer
@todo XXX ya know, this could be changed to iteratively call the above
bool QgisApp::addRasterLayer(QStringList const &theFileNameQStringList)
if (theFileNameQStringList.empty())
// no files selected so bail out, but
// allow mMapCanvas to handle events
// first
return false;
} else
// this is messy since some files in the list may be rasters and others may
// be ogr layers. We'll set returnValue to false if one or more layers fail
// to load.
bool returnValue = true;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator myIterator = theFileNameQStringList.begin();
myIterator != theFileNameQStringList.end();
if (isValidRasterFileName(*myIterator))
QFileInfo myFileInfo(*myIterator);
// get the directory the .adf file was in
QString myDirNameQString = myFileInfo.dirPath();
QString myBaseNameQString = myFileInfo.baseName();
//only allow one copy of a ai grid file to be loaded at a
//time to prevent the user selecting all adfs in 1 dir which
//actually represent 1 coverate,
// create the layer
QgsRasterLayer *layer = new QgsRasterLayer(*myIterator, myBaseNameQString);
Q_CHECK_PTR( layer );
if ( ! layer )
// XXX insert meaningful whine to the user here
return false;
if (layer->isValid())
// register this layer with the central layers registry
// connect up any request the raster may make to update the app statusbar
// connect up any request the raster may make to update the statusbar message
// add it to the mapcanvas collection
//connect up a request from the raster layer to show in overview map
mProjectIsDirtyFlag = true;
// init the context menu so it can connect to slots in main app
// XXX Yes, but what if the layer is invalid? Should we still be doing this?
QString msg(*myIterator + " is not a valid or recognized raster data source");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Invalid Data Source", msg);
delete layer;
// XXX should we return false here, or just grind through
// XXX the remaining arguments?
returnValue = false;
//only allow one copy of a ai grid file to be loaded at a
//time to prevent the user selecting all adfs in 1 dir which
//actually represent 1 coverate,
if (myBaseNameQString.lower().endsWith(".adf"))
QString msg(*myIterator + " is not a supported raster data source");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Unsupported Data Source", msg);
returnValue = false;
// mMapLegend->update(); NOW UPDATED VIA SIGNAL/SLOTS
return returnValue;
} // QgisApp::addRasterLayer()
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid raster file name */
bool QgisApp::isValidRasterFileName(QString theFileNameQString)
GDALDatasetH myDataset;
myDataset = GDALOpen( theFileNameQString, GA_ReadOnly );
if( myDataset == NULL )
return false;
return true;
* This way is no longer a good idea because it does not
* cater for filetypes such as grass rasters that dont
* have a predictable file extension.
QString name = theFileNameQString.lower();
return (name.endsWith(".adf") ||
name.endsWith(".asc") ||
name.endsWith(".grd") ||
name.endsWith(".img") ||
name.endsWith(".tif") ||
name.endsWith(".png") ||
name.endsWith(".jpg") ||
name.endsWith(".dem") ||
name.endsWith(".ddf")) ||
/** Overloaded of the above function provided for convenience that takes a qstring pointer */
bool QgisApp::isValidRasterFileName(QString * theFileNameQString)
//dereference and delegate
return isValidRasterFileName(*theFileNameQString);
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid vector file name */
bool QgisApp::isValidVectorFileName(QString theFileNameQString)
@ -3225,3 +2708,224 @@ void QgisApp::showCapturePointCoordinate(QgsPoint & theQgsPoint)
QString myMessage = "Clipboard contents set to: ";
statusBar()->message(myMessage + myClipboard->text());
// Only functions relating to raster layer management in this
// section (look for a similar comment block to this to find
// the end of this section). I am hoping to move many of the
// raster layer loading fn's below into QgsRasterLayer
// Only ones that require a gui or are particularly wired in
// to the mapCanvas instance etc will remain here.
// Tim Sutton
/** @todo XXX I'd *really* like to return, ya know, _false_.
void QgisApp::addRasterLayer()
QString fileFilters;
// build the file filters based on the loaded GDAL drivers
QStringList selectedFiles;
openFilesRememberingFilter_("lastRasterFileFilter", fileFilters, selectedFiles);
if (selectedFiles.isEmpty())
// no files were selected, so just bail
}// QgisApp::addRasterLayer()
bool QgisApp::addRasterLayer(QgsRasterLayer * theRasterLayer)
Q_CHECK_PTR( theRasterLayer );
if ( ! theRasterLayer )
// XXX insert meaningful whine to the user here; although be
// XXX mindful that a null layer may mean exhausted memory resources
return false;
if (theRasterLayer->isValid())
// register this layer with the central layers registry
// XXX doesn't the mMapCanvas->addLayer() do this?
// connect up any request the raster may make to update the app progress
// connect up any request the raster may make to update the statusbar message
// add it to the mapcanvas collection
//connect up a request from the raster layer to show in overview map
mProjectIsDirtyFlag = true;
// init the context menu so it can connect to slots in main app
delete theRasterLayer;
return false;
// mMapLegend->update(); NOW UPDATED VIA SIGNAL/SLOTS
return true;
bool QgisApp::addRasterLayer(QFileInfo const & rasterFile)
// let the user know we're going to possibly be taking a while
mMapCanvas->freeze(); // XXX why do we do this?
// XXX ya know QgsRasterLayer can snip out the basename on its own;
// XXX why do we have to pass it in for it?
QgsRasterLayer *layer =
new QgsRasterLayer(rasterFile.filePath(), rasterFile.baseName());
if (!addRasterLayer(layer))
QString msg(rasterFile.baseName() + " is not a valid or recognized raster data source");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Invalid Data Source", msg);
return false;
return true;
} // QgisApp::addRasterLayer
bool QgisApp::addRasterLayer(QStringList const &theFileNameQStringList)
if (theFileNameQStringList.empty())
// no files selected so bail out, but
// allow mMapCanvas to handle events
// first
return false;
// this is messy since some files in the list may be rasters and others may
// be ogr layers. We'll set returnValue to false if one or more layers fail
// to load.
bool returnValue = true;
for (QStringList::ConstIterator myIterator = theFileNameQStringList.begin();
myIterator != theFileNameQStringList.end();
if (QgsRasterLayer::isValidRasterFileName(*myIterator))
QFileInfo myFileInfo(*myIterator);
// get the directory the .adf file was in
QString myDirNameQString = myFileInfo.dirPath();
QString myBaseNameQString = myFileInfo.baseName();
//only allow one copy of a ai grid file to be loaded at a
//time to prevent the user selecting all adfs in 1 dir which
//actually represent 1 coverate,
// create the layer
QgsRasterLayer *layer = new QgsRasterLayer(*myIterator, myBaseNameQString);
//only allow one copy of a ai grid file to be loaded at a
//time to prevent the user selecting all adfs in 1 dir which
//actually represent 1 coverate,
if (myBaseNameQString.lower().endsWith(".adf"))
QString msg(*myIterator + " is not a supported raster data source");
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Unsupported Data Source", msg);
returnValue = false;
// mMapLegend->update(); NOW UPDATED VIA SIGNAL/SLOTS
return returnValue;
} // QgisApp::addRasterLayer()

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class QgsProviderRegistry;
class QgsHelpViewer;
class QgsMapCanvas;
class QgsMapLayerRegistry;
class QgsRasterLayer;
#ifdef WIN32
#include "qgisappbase.h"
@ -141,12 +142,11 @@ private:
//! Add a vector layer to the map
void addLayer();
//! Add a raster layer to the map
//! Add a raster layer to the map (will prompt user for filename using dlg
void addRasterLayer();
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid raster file name */
bool isValidRasterFileName (QString theFileNameQString);
/** Overloaded version of the above function provided for convenience that takes a qstring pointer */
bool isValidRasterFileName (QString * theFileNameQString);
//! Add a raster layer to the map (passed in as a ptr)
bool addRasterLayer(QgsRasterLayer * theRasterLayer);
//@todo We should move these next two into vector layer class
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid vector file name */
bool isValidVectorFileName (QString theFileNameQString);
/** Overloaded version of the above function provided for convenience that takes a qstring pointer */

View File

@ -83,6 +83,288 @@ email : tim at
#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include <math.h>
// Static Methods and members first....
Static member variable storing the subset of GDAL formats
that we currently support.
Some day this won't be necessary as there'll be a time when
theoretically we'll support everything that GDAL can throw at us.
These are GDAL driver description strings.
static const char *const mSupportedRasterFormats[] = {
"" // used to indicate end of list
Builds the list of file filter strings to later be used by
We query GDAL for a list of supported raster formats; we then build
a list of file filter strings from that list. We return a string
that contains this list that is suitable for use in a a
QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames() call.
void QgsRasterLayer::buildSupportedRasterFileFilter(QString & theFileFiltersString)
// first get the GDAL driver manager
GDALDriverManager *myGdalDriverManager = GetGDALDriverManager();
if (!myGdalDriverManager)
std::cerr << "unable to get GDALDriverManager\n";
return; // XXX good place to throw exception if we
} // XXX decide to do exceptions
// then iterate through all of the supported drivers, adding the
// corresponding file filter
GDALDriver *myGdalDriver; // current driver
char **myGdalDriverMetadata; // driver metadata strings
QString myGdalDriverLongName(""); // long name for the given driver
QString myGdalDriverExtension(""); // file name extension for given driver
QString myGdalDriverDescription; // QString wrapper of GDAL driver description
QStringList metadataTokens; // essentially the metadata string delimited by '='
QString catchallFilter; // for Any file(*.*), but also for those
// drivers with no specific file
// filter
// Grind through all the drivers and their respective metadata.
// We'll add a file filter for those drivers that have a file
// extension defined for them; the others, welll, even though
// theoreticaly we can open those files because there exists a
// driver for them, the user will have to use the "All Files" to
// open datasets with no explicitly defined file name extension.
// Note that file name extension strings are of the form
// "DMD_EXTENSION=.*". We'll also store the long name of the
// driver, which will be found in DMD_LONGNAME, which will have the
// same form.
for (int i = 0; i < myGdalDriverManager->GetDriverCount(); ++i)
myGdalDriver = myGdalDriverManager->GetDriver(i);
if (!myGdalDriver)
qWarning("unable to get driver %d", i);
// now we need to see if the driver is for something currently
// supported; if not, we give it a miss for the next driver
myGdalDriverDescription = myGdalDriver->GetDescription();
if (!isSupportedRasterDriver(myGdalDriverDescription))
// not supported, therefore skip
qWarning("skipping unsupported driver %s", myGdalDriver->GetDescription());
// std::cerr << "got driver string " << myGdalDriver->GetDescription() << "\n";
myGdalDriverMetadata = myGdalDriver->GetMetadata();
// presumably we know we've run out of metadta if either the
// address is 0, or the first character is null
while (myGdalDriverMetadata && '\0' != myGdalDriverMetadata[0])
metadataTokens = QStringList::split("=", *myGdalDriverMetadata);
// std::cerr << "\t" << *myGdalDriverMetadata << "\n";
// XXX add check for malformed metadataTokens
// Note that it's oddly possible for there to be a
// DMD_EXTENSION with no corresponding defined extension
// string; so we check that there're more than two tokens.
if (metadataTokens.count() > 1)
if ("DMD_EXTENSION" == metadataTokens[0])
myGdalDriverExtension = metadataTokens[1];
else if ("DMD_LONGNAME" == metadataTokens[0])
myGdalDriverLongName = metadataTokens[1];
// remove any superfluous (.*) strings at the end as
// they'll confuse QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames()
// if we have both the file name extension and the long name,
// then we've all the information we need for the current
// driver; therefore emit a file filter string and move to
// the next driver
if (!(myGdalDriverExtension.isEmpty() || myGdalDriverLongName.isEmpty()))
// XXX add check for SDTS; in that case we want (*CATD.DDF)
QString glob = "*." + myGdalDriverExtension;
theFileFiltersString += myGdalDriverLongName + " (" + glob.lower() + " " + glob.upper() + ");;";
break; // ... to next driver, if any.
} // each metadata item
if (myGdalDriverExtension.isEmpty() && !myGdalDriverLongName.isEmpty())
// Then what we have here is a driver with no corresponding
// file extension; e.g., GRASS. In which case we append the
// string to the "catch-all" which will match all file types.
// (I.e., "*.*") We use the driver description intead of the
// long time to prevent the catch-all line from getting too
// large.
// ... OTOH, there are some drivers with missing
// DMD_EXTENSION; so let's check for them here and handle
// them appropriately
// USGS DEMs use "*.dem"
if (myGdalDriverDescription.startsWith("USGSDEM"))
QString glob = "*.dem";
theFileFiltersString += myGdalDriverLongName + " (" + glob.lower() + " " + glob.upper() + ");;";
else if (myGdalDriverDescription.startsWith("DTED"))
// DTED use "*.dt0"
QString glob = "*.dt0";
theFileFiltersString += myGdalDriverLongName + " (" + glob.lower() + " " + glob.upper() + ");;";
catchallFilter += QString(myGdalDriver->GetDescription()) + " ";
myGdalDriverExtension = myGdalDriverLongName = ""; // reset for next driver
} // each loaded GDAL driver
// can't forget the default case
theFileFiltersString += catchallFilter + "All other files (*)";
std::cout << "Raster filter list built: " << theFileFiltersString << std::endl;
} // buildSupportedRasterFileFilter_()
returns true if the given raster driver name is one currently
supported, otherwise it returns false
@param theDriverName GDAL driver description string
bool QgsRasterLayer::isSupportedRasterDriver(QString const &theDriverName)
size_t i = 0;
while (mSupportedRasterFormats[i][0]) // while not end of string list
// If we've got a case-insensitive match for a GDAL aware driver
// description, then we've got a match. Why case-insensitive?
// I'm just being paranoid in that I can envision a situation
// whereby GDAL slightly changes driver description string case,
// in which case we'd catch it here. Not that that would likely
// happen, but if it does, we'll already compensate.
// GS - At Qt 3.1.2, the case sensitive argument. So we change the
// driverName to lower case before testing
QString format = mSupportedRasterFormats[i];
if (theDriverName.lower().startsWith(format.lower()))
return true;
return false;
} // isSupportedRasterDriver
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid raster file name */
bool QgsRasterLayer::isValidRasterFileName(QString theFileNameQString)
GDALDatasetH myDataset;
myDataset = GDALOpen( theFileNameQString, GA_ReadOnly );
if( myDataset == NULL )
return false;
return true;
* This way is no longer a good idea because it does not
* cater for filetypes such as grass rasters that dont
* have a predictable file extension.
QString name = theFileNameQString.lower();
return (name.endsWith(".adf") ||
name.endsWith(".asc") ||
name.endsWith(".grd") ||
name.endsWith(".img") ||
name.endsWith(".tif") ||
name.endsWith(".png") ||
name.endsWith(".jpg") ||
name.endsWith(".dem") ||
name.endsWith(".ddf")) ||
/** Overloaded of the above function provided for convenience that takes a qstring pointer */
bool QgsRasterLayer::isValidRasterFileName(QString * theFileNameQString)
//dereference and delegate
return isValidRasterFileName(*theFileNameQString);
// Non Static methods now....
QgsRasterLayer::QgsRasterLayer(QString path, QString baseName):QgsMapLayer(RASTER, baseName, path)
//we need to do the tr() stuff outside of the loop becauses tr() is a
@ -395,13 +677,13 @@ QPixmap QgsRasterLayer::getPaletteAsPixmap()
if (hasBand("Palette")) //dont tr() this its a gdal word!
std::cout << "....found paletted image" << std::endl;
std::cout << "....found paletted image" << std::endl;
GDALRasterBandH myGdalBand = gdalDataset->GetRasterBand(1);
if( GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation(myGdalBand) == GCI_PaletteIndex )
std::cout << "....found GCI_PaletteIndex" << std::endl;
std::cout << "....found GCI_PaletteIndex" << std::endl;
GDALColorTableH myTable;
myTable = GDALGetRasterColorTable( myGdalBand );
@ -437,7 +719,7 @@ QPixmap QgsRasterLayer::getPaletteAsPixmap()
GDALColorEntry myEntry;
GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB( myTable, myIteratorInt, &myEntry );
myQImage.setPixel(myIteratorInt % myWidth,(int)(myIteratorInt/myWidth)
,qRgba(myEntry.c1, myEntry.c2, myEntry.c3, myEntry.c4));
,qRgba(myEntry.c1, myEntry.c2, myEntry.c3, myEntry.c4));
return myPalettePixmap;
@ -487,7 +769,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayer::draw(QPainter * theQPainter, QgsRect * theViewExtent, QgsCo
myRasterViewPort->rectYOffsetInt = static_cast < int >((layerExtent.yMax() - theViewExtent->yMax()) / fabs(adfGeoTransform[5]));
if (myRasterViewPort->rectYOffsetInt < 0)
myRasterViewPort->rectYOffsetInt = 0;
myRasterViewPort->rectYOffsetInt = 0;
//std::cout << "Nodata value for band " << i << " is " << noDataDouble << "\n" << std::endl;
@ -508,7 +790,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayer::draw(QPainter * theQPainter, QgsRect * theViewExtent, QgsCo
// make sure we don't exceed size of raster
if (myRasterViewPort->clippedWidthInt > rasterXDimInt)
myRasterViewPort->clippedWidthInt = rasterXDimInt;
myRasterViewPort->clippedWidthInt = rasterXDimInt;
if (myRasterViewPort->clippedHeightInt > rasterYDimInt)
@ -1570,51 +1852,51 @@ const bool QgsRasterLayer::hasStats(int theBandNoInt)
/** Private method to calculate statistics for a band. Populates rasterStatsMemArray.
Note that this is a cpu intensive /slow task!*/
Note that this is a cpu intensive /slow task!*/
const RasterBandStats QgsRasterLayer::getRasterBandStats(int theBandNoInt)
emit setStatus(QString("Calculating stats for ")+layerName);
//reset the main app progress bar
emit setProgress(0,0);
emit setStatus(QString("Calculating stats for ")+layerName);
//reset the main app progress bar
emit setProgress(0,0);
std::cout << "QgsRasterLayer::calculate stats for band " << theBandNoInt << std::endl;
std::cout << "QgsRasterLayer::calculate stats for band " << theBandNoInt << std::endl;
//check if we have received a valid band number
if ((gdalDataset->GetRasterCount() < theBandNoInt) && rasterLayerType != PALETTE)
//invalid band id, return nothing
RasterBandStats myNullReturnStats;
return myNullReturnStats;
if (rasterLayerType == PALETTE && (theBandNoInt > 3))
//invalid band id, return nothing
RasterBandStats myNullReturnStats;
return myNullReturnStats;
//check if we have previously gathered stats for this band...
//check if we have received a valid band number
if ((gdalDataset->GetRasterCount() < theBandNoInt) && rasterLayerType != PALETTE)
//invalid band id, return nothing
RasterBandStats myNullReturnStats;
return myNullReturnStats;
if (rasterLayerType == PALETTE && (theBandNoInt > 3))
//invalid band id, return nothing
RasterBandStats myNullReturnStats;
return myNullReturnStats;
//check if we have previously gathered stats for this band...
RasterBandStats myRasterBandStats = rasterStatsVector[theBandNoInt - 1];
myRasterBandStats.bandNoInt = theBandNoInt;
//dont bother with this if we already have stats
if (myRasterBandStats.statsGatheredFlag)
return myRasterBandStats;
GDALRasterBand *myGdalBand = gdalDataset->GetRasterBand(theBandNoInt);
QString myColorInterpretation = GDALGetColorInterpretationName(myGdalBand->GetColorInterpretation());
RasterBandStats myRasterBandStats = rasterStatsVector[theBandNoInt - 1];
myRasterBandStats.bandNoInt = theBandNoInt;
//dont bother with this if we already have stats
if (myRasterBandStats.statsGatheredFlag)
return myRasterBandStats;
GDALRasterBand *myGdalBand = gdalDataset->GetRasterBand(theBandNoInt);
QString myColorInterpretation = GDALGetColorInterpretationName(myGdalBand->GetColorInterpretation());
//declare a colorTable to hold a palette - will only be used if the layer color interp is palette
GDALColorTable *colorTable;
if (rasterLayerType == PALETTE)
//declare a colorTable to hold a palette - will only be used if the layer color interp is palette
GDALColorTable *colorTable;
if (rasterLayerType == PALETTE)
//get the palette colour table
colorTable = myGdalBand->GetColorTable();
//override the band name - palette images are really only one band
//so we are faking three band behaviour
switch (theBandNoInt)
//get the palette colour table
colorTable = myGdalBand->GetColorTable();
//override the band name - palette images are really only one band
//so we are faking three band behaviour
switch (theBandNoInt)
// a "Red" layer
// a "Red" layer
case 1:
myRasterBandStats.bandName = redTranslatedQString;
@ -1629,151 +1911,151 @@ emit setProgress(0,0);
RasterBandStats myNullReturnStats;
return myNullReturnStats;
else if (rasterLayerType==GRAY_OR_UNDEFINED)
myRasterBandStats.bandName = myColorInterpretation;
else //rasterLayerType is MULTIBAND
//do nothing
myRasterBandStats.elementCountInt = rasterXDimInt * rasterYDimInt;
//allocate a buffer to hold one row of ints
int myAllocationSizeInt = sizeof(uint) * rasterXDimInt;
uint *myScanlineAllocInt = (uint *) CPLMalloc(myAllocationSizeInt);
bool myFirstIterationFlag = true;
//unfortunately we need to make two passes through the data to calculate stddev
for (int myCurrentRowInt = 0; myCurrentRowInt < rasterYDimInt; myCurrentRowInt++)
//we loop through the dataset twice for stats so ydim is doubled!
emit setProgress(myCurrentRowInt,rasterYDimInt*2);
CPLErr myResult =
myGdalBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, myCurrentRowInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, myScanlineAllocInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0);
for (int myCurrentColInt = 0; myCurrentColInt < rasterXDimInt; myCurrentColInt++)
double myDouble = 0;
//get the nth element from the current row
if (myColorInterpretation != "Palette") //dont translate this its a gdal string
myDouble = myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt];
} else
//this is a palette layer so red / green / blue 'layers are 'virtual'
//in that we need to obtain the palette entry and then get the r,g or g
//component from that palette entry
const GDALColorEntry *myColorEntry = GDALGetColorEntry(colorTable, myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt]);
//check colorEntry is valid
if (myColorEntry != NULL)
//check for alternate color mappings
if (theBandNoInt == 1) //"Red"
myDouble = static_cast < double >(myColorEntry->c1);
if (theBandNoInt == 2) //"Green"
myDouble = static_cast < double >(myColorEntry->c2);
if (theBandNoInt == 3) //"Blue"
myDouble = static_cast < double >(myColorEntry->c3);
else if (rasterLayerType==GRAY_OR_UNDEFINED)
myRasterBandStats.bandName = myColorInterpretation;
else //rasterLayerType is MULTIBAND
//do nothing
myRasterBandStats.elementCountInt = rasterXDimInt * rasterYDimInt;
//allocate a buffer to hold one row of ints
int myAllocationSizeInt = sizeof(uint) * rasterXDimInt;
uint *myScanlineAllocInt = (uint *) CPLMalloc(myAllocationSizeInt);
bool myFirstIterationFlag = true;
//unfortunately we need to make two passes through the data to calculate stddev
for (int myCurrentRowInt = 0; myCurrentRowInt < rasterYDimInt; myCurrentRowInt++)
//we loop through the dataset twice for stats so ydim is doubled!
emit setProgress(myCurrentRowInt,rasterYDimInt*2);
CPLErr myResult =
myGdalBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, myCurrentRowInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, myScanlineAllocInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0);
for (int myCurrentColInt = 0; myCurrentColInt < rasterXDimInt; myCurrentColInt++)
//only use this element if we have a non null element
if (myDouble != noDataValueDouble)
if (myFirstIterationFlag)
double myDouble = 0;
//get the nth element from the current row
if (myColorInterpretation != "Palette") //dont translate this its a gdal string
myDouble = myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt];
} else
//this is a palette layer so red / green / blue 'layers are 'virtual'
//in that we need to obtain the palette entry and then get the r,g or g
//component from that palette entry
const GDALColorEntry *myColorEntry = GDALGetColorEntry(colorTable, myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt]);
//check colorEntry is valid
if (myColorEntry != NULL)
//check for alternate color mappings
if (theBandNoInt == 1) //"Red"
myDouble = static_cast < double >(myColorEntry->c1);
if (theBandNoInt == 2) //"Green"
myDouble = static_cast < double >(myColorEntry->c2);
if (theBandNoInt == 3) //"Blue"
myDouble = static_cast < double >(myColorEntry->c3);
//only use this element if we have a non null element
if (myDouble != noDataValueDouble)
if (myFirstIterationFlag)
//this is the first iteration so initialise vars
myFirstIterationFlag = false;
myRasterBandStats.minValDouble = myDouble;
myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble = myDouble;
} //end of true part for first iteration check
//this is done for all subsequent iterations
if (myDouble < myRasterBandStats.minValDouble)
myRasterBandStats.minValDouble = myDouble;
if (myDouble > myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble)
myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble = myDouble;
//only increment the running total if it is not a nodata value
if (myDouble != noDataValueDouble)
myRasterBandStats.sumDouble += myDouble;
} //end of false part for first iteration check
} //end of nodata chec
} //end of column wise loop
} //end of row wise loop
//end of first pass through data now calculate the range
myRasterBandStats.rangeDouble = myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble - myRasterBandStats.minValDouble;
//calculate the mean
myRasterBandStats.meanDouble = myRasterBandStats.sumDouble / myRasterBandStats.elementCountInt;
//for the second pass we will get the sum of the squares / mean
for (int myCurrentRowInt = 0; myCurrentRowInt < rasterYDimInt; myCurrentRowInt++)
//we loop through the dataset twice for stats so ydim is doubled (this is loop2)!
emit setProgress(myCurrentRowInt+rasterYDimInt,rasterYDimInt*2);
CPLErr myResult =
myGdalBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, myCurrentRowInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, myScanlineAllocInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0);
for (int myCurrentColInt = 0; myCurrentColInt < rasterXDimInt; myCurrentColInt++)
//this is the first iteration so initialise vars
myFirstIterationFlag = false;
myRasterBandStats.minValDouble = myDouble;
myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble = myDouble;
} //end of true part for first iteration check
double myDouble = 0;
//get the nth element from the current row
if (myColorInterpretation != "Palette") //dont translate this its a gdal string
myDouble = myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt];
} else
//this is a palette layer so red / green / blue 'layers are 'virtual'
//in that we need to obtain the palette entry and then get the r,g or g
//component from that palette entry
const GDALColorEntry *myColorEntry = GDALGetColorEntry(colorTable, myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt]);
//check colorEntry is valid
if (myColorEntry != NULL)
//check for alternate color mappings
if (theBandNoInt == 1) //red
myDouble = myColorEntry->c1;
if (theBandNoInt == 1) //green
myDouble = myColorEntry->c2;
if (theBandNoInt == 3) //blue
myDouble = myColorEntry->c3;
//this is done for all subsequent iterations
if (myDouble < myRasterBandStats.minValDouble)
myRasterBandStats.minValDouble = myDouble;
if (myDouble > myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble)
myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble = myDouble;
//only increment the running total if it is not a nodata value
if (myDouble != noDataValueDouble)
myRasterBandStats.sumDouble += myDouble;
} //end of false part for first iteration check
} //end of nodata chec
} //end of column wise loop
} //end of row wise loop
//end of first pass through data now calculate the range
myRasterBandStats.rangeDouble = myRasterBandStats.maxValDouble - myRasterBandStats.minValDouble;
//calculate the mean
myRasterBandStats.meanDouble = myRasterBandStats.sumDouble / myRasterBandStats.elementCountInt;
//for the second pass we will get the sum of the squares / mean
for (int myCurrentRowInt = 0; myCurrentRowInt < rasterYDimInt; myCurrentRowInt++)
//we loop through the dataset twice for stats so ydim is doubled (this is loop2)!
emit setProgress(myCurrentRowInt+rasterYDimInt,rasterYDimInt*2);
CPLErr myResult =
myGdalBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, myCurrentRowInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, myScanlineAllocInt, rasterXDimInt, 1, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0);
for (int myCurrentColInt = 0; myCurrentColInt < rasterXDimInt; myCurrentColInt++)
double myDouble = 0;
//get the nth element from the current row
if (myColorInterpretation != "Palette") //dont translate this its a gdal string
myDouble = myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt];
} else
//this is a palette layer so red / green / blue 'layers are 'virtual'
//in that we need to obtain the palette entry and then get the r,g or g
//component from that palette entry
const GDALColorEntry *myColorEntry = GDALGetColorEntry(colorTable, myScanlineAllocInt[myCurrentColInt]);
//check colorEntry is valid
if (myColorEntry != NULL)
//check for alternate color mappings
if (theBandNoInt == 1) //red
myDouble = myColorEntry->c1;
if (theBandNoInt == 1) //green
myDouble = myColorEntry->c2;
if (theBandNoInt == 3) //blue
myDouble = myColorEntry->c3;
myRasterBandStats.sumSqrDevDouble += static_cast < double >(pow(myDouble - myRasterBandStats.meanDouble, 2));
} //end of column wise loop
} //end of row wise loop
//divide result by sample size - 1 and get square root to get stdev
myRasterBandStats.stdDevDouble = static_cast < double >(sqrt(myRasterBandStats.sumSqrDevDouble /
(myRasterBandStats.elementCountInt - 1)));
myRasterBandStats.statsGatheredFlag = true;
//add this band to the class stats map
rasterStatsVector[theBandNoInt - 1] = myRasterBandStats;
emit setProgress(rasterYDimInt, rasterYDimInt); //reset progress
return myRasterBandStats;
myRasterBandStats.sumSqrDevDouble += static_cast < double >(pow(myDouble - myRasterBandStats.meanDouble, 2));
} //end of column wise loop
} //end of row wise loop
//divide result by sample size - 1 and get square root to get stdev
myRasterBandStats.stdDevDouble = static_cast < double >(sqrt(myRasterBandStats.sumSqrDevDouble /
(myRasterBandStats.elementCountInt - 1)));
myRasterBandStats.statsGatheredFlag = true;
//add this band to the class stats map
rasterStatsVector[theBandNoInt - 1] = myRasterBandStats;
emit setProgress(rasterYDimInt, rasterYDimInt); //reset progress
return myRasterBandStats;
} //end of getRasterBandStats
@ -2230,7 +2512,7 @@ void QgsRasterLayer::setTransparency(int theInt)
//delegate rest to transparency slider
unsigned int QgsRasterLayer::getTransparency()
@ -2257,10 +2539,10 @@ QString QgsRasterLayer::getMetadata()
myMetadataQString += tr("X: ") + QString::number(gdalDataset->GetRasterXSize()) +
tr(" Y: ") + QString::number(gdalDataset->GetRasterYSize()) + tr(" Bands: ") + QString::number(gdalDataset->GetRasterCount());
myMetadataQString += "</td></tr>";
//just use the first band
GDALRasterBand *myGdalBand = gdalDataset->GetRasterBand(1);
myMetadataQString += "<tr><td bgcolor=\"gray\">";
myMetadataQString += tr("Data Type:");
myMetadataQString += "</td></tr>";
@ -2304,7 +2586,7 @@ QString QgsRasterLayer::getMetadata()
myMetadataQString += tr("Could not determine raster data type.");
myMetadataQString += "</td></tr>";
myMetadataQString += "<tr><td bgcolor=\"gray\">";
myMetadataQString += tr("Pyramid overviews:");
myMetadataQString += "</td></tr>";

View File

@ -314,6 +314,21 @@ class QgsRasterLayer : public QgsMapLayer
// Static methods:
static void buildSupportedRasterFileFilter(QString & fileFilters);
static bool isSupportedRasterDriver(QString const &driverName);
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid raster file name */
static bool isValidRasterFileName(QString theFileNameQString);
/** Overloaded version of the above function provided for convenience that takes a qstring pointer */
static bool isValidRasterFileName(QString * theFileNameQString);
// Non Static methods:
/** \brief This is the constructor for the RasterLayer class.
* The main tasks carried out by the constructor are: