Restore ui for configuring labels

This commit is contained in:
Nyall Dawson 2017-10-24 14:50:17 +10:00
parent 83f177c1d2
commit 585a8b70ba
11 changed files with 848 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ class QgsLayoutItem : QgsLayoutObject, QGraphicsRectItem, QgsLayoutUndoObjectInt

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@ -50,6 +50,14 @@ class QgsLayoutItemLabel: QgsLayoutItem
void adjustSizeToText();
Resizes the item so that the label's text fits to the item. Keeps the top left point stationary.
.. seealso:: sizeForText()
QSizeF sizeForText() const;
Returns the required item size (in layout units) for the label's text to fill the item.
.. seealso:: adjustSizeToText()
:rtype: QSizeF
QString text();

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@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ SET(QGIS_APP_SRCS
@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ SET (QGIS_APP_MOC_HDRS

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
#include "qgslayoutpolylinewidget.h"
#include "qgslayoutpicturewidget.h"
#include "qgslayoutitempicture.h"
#include "qgslayoutitemlabel.h"
#include "qgslayoutlabelwidget.h"
#include "qgisapp.h"
#include "qgsmapcanvas.h"
@ -83,6 +85,31 @@ void QgsLayoutAppUtils::registerGuiForKnownItemTypes()
}, createRubberBand ) );
// label item
auto labelItemMetadata = qgis::make_unique< QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata >( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutLabel, QObject::tr( "Label" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionLabel.svg" ) ),
[ = ]( QgsLayoutItem * item )->QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget *
return new QgsLayoutLabelWidget( qobject_cast< QgsLayoutItemLabel * >( item ) );
}, createRubberBand );
labelItemMetadata->setItemAddedToLayoutFunction( [ = ]( QgsLayoutItem * item )
QgsLayoutItemLabel *label = qobject_cast< QgsLayoutItemLabel * >( item );
Q_ASSERT( label );
label->setText( QObject::tr( "Lorem ipsum" ) );
QSizeF minSize = label->sizeForText();
QSizeF currentSize = label->rect().size();
//make sure label size is sufficient to fit text
double labelWidth = std::max( minSize.width(), currentSize.width() );
double labelHeight = std::max( minSize.height(), currentSize.height() );
label->attemptSetSceneRect( QRectF( label->pos().x(), label->pos().y(), labelWidth, labelHeight ) );
} );
registry->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( labelItemMetadata.release() );
// shape items
auto createShapeWidget =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
begin : October 2017
copyright : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgslayoutlabelwidget.h"
#include "qgslayoutitemlabel.h"
#include "qgslayout.h"
#include "qgsexpressionbuilderdialog.h"
#include "qgsguiutils.h"
#include <QColorDialog>
#include <QFontDialog>
#include <QWidget>
QgsLayoutLabelWidget::QgsLayoutLabelWidget( QgsLayoutItemLabel *label )
: QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget( nullptr, label )
, mLabel( label )
setupUi( this );
connect( mHtmlCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mHtmlCheckBox_stateChanged );
connect( mTextEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mTextEdit_textChanged );
connect( mInsertExpressionButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked );
connect( mMarginXDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMarginXDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged );
connect( mMarginYDoubleSpinBox, static_cast < void ( QDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMarginYDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged );
connect( mFontColorButton, &QgsColorButton::colorChanged, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mFontColorButton_colorChanged );
connect( mCenterRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mCenterRadioButton_clicked );
connect( mLeftRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mLeftRadioButton_clicked );
connect( mRightRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mRightRadioButton_clicked );
connect( mTopRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mTopRadioButton_clicked );
connect( mBottomRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mBottomRadioButton_clicked );
connect( mMiddleRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMiddleRadioButton_clicked );
setPanelTitle( tr( "Label properties" ) );
mFontButton->setMode( QgsFontButton::ModeQFont );
//add widget for general composer item properties
mItemPropertiesWidget = new QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget( this, label );
//shapes don't use background or frame, since the symbol style is set through a QgsSymbolSelectorWidget
mainLayout->addWidget( mItemPropertiesWidget );
mFontColorButton->setColorDialogTitle( tr( "Select Font Color" ) );
mFontColorButton->setContext( QStringLiteral( "composer" ) );
mMarginXDoubleSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );
mMarginYDoubleSpinBox->setClearValue( 0.0 );
if ( mLabel )
connect( mLabel, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues );
connect( mFontButton, &QgsFontButton::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::fontChanged );
connect( mJustifyRadioButton, &QRadioButton::clicked, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::justifyClicked );
bool QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setNewItem( QgsLayoutItem *item )
if ( item->type() != QgsLayoutItemRegistry::LayoutLabel )
return false;
if ( mLabel )
disconnect( mLabel, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues );
mLabel = qobject_cast< QgsLayoutItemLabel * >( item );
mItemPropertiesWidget->setItem( mLabel );
if ( mLabel )
connect( mLabel, &QgsLayoutObject::changed, this, &QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues );
return true;
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mHtmlCheckBox_stateChanged( int state )
if ( mLabel )
mVerticalAlignementLabel->setDisabled( state );
mTopRadioButton->setDisabled( state );
mMiddleRadioButton->setDisabled( state );
mBottomRadioButton->setDisabled( state );
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Mode" ) );
mLabel->blockSignals( true );
mLabel->setMode( state ? QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml : QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeFont );
mLabel->setText( mTextEdit->toPlainText() );
mLabel->blockSignals( false );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mTextEdit_textChanged()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Text" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoLabelText );
mLabel->blockSignals( true );
mLabel->setText( mTextEdit->toPlainText() );
mLabel->blockSignals( false );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::fontChanged()
if ( mLabel )
QFont newFont = mFontButton->currentFont();
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Font" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoLabelFont );
mLabel->setFont( newFont );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::justifyClicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setHAlign( Qt::AlignJustify );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMarginXDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged( double d )
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Margin" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoLabelMargin );
mLabel->setMarginX( d );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMarginYDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged( double d )
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Margin" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoLabelMargin );
mLabel->setMarginY( d );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mFontColorButton_colorChanged( const QColor &newLabelColor )
if ( !mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Color" ), QgsLayoutItem::UndoLabelFontColor );
mLabel->setFontColor( newLabelColor );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mInsertExpressionButton_clicked()
if ( !mLabel )
QString selText = mTextEdit->textCursor().selectedText();
// edit the selected expression if there's one
if ( selText.startsWith( QLatin1String( "[%" ) ) && selText.endsWith( QLatin1String( "%]" ) ) )
selText = selText.mid( 2, selText.size() - 4 );
// use the atlas coverage layer, if any
#if 0 //TODO
QgsVectorLayer *coverageLayer = atlasCoverageLayer();
QgsVectorLayer *coverageLayer = nullptr;
QgsExpressionContext context = mLabel->createExpressionContext();
QgsExpressionBuilderDialog exprDlg( coverageLayer, selText, this, QStringLiteral( "generic" ), context );
exprDlg.setWindowTitle( tr( "Insert Expression" ) );
if ( exprDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
QString expression = exprDlg.expressionText();
if ( !expression.isEmpty() )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Insert expression" ) );
mTextEdit->insertPlainText( "[%" + expression + "%]" );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mCenterRadioButton_clicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setHAlign( Qt::AlignHCenter );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mRightRadioButton_clicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setHAlign( Qt::AlignRight );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mLeftRadioButton_clicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setHAlign( Qt::AlignLeft );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mTopRadioButton_clicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setVAlign( Qt::AlignTop );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mBottomRadioButton_clicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setVAlign( Qt::AlignBottom );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::mMiddleRadioButton_clicked()
if ( mLabel )
mLabel->beginCommand( tr( "Change Label Alignment" ) );
mLabel->setVAlign( Qt::AlignVCenter );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::setGuiElementValues()
blockAllSignals( true );
mTextEdit->setPlainText( mLabel->text() );
mTextEdit->moveCursor( QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor );
mMarginXDoubleSpinBox->setValue( mLabel->marginX() );
mMarginYDoubleSpinBox->setValue( mLabel->marginY() );
mHtmlCheckBox->setChecked( mLabel->mode() == QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml );
mTopRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->vAlign() == Qt::AlignTop );
mMiddleRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->vAlign() == Qt::AlignVCenter );
mBottomRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->vAlign() == Qt::AlignBottom );
mLeftRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->hAlign() == Qt::AlignLeft );
mJustifyRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->hAlign() == Qt::AlignJustify );
mCenterRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->hAlign() == Qt::AlignHCenter );
mRightRadioButton->setChecked( mLabel->hAlign() == Qt::AlignRight );
mFontColorButton->setColor( mLabel->fontColor() );
mFontButton->setCurrentFont( mLabel->font() );
mVerticalAlignementLabel->setDisabled( mLabel->mode() == QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml );
mTopRadioButton->setDisabled( mLabel->mode() == QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml );
mMiddleRadioButton->setDisabled( mLabel->mode() == QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml );
mBottomRadioButton->setDisabled( mLabel->mode() == QgsLayoutItemLabel::ModeHtml );
blockAllSignals( false );
void QgsLayoutLabelWidget::blockAllSignals( bool block )
mTextEdit->blockSignals( block );
mHtmlCheckBox->blockSignals( block );
mMarginXDoubleSpinBox->blockSignals( block );
mMarginYDoubleSpinBox->blockSignals( block );
mTopRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mMiddleRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mBottomRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mLeftRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mCenterRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mRightRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mJustifyRadioButton->blockSignals( block );
mFontColorButton->blockSignals( block );
mFontButton->blockSignals( block );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
begin : October 2017
copyright : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "ui_qgslayoutlabelwidgetbase.h"
#include "qgslayoutitemwidget.h"
class QgsLayoutItemLabel;
* \ingroup app
* A widget for layout item settings.
class QgsLayoutLabelWidget: public QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget, private Ui::QgsLayoutLabelWidgetBase
explicit QgsLayoutLabelWidget( QgsLayoutItemLabel *label );
bool setNewItem( QgsLayoutItem *item ) override;
private slots:
void mHtmlCheckBox_stateChanged( int i );
void mTextEdit_textChanged();
void mInsertExpressionButton_clicked();
void mMarginXDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged( double d );
void mMarginYDoubleSpinBox_valueChanged( double d );
void mFontColorButton_colorChanged( const QColor &newLabelColor );
void mCenterRadioButton_clicked();
void mLeftRadioButton_clicked();
void mRightRadioButton_clicked();
void mTopRadioButton_clicked();
void mBottomRadioButton_clicked();
void mMiddleRadioButton_clicked();
void setGuiElementValues();
void fontChanged();
void justifyClicked();
QgsLayoutItemLabel *mLabel = nullptr;
QgsLayoutItemPropertiesWidget *mItemPropertiesWidget = nullptr;
void blockAllSignals( bool block );

View File

@ -113,6 +113,10 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsLayoutItem : public QgsLayoutObject, public QGraphicsRectIt
UndoPictureStrokeColor, //!< Picture stroke color
UndoPictureStrokeWidth, //!< Picture stroke width
UndoPictureNorthOffset, //!< Picture north offset
UndoLabelText, //!< Label text
UndoLabelFont, //!< Label font
UndoLabelMargin, //!< Label margin
UndoLabelFontColor, //!< Label color
UndoCustomCommand, //!< Base id for plugin based item undo commands

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@ -332,6 +332,20 @@ void QgsLayoutItemLabel::setMarginY( const double margin )
void QgsLayoutItemLabel::adjustSizeToText()
QSizeF newSize = sizeForText();
//keep alignment point constant
double xShift = 0;
double yShift = 0;
itemShiftAdjustSize( newSize.width(), newSize.height(), xShift, yShift );
//update rect for data defined size and position
attemptSetSceneRect( QRectF( pos().x() + xShift, pos().y() + yShift, newSize.width(), newSize.height() ) );
QSizeF QgsLayoutItemLabel::sizeForText() const
double textWidth = QgsLayoutUtils::textWidthMM( mFont, currentText() );
double fontHeight = QgsLayoutUtils::fontHeightMM( mFont );
@ -341,15 +355,7 @@ void QgsLayoutItemLabel::adjustSizeToText()
double width = textWidth + 2 * mMarginX + 2 * penWidth + 1;
double height = fontHeight + 2 * mMarginY + 2 * penWidth;
//keep alignment point constant
double xShift = 0;
double yShift = 0;
QSizeF newSize = mLayout->convertToLayoutUnits( QgsLayoutSize( width, height, QgsUnitTypes::LayoutMillimeters ) );
itemShiftAdjustSize( newSize.width(), newSize.height(), xShift, yShift );
//update rect for data defined size and position
attemptSetSceneRect( QRectF( pos().x() + xShift, pos().y() + yShift, width, height ) );
return mLayout->convertToLayoutUnits( QgsLayoutSize( width, height, QgsUnitTypes::LayoutMillimeters ) );
QFont QgsLayoutItemLabel::font() const

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@ -64,9 +64,16 @@ class CORE_EXPORT QgsLayoutItemLabel: public QgsLayoutItem
* Resizes the item so that the label's text fits to the item. Keeps the top left point stationary.
* \see sizeForText()
void adjustSizeToText();
* Returns the required item size (in layout units) for the label's text to fill the item.
* \see adjustSizeToText()
QSizeF sizeForText() const;
* Returns the label's preset text.
* \see currentText()

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ bool QgsLayoutItemRegistry::populate()
addLayoutItemType( new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( LayoutPage, QStringLiteral( "Page" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileNew.svg" ) ), QgsLayoutItemPage::create ) );
addLayoutItemType( new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( LayoutMap, QStringLiteral( "Map" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddMap.svg" ) ), QgsLayoutItemMap::create ) );
addLayoutItemType( new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( LayoutPicture, QStringLiteral( "Picture" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddImage.svg" ) ), QgsLayoutItemPicture::create ) );
addLayoutItemType( new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( LayoutLabel, QStringLiteral( "Label" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddLabel.svg" ) ), QgsLayoutItemLabel::create ) );
addLayoutItemType( new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( LayoutLabel, QStringLiteral( "Label" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionLabel.svg" ) ), QgsLayoutItemLabel::create ) );
addLayoutItemType( new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( LayoutShape, QStringLiteral( "Shape" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddBasicRectangle.svg" ) ), []( QgsLayout * layout )
QgsLayoutItemShape *shape = new QgsLayoutItemShape( layout );

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@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui version="4.0">
<widget class="QWidget" name="QgsLayoutLabelWidgetBase">
<property name="geometry">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
<property name="windowTitle">
<string>Label Options</string>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="_2">
<property name="spacing">
<property name="leftMargin">
<property name="topMargin">
<property name="rightMargin">
<property name="bottomMargin">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Maximum">
<property name="styleSheet">
<string notr="true">padding: 2px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(200, 200, 200);</string>
<property name="text">
<widget class="QgsScrollArea" name="scrollArea">
<property name="widgetResizable">
<widget class="QWidget" name="scrollAreaWidgetContents">
<property name="geometry">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="mainLayout">
<widget class="QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic" name="mTextGroupBox">
<property name="focusPolicy">
<property name="title">
<string>Main properties</string>
<property name="checkable">
<property name="syncGroup" stdset="0">
<string notr="true">composeritem</string>
<property name="collapsed" stdset="0">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QPlainTextEdit" name="mTextEdit">
<property name="tabStopWidth">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="mHtmlCheckBox">
<property name="text">
<string>Render as HTML</string>
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="mInsertExpressionButton">
<property name="text">
<string>Insert an expression...</string>
<widget class="QgsCollapsibleGroupBoxBasic" name="mAppearanceGroup">
<property name="focusPolicy">
<property name="title">
<property name="checkable">
<property name="syncGroup" stdset="0">
<string notr="true">composeritem</string>
<property name="collapsed" stdset="0">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
<item row="4" column="0" colspan="2">
<widget class="QLabel" name="mHorizontalAlignementLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>Horizontal alignment</string>
<item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QgsDoubleSpinBox" name="mMarginYDoubleSpinBox">
<property name="suffix">
<string> mm</string>
<property name="minimum">
<item row="8" column="0" colspan="2">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_6">
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mTopRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mMiddleRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mBottomRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup</string>
<spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
<item row="3" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="mMarginYLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>Vertical margin</string>
<item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="mMarginXLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>Horizontal margin</string>
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QgsDoubleSpinBox" name="mMarginXDoubleSpinBox">
<property name="prefix">
<property name="suffix">
<string> mm</string>
<property name="minimum">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
<property name="text">
<string>Font color</string>
<item row="5" column="0">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mLeftRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup_2</string>
<item row="0" column="3">
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mJustifyRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup_2</string>
<item row="0" column="2">
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mRightRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup_2</string>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="mCenterRadioButton">
<property name="text">
<attribute name="buttonGroup">
<string notr="true">buttonGroup_2</string>
<item row="7" column="0" colspan="2">
<widget class="QLabel" name="mVerticalAlignementLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>Vertical alignment</string>
<item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
<widget class="QgsFontButton" name="mFontButton">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="text">
<item row="1" column="1">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
<widget class="QgsColorButton" name="mFontColorButton">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="maximumSize">
<property name="text">
<spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
<property name="orientation">
<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
<layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>
<buttongroup name="buttonGroup"/>
<buttongroup name="buttonGroup_2"/>