Use cached tiles from other resolutions if available

This makes it easier to get at least basic preview without having to wait
until new tiles are downloaded. The strategy is to use tiles up to two levels
lower resolution tiles and one level higher resolution tiles.
This commit is contained in:
Martin Dobias 2016-09-09 14:41:24 +08:00
parent beb5d0034f
commit 02a9211687
4 changed files with 237 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -2151,3 +2151,15 @@ const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* QgsWmtsTileMatrixSet::findNearestResolution( double vre
return &it.value();
const QgsWmtsTileMatrix *QgsWmtsTileMatrixSet::findOtherResolution( double tres, int offset ) const
QMap<double, QgsWmtsTileMatrix>::const_iterator it = tileMatrices.constFind( tres );
if ( it == tileMatrices.constEnd() )
return nullptr;
it += offset;
if ( it == tileMatrices.constEnd() )
return nullptr;
return &it.value();

View File

@ -350,6 +350,9 @@ struct QgsWmtsTileMatrixSet
//! Returns closest tile resolution to the requested one. (resolution = width [map units] / with [pixels])
const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* findNearestResolution( double vres ) const;
//! Return tile matrix for other near resolution from given tres (positive offset = lower resolution tiles)
const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* findOtherResolution( double tres, int offset ) const;
enum QgsTileMode { WMTS, WMSC, XYZ };

View File

@ -502,9 +502,143 @@ QImage *QgsWmsProvider::draw( QgsRectangle const &viewExtent, int pixelWidth, in
#include <QCache>
static QCache<QUrl, QImage> sTileCache;
static QCache<QUrl, QImage> sTileCache( 256 );
static QMutex sTileCacheMutex;
static bool _fetchCachedTileImage( const QUrl& url, QImage& localImage )
QMutexLocker locker( &sTileCacheMutex );
if ( QImage* i = sTileCache.object( url ) )
localImage = *i;
return true;
else if ( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->cache()->metaData( url ).isValid() )
if ( QIODevice* data = QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->cache()->data( url ) )
QByteArray imageData = data->readAll();
delete data;
localImage = QImage::fromData( imageData );
// cache it as well (mutex is already locked)
sTileCache.insert( url, new QImage( localImage ) );
return true;
return false;
static bool _fuzzyContainsRect( const QRectF& r1, const QRectF& r2 )
double significantDigits = log10( qMax( r1.width(), r1.height() ) );
double epsilon = exp10( significantDigits - 5 ); // floats have 6-9 significant digits
return r1.contains( r2.adjusted( epsilon, epsilon, -epsilon, -epsilon ) );
void QgsWmsProvider::fetchOtherResTiles( QgsTileMode tileMode, const QgsRectangle& viewExtent, int imageWidth, QList<QRectF>& missingRects, double tres, int resOffset, QList<TileImage>& otherResTiles )
const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* tmOther = mTileMatrixSet->findOtherResolution( tres, resOffset );
if ( !tmOther )
QSet<TilePosition> tilesSet;
Q_FOREACH ( const QRectF& missingTileRect, missingRects )
int c0, r0, c1, r1;
tmOther->viewExtentIntersection( QgsRectangle( missingTileRect ), nullptr, c0, r0, c1, r1 );
for ( int row = r0; row <= r1; row++ )
for ( int col = c0; col <= c1; col++ )
tilesSet << TilePosition( row, col );
// get URLs of tiles because their URLs are used as keys in the tile cache
TilePositions tiles = tilesSet.toList();
TileRequests requests;
switch ( tileMode )
case WMSC:
createTileRequestsWMSC( tmOther, tiles, requests );
case WMTS:
createTileRequestsWMTS( tmOther, tiles, requests );
case XYZ:
createTileRequestsXYZ( tmOther, tiles, requests );
QList<QRectF> missingRectsToDelete;
Q_FOREACH ( const TileRequest& r, requests )
QImage localImage;
if ( !_fetchCachedTileImage( r.url, localImage ) )
double cr = viewExtent.width() / imageWidth;
QRectF dst(( r.rect.left() - viewExtent.xMinimum() ) / cr,
( viewExtent.yMaximum() - r.rect.bottom() ) / cr,
r.rect.width() / cr,
r.rect.height() / cr );
otherResTiles << TileImage( dst, localImage );
// see if there are any missing rects that are completely covered by this tile
Q_FOREACH ( const QRectF& missingRect, missingRects )
// we need to do a fuzzy "contains" check because the coordinates may not align perfectly
// due to numerical errors and/or transform of coords from double to floats
if ( _fuzzyContainsRect( r.rect, missingRect ) )
missingRectsToDelete << missingRect;
// remove all the rectangles we have completely covered by tiles from this resolution
// so we will not use tiles from multiple resolutions for one missing tile (to save time)
Q_FOREACH ( const QRectF& rectToDelete, missingRectsToDelete )
missingRects.removeOne( rectToDelete );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Other resolution tiles: offset %1, res %2, missing rects %3, remaining rects %4, added tiles %5" )
.arg( resOffset )
.arg( tmOther->tres )
.arg( missingRects.count() + missingRectsToDelete.count() )
.arg( missingRects.count() )
.arg( otherResTiles.count() ) );
uint qHash( const QgsWmsProvider::TilePosition& tp )
return ( uint ) tp.col + (( uint ) tp.row << 16 );
static void _drawDebugRect( QPainter& p, const QRectF& rect, const QColor& color )
#if 0 // good for debugging how tiles from various resolutions are used
QPainter::CompositionMode oldMode = p.compositionMode();
p.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver );
QColor c = color;
c.setAlpha( 100 );
p.fillRect( rect, QBrush( c, Qt::DiagCrossPattern ) );
p.setCompositionMode( oldMode );
Q_UNUSED( p );
Q_UNUSED( rect );
Q_UNUSED( color );
QImage *QgsWmsProvider::draw( QgsRectangle const & viewExtent, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, QgsRasterBlockFeedback* feedback )
QgsDebugMsg( "Entering." );
@ -642,39 +776,16 @@ QImage *QgsWmsProvider::draw( QgsRectangle const & viewExtent, int pixelWidth, i
emit statusChanged( tr( "Getting tiles." ) );
QList<TileImage> tileImages; // in the correct resolution
QList<QRectF> missing; // rectangles (in map coords) of missing tiles for this view
QTime t;
int memCached = 0, diskCached = 0;
TileRequests requestsFinal;
Q_FOREACH ( const TileRequest& r, requests )
QImage localImage;
if ( QImage* i = sTileCache.object( r.url ) )
localImage = *i;
else if ( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->cache()->metaData( r.url ).isValid() )
if ( QIODevice* data = QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->cache()->data( r.url ) )
QByteArray imageData = data->readAll();
delete data;
localImage = QImage::fromData( imageData );
// cache it as well (mutex is already locked)
sTileCache.insert( r.url, new QImage( localImage ) );
// draw the tile directly if possible
if ( !localImage.isNull() )
if ( _fetchCachedTileImage( r.url, localImage ) )
double cr = viewExtent.width() / image->width();
@ -682,28 +793,82 @@ QImage *QgsWmsProvider::draw( QgsRectangle const & viewExtent, int pixelWidth, i
( viewExtent.yMaximum() - r.rect.bottom() ) / cr,
r.rect.width() / cr,
r.rect.height() / cr );
QPainter p( image );
if ( mSettings.mSmoothPixmapTransform )
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true );
p.drawImage( dst, localImage );
tileImages << TileImage( dst, localImage );
missing << r.rect;
// need to make a request
requestsFinal << r;
int t0 = t.elapsed();
// draw other res tiles if preview
QPainter p( image );
if ( feedback && feedback->preview_only && missing.count() > 0 )
// some tiles are still missing, so let's see if we have any cached tiles
// from lower or higher resolution available to give the user a bit of context
// while loading the right resolution
p.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_Source );
p.fillRect( image->rect(), QBrush( Qt::lightGray, Qt::CrossPattern ) );
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, false ); // let's not waste time with bilinear filtering
QList<TileImage> lowerResTiles, lowerResTiles2, higherResTiles;
// first we check lower resolution tiles: one level back, then two levels back (if there is still some are not covered),
// finally (in the worst case we use one level higher resolution tiles). This heuristic should give
// good overviews while not spending too much time drawing cached tiles from resolutions far away.
fetchOtherResTiles( tileMode, viewExtent, image->width(), missing, tm->tres, 1, lowerResTiles );
fetchOtherResTiles( tileMode, viewExtent, image->width(), missing, tm->tres, 2, lowerResTiles2 );
fetchOtherResTiles( tileMode, viewExtent, image->width(), missing, tm->tres, -1, higherResTiles );
// draw the cached tiles lowest to highest resolution
Q_FOREACH ( const TileImage& ti, lowerResTiles2 )
p.drawImage( ti.rect, ti.img );
_drawDebugRect( p, ti.rect, Qt::blue );
Q_FOREACH ( const TileImage& ti, lowerResTiles )
p.drawImage( ti.rect, ti.img );
_drawDebugRect( p, ti.rect, Qt::yellow );
Q_FOREACH ( const TileImage& ti, higherResTiles )
p.drawImage( ti.rect, ti.img );
_drawDebugRect( p, ti.rect, Qt::red );
int t1 = t.elapsed() - t0;
// draw composite in this resolution
Q_FOREACH ( const TileImage& ti, tileImages )
if ( mSettings.mSmoothPixmapTransform )
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true );
p.drawImage( ti.rect, ti.img );
if ( feedback && feedback->preview_only )
_drawDebugRect( p, ti.rect, Qt::green );
int t2 = t.elapsed() - t1;
if ( feedback && feedback->preview_only )
qDebug( "PREVIEW - MEM CACHED: %d / DISK CACHED: %d / MISSING: %d", memCached, diskCached, requests.count() - memCached - diskCached );
qDebug( "PREVIEW - SPENT IN WMTS PROVIDER: %d ms", t.elapsed() );
qDebug( "PREVIEW - CACHED: %d / MISSING: %d", tileImages.count(), requests.count() - tileImages.count() );
qDebug( "PREVIEW - TIME: this res %d ms | other res %d ms | TOTAL %d ms", t0 + t2, t1, t0 + t1 + t2 );
else if ( !requestsFinal.isEmpty() )
// let the feedback object know about the tiles we have already
if ( feedback && memCached + diskCached > 0 )
if ( feedback && feedback->render_partial_output )
// order tile requests according to the distance from view center
@ -715,6 +880,7 @@ QImage *QgsWmsProvider::draw( QgsRectangle const & viewExtent, int pixelWidth, i
qDebug( "TILE CACHE total: %d / %d ", sTileCache.totalCost(), sTileCache.maxCost() );
#if 0
const QgsWmsStatistics::Stat& stat = QgsWmsStatistics::statForUri( dataSourceUri() );

View File

@ -362,6 +362,16 @@ class QgsWmsProvider : public QgsRasterDataProvider
typedef QList<TileRequest> TileRequests;
//! Tile identifier within a tile source
typedef struct TilePosition
TilePosition( int r, int c ): row( r ), col( c ) {}
bool operator==( const TilePosition& other ) const { return row == other.row && col == other.col; }
int row;
int col;
} TilePosition;
typedef QList<TilePosition> TilePositions;
/** \brief emit a signal to notify of a progress event */
@ -441,20 +451,21 @@ class QgsWmsProvider : public QgsRasterDataProvider
//! Tile identifier within a tile source
typedef struct TilePosition
TilePosition( int r, int c ): row( r ), col( c ) {}
int row;
int col;
} TilePosition;
typedef QList<TilePosition> TilePositions;
QUrl createRequestUrlWMS( const QgsRectangle& viewExtent, int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight );
void createTileRequestsWMSC( const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* tm, const QgsWmsProvider::TilePositions& tiles, QgsWmsProvider::TileRequests& requests );
void createTileRequestsWMTS( const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* tm, const QgsWmsProvider::TilePositions& tiles, QgsWmsProvider::TileRequests& requests );
void createTileRequestsXYZ( const QgsWmtsTileMatrix* tm, const QgsWmsProvider::TilePositions& tiles, QgsWmsProvider::TileRequests& requests );
//! Helper structure to store a cached tile image with its rectangle
typedef struct TileImage
TileImage( QRectF r, QImage i ): rect( r ), img( i ) {}
QRectF rect; //!< destination rectangle for a tile (in screen coordinates)
QImage img; //!< cached tile to be drawn
} TileImage;
//! Get tiles from a different resolution to cover the missing areas
void fetchOtherResTiles( QgsTileMode tileMode, const QgsRectangle& viewExtent, int imageWidth, QList<QRectF>& missing, double tres, int resOffset, QList<TileImage> &otherResTiles );
/** Return the full url to request legend graphic
* The visibleExtent isi only used if provider supports contextual
* legends according to the QgsWmsSettings