mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 00:33:48 -05:00
Merge pull request #9111 from SIRS-CLS/sirs_db_manager
Fix bug comment on postgres and others management
This commit is contained in:
@ -231,5 +231,14 @@ class DBConnector(object):
except ImportError:
return []
def getComment(self, tablename, field):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
return ''
def commentTable(self, schema, tablename, comment=None):
"""Comment the table"""
def getQueryBuilderDictionary(self):
return {}
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ class GPKGDBConnector(DBConnector):
return lyr.DeleteField(idx) == 0
return False
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name, new_data_type=None, new_not_null=None, new_default=None, new_comment=None):
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name, new_data_type=None, new_not_null=None, new_default=None, comment=None):
if self.isGeometryColumn(table, column):
return False
@ -177,6 +177,9 @@ class GPKGDatabase(Database):
return vl
def supportsComment(self):
return False
class GPKGTable(Table):
@ -301,10 +304,6 @@ class GPKGTableField(TableField):
self.num, self.name, self.dataType, self.notNull, self.default, self.primaryKey = row
self.hasDefault = self.default
def getComment(self):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
return ''
class GPKGTableIndex(TableIndex):
@ -263,6 +263,9 @@ class ORDatabase(Database):
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.emptyTableActionSlot)
def supportsComment(self):
return False
class ORSchema(Schema):
@ -405,18 +408,18 @@ class ORTable(Table):
for idx in indexes:
if idx.isUnique and len(idx.columns) == 1:
fld = idx.fields()[idx.columns[0]]
if (fld.dataType == u"NUMBER" and
not fld.modifier and
fld.notNull and
fld not in ret):
if (fld.dataType == u"NUMBER"
and not fld.modifier
and fld.notNull
and fld not in ret):
# and finally append the other suitable fields
for fld in self.fields():
if (fld.dataType == u"NUMBER" and
not fld.modifier and
fld.notNull and
fld not in ret):
if (fld.dataType == u"NUMBER"
and not fld.modifier
and fld.notNull
and fld not in ret):
if onlyOne:
@ -516,15 +519,15 @@ class ORTableField(TableField):
# find out whether fields are part of primary key
for con in self.table().constraints():
if (con.type == ORTableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey and
self.name == con.column):
if (con.type == ORTableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey
and self.name == con.column):
self.primaryKey = True
def type2String(self):
if (u"TIMESTAMP" in self.dataType or
self.dataType in [u"DATE", u"SDO_GEOMETRY",
if (u"TIMESTAMP" in self.dataType
or self.dataType in [u"DATE", u"SDO_GEOMETRY",
return u"{}".format(self.dataType)
if self.charMaxLen in [None, -1]:
return u"{}".format(self.dataType)
@ -559,10 +562,6 @@ class ORTableField(TableField):
return ret
def getComment(self):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
return ''
class ORTableConstraint(TableConstraint):
@ -1097,21 +1097,7 @@ class TableField(TableSubItemObject):
def getComment(self):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
tab = self.table()
# SQL Query checking if a comment exists for the field
sql_cpt = "Select count(*) from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (tab.name, self.name)
# SQL Query that return the comment of the field
sql = "Select pd.description from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (tab.name, self.name)
c = tab.database().connector._execute(None, sql_cpt) # Execute Check query
res = tab.database().connector._fetchone(c)[0] # Store result
if res == 1:
# When a comment exists
c = tab.database().connector._execute(None, sql) # Execute query
res = tab.database().connector._fetchone(c)[0] # Store result
tab.database().connector._close_cursor(c) # Close cursor
return res # Return comment
return ''
return ''
def delete(self):
return self.table().deleteField(self)
@ -742,6 +742,29 @@ class PostGisDBConnector(DBConnector):
def commentTable(self, schema, tablename, comment=None):
if comment is None:
self._execute(None, 'COMMENT ON TABLE "{0}"."{1}" IS NULL;'.format(schema, tablename))
self._execute(None, 'COMMENT ON TABLE "{0}"."{1}" IS E\'{2}\';'.format(schema, tablename, comment))
def getComment(self, tablename, field):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
# SQL Query checking if a comment exists for the field
sql_cpt = "Select count(*) from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (tablename, field)
# SQL Query that return the comment of the field
sql = "Select pd.description from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (tablename, field)
c = self._execute(None, sql_cpt) # Execute Check query
res = self._fetchone(c)[0] # Store result
if res == 1:
# When a comment exists
c = self._execute(None, sql) # Execute query
res = self._fetchone(c)[0] # Store result
self._close_cursor(c) # Close cursor
return res # Return comment
return ''
def moveTableToSchema(self, table, new_schema):
schema, tablename = self.getSchemaTableName(table)
if new_schema == schema:
@ -857,7 +880,7 @@ class PostGisDBConnector(DBConnector):
sql = u"ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s" % (self.quoteId(table), self.quoteId(column))
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name=None, data_type=None, not_null=None, default=None, comment=None):
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name=None, data_type=None, not_null=None, default=None, comment=None, test=None):
if new_name is None and data_type is None and not_null is None and default is None and comment is None:
@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ class PGDatabase(Database):
def hasLowercaseFieldNamesOption(self):
return True
def supportsComment(self):
return True
class PGSchema(Schema):
@ -397,6 +400,24 @@ class PGTableField(TableField):
self.primaryKey = True
def getComment(self):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
tab = self.table()
# SQL Query checking if a comment exists for the field
sql_cpt = "Select count(*) from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (tab.name, self.name)
# SQL Query that return the comment of the field
sql = "Select pd.description from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (tab.name, self.name)
c = tab.database().connector._execute(None, sql_cpt) # Execute Check query
res = tab.database().connector._fetchone(c)[0] # Store result
if res == 1:
# When a comment exists
c = tab.database().connector._execute(None, sql) # Execute query
res = tab.database().connector._fetchone(c)[0] # Store result
tab.database().connector._close_cursor(c) # Close cursor
return res # Return comment
return ''
class PGTableConstraint(TableConstraint):
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ class SpatiaLiteDBConnector(DBConnector):
sql = u"SELECT DiscardGeometryColumn(%s, %s)" % (self.quoteString(tablename), self.quoteString(column))
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name, new_data_type=None, new_not_null=None, new_default=None, new_comment=None):
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name, new_data_type=None, new_not_null=None, new_default=None, comment=None):
return False # column editing not supported
def renameTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name):
@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ class SLDatabase(Database):
def spatialIndexClause(self, src_table, src_column, dest_table, dest_column):
return u""" "%s".ROWID IN (\nSELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex WHERE f_table_name='%s' AND search_frame="%s"."%s") """ % (src_table, src_table, dest_table, dest_column)
def supportsComment(self):
return False
class SLTable(Table):
@ -294,10 +297,6 @@ class SLTableField(TableField):
self.num, self.name, self.dataType, self.notNull, self.default, self.primaryKey = row
self.hasDefault = self.default
def getComment(self):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
return ''
class SLTableIndex(TableIndex):
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ class VLayerConnector(DBConnector):
def deleteTableColumn(self, table, column):
print("**unimplemented** deleteTableColumn")
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name, new_data_type=None, new_not_null=None, new_default=None, new_comment=None):
def updateTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name, new_data_type=None, new_not_null=None, new_default=None, comment=None):
print("**unimplemented** updateTableColumn")
def renameTableColumn(self, table, column, new_name):
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ class FakeDatabase(Database):
def spatialIndexClause(self, src_table, src_column, dest_table, dest_column):
return '"%s"._search_frame_ = "%s"."%s"' % (src_table, dest_table, dest_column)
def supportsComment(self):
return False
class LTable(Table):
@ -192,7 +195,3 @@ class LTableField(TableField):
TableField.__init__(self, table)
self.num, self.name, self.dataType, self.notNull, self.default, self.primaryKey = row
self.hasDefault = self.default
def getComment(self):
"""Returns the comment for a field"""
return ''
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ __revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QDialog, QMessageBox
from .db_plugins.plugin import TableField
from .ui.ui_DlgFieldProperties import Ui_DbManagerDlgFieldProperties as Ui_Dialog
@ -42,7 +41,13 @@ class DlgFieldProperties(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
for item in self.db.connector.fieldTypes():
supportCom = self.db.supportsComment()
if not supportCom:
@ -56,23 +61,10 @@ class DlgFieldProperties(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
self.chkNull.setChecked(not fld.notNull)
if fld.hasDefault:
# This is an ugly patch, but the comments PR https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8831 added
# support for postgres only and broke all the others :(
# Check with SQL query if a comment exists for the field
sql_cpt = "Select count(*) from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (self.table.name, self.editName.text())
# Get the comment for the field with SQL Query
sql = "Select pd.description from pg_description pd, pg_class pc, pg_attribute pa where relname = '%s' and attname = '%s' and pa.attrelid = pc.oid and pd.objoid = pc.oid and pd.objsubid = pa.attnum" % (self.table.name, self.editName.text())
c = self.db.connector._execute(None, sql_cpt) # Execute check query
res = self.db.connector._fetchone(c)[0] # Fetch data
# Check if result is 1 then it's ok, else we don't want to get a value
if res == 1:
c = self.db.connector._execute(None, sql) # Execute query returning the comment value
res = self.db.connector._fetchone(c)[0] # Fetch the comment value
self.db.connector._close_cursor(c) # Close cursor
self.editCom.setText(res) # Set comment value
tab = self.table.name
field = fld.name
res = self.db.connector.getComment(tab, field)
self.editCom.setText(res) # Set comment value
def getField(self, newCopy=False):
fld = TableField(self.table) if not self.fld or newCopy else self.fld
@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ class DlgImportVector(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
self.outUri = outUri
supportCom = self.db.supportsComment()
if not supportCom:
self.default_pk = "id"
self.default_geom = "geom"
@ -368,9 +373,11 @@ class DlgImportVector(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
self.db.connector.createSpatialIndex((schema, table), geom)
# add comment on table
if self.chkCom.isEnabled() and self.chkCom.isChecked():
supportCom = self.db.supportsComment()
if self.chkCom.isEnabled() and self.chkCom.isChecked() and supportCom:
# using connector executing COMMENT ON TABLE query (with editCome.text() value)
self.db.connector._execute(None, 'COMMENT ON TABLE "{0}"."{1}" IS E\'{2}E\''.format(schema, table, self.editCom.text()))
com = self.editCome.text()
self.db.connector.commentTable(schema, table, com)
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ class DlgTableProperties(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
self.db = self.table.database()
supportCom = self.db.supportsComment()
if not supportCom:
m = TableFieldsModel(self)
@ -101,7 +105,6 @@ class DlgTableProperties(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
def populateFields(self):
""" load field information from database """
m = self.viewFields.model()
@ -334,36 +337,27 @@ class DlgTableProperties(QDialog, Ui_Dialog):
def createComment(self):
"""Adds a comment to the selected table"""
#Using the db connector, executing de SQL query Comment on table
self.db.connector._execute(None, 'COMMENT ON TABLE "{0}"."{1}" IS E\'{2}\';'.format(self.table.schema().name, self.table.name, self.viewComment.text()))
schem = self.table.schema().name
tab = self.table.name
com = self.viewComment.text()
self.db.connector.commentTable(schem, tab, com)
except DbError as e:
DlgDbError.showError(e, self)
except Exception as e:
# This is an ugly patch, but the comments PR https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8831 added
# support for postgres only and broke all the others :(
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Add comment"), self.tr("Comments are not supported for this database."))
#Display successful message
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Add comment"), self.tr("Table successfully commented"))
def deleteComment(self):
"""Drops the comment on the selected table"""
#Using the db connector, executing de SQL query Comment on table using the NULL definition
self.db.connector._execute(None, 'COMMENT ON TABLE "{0}"."{1}" IS NULL;'.format(self.table.schema().name, self.table.name))
schem = self.table.schema().name
tab = self.table.name
self.db.connector.commentTable(schem, tab)
except DbError as e:
DlgDbError.showError(e, self)
except Exception as e:
# This is an ugly patch, but the comments PR https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8831 added
# support for postgres only and broke all the others :(
QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Add comment"), self.tr("Comments are not supported for this database."))
#Refresh line edit, put a void comment
Reference in New Issue
Block a user