Also test the estimatedmetadata code path for signedInts

This commit is contained in:
Sandro Santilli 2016-06-08 17:20:09 +02:00
parent 8b9a03536a
commit 3accda6dab

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@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ class TestPyQgsPostgresProvider(unittest.TestCase, ProviderTestCase):
# See
def testSignedIdentifiers(self):
def test_query_attribute(dbconn, query, att, val, fidval):
ql = QgsVectorLayer('%s table="%s" (g) key=\'%s\' sql=' % (dbconn, query.replace('"', '\\"'), att), "testgeom", "postgres")
def test_layer(ql, att, val, fidval):
features = ql.getFeatures()
att_idx = ql.fieldNameIndex(att)
@ -169,9 +168,18 @@ class TestPyQgsPostgresProvider(unittest.TestCase, ProviderTestCase):
self.assertEqual(f.attributes()[att_idx], val)
self.assertEqual(, fidval)
self.assertEqual(count, 1)
test_query_attribute(self.dbconn, '(SELECT -1::int4 i, NULL::geometry(Point) g)', 'i', -1, 4294967295)
test_query_attribute(self.dbconn, '(SELECT -2::int2 i, NULL::geometry(Point) g)', 'i', -2, 4294967294)
test_query_attribute(self.dbconn, '(SELECT -3::int8 i, NULL::geometry(Point) g)', 'i', -3, 1)
def test(dbconn, query, att, val, fidval):
table = query.replace('"', '\\"')
uri = '%s table="%s" (g) key=\'%s\'' % (dbconn, table, att)
ql = QgsVectorLayer(uri, "t", "postgres")
test_layer(ql, att, val, fidval)
# now with estimated metadata
uri += ' estimatedmetadata="true"'
test_layer(ql, att, val, fidval)
test(self.dbconn, '(SELECT -1::int4 i, NULL::geometry(Point) g)', 'i', -1, 4294967295)
test(self.dbconn, '(SELECT -2::int2 i, NULL::geometry(Point) g)', 'i', -2, 4294967294)
test(self.dbconn, '(SELECT -3::int8 i, NULL::geometry(Point) g)', 'i', -3, 1)
def testPktIntInsert(self):
vl = QgsVectorLayer('{} table="qgis_test"."{}" key="pk" sql='.format(self.dbconn, 'bikes_view'), "bikes_view", "postgres")