mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 00:33:48 -05:00
Merge pull request #33722 from m-kuhn/package_layers_overwrite
Respect OVERWRITE parameter in package layers algorithm
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,9 +106,21 @@ QVariantMap QgsPackageAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap ¶meters
throw QgsProcessingException( QObject::tr( "GeoPackage driver not found." ) );
gdal::ogr_datasource_unique_ptr hDS( OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource( hGpkgDriver, packagePath.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr ) );
gdal::ogr_datasource_unique_ptr hDS;
if ( !QFile::exists( packagePath ) )
hDS = gdal::ogr_datasource_unique_ptr( OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource( hGpkgDriver, packagePath.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr ) );
if ( !hDS )
throw QgsProcessingException( QObject::tr( "Creation of database failed (OGR error: %1)" ).arg( QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ) );
throw QgsProcessingException( QObject::tr( "Creation of database %1 failed (OGR error: %2)" ).arg( packagePath, QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ) );
hDS = gdal::ogr_datasource_unique_ptr( OGROpen( packagePath.toUtf8().constData(), true, nullptr ) );
if ( !hDS )
throw QgsProcessingException( QObject::tr( "Opening database %1 failed (OGR error: %2)" ).arg( packagePath, QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ) );
bool errored = false;
@ -183,27 +183,34 @@ void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::cleanupTestCase()
void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::packageAlg()
QVariantMap pkgAlg( const QStringList &layers, const QString &outputGpkg, bool overwrite, bool *ok )
const QgsProcessingAlgorithm *package( QgsApplication::processingRegistry()->algorithmById( QStringLiteral( "native:package" ) ) );
QVERIFY( package );
std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingContext > context = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingContext >();
context->setProject( QgsProject::instance() );
QgsProcessingFeedback feedback;
QVariantMap parameters;
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "LAYERS" ), layers );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), outputGpkg );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "OVERWRITE" ), overwrite );
return package->run( parameters, *context, &feedback, ok );
void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::packageAlg()
QString outputGpkg = QDir::tempPath() + "/package_alg.gpkg";
if ( QFile::exists( outputGpkg ) )
QFile::remove( outputGpkg );
QVariantMap parameters;
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "LAYERS" ), QStringList() << mPointsLayer->id() << mPolygonLayer->id() );
parameters.insert( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ), outputGpkg );
QStringList layers = QStringList() << mPointsLayer->id() << mPolygonLayer->id();
bool ok = false;
QVariantMap results = package->run( parameters, *context, &feedback, &ok );
QVariantMap results = pkgAlg( layers, outputGpkg, true, &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
QVERIFY( !results.value( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ).toString().isEmpty() );
std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > pointLayer = qgis::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( outputGpkg + "|layername=points", "points", "ogr" );
@ -214,6 +221,36 @@ void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::packageAlg()
QVERIFY( polygonLayer->isValid() );
QCOMPARE( polygonLayer->wkbType(), mPolygonLayer->wkbType() );
QCOMPARE( polygonLayer->featureCount(), mPolygonLayer->featureCount() );
std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> rectangles = qgis::make_unique<QgsVectorLayer>( QStringLiteral( TEST_DATA_DIR ) + "/rectangles.shp",
QStringLiteral( "rectangles" ), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << rectangles.get() );
// Test adding an additional layer (overwrite disabled)
QVariantMap results2 = pkgAlg( QStringList() << rectangles->id(), outputGpkg, false, &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
QVERIFY( !results2.value( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ).toString().isEmpty() );
std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > rectanglesPackagedLayer = qgis::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( outputGpkg + "|layername=rectangles", "points", "ogr" );
QVERIFY( rectanglesPackagedLayer->isValid() );
QCOMPARE( rectanglesPackagedLayer->wkbType(), rectanglesPackagedLayer->wkbType() );
QCOMPARE( rectanglesPackagedLayer->featureCount(), rectangles->featureCount() );
pointLayer = qgis::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( outputGpkg + "|layername=points", "points", "ogr" );
QVERIFY( pointLayer->isValid() );
// And finally, test with overwrite enabled
QVariantMap results3 = pkgAlg( QStringList() << rectangles->id(), outputGpkg, true, &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
QVERIFY( !results2.value( QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" ) ).toString().isEmpty() );
rectanglesPackagedLayer = qgis::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( outputGpkg + "|layername=rectangles", "points", "ogr" );
QVERIFY( rectanglesPackagedLayer->isValid() );
QCOMPARE( rectanglesPackagedLayer->wkbType(), rectanglesPackagedLayer->wkbType() );
QCOMPARE( rectanglesPackagedLayer->featureCount(), rectangles->featureCount() );
pointLayer = qgis::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( outputGpkg + "|layername=points", "points", "ogr" );
QVERIFY( !pointLayer->isValid() ); // It's gone -- the gpkg was recreated with a single layer
void TestQgsProcessingAlgs::renameLayerAlg()
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