mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 00:58:06 -05:00
Server OAPIF: handle PUT transactions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1101,6 +1101,8 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsItemsHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext &c
switch ( context.request()->method() )
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Retrieve features
case QgsServerRequest::Method::GetMethod:
// Validate inputs
@ -1343,14 +1345,15 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsItemsHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext &c
write( data, context, htmlMetadata );
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create a new feature
case QgsServerRequest::Method::PostMethod:
// First: check permissions
const QStringList wfstInsertLayerIds = QgsServerProjectUtils::wfstInsertLayerIds( *context.project() );
if ( ! wfstInsertLayerIds.contains( mapLayer->id() ) || ! mapLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities().testFlag( QgsVectorDataProvider::Capability::AddFeatures ) )
throw QgsServerApiPermissionDeniedException( QStringLiteral( "Layer %1 is not editable" ).arg( mapLayer->name() ) );
throw QgsServerApiPermissionDeniedException( QStringLiteral( "Features cannot be added to layer '%1'" ).arg( mapLayer->name() ) );
@ -1452,7 +1455,6 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsItemsHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext &c
feat.setId( FID_NULL );
// TODO: handle CRS
QgsFeatureList featuresToAdd;
featuresToAdd.append( feat );
if ( ! mapLayer->dataProvider()->addFeatures( featuresToAdd ) )
@ -1482,7 +1484,7 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsItemsHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext &c
// Error
throw QgsServerApiNotImplementedException( QStringLiteral( "%1 method is not implemented." )
@ -1519,10 +1521,19 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsFeatureHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext
checkLayerIsAccessible( mapLayer, context );
const std::string title { mapLayer->title().isEmpty() ? mapLayer->name().toStdString() : mapLayer->title().toStdString() };
const QString featureId { match.captured( QStringLiteral( "featureId" ) ) };
// GET
if ( context.request()->method() == QgsServerRequest::Method::GetMethod )
// Retrieve feature from storage
const QString featureId { match.captured( QStringLiteral( "featureId" ) ) };
QgsFeatureRequest featureRequest = filteredRequest( mapLayer, context );
featureRequest.setFilterFid( featureId.toLongLong() );
QgsFeature feature;
QgsFeatureIterator it { mapLayer->getFeatures( featureRequest ) };
if ( ! it.nextFeature( feature ) && feature.isValid() )
QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Invalid feature [%1]" ).arg( featureId ) );
auto doGet = [ & ]( )
QgsAccessControl *accessControl = context.serverInterface()->accessControls();
@ -1535,15 +1546,6 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsFeatureHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext
QgsFeatureRequest featureRequest = filteredRequest( mapLayer, context );
featureRequest.setFilterFid( featureId.toLongLong() );
QgsFeature feature;
QgsFeatureIterator it { mapLayer->getFeatures( featureRequest ) };
if ( ! it.nextFeature( feature ) && feature.isValid() )
QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Invalid feature [%1]" ).arg( featureId ) );
QgsJsonExporter exporter { mapLayer };
exporter.setAttributes( featureRequest.subsetOfAttributes() );
exporter.setAttributeDisplayName( true );
@ -1565,12 +1567,156 @@ void QgsWfs3CollectionsFeatureHandler::handleRequest( const QgsServerApiContext
{ "navigation", navigation }
write( data, context, htmlMetadata );
switch ( context.request()->method() )
throw QgsServerApiNotImplementedException( QStringLiteral( "%1 method is not implemented." )
.arg( QgsServerRequest::methodToString( context.request()->method() ) ) );
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Retrieve a single feature
case QgsServerRequest::Method::GetMethod:
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Replace feature, use PATCH for partial updates
// TODO: factor with POST, that uses mostly the same code
case QgsServerRequest::Method::PutMethod:
// First: check permissions
const QStringList wfstUpdateLayerIds = QgsServerProjectUtils::wfstUpdateLayerIds( *context.project() );
if ( ! wfstUpdateLayerIds.contains( mapLayer->id() ) ||
! mapLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities().testFlag( QgsVectorDataProvider::Capability::ChangeGeometries ) ||
! mapLayer->dataProvider()->capabilities().testFlag( QgsVectorDataProvider::Capability::ChangeAttributeValues ) )
throw QgsServerApiPermissionDeniedException( QStringLiteral( "Features in layer '%1' cannot be changed" ).arg( mapLayer->name() ) );
// get access controls
QgsAccessControl *accessControl = context.serverInterface()->accessControls();
if ( accessControl && !accessControl->layerUpdatePermission( mapLayer ) )
throw QgsServerApiPermissionDeniedException( QStringLiteral( "No ACL permissions to change features on layer '%1'" ).arg( mapLayer->name() ) );
//scoped pointer to restore all original layer filters (subsetStrings) when pointer goes out of scope
//there's LOTS of potential exit paths here, so we avoid having to restore the filters manually
std::unique_ptr< QgsOWSServerFilterRestorer > filterRestorer( new QgsOWSServerFilterRestorer() );
if ( accessControl )
QgsOWSServerFilterRestorer::applyAccessControlLayerFilters( accessControl, mapLayer, filterRestorer->originalFilters() );
// Parse
json postData = json::parse( context.request()->data() );
// Process data: extract geometry (because we need to process attributes in a much more complex way)
const QgsFeatureList features = QgsOgrUtils::stringToFeatureList( context.request()->data(), mapLayer->fields(), QTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF-8" ) );
if ( features.isEmpty() )
throw QgsServerApiBadRequestException( QStringLiteral( "Posted body contains no feature" ) );
QgsFeature feat = features.first();
if ( ! feat.isValid() )
throw QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Feature is not valid" ) );
QgsChangedAttributesMap changedAttributes;
QgsAttributeMap changedMap;
QgsGeometryMap changedGeometries;
// Transform geometry
if ( mapLayer->crs() != QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromEpsgId( 4326 ) )
QgsGeometry geom { feat.geometry() };
geom.transform( QgsCoordinateTransform( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromEpsgId( 4326 ), mapLayer->crs(), context.project()->transformContext() ) );
catch ( QgsCsException & )
throw QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Geometry could not be transformed to destination CRS" ) );
changedGeometries.insert( feature.id(), geom );
// Process attributes
const auto authorizedFields { publishedFields( mapLayer, context ) };
QStringList authorizedFieldNames;
for ( const auto &f : authorizedFields )
authorizedFieldNames.push_back( f.name() );
const QVariantMap properties { QgsJsonUtils::parseJson( postData["properties"].dump( ) ).toMap( ) };
const QgsFields fields = mapLayer->fields();
int fieldIndex = 0;
for ( const auto &field : fields )
if ( ! properties.value( field.name() ).isNull() )
if ( ! authorizedFieldNames.contains( field.name() ) )
throw QgsServerApiBadRequestException( QStringLiteral( "Feature field %1 is not allowed" ).arg( field.name() ) );
QVariant value { properties.value( field.name() ) };
// Convert blobs
if ( ! properties.value( field.name() ).isNull() && static_cast<QMetaType::Type>( field.type() ) == QMetaType::QByteArray )
value = QByteArray::fromBase64( value.toByteArray() );
changedMap.insert( fieldIndex, value );
changedMap.insert( fieldIndex, QVariant( ) );
if ( ! changedMap.isEmpty() )
changedAttributes.insert( feature.id(), changedMap );
catch ( json::exception & )
throw QgsServerApiBadRequestException( QStringLiteral( "Feature properties are not valid" ) );
// TODO: raise if nothing to change?
if ( ! mapLayer->dataProvider()->changeFeatures( changedAttributes, changedGeometries ) )
throw QgsServerApiInternalServerError( QStringLiteral( "Error adding feature to collection" ) );
// Now we need to send the updated feature to the client
feature = mapLayer->getFeature( feature.id() );
catch ( json::exception &ex )
throw QgsServerApiBadRequestException( QStringLiteral( "JSON parse error: %1" ).arg( ex.what( ) ) );
throw QgsServerApiNotImplementedException( QStringLiteral( "%1 method is not implemented." )
.arg( QgsServerRequest::methodToString( context.request()->method() ) ) );
} // end switch
json QgsWfs3CollectionsFeatureHandler::schema( const QgsServerApiContext &context ) const
@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
class QgsFeatureRequest;
class QgsServerOgcApi;
class QgsFeature;
* The QgsWfs3AbstractItemsHandler class provides some
* functionality which is common to the handlers that
* return items.
* return or process items.
class QgsWfs3AbstractItemsHandler: public QgsServerOgcApiHandler
@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ class QgsWfs3AbstractItemsHandler: public QgsServerOgcApiHandler
* Returns a filtered list of fields containing only fields published for WFS and plugin filters applied.
* @param layer the vector layer
* @param context the server api context
* @return QgsFields list with filters applied
* \param layer the vector layer
* \param context the server api context
* \return QgsFields list with filters applied
QgsFields publishedFields( const QgsVectorLayer *layer, const QgsServerApiContext &context ) const;
@ -592,6 +592,94 @@ class QgsServerAPITest(QgsServerAPITestBase):
self.assertEqual(bytes(feature.attribute('blob_1')), b"test")
self.assertEqual(re.sub(r'\.\d+', '', feature.geometry().asWkt().upper()), 'MULTIPOINT ((806732 5592286))')
def test_wfs3_collection_items_put(self):
"""Test WFS3 API items PUT"""
tmpDir = QtCore.QTemporaryDir()
shutil.copy(unitTestDataPath('qgis_server') + '/test_project_api_editing.qgs', tmpDir.path() + '/test_project_api_editing.qgs')
shutil.copy(unitTestDataPath('qgis_server') + '/test_project_api_editing.gpkg', tmpDir.path() + '/test_project_api_editing.gpkg')
project = QgsProject()
project.read(tmpDir.path() + '/test_project_api_editing.qgs')
# Project layers with different permissions
insert_layer = r'test%20layer%20èé%203857%20published%20insert'
update_layer = r'test%20layer%20èé%203857%20published%20update'
delete_layer = r'test%20layer%20èé%203857%20published%20delete'
unpublished_layer = r'test%20layer%203857%20èé%20unpublished'
hidden_text_1_layer = r'test%20layer%203857%20èé%20unpublished'
# Invalid request
data = b'not json!'
request = QgsBufferServerRequest('http://server.qgis.org/wfs3/collections/%s/items/1' % update_layer,
{'Content-Type': 'application/geo+json'},
response = QgsBufferServerResponse()
self.server.handleRequest(request, response, project)
self.assertEqual(response.statusCode(), 400)
self.assertTrue('[{"code":"Bad request error","description":"JSON parse error' in bytes(response.body()).decode('utf8'))
# Valid request: change feature with ID 1
data = """{
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [[
"type": "MultiPoint"
"properties": {
"text_1": "Text 1",
"text_2": "Text 2",
"int_1": 123,
"float_1": 12345.678,
"datetime_1": "2019-11-07T12:34:56",
"date_1": "2019-11-07",
"blob_1": "dGVzdA==",
"bool_1": true
"type": "Feature"
# Unauthorized layer
request = QgsBufferServerRequest('http://server.qgis.org/wfs3/collections/%s/items/1' % insert_layer,
{'Content-Type': 'application/geo+json'},
response = QgsBufferServerResponse()
self.server.handleRequest(request, response, project)
self.assertEqual(response.statusCode(), 403)
# Authorized layer
request = QgsBufferServerRequest('http://server.qgis.org/wfs3/collections/%s/items/1' % update_layer,
{'Content-Type': 'application/geo+json'},
response = QgsBufferServerResponse()
self.server.handleRequest(request, response, project)
self.assertEqual(response.statusCode(), 200)
j = json.loads(bytes(response.body()).decode('utf8'))
self.assertEqual(j['properties']['text_1'], 'Text 1')
self.assertEqual(j['properties']['text_2'], 'Text 2')
self.assertEqual(j['properties']['int_1'], 123)
self.assertEqual(j['properties']['float_1'], 12345.678)
self.assertEqual(j['properties']['bool_1'], True)
self.assertEqual(j['properties']['blob_1'], "dGVzdA==")
self.assertEqual(j['geometry']['coordinates'], [[7.247, 44.814]])
feature = project.mapLayersByName('test layer èé 3857 published update')[0].getFeature(1)
self.assertEqual(feature.attribute('text_1'), 'Text 1')
self.assertEqual(feature.attribute('text_2'), 'Text 2')
self.assertEqual(feature.attribute('int_1'), 123)
self.assertEqual(feature.attribute('float_1'), 12345.678)
self.assertEqual(feature.attribute('bool_1'), True)
self.assertEqual(bytes(feature.attribute('blob_1')), b"test")
self.assertEqual(re.sub(r'\.\d+', '', feature.geometry().asWkt().upper()), 'MULTIPOINT ((806732 5592286))')
def test_wfs3_field_filters(self):
"""Test field filters"""
project = QgsProject()
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user