mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:30:59 -05:00
Fix raster calc OpenCL < operator
Fixes #32477 also: - catch build exceptions - remove parenthesis after casting numbers - add cast to raster ref (for fabs overload) with tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ QString QgsRasterCalcNode::toString( bool cStyle ) const
case opLT:
case opLT:
if ( cStyle )
if ( cStyle )
result = QStringLiteral( "( float ) ( %1 < %2" ).arg( left ).arg( right );
result = QStringLiteral( "( float ) ( %1 < %2 )" ).arg( left ).arg( right );
result = QStringLiteral( "%1 < %2" ).arg( left ).arg( right );
result = QStringLiteral( "%1 < %2" ).arg( left ).arg( right );
@ -344,13 +344,16 @@ QString QgsRasterCalcNode::toString( bool cStyle ) const
case tRasterRef:
case tRasterRef:
result = QStringLiteral( "\"%1\"" ).arg( mRasterName );
if ( cStyle )
result = QStringLiteral( "( float ) \"%1\"" ).arg( mRasterName );
result = QStringLiteral( "\"%1\"" ).arg( mRasterName );
case tNumber:
case tNumber:
result = QString::number( mNumber );
result = QString::number( mNumber );
if ( cStyle )
if ( cStyle )
result = QStringLiteral( "( float ) ( %1 )" ).arg( result );
result = QStringLiteral( "( float ) %1" ).arg( result );
case tMatrix:
case tMatrix:
@ -427,172 +427,182 @@ QgsRasterCalculator::Result QgsRasterCalculator::processCalculationGPU( std::uni
inputRefs.push_back( entry );
inputRefs.push_back( entry );
// Prepare context and queue
// May throw an openCL exception
cl::Context ctx( QgsOpenClUtils::context() );
cl::CommandQueue queue( QgsOpenClUtils::commandQueue() );
// Create the C expression
std::vector<cl::Buffer> inputBuffers;
inputBuffers.reserve( inputRefs.size() );
QStringList inputArgs;
for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
cExpression.replace( QStringLiteral( "\"%1\"" ).arg( ref.name ), QStringLiteral( "%1[i]" ).arg( ref.varName ) );
// Prepare context and queue
inputArgs.append( QStringLiteral( "__global %1 *%2" )
cl::Context ctx( QgsOpenClUtils::context() );
.arg( ref.typeName )
cl::CommandQueue queue( QgsOpenClUtils::commandQueue() );
.arg( ref.varName ) );
inputBuffers.push_back( cl::Buffer( ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, ref.bufferSize, nullptr, nullptr ) );
//qDebug() << cExpression;
// Create the C expression
std::vector<cl::Buffer> inputBuffers;
// Create the program
inputBuffers.reserve( inputRefs.size() );
QString programTemplate( R"CL(
QStringList inputArgs;
// Inputs:
// Expression: ##EXPRESSION_ORIGINAL##
__kernel void rasterCalculator( ##INPUT##
__global float *resultLine
// Get the index of the current element
const int i = get_global_id(0);
// Expression
resultLine[i] = ##EXPRESSION##;
)CL" );
QStringList inputDesc;
for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
inputDesc.append( QStringLiteral( " // %1 = %2" ).arg( ref.varName ).arg( ref.name ) );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##INPUT_DESC##" ), inputDesc.join( '\n' ) );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##INPUT##" ), !inputArgs.isEmpty() ? ( inputArgs.join( ',' ).append( ',' ) ) : QChar( ' ' ) );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##EXPRESSION##" ), cExpression );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##EXPRESSION_ORIGINAL##" ), calcNode->toString( ) );
// qDebug() << programTemplate;
// Create a program from the kernel source
cl::Program program( QgsOpenClUtils::buildProgram( programTemplate, QgsOpenClUtils::ExceptionBehavior::Throw ) );
// Create the buffers, output is float32 (4 bytes)
// We assume size of float = 4 because that's the size used by OpenCL and IEEE 754
Q_ASSERT( sizeof( float ) == 4 );
std::size_t resultBufferSize( 4 * static_cast<size_t>( mNumOutputColumns ) );
cl::Buffer resultLineBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
resultBufferSize, nullptr, nullptr );
auto kernel = cl::Kernel( program, "rasterCalculator" );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < inputBuffers.size() ; i++ )
kernel.setArg( i, inputBuffers.at( i ) );
kernel.setArg( static_cast<unsigned int>( inputBuffers.size() ), resultLineBuffer );
QgsOpenClUtils::CPLAllocator<float> resultLine( static_cast<size_t>( mNumOutputColumns ) );
//open output dataset for writing
GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
if ( !outputDriver )
mLastError = QObject::tr( "Could not obtain driver for %1" ).arg( mOutputFormat );
return CreateOutputError;
gdal::dataset_unique_ptr outputDataset( openOutputFile( outputDriver ) );
if ( !outputDataset )
mLastError = QObject::tr( "Could not create output %1" ).arg( mOutputFile );
return CreateOutputError;
GDALSetProjection( outputDataset.get(), mOutputCrs.toWkt().toLocal8Bit().data() );
GDALRasterBandH outputRasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset.get(), 1 );
if ( !outputRasterBand )
return BandError;
// Input block (buffer)
std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterBlock> block;
// Run kernel on all scanlines
auto rowHeight = mOutputRectangle.height() / mNumOutputRows;
for ( int line = 0; line < mNumOutputRows; line++ )
if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
if ( feedback )
feedback->setProgress( 100.0 * static_cast< double >( line ) / mNumOutputRows );
// Read lines from rasters into the buffers
for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
// Read one row
cExpression.replace( QStringLiteral( "\"%1\"" ).arg( ref.name ), QStringLiteral( "%1[i]" ).arg( ref.varName ) );
QgsRectangle rect( mOutputRectangle );
inputArgs.append( QStringLiteral( "__global %1 *%2" )
rect.setYMaximum( rect.yMaximum() - rowHeight * line );
.arg( ref.typeName )
rect.setYMinimum( rect.yMaximum() - rowHeight );
.arg( ref.varName ) );
inputBuffers.push_back( cl::Buffer( ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, ref.bufferSize, nullptr, nullptr ) );
// TODO: check if this is too slow
// if crs transform needed
if ( ref.layer->crs() != mOutputCrs )
QgsRasterProjector proj;
proj.setCrs( ref.layer->crs(), mOutputCrs, ref.layer->transformContext() );
proj.setInput( ref.layer->dataProvider() );
proj.setPrecision( QgsRasterProjector::Exact );
block.reset( proj.block( ref.band, rect, mNumOutputColumns, 1 ) );
block.reset( ref.layer->dataProvider()->block( ref.band, rect, mNumOutputColumns, 1 ) );
//for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputColumns; i++ )
// qDebug() << "Input: " << line << i << ref.varName << " = " << block->value( 0, i );
//qDebug() << "Writing buffer " << ref.index;
Q_ASSERT( ref.bufferSize == static_cast<size_t>( block->data().size( ) ) );
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer( inputBuffers[ref.index], CL_TRUE, 0,
ref.bufferSize, block->bits() );
// Run the kernel
cl::NDRange( mNumOutputColumns )
// Write the result
//qDebug() << cExpression;
queue.enqueueReadBuffer( resultLineBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0,
resultBufferSize, resultLine.get() );
//for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputColumns; i++ )
// Create the program
// qDebug() << "Output: " << line << i << " = " << resultLine[i];
QString programTemplate( R"CL(
// Inputs:
if ( GDALRasterIO( outputRasterBand, GF_Write, 0, line, mNumOutputColumns, 1, resultLine.get(), mNumOutputColumns, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
// Expression: ##EXPRESSION_ORIGINAL##
__kernel void rasterCalculator( ##INPUT##
__global float *resultLine
// Get the index of the current element
const int i = get_global_id(0);
// Expression
resultLine[i] = ##EXPRESSION##;
)CL" );
QStringList inputDesc;
for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
inputDesc.append( QStringLiteral( " // %1 = %2" ).arg( ref.varName ).arg( ref.name ) );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##INPUT_DESC##" ), inputDesc.join( '\n' ) );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##INPUT##" ), !inputArgs.isEmpty() ? ( inputArgs.join( ',' ).append( ',' ) ) : QChar( ' ' ) );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##EXPRESSION##" ), cExpression );
programTemplate = programTemplate.replace( QStringLiteral( "##EXPRESSION_ORIGINAL##" ), calcNode->toString( ) );
// qDebug() << programTemplate;
// Create a program from the kernel source
cl::Program program( QgsOpenClUtils::buildProgram( programTemplate, QgsOpenClUtils::ExceptionBehavior::Throw ) );
// Create the buffers, output is float32 (4 bytes)
// We assume size of float = 4 because that's the size used by OpenCL and IEEE 754
Q_ASSERT( sizeof( float ) == 4 );
std::size_t resultBufferSize( 4 * static_cast<size_t>( mNumOutputColumns ) );
cl::Buffer resultLineBuffer( ctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
resultBufferSize, nullptr, nullptr );
auto kernel = cl::Kernel( program, "rasterCalculator" );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < inputBuffers.size() ; i++ )
kernel.setArg( i, inputBuffers.at( i ) );
kernel.setArg( static_cast<unsigned int>( inputBuffers.size() ), resultLineBuffer );
QgsOpenClUtils::CPLAllocator<float> resultLine( static_cast<size_t>( mNumOutputColumns ) );
//open output dataset for writing
GDALDriverH outputDriver = openOutputDriver();
if ( !outputDriver )
mLastError = QObject::tr( "Could not obtain driver for %1" ).arg( mOutputFormat );
return CreateOutputError;
return CreateOutputError;
if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
gdal::dataset_unique_ptr outputDataset( openOutputFile( outputDriver ) );
if ( !outputDataset )
mLastError = QObject::tr( "Could not create output %1" ).arg( mOutputFile );
return CreateOutputError;
GDALSetProjection( outputDataset.get(), mOutputCrs.toWkt().toLocal8Bit().data() );
GDALRasterBandH outputRasterBand = GDALGetRasterBand( outputDataset.get(), 1 );
if ( !outputRasterBand )
return BandError;
// Input block (buffer)
std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterBlock> block;
// Run kernel on all scanlines
auto rowHeight = mOutputRectangle.height() / mNumOutputRows;
for ( int line = 0; line < mNumOutputRows; line++ )
if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
if ( feedback )
feedback->setProgress( 100.0 * static_cast< double >( line ) / mNumOutputRows );
// Read lines from rasters into the buffers
for ( const auto &ref : inputRefs )
// Read one row
QgsRectangle rect( mOutputRectangle );
rect.setYMaximum( rect.yMaximum() - rowHeight * line );
rect.setYMinimum( rect.yMaximum() - rowHeight );
// TODO: check if this is too slow
// if crs transform needed
if ( ref.layer->crs() != mOutputCrs )
QgsRasterProjector proj;
proj.setCrs( ref.layer->crs(), mOutputCrs, ref.layer->transformContext() );
proj.setInput( ref.layer->dataProvider() );
proj.setPrecision( QgsRasterProjector::Exact );
block.reset( proj.block( ref.band, rect, mNumOutputColumns, 1 ) );
block.reset( ref.layer->dataProvider()->block( ref.band, rect, mNumOutputColumns, 1 ) );
//for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputColumns; i++ )
// qDebug() << "Input: " << line << i << ref.varName << " = " << block->value( 0, i );
//qDebug() << "Writing buffer " << ref.index;
Q_ASSERT( ref.bufferSize == static_cast<size_t>( block->data().size( ) ) );
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer( inputBuffers[ref.index], CL_TRUE, 0,
ref.bufferSize, block->bits() );
// Run the kernel
cl::NDRange( mNumOutputColumns )
// Write the result
queue.enqueueReadBuffer( resultLineBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0,
resultBufferSize, resultLine.get() );
//for ( int i = 0; i < mNumOutputColumns; i++ )
// qDebug() << "Output: " << line << i << " = " << resultLine[i];
if ( GDALRasterIO( outputRasterBand, GF_Write, 0, line, mNumOutputColumns, 1, resultLine.get(), mNumOutputColumns, 1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0 ) != CE_None )
return CreateOutputError;
if ( feedback && feedback->isCanceled() )
//delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
gdal::fast_delete_and_close( outputDataset, outputDriver, mOutputFile );
return Canceled;
catch ( cl::Error &e )
//delete the dataset without closing (because it is faster)
mLastError = e.what();
gdal::fast_delete_and_close( outputDataset, outputDriver, mOutputFile );
return CreateOutputError;
return Canceled;
return Success;
return Success;
@ -724,25 +724,28 @@ void TestQgsRasterCalculator::toString()
return calcNode->toString( cStyle );
return calcNode->toString( cStyle );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" + 2" ), false ), QString( "( \"raster@1\" + 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" + 2" ), false ), QString( "( \"raster@1\" + 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" + 2" ), true ), QString( "( \"raster@1\" + ( float ) ( 2 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" + 2" ), true ), QString( "( ( float ) \"raster@1\" + ( float ) 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" ^ 3 + 2" ), false ), QString( "( \"raster@1\"^3 + 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" ^ 3 + 2" ), false ), QString( "( \"raster@1\"^3 + 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" ^ 3 + 2" ), true ), QString( "( pow( \"raster@1\", ( float ) ( 3 ) ) + ( float ) ( 2 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "\"raster@1\" ^ 3 + 2" ), true ), QString( "( pow( ( float ) \"raster@1\", ( float ) 3 ) + ( float ) 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "atan(\"raster@1\") * cos( 3 + 2 )" ), false ), QString( "atan( \"raster@1\" ) * cos( ( 3 + 2 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "atan(\"raster@1\") * cos( 3 + 2 )" ), false ), QString( "atan( \"raster@1\" ) * cos( ( 3 + 2 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "atan(\"raster@1\") * cos( 3 + 2 )" ), true ), QString( "atan( \"raster@1\" ) * cos( ( ( float ) ( 3 ) + ( float ) ( 2 ) ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "atan(\"raster@1\") * cos( 3 + 2 )" ), true ), QString( "atan( ( float ) \"raster@1\" ) * cos( ( ( float ) 3 + ( float ) 2 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1.4 * (\"raster@1\" + 2) )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * 1.4 * ( \"raster@1\" + 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1.4 * (\"raster@1\" + 2) )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * 1.4 * ( \"raster@1\" + 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1.4 * (\"raster@1\" + 2) )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) ( 0.5 ) * ( float ) ( 1.4 ) * ( \"raster@1\" + ( float ) ( 2 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1.4 * (\"raster@1\" + 2) )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) 0.5 * ( float ) 1.4 * ( ( float ) \"raster@1\" + ( float ) 2 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1 > 0 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * 1 > 0" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1 > 0 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * 1 > 0" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1 > 0 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) ( 0.5 ) * ( float ) ( ( float ) ( 1 ) > ( float ) ( 0 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( 1 > 0 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) 0.5 * ( float ) ( ( float ) 1 > ( float ) 0 )" ) );
// Test negative numbers
// Test negative numbers
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( -1 > 0 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * -1 > 0" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( -1 > 0 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * -1 > 0" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( -1 > 0 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) ( 0.5 ) * ( float ) ( -( float ) ( 1 ) > ( float ) ( 0 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * ( -1 > 0 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) 0.5 * ( float ) ( -( float ) 1 > ( float ) 0 )" ) );
// Test new functions
// Test new functions
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * abs( -1 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * abs( -1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * abs( -1 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * abs( -1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * abs( -1 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) ( 0.5 ) * fabs( -( float ) ( 1 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * abs( -1 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) 0.5 * fabs( -( float ) 1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * min( -1, 1 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * min( -1, 1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * min( -1, 1 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * min( -1, 1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * min( -1, 1 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) ( 0.5 ) * min( ( float ) ( -( float ) ( 1 ) ), ( float ) ( ( float ) ( 1 ) ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * min( -1, 1 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) 0.5 * min( ( float ) ( -( float ) 1 ), ( float ) ( ( float ) 1 ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * max( -1, 1 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * max( -1, 1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * max( -1, 1 )" ), false ), QString( "0.5 * max( -1, 1 )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * max( -1, 1 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) ( 0.5 ) * max( ( float ) ( -( float ) ( 1 ) ), ( float ) ( ( float ) ( 1 ) ) )" ) );
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( "0.5 * max( -1, 1 )" ), true ), QString( "( float ) 0.5 * max( ( float ) ( -( float ) 1 ), ( float ) ( ( float ) 1 ) )" ) );
// Test regression #32477
QCOMPARE( _test( QStringLiteral( R"raw(("r@1"<100.09)*0.1)raw" ), true ),
QString( R"raw(( float ) ( ( float ) "r@1" < ( float ) 100.09 ) * ( float ) 0.1)raw" ) );
void TestQgsRasterCalculator::calcFormulasWithReprojectedLayers()
void TestQgsRasterCalculator::calcFormulasWithReprojectedLayers()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user