2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
""" @package OsmDatabaseManager
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
This module provides methods to manipulate with database where OSM data are stored .
2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
OsmDatabaseManager is the only part of OSM Plugin that has the right to access OSM ( sqlite ) database .
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
If any other part of plugin wants to manipulate with OSM data , it is expected to use constructs of this module .
This module can manage more than one database at a time .
But only one of such databases is considered to be the " current database " and all operations are done on it .
Module provides pretty good way to change " current database " .
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from PyQt4 . QtNetwork import *
from qgis . core import *
import sqlite3
import datetime
2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
class OsmDatabaseManager :
""" This is the only class of OsmDatabaseManager module. Its purpose is to manage work with OSM databases.
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2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
OsmDatabaseManager class provides method to add new OSM database .
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It holds all connections to all databases and holds the information
on which database is currently used with all operations .
If anyone wants to read data from ( or write data to ) other database then the " current one " ,
method for changing current database must be called first .
Class also provides method for performing both commit and rollback on current database .
def __init__ ( self , plugin ) :
""" The constructor.
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Initializes inner structures of OsmDatabaseManager and connect signals to appropriate slots .
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self . plugin = plugin
self . canvas = plugin . canvas
self . dbConns = { } # map dbFileName->sqlite3ConnectionObject
self . pointLayers = { }
self . lineLayers = { }
self . polygonLayers = { }
self . currentKey = None
self . removing = False
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self . mapReg = QgsMapLayerRegistry . instance ( )
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QObject . connect ( self . plugin . iface , SIGNAL ( " currentLayerChanged(QgsMapLayer*) " ) , self . currLayerChanged )
QObject . connect ( QgsMapLayerRegistry . instance ( ) , SIGNAL ( " layerWillBeRemoved(QString) " ) , self . layerRemoved )
def currLayerChanged ( self , layer ) :
""" Function is called after currentLayerChanged(QgsMapLayer*) signal is emitted.
Information that we work with another OSM database from now is very important and almost all plugins ' modules
should know about this change .
Identifying , editing , uploading , downloading , . . . - these all actions are performed on current database .
If current database changes , operations must be terminated violently .
Function set new current database and tells other modules about this change . . .
@param layer pointer to QgsVectorLayer object that was set as new current layer
# set new currentKey and tell all other plugin components
if not layer :
self . currentKey = None
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
if self . plugin . undoredo < > None :
self . plugin . undoredo . databaseChanged ( None )
if self . plugin . dockWidget < > None :
self . plugin . dockWidget . databaseChanged ( None )
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2009-07-30 13:02:43 +00:00
if layer . type ( ) != QgsMapLayer . VectorLayer or layer . dataProvider ( ) . name ( ) < > " osm " :
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
self . currentKey = None
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
if self . plugin . undoredo < > None :
self . plugin . undoredo . databaseChanged ( None )
if self . plugin . dockWidget < > None :
self . plugin . dockWidget . databaseChanged ( None )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
# find out filename of new current database
layerSource = layer . source ( )
pos = layerSource . lastIndexOf ( " ? " )
dbFileName = layerSource . left ( pos ) + " .db "
if dbFileName not in self . dbConns . keys ( ) :
self . currentKey = None
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
if self . plugin . undoredo < > None :
self . plugin . undoredo . databaseChanged ( None )
if self . plugin . dockWidget < > None :
self . plugin . dockWidget . databaseChanged ( None )
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if dbFileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( ) < > self . currentKey :
self . currentKey = dbFileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( )
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if self . plugin . undoredo < > None :
self . plugin . undoredo . databaseChanged ( self . currentKey )
if self . plugin . dockWidget < > None :
self . plugin . dockWidget . databaseChanged ( self . currentKey )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
def layerRemoved ( self , layerID ) :
""" Function is called after layerWillBeRemoved(QString) signal is emitted.
Through this signal Quantum GIS gives our plugin chance to prepare itself on removing of a vector layer .
Plugin must find out if this layer is one of OSM layers .
If it is , not only this layer but also the two with the same data source ( OSM database ) has to be removed .
@param layerID unique Quantum GIS identifier of layer
if self . removing :
# get appropriate qgsvectorlayer object
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layer = self . mapReg . mapLayer ( layerID )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
if not layer :
return # strange situation
2009-07-30 13:02:43 +00:00
if layer . type ( ) != QgsMapLayer . VectorLayer or layer . dataProvider ( ) . name ( ) < > " osm " :
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
return # it's not OSM layer -> just ignore it
# yes, it's osm layer; find out database file it's getting OSM data from
layerSource = layer . source ( )
pos = layerSource . lastIndexOf ( " ? " )
dbFileName = layerSource . left ( pos ) + " .db "
2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
key = dbFileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
# remove map layers that belong to dbFileName database
if key in self . lineLayers . keys ( ) and layer . getLayerID ( ) == self . lineLayers [ key ] . getLayerID ( ) :
del self . lineLayers [ key ]
elif key in self . pointLayers . keys ( ) and layer . getLayerID ( ) == self . pointLayers [ key ] . getLayerID ( ) :
del self . pointLayers [ key ]
if key in self . lineLayers . keys ( ) :
if self . lineLayers [ key ] :
lineLayID = self . lineLayers [ key ] . getLayerID ( )
self . mapReg . removeMapLayer ( lineLayID , True )
elif key in self . polygonLayers . keys ( ) and layer . getLayerID ( ) == self . polygonLayers [ key ] . getLayerID ( ) :
del self . polygonLayers [ key ]
if key in self . pointLayers . keys ( ) :
if self . pointLayers [ key ] :
pointLayID = self . pointLayers [ key ] . getLayerID ( )
self . mapReg . removeMapLayer ( pointLayID , True )
if key in self . dbConns . keys ( ) :
del self . dbConns [ key ]
def removeAllOsmLayers ( self ) :
# remove all map layers with osm provider set
2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
self . removing = True
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
allLayers = QgsMapLayerRegistry . instance ( ) . mapLayers ( )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
for ix in allLayers . keys ( ) :
layer = allLayers [ ix ] # layer object
if not layer :
if layer . type ( ) == QgsMapLayer . VectorLayer and layer . dataProvider ( ) . name ( ) == " osm " :
QgsMapLayerRegistry . instance ( ) . removeMapLayer ( layer . getLayerID ( ) , True )
self . dbConns = { } # map dbFileName->sqlite3ConnectionObject
self . pointLayers = { }
self . lineLayers = { }
self . polygonLayers = { }
self . currentKey = None
self . removing = False
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
def addDatabase ( self , dbFileName , pointLayer , lineLayer , polygonLayer ) :
""" Function provides possibility to add new OSM data.
It ' s called (mainly) from OSM data loader.
2009-08-14 14:47:49 +00:00
New data ( OSM database ) is added into inner structures of OsmDatabaseManager .
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New database is automatically considered new current ( ! ) OSM database .
@param dbFileName filename of new OSM database
@param pointLayer pointer to QGIS vector layer that represents OSM points ( of new data )
@param lineLayer pointer to QGIS vector layer that represents OSM lines ( of new data )
@param polygonLayer pointer to QGIS vector layer that represents OSM polygons ( of new data )
# put new sqlite3 db connection into map (rewrite if its already there)
key = dbFileName . toLatin1 ( ) . data ( )
if key in self . dbConns . keys ( ) :
self . dbConns [ key ] . close ( )
del self . dbConns [ key ]
del self . pointLayers [ key ]
del self . lineLayers [ key ]
del self . polygonLayers [ key ]
self . dbConns [ key ] = sqlite3 . connect ( key )
self . pointLayers [ key ] = pointLayer
self . lineLayers [ key ] = lineLayer
self . polygonLayers [ key ] = polygonLayer
self . currentKey = key
# tell everyone that database changes
self . plugin . undoredo . databaseChanged ( self . currentKey )
self . plugin . dockWidget . databaseChanged ( self . currentKey )
def getConnection ( self ) :
""" Function finds out current OSM data and returns pointer to related sqlite3 database.
@return pointer to sqlite3 database connection object of current OSM data
if not self . currentKey in self . dbConns . keys ( ) :
return None
dbConn = self . dbConns [ self . currentKey ]
if not dbConn :
return None # not OSM layer
return dbConn
def __getFreeFeatureId ( self ) :
""" Finds out the highest feature id (less than zero),
that is still not used and can be assigned to new feature .
@return free identifier to be assigned to new feature
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " SELECT min(id) FROM (SELECT min(id) id FROM node UNION SELECT min(id) id FROM way UNION SELECT min(id) id FROM relation) " )
for rec in c :
freeId = rec [ 0 ]
c . close ( )
if freeId < 0 :
return freeId - 1
return - 1
def getTolerance ( self ) :
""" Functions finds out default tolerance from qgis settings.
Required value ( of qgis settings ) is returned by QgsTolerance . defaultTolerance ( . . . ) calling .
If returned value equals 0.0 , we ignore it and calculate our own tolerance from current extent width .
@return default tolerance
qgisTol = QgsTolerance . defaultTolerance ( self . pointLayers [ self . currentKey ] , self . canvas . mapRenderer ( ) )
if not self . currentKey or qgisTol == 0.0 :
extent = self . canvas . extent ( )
if self . plugin . dockWidget . coordXform is not None :
extent = self . plugin . dockWidget . coordXform . transform ( extent )
w = extent . xMaximum ( ) - extent . xMinimum ( )
return w / 220
return qgisTol
def findFeature ( self , mapPoint ) :
""" Function finds exactly one feature at specified map point (within QGIS tolerance).
It ignores the fact there can be more features at the same place .
Typical usage is simple marking features when cursor goes over them .
( use it anytime when you prefer speed to completeness )
@param mapPoint point of the map where to search for feature
@return found feature - pair ( QgsFeature object , featureType )
if not self . currentKey : # no layer loaded
return None
# finds out tolerance for snapping
tolerance = self . getTolerance ( )
area = QgsRectangle ( mapPoint . x ( ) - tolerance , mapPoint . y ( ) - tolerance , mapPoint . x ( ) + tolerance , mapPoint . y ( ) + tolerance )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
lay = self . pointLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
lay . dataProvider ( ) . rewind ( )
if result :
return ( feat , ' Point ' )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
lay = self . lineLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
lay . dataProvider ( ) . rewind ( )
if result :
# line vertices
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon from node n,way_member wm where n.u=1 and wm.u=1 and wm.way_id=:lineId and wm.node_id=n.id and n.status<> ' R ' and n.lat>=:minLat and n.lat<=:maxLat and n.lon>=:minLon and n.lon<=:maxLon "
, { " minLat " : area . yMinimum ( ) , " maxLat " : area . yMaximum ( ) , " minLon " : area . xMinimum ( ) , " maxLon " : area . xMaximum ( ) , " lineId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
for rec in c :
feat2 = QgsFeature ( rec [ 0 ] , " Point " )
feat2 . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPoint ( QgsPoint ( rec [ 2 ] , rec [ 1 ] ) ) )
# without features' attributes here! we don't need them...
c . close ( )
return ( feat2 , ' Point ' )
c . close ( )
return ( feat , ' Line ' )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
lay = self . polygonLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
lay . dataProvider ( ) . rewind ( )
if result :
# polygon vertices
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon from node n,way_member wm where n.u=1 and wm.u=1 and wm.way_id=:polygonId and wm.node_id=n.id and n.status<> ' R ' and n.lat>=:minLat and n.lat<=:maxLat and n.lon>=:minLon and n.lon<=:maxLon "
, { " minLat " : area . yMinimum ( ) , " maxLat " : area . yMaximum ( ) , " minLon " : area . xMinimum ( ) , " maxLon " : area . xMaximum ( ) , " polygonId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
for rec in c :
feat2 = QgsFeature ( rec [ 0 ] , " Point " )
feat2 . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPoint ( QgsPoint ( rec [ 2 ] , rec [ 1 ] ) ) )
# without features' attributes here! we don't need them...
c . close ( )
return ( feat2 , ' Point ' )
c . close ( )
return ( feat , ' Polygon ' )
return None
def findAllFeatures ( self , mapPoint ) :
""" Function finds all features at specified map point (within QGIS tolerance).
( use it anytime when you prefer completeness to speed )
@param mapPoint point of the map where to search for features
@return list of found features - pairs of ( QgsFeature object , featureType )
if not self . currentKey : # no layer loaded
return [ ]
foundPoints = [ ]
foundLines = [ ]
foundPolygons = [ ]
# finds out tolerance for snapping
tolerance = self . getTolerance ( )
area = QgsRectangle ( mapPoint . x ( ) - tolerance , mapPoint . y ( ) - tolerance , mapPoint . x ( ) + tolerance , mapPoint . y ( ) + tolerance )
lay = self . pointLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
featMap = { }
while result :
foundPoints . append ( ( feat , ' Point ' ) )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
lay = self . lineLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
while result :
# line vertices
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon from node n,way_member wm where n.u=1 and wm.u=1 and wm.way_id=:lineId and wm.node_id=n.id and n.status<> ' R ' and n.lat>=:minLat and n.lat<=:maxLat and n.lon>=:minLon and n.lon<=:maxLon "
, { " minLat " : area . yMinimum ( ) , " maxLat " : area . yMaximum ( ) , " minLon " : area . xMinimum ( ) , " maxLon " : area . xMaximum ( ) , " lineId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
for rec in c :
feat2 = QgsFeature ( rec [ 0 ] , " Point " )
feat2 . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPoint ( QgsPoint ( rec [ 2 ] , rec [ 1 ] ) ) )
# without features' attributes here! we don't need them...
featMap [ feat2 . id ( ) ] = feat2
c . close ( )
foundLines . append ( ( feat , ' Line ' ) )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
lay = self . polygonLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
while result :
# polygon vertices
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon from node n,way_member wm where n.u=1 and wm.u=1 and wm.way_id=:polygonId and wm.node_id=n.id and n.status<> ' R ' and n.lat>=:minLat and n.lat<=:maxLat and n.lon>=:minLon and n.lon<=:maxLon "
, { " minLat " : area . yMinimum ( ) , " maxLat " : area . yMaximum ( ) , " minLon " : area . xMinimum ( ) , " maxLon " : area . xMaximum ( ) , " polygonId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
for rec in c :
feat2 = QgsFeature ( rec [ 0 ] , " Point " )
feat2 . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPoint ( QgsPoint ( rec [ 2 ] , rec [ 1 ] ) ) )
# without features' attributes here! we don't need them...
featMap [ feat2 . id ( ) ] = feat2
c . close ( )
foundPolygons . append ( ( feat , ' Polygon ' ) )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
res = foundPoints
for key in featMap . keys ( ) :
res . append ( ( featMap [ key ] , ' Point ' ) )
res = res + foundLines + foundPolygons
return res
def createPoint ( self , mapPoint , snapFeat , snapFeatType , doCommit = True ) :
""" Function creates new point.
@param mapPoint is QgsPoint ; it says where to create new point
@param snapFeat is QgsFeature object to which snapping is performed
@param snapFeatType is type of object to which snapping is performed
@param doCommit flag ; tells if this function should call commit before it finishes
@return identifier of new node
# we need to get new id which will represents this new point in osm database
nodeId = self . __getFreeFeatureId ( )
affected = set ( )
feat = QgsFeature ( nodeId , " Point " )
feat . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPoint ( QgsPoint ( mapPoint . x ( ) , mapPoint . y ( ) ) ) )
# should snapping be done? if not, everything's easy
if not snapFeat :
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " insert into node (id,lat,lon,usage,status) values (:nodeId,:lat,:lon,0, ' A ' ) "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) , " lat " : str ( mapPoint . y ( ) ) , " lon " : str ( mapPoint . x ( ) ) } )
c . close ( )
if doCommit :
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( nodeId , ' Point ' ) )
return ( feat , affected )
if snapFeatType == ' Point ' :
# what to do? we are trying to snap point to existing point
QMessageBox . information ( self . plugin . dockWidget , " OSM point creation "
, " Point creation failed. Two points cannot be at the same place. " )
return ( None , [ ] )
# well, we are snapping to 'Line' or 'Polygon', actions are the same in both cases...
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " insert into node (id,lat,lon,usage,status) values (:nodeId,:lat,:lon,1, ' A ' ) "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) , " lat " : str ( mapPoint . y ( ) ) , " lon " : str ( mapPoint . x ( ) ) } )
c . close ( )
# finding out exact position index of closest vertex in line (or polygon) geometry
( a , b , vertexIx ) = snapFeat . geometry ( ) . closestSegmentWithContext ( mapPoint )
newMemberIx = vertexIx + 1
# we need to shift indexes of all vertexes that will be after new vertex
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " select way_id,pos_id from way_member where way_id=:wayId and pos_id>:posId and u=1 order by pos_id desc "
, { " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) , " posId " : str ( vertexIx ) } )
# for all such vertexes
for rec in d :
posId = rec [ 1 ] # original position index
c . execute ( " update way_member set pos_id=:newPosId where way_id=:wayId and pos_id=:posId and u=1 "
, { " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) , " newPosId " : str ( posId + 1 ) } )
d . close ( )
# putting new node into set of lines/polygons members
c . execute ( " insert into way_member (way_id,node_id,pos_id) values (:wayId,:nodeId,:posId) "
, { " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) , " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) , " posId " : str ( newMemberIx ) } )
# original line/polygon geometry must be forgotten (new one will be created by provider on canvas refresh)
c . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) } )
if snapFeatType == ' Line ' :
self . changeLineStatus ( snapFeat . id ( ) , " N " , " U " )
elif snapFeatType == ' Polygon ' :
self . changePolygonStatus ( snapFeat . id ( ) , " N " , " U " )
# finishing
c . close ( )
if doCommit :
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( nodeId , ' Point ' ) )
if snapFeatType == ' Line ' :
affected . add ( ( snapFeat . id ( ) , ' Line ' ) )
elif snapFeatType == ' Polygon ' :
affected . add ( ( snapFeat . id ( ) , ' Polygon ' ) )
return ( feat , affected )
def createLine ( self , mapPoints , doCommit = True ) :
""" Function creates new line.
@param mapPoints is list of line points
@param doCommit flag ; tells if this function should call commit before it finishes
@return identifier of new line
# getting id which will represent this new line in osm database
lineId = self . __getFreeFeatureId ( )
affected = set ( )
pline = [ ]
# creating database cursor and inits...
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
cnt = len ( mapPoints )
i , minLat , minLon , maxLat , maxLon = 0 , 9999999 , 9999999 , - 9999999 , - 9999999
# go through the line points
for ( mapPoint , snapFeat , snapFeatType ) in mapPoints :
lat = mapPoint . y ( )
lon = mapPoint . x ( )
pline . append ( QgsPoint ( mapPoint . x ( ) , mapPoint . y ( ) ) )
# we need to know max and min latitude/longitude of the whole line (its boundary)
if lat < minLat :
minLat = lat
if lon < minLon :
minLon = lon
if lat > maxLat :
maxLat = lat
if lon > maxLon :
maxLon = lon
nodeId = None
if snapFeat :
if snapFeatType == ' Point ' :
nodeId = snapFeat . id ( )
# update record of existing node to which we has snapped
c . execute ( " update node set usage=usage+1 where id=:nodeId and u=1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) } )
else :
# snapping to non-point features is forbidden!
return ( None , [ ] )
else :
# this vertex is a new one (no snapping to existing one)
nodeId = lineId - i - 1
c . execute ( " insert into node (id,lat,lon,usage,status) values (:nodeId,:lat,:lon,1, ' A ' ) "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) , " lat " : str ( lat ) , " lon " : str ( lon ) } )
affected . add ( ( nodeId , ' Point ' ) )
# insert record into table of way members
c . execute ( " insert into way_member (way_id,pos_id,node_id) values (:wayId,:posId,:nodeId) " , {
" wayId " : str ( lineId )
, " posId " : str ( i + 1 )
, " nodeId " : str ( nodeId )
} )
i = i + 1
# create half-empty database record for new line
c . execute ( " insert into way (id,wkb,membercnt,closed,min_lat,min_lon,max_lat,max_lon,status) values (?,?,?,0,?,?,?,?, ' A ' ) "
, ( str ( lineId ) , sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , str ( cnt ) , str ( minLat ) , str ( minLon ) , str ( maxLat ) , str ( maxLon ) ) )
# finishing...
c . close ( )
feat = QgsFeature ( lineId , " Line " )
feat . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPolyline ( pline ) )
if doCommit :
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( lineId , ' Line ' ) )
return ( feat , affected )
def createPolygon ( self , mapPoints , doCommit = True ) :
""" Function creates new polygon.
@param mapPoints is list of polygon points
@param doCommit flag ; tells if this function should call commit before it finishes
@return identifier of new polygon
# getting id which will represents this new polygon in osm database
polygonId = self . __getFreeFeatureId ( )
affected = set ( )
pline = [ ]
# creating database cursor and inits...
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
cnt = len ( mapPoints )
i , minLat , minLon , maxLat , maxLon = 0 , 9999999 , 9999999 , - 9999999 , - 9999999
# go through the polygon points
for ( mapPoint , snapFeat , snapFeatType ) in mapPoints :
lat = mapPoint . y ( )
lon = mapPoint . x ( )
pline . append ( QgsPoint ( mapPoint . x ( ) , mapPoint . y ( ) ) )
# we need to know max and min latitude/longitude of the whole polygon (its boundary)
if lat < minLat :
minLat = lat
if lon < minLon :
minLon = lon
if lat > maxLat :
maxLat = lat
if lon > maxLon :
maxLon = lon
nodeId = None
if snapFeat :
if snapFeatType == ' Point ' :
nodeId = snapFeat . id ( )
# update record of existing node to which snapping was done
c . execute ( " update node set usage=usage+1 where id=:nodeId and u=1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) } )
else :
# snapping to non-point feature is not allowed
nodeId = None
else :
# this vertex is a new one (no snapping to existing one)
nodeId = polygonId - i - 1
c . execute ( " insert into node (id,lat,lon,usage,status) values (:nodeId,:lat,:lon,1, ' A ' ) "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) , " lat " : str ( lat ) , " lon " : str ( lon ) } )
affected . add ( ( nodeId , ' Point ' ) )
# insert record into table of way members
c . execute ( " insert into way_member (way_id,pos_id,node_id) values (:wayId,:posId,:nodeId) " , {
" wayId " : str ( polygonId )
, " posId " : str ( i + 1 )
, " nodeId " : str ( nodeId )
} )
i = i + 1
# create half-empty database record for new polygon
c . execute ( " insert into way (id,wkb,membercnt,closed,min_lat,min_lon,max_lat,max_lon,status) values (?,?,?,1,?,?,?,?, ' A ' ) "
, ( str ( polygonId ) , sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , str ( cnt ) , str ( minLat ) , str ( minLon ) , str ( maxLat ) , str ( maxLon ) ) )
# finish
c . close ( )
feat = QgsFeature ( polygonId , " Polygon " )
polygon = [ ]
polygon . append ( pline )
feat . setGeometry ( QgsGeometry . fromPolygon ( polygon ) )
if doCommit :
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( polygonId , ' Polygon ' ) )
return ( feat , affected )
def createRelation ( self , relType , relMems ) :
""" Function creates new relation.
@param relType is name of relation type
@param relMems is list of relation members
@return unique identifier of new relation
# we need to get new id which will represents new relation in osm database
relId = self . __getFreeFeatureId ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
# insert relation record
c . execute ( " insert into relation (id, type, timestamp, user, status) values (:id, :type, :timestamp, :user, :status) "
, { " id " : relId , " type " : relType , " timestamp " : ' ' , " user " : ' ' , " status " : " A " } )
# insert relation members records into "relation_member" table
posId = 1
for relMem in relMems :
memId = relMem [ 0 ]
memType = relMem [ 1 ]
memRole = relMem [ 2 ]
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( memType )
c . execute ( " insert into relation_member (relation_id,pos_id,member_id,member_type,role) values (?,?,?,?,?) "
, ( str ( relId ) , posId , memId , osmType , memRole ) )
# increase position number
posId = posId + 1
c . close ( )
return relId
def removePoint ( self , pointId ) :
""" Function removes an existing point.
Point is given by its identifier .
@param pointId identifier of point to remove
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
# first change status of point to 'R' ~ Removed
self . changePointStatus ( pointId , None , " R " )
# remove all points' tags
self . removeFeaturesTags ( pointId , " Point " )
# remove point from all lines
affeA = self . __removePointFromAllLines ( pointId )
# remove point from all polygons
affeB = self . __removePointFromAllPolygons ( pointId )
# remove point from all its relations
self . __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( pointId , " Point " )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
affected . update ( affeA )
affected . update ( affeB )
return affected
def __removeIsolatedPoint ( self , pointId ) :
""" Removes an existing point which is not part of any other feature.
Point is given by its identifier .
Function must be private , coz ' it doesn ' t verify if point is really isolated .
@param pointId is a point identifier
# first change status of point to 'R' ~ Removed
self . changePointStatus ( pointId , None , " R " )
# remove all points' tags
self . removeFeaturesTags ( pointId , " Point " )
# remove point from all its relations
self . __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( pointId , " Point " )
self . commit ( )
def __removePointFromAllPolygons ( self , pointId ) :
""" Function removes given point from all polygons.
It ' s possible that point has multiple occurance in the same polygon,
function removes all the occurances in all polygons .
@param pointId identifier of point to remove
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select w.id from way w where w.closed=1 and w.u=1 and exists(select 1 from way_member wm \
where wm . node_id = : pointId and wm . way_id = w . id and wm . u = 1 ) "
, { " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
for rec in c :
polId = rec [ 0 ]
aff = self . __removePointFromPolygon ( polId , pointId )
affected . update ( aff )
# and that's all
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
def __removePointFromPolygon ( self , polygonId , pointId ) :
""" Function removes given point from given polygon.
It ' s possible that point has multiple occurance in the polygon,
function removes all such occurances .
@param polygonId identifier of polygon to remove point from
@param pointId identifier of point to remove
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
# find all occurences of point in polygon (get list of position identifiers)
c . execute ( " select pos_id from way_member where way_id=:polygonId and node_id=:pointId and u=1 "
, { " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) , " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
for rec in c :
aff = self . __removePolygonMember ( polygonId , pointId , rec [ 0 ] )
affected . update ( aff )
c . execute ( " update node set usage=usage-1 where id=:pointId and u=1 and usage>0 "
, { " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
# mark polygon as 'Updated' and clear its geometry to make provider able to generate a new one
c . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:polygonId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) } )
self . changePolygonStatus ( polygonId , " N " , " U " )
# verify that polygon has still sufficient number of members (>2) required by polygon definition
c . execute ( " select count(pos_id) from way_member where way_id=:polygonId and u=1 "
, { " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) } )
polMembersCnt = 0
for rec in c :
polMembersCnt = rec [ 0 ]
if polMembersCnt < 1 :
# the feature can no longer be called "polygon", it has no members
aff = self . removePolygon ( polygonId , True )
affected . update ( aff )
elif polMembersCnt < 3 :
# the feature can no longer be called "polygon", is it a line now?
aff = self . __convertPseudoPolygonToLine ( polygonId )
affected . update ( aff )
# a-a-and that's all folks!
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( polygonId , ' Polygon ' ) )
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
def __removePolygonMember ( self , polygonId , pointId , posId ) :
""" Function removes exactly one member given by its position in polygon.
" Polygon member " is interpreted as exactly one occurance of a point in a polygon .
So . . . two members of the same polygon can still be the same point .
All polygon members that were at higher positions will get new position numbers ( their oldPosition - 1 ) .
@param polygonId identifier of polygon to remove member from
@param pointId identifier of point
@param posId identifier of exact position from where to remove a point
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from way_member where way_id=:polygonId and pos_id=:posId and u=1 "
, { " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) } )
c . execute ( " update way_member set pos_id=pos_id-1 where way_id=:polygonId and pos_id>:posId and u=1 "
, { " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) } )
c . close ( )
affected . add ( ( polygonId , ' Polygon ' ) )
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
def __removePointFromAllLines ( self , pointId ) :
""" Function removes given point from all lines.
It ' s possible that point has multiple occurance in the same line,
function removes all the occurances in all lines .
@param pointId identifier of point to remove
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select w.id from way w where w.closed=0 and w.u=1 and exists(select 1 from way_member wm \
where wm . node_id = : pointId and wm . way_id = w . id and wm . u = 1 ) "
, { " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
for rec in c :
lineId = rec [ 0 ]
aff = self . __removePointFromLine ( lineId , pointId )
affected . update ( aff )
# and that's all
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
def __removePointFromLine ( self , lineId , pointId ) :
""" Function removes given point from given line.
It ' s possible that point has multiple occurance in the line,
function removes all such occurances .
@param lineId identifier of line to remove point from
@param pointId identifier of point to remove
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
# find all occurences of point in line (get list of position identifiers)
c . execute ( " select pos_id from way_member where way_id=:lineId and node_id=:pointId and u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) , " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
for rec in c :
aff = self . __removeLineMember ( lineId , pointId , rec [ 0 ] )
affected . update ( aff )
c . execute ( " update node set usage=usage-1 where id=:pointId and u=1 and usage>0 "
, { " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
# mark line as 'Updated' and clear its geometry to make provider able to generate a new one
c . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:lineId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
self . changeLineStatus ( lineId , " N " , " U " )
# verify that line has still sufficient number of members (>1) required by line definition
c . execute ( " select count(pos_id) from way_member where way_id=:lineId and u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
lineMembersCnt = 0
for rec in c :
lineMembersCnt = rec [ 0 ]
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
if lineMembersCnt < 2 :
# the feature can no longer be called "line", is it a point now?
aff = self . __convertPseudoLineToPoint ( lineId )
affected . update ( aff )
# a-a-and that's all folks!
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
affected . add ( ( lineId , ' Line ' ) )
return affected
def __removeLineMember ( self , lineId , pointId , posId ) :
""" Function removes exactly one member given by its position in line.
" Line member " is interpreted as exactly one occurance of a point in a line .
So . . . two members of the same line can still be the same point .
All line members that were at higher positions will get new position numbers ( their oldPosition - 1 ) .
@param lineId identifier of line to remove member from
@param pointId identifier of point
@param posId identifier of exact position from where to remove a point
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from way_member where way_id=:lineId and pos_id=:posId and u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) } )
c . execute ( " update way_member set pos_id=pos_id-1 where way_id=:lineId and pos_id>:posId and u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) } )
c . close ( )
affected . add ( ( lineId , ' Line ' ) )
affected . add ( ( pointId , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
def removeLine ( self , lineId , delMembers = True ) :
""" Function removes an existing line.
Line is given by its identifier .
@param lineId identifier of line to remove
@param delMembers if True line will be removed with all its " isolated " ( after line ' s removing) points; if False points won ' t be removed
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
# first change status of line to 'R' ~ Removed
self . changeLineStatus ( lineId , None , " R " )
# remove all lines' tags
self . removeFeaturesTags ( lineId , " Line " )
if delMembers :
# just remove all points for which this line is the only line/polygon they are members of
points = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select id from node where exists( select 1 from way_member wm where wm.node_id=id and wm.way_id=:lineId and wm.u=1 ) \
and usage = 1 and u = 1 and status < > ' R ' " , { " lineId " :str(lineId)})
# collection ids of line members
for rec in c :
points . append ( rec [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
# now remove them one by one
for pId in points :
self . __removeIsolatedPoint ( pId )
affected . add ( ( pId , ' Point ' ) )
else :
# all points has to be removed from line
points = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select node_id from way_member wm where wm.way_id=:lineId and wm.u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
# collection ids of line members
for rec in c :
points . append ( rec [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
# now remove them one by one
for pId in points :
aff = self . __removePointFromLine ( lineId , pId )
affected . update ( aff )
# remove all relevant line-point connections
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from way_member where way_id=:lineId and u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
c . close ( )
# don't forget to remove line from existing relations
self . __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( lineId , " Line " )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( lineId , ' Line ' ) )
return affected
def removePolygon ( self , polId , delMembers = True ) :
""" Function removes an existing polygon.
Polygon is given by its identifier .
@param polId identifier of polygon to remove
@param delMembers if True polygon will be removed with all its " isolated " ( after line ' s removing) points; if False points won ' t be removed
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
# first change status of polygon to 'R' ~ Removed
self . changeLineStatus ( polId , None , " R " )
# remove all polygons' tags
self . removeFeaturesTags ( polId , " Line " )
if delMembers :
# just remove all points for which this polygon is the only line/polygon they are members of
points = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select id from node where exists( select 1 from way_member wm where wm.node_id=id and wm.way_id=:polId and wm.u=1 ) \
and usage = 1 and u = 1 " , { " polId " :str(polId)})
# collection ids of line members
for rec in c :
points . append ( rec [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
# now remove them one by one
for pId in points :
self . __removeIsolatedPoint ( pId )
affected . add ( ( pId , ' Point ' ) )
else :
# all points has to be removed from polygon
points = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select node_id from way_member wm where wm.way_id=:polId and wm.u=1 "
, { " polId " : str ( polId ) } )
# collection ids of line members
for rec in c :
points . append ( rec [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
# now remove them one by one
for pId in points :
aff = self . __removePointFromPolygon ( polId , pId )
affected . update ( aff )
# remove all relevant polygon-point connections
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from way_member where way_id=:polId and u=1 "
, { " polId " : str ( polId ) } )
c . close ( )
# don't forget to remove polygon from existing relations
self . __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( polId , " Polygon " )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( polId , ' Polygon ' ) )
return affected
def removeRelation ( self , relId ) :
""" Function removes an existing relation.
Relation is given by its identifier .
@param relId identifier of relation to remove
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from relation_member where relation_id=:relId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
c . execute ( " update relation set status= ' R ' where id=:relId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
# remove all tags connected to the relation
c . execute ( " delete from tag where object_id=:relId and object_type= ' relation ' and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
# don't forget to remove relation (as member) from existing relations
self . __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( relId , " Relation " )
# finish
c . close ( )
def __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Removes feature from all its relations.
If feature occures at more than one position in some relation , all its occurences will be removed .
If some relation becomes empty with members deletion , the whole relation is removed .
@param featId identifier of feature to remove
@param featType type of feature to remove
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
# remove feature from all its relations
c . execute ( " select relation_id from relation_member where member_id=:memId and member_type=:memType and u=1 "
, { " memId " : str ( featId ) , " memType " : osmType } )
for rec in c :
relId = rec [ 0 ]
self . __removeFeatureFromRelation ( relId , featId , featType )
# and that's all
c . close ( )
def changeAllRelationMembers ( self , relId , newMembers ) :
""" Function first removes all relation members and then inserts new ones.
@param relId identifier of relation
@param newMembers new relation members
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from relation_member where relation_id=:relId "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
# insert relation members records into "relation_member" table
posId = 1
for relMem in newMembers :
memId = relMem [ 0 ]
memType = relMem [ 1 ]
memRole = relMem [ 2 ]
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( memType )
c . execute ( " insert into relation_member (relation_id,pos_id,member_id,member_type,role) values (?,?,?,?,?) "
, ( str ( relId ) , posId , memId , osmType , memRole ) )
# increase position number
posId = posId + 1
c . close ( )
def __removeFeatureFromRelation ( self , relId , featId , featType ) :
""" Funcion removes feature from given relation.
If feature occures at more than one position in relation , all its occurences are removed .
If given relation becomes empty with members deletion , the whole relation is removed .
@param relId identifier of relation
@param featId identifier of feature to remove
@param featType type of feature to remove
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
# find all occurences of feature in relation (get list of position identifiers)
c . execute ( " select pos_id from relation_member where relation_id=:relId and member_id=:memId and member_type=:memType and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) , " memId " : str ( featId ) , " memType " : osmType } )
for rec in c :
self . __removeRelationMember ( relId , rec [ 0 ] )
c . execute ( " select count(pos_id) from relation_member where relation_id=:relId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
relMembersCnt = 0
for rec in c :
relMembersCnt = rec [ 0 ]
if relMembersCnt == 0 :
self . removeRelation ( relId )
c . close ( )
def __removeRelationMember ( self , relId , posId ) :
""" Function removes exactly one member given by its position in line.
@param relId identifier of relation to remove member from
@param posId member position
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from relation_member where relation_id=:relId and pos_id=:posId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) } )
c . execute ( " update relation_member set pos_id=pos_id-1 where relation_id=:relId and pos_id>:posId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) } )
c . close ( )
def movePoint ( self , feat , deltaX , deltaY , snapFeat = None , snapFeatType = None ) :
""" Function moves an existing point.
It performs commit .
@param feat QgsFeature object of feature to move
@param deltaX how far to move on X axis
@param deltaY how far to move on Y axis
@param snapFeat QgsFeature object of feature to where snapping is performed
@param snapFeatType type of feature to where snapping is performed
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
# count new coordinates
point = feat . geometry ( ) . asPoint ( )
newLat = point . y ( ) + deltaY
newLon = point . x ( ) + deltaX
targetPoint = QgsPoint ( newLon , newLat )
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if not snapFeat :
# change node record; new coordinates
d . execute ( " update node set lat=:lat,lon=:lon where id=:nodeId and u=1 "
, { " lat " : str ( newLat ) , " lon " : str ( newLon ) , " nodeId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
self . changePointStatus ( feat . id ( ) , " N " , " U " )
# if point belongs to line/polygon, geometry of them must be deleted (osm provider will make new one later)
d . execute ( " select wm.way_id,w.closed from way_member wm,way w where wm.node_id=:nodeId and wm.way_id=w.id and w.u=1 and wm.u=1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
ways = [ ]
for rec in d :
t = ' Line '
if rec [ 1 ] == 1 :
t = ' Polygon '
ways . append ( ( rec [ 0 ] , t ) )
for ( wayId , t ) in ways :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
if t == ' Line ' :
self . changeLineStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
else :
self . changePolygonStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( wayId , t ) )
d . close ( )
# well, finishing..
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( feat . id ( ) , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
# well, snapping was done
if snapFeatType == ' Point ' :
# merging two points
aff = self . mergeTwoPoints ( snapFeat . id ( ) , feat . id ( ) )
affected . update ( aff )
d . close ( )
self . commit ( )
return affected
# well, we snapped to 'Line' or 'Polygon', actions are same in both cases
d . execute ( " update node set lat=:lat,lon=:lon,usage=usage+1 where id=:nodeId and u=1 "
, { " lat " : str ( newLat ) , " lon " : str ( newLon ) , " nodeId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
self . changePointStatus ( feat . id ( ) , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( feat . id ( ) , ' Point ' ) )
# finding out exact position index of closest vertex in line (or polygon) geometry
( a , b , vertexIx ) = snapFeat . geometry ( ) . closestSegmentWithContext ( targetPoint )
newMemberIx = vertexIx + 1
# we need to shift indexes of all vertexes that will be after new vertex
d . execute ( " select pos_id from way_member where way_id=:wayId and pos_id>:posId and u=1 order by pos_id desc "
, { " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) , " posId " : str ( vertexIx ) } )
# for all such vertexes
for rec in d :
posId = rec [ 0 ] # original position index
e = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
e . execute ( " update way_member set pos_id=:newPosId where way_id=:wayId and pos_id=:posId and u=1 "
, { " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) , " posId " : str ( posId ) , " newPosId " : str ( posId + 1 ) } )
e . close ( )
affected . add ( ( snapFeat . id ( ) , snapFeatType ) )
# putting new node into set of lines/polygons members
d . execute ( " insert into way_member (way_id,node_id,pos_id) values (:wayId,:nodeId,:posId) "
, { " wayId " : str ( snapFeat . id ( ) ) , " nodeId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) , " posId " : str ( newMemberIx ) } )
# if point belongs to line/polygon, geometry of them must be deleted (osm provider will make new one later)
d . execute ( " select wm.way_id,w.closed from way_member wm,way w where wm.node_id=:nodeId and wm.way_id=w.id and w.u=1 and wm.u=1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
ways = [ ]
for rec in d :
t = ' Line '
if rec [ 1 ] == 1 :
t = ' Polygon '
ways . append ( ( rec [ 0 ] , t ) )
for ( wayId , t ) in ways :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
if t == ' Line ' :
self . changeLineStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
else :
self . changePolygonStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( wayId , t ) )
# ending transaction
d . close ( )
self . commit ( )
return affected
def moveLine ( self , feat , deltaX , deltaY , snapFeat = None , snapFeatType = None , snapIndex = - 1 ) :
""" Function moves an existing line.
It performs commit .
@param feat QgsFeature object of feature to move
@param deltaX how far to move on X axis
@param deltaY how far to move on Y axis
@param snapFeat QgsFeature object of feature to where snapping is performed
@param snapFeatType type of feature to where snapping is performed
@param snapIndex vertex index of snapFeat to which snapping was done
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
if snapFeat and snapFeatType < > ' Point ' :
return affected
# we are moving line with its context; now if snapFeat is not None, exactly one of lines' members
# has to be merged with another existing node
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon,wm.pos_id from node n, way_member wm where wm.node_id=n.id and wm.way_id=:wayId and n.u=1 and wm.u=1 "
, { " wayId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
# going through all line members
for rec in c :
nodeId = rec [ 0 ]
# count new coordinates
newLat = rec [ 1 ] + deltaY
newLon = rec [ 2 ] + deltaX
posId = rec [ 3 ]
if snapFeat and posId == snapIndex + 1 :
# merging two points => snapping two features of non-point type together
aff = self . mergeTwoPoints ( nodeId , snapFeat . id ( ) )
affected . update ( aff )
# and changing their coordinates
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " update node set lat=:lat,lon=:lon where id=:nodeId and u=1 "
, { " lat " : str ( newLat ) , " lon " : str ( newLon ) , " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) } )
self . changePointStatus ( nodeId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( nodeId , ' Point ' ) )
# delete all geometries that contains node being moved
d . execute ( " select wm.way_id,w.closed from way_member wm,way w where wm.node_id=:nodeId and wm.way_id=w.id and w.u=1 and wm.u=1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) } )
ways = [ ]
for rec in d :
t = ' Line '
if rec [ 1 ] == 1 :
t = ' Polygon '
ways . append ( ( rec [ 0 ] , t ) )
for ( wayId , t ) in ways :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
if t == ' Line ' :
self . changeLineStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
else :
self . changePolygonStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( wayId , t ) )
d . close ( )
# finally delete geometry of line (osm provider will make new one later)
c . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
self . changeLineStatus ( feat . id ( ) , " N " , " U " )
# finish it
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( feat . id ( ) , ' Line ' ) )
return affected
def movePolygon ( self , feat , deltaX , deltaY , snapFeat = None , snapFeatType = None , snapIndex = - 1 ) :
""" Function moves an existing polygon.
It performs commit .
@param feat QgsFeature object of feature to move
@param deltaX how far to move on X axis
@param deltaY how far to move on Y axis
@param snapFeat QgsFeature object of feature to where snapping is performed
@param snapFeatType type of feature to where snapping is performed
@param snapIndex vertex index of snapFeat to which snapping was done
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
if snapFeat and snapFeatType < > ' Point ' :
return affected
# we are moving polygon with its context; now if snapFeat is not None, exactly one of polygons' members
# has to be merged with another existing node
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon,wm.pos_id from node n, way_member wm where wm.node_id=n.id and wm.way_id=:wayId and n.u=1 and wm.u=1 "
, { " wayId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
# going through all polygon members
for rec in c :
nodeId = rec [ 0 ]
# count new coordinates
newLat = rec [ 1 ] + deltaY
newLon = rec [ 2 ] + deltaX
posId = rec [ 3 ]
if snapFeat and posId == snapIndex + 1 :
# merging two points => snapping two features of non-point type together
aff = self . mergeTwoPoints ( nodeId , snapFeat . id ( ) )
affected . update ( aff )
# and changing their coordinates..
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " update node set lat=:lat,lon=:lon where id=:nodeId and u=1 "
, { " lat " : str ( newLat ) , " lon " : str ( newLon ) , " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) } )
self . changePointStatus ( nodeId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( nodeId , ' Point ' ) )
# delete all geometries that contains node being moved
d . execute ( " select wm.way_id,w.closed from way_member wm,way w where wm.node_id=:nodeId and wm.way_id=w.id and w.u=1 and wm.u=1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( nodeId ) } )
ways = [ ]
for rec in d :
t = ' Line '
if rec [ 1 ] == 1 :
t = ' Polygon '
ways . append ( ( rec [ 0 ] , t ) )
for ( wayId , t ) in ways :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
if t == ' Line ' :
self . changeLineStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
else :
self . changePolygonStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( wayId , t ) )
d . close ( )
# finally delete geometry of polygon (osm provider will make new one later)
c . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( feat . id ( ) ) } )
self . changeLineStatus ( feat . id ( ) , " N " , " U " )
# finish it
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( feat . id ( ) , ' Polygon ' ) )
return affected
def mergeTwoPoints ( self , firstId , secondId ) :
""" Function merges two existing points.
Second point ( second parameter of function ) will be removed .
First point will get all tags / properties of second point . If both points has tag with the same key ,
new tag is created for the first point with key " oldkey_1 " and value of second point ' s tag.
All features and relations that contain the second point will contain the first point instead .
@param firstId id of first node to merge
@param firstId id of second node to merge
@return list of all features affected with this operation
affected = set ( )
# delete all geometries that contain secondId-node
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " select wm.way_id, w.closed, w.membercnt, \
( select node_id from way_member where way_id = w . id and pos_id = 1 ) first_id , \
( select node_id from way_member where way_id = w . id and pos_id = w . membercnt ) last_id \
from way_member wm , way w where wm . node_id = : nodeId and wm . way_id = w . id and w . u = 1 and wm . u = 1 "
, { " nodeId " : str ( secondId ) } )
ways = [ ]
for rec in d :
t = ' Line '
if rec [ 1 ] == 1 :
t = ' Polygon '
ways . append ( ( rec [ 0 ] , t , rec [ 2 ] , rec [ 3 ] , rec [ 4 ] ) )
for ( wayId , t , memcnt , fid , lid ) in ways :
if t == ' Line ' :
# check if the line is changing into polygon with this mergePoints action
if fid == secondId :
fid = firstId
if lid == secondId :
lid = firstId
if fid == lid :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb,closed=1 where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
self . changePolygonStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
d . execute ( " delete from way_member where way_id=:wayId and node_id=:lastId and pos_id=:posId and u=1 "
, { " wayId " : str ( wayId ) , " lastId " : str ( lid ) , " posId " : str ( memcnt ) } )
affected . add ( ( wayId , ' Polygon ' ) )
else :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
self . changeLineStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
else :
d . execute ( " update way set wkb=:wkb where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
self . changePolygonStatus ( wayId , " N " , " U " )
affected . add ( ( wayId , t ) )
# finding out new "usage" column value for firstId-node
d . execute ( " select count(distinct way_id) from way_member where node_id in (:firstId,:secondId) and u=1 "
, { " firstId " : str ( firstId ) , " secondId " : str ( secondId ) } )
row = d . fetchone ( )
usage = row [ 0 ]
d . execute ( " update way_member set node_id=:firstId where node_id=:secondId and u=1 "
, { " firstId " : str ( firstId ) , " secondId " : str ( secondId ) } )
d . execute ( " update tag set object_id=:firstId, key=key|| ' _1 ' where object_id=:secondId and object_type= ' node ' and u=1 "
, { " firstId " : str ( firstId ) , " secondId " : str ( secondId ) } )
d . execute ( " update node set status= ' R ' where id=:secondId and u=1 "
, { " secondId " : str ( secondId ) } )
d . execute ( " update node set usage=:usage where id=:firstId and u=1 "
, { " usage " : str ( usage ) , " firstId " : str ( firstId ) } )
d . execute ( " update relation_member set member_id=:firstId where member_id=:secondId and member_type= ' node ' and u=1 "
, { " firstId " : str ( firstId ) , " secondId " : str ( secondId ) } )
d . close ( )
affected . add ( ( firstId , ' Point ' ) )
affected . add ( ( secondId , ' Point ' ) )
return affected
def getFeatureOwner ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Gets login of user who created/uploaded given feature.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@return login of user who creates / lately - edits this feature
featOwner = None
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select user from node where id=:featId and status<> ' R ' and u=1 union select user from way where id=:featId and status<> ' R ' and u=1 "
, { " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
for rec in c :
featOwner = rec [ 0 ]
c . close ( )
return featOwner
def getFeatureCreated ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Gets timestamp of when given feature was created/uploaded.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@return timestamp of when this feature was created / uploaded .
featCreated = None
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select timestamp from node where id=:featId and status<> ' R ' and u=1 \
union select timestamp from way where id = : featId and status < > ' R ' and u = 1 "
, { " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
row = c . fetchone ( )
if row < > None :
featCreated = row [ 0 ]
c . close ( )
return featCreated
def getFeatureGeometry ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Function constructs geometry of given feature.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@return geometry of given feature
featGeom = None
if featType == ' Point ' :
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select lat,lon from node where status<> ' R ' and id=:featId and u=1 "
, { " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
for rec in c :
featGeom = QgsGeometry . fromPoint ( QgsPoint ( rec [ 1 ] , rec [ 0 ] ) ) # QgsPoint(lon,lat)
c . close ( )
# it's not a point
elif featType in ( ' Line ' , ' Polygon ' ) :
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select w.wkb FROM way w WHERE w.status<> ' R ' and id=:featId and u=1 "
, { " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
for rec in c :
featWKB = str ( rec [ 0 ] )
theGeom = QgsGeometry ( )
theGeom . fromWkb ( featWKB )
featGeom = theGeom
c . close ( )
# well, finish now
return featGeom
def getFeatureTags ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Gets all tags of given feature.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
The tags are returned no matter what ' s feature status: ' N ' , ' A ' , ' U ' , ' R ' .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@return list of pairs ( tagKey , tagValue )
tags = [ ]
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select key, val from tag where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and u=1 "
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : str ( osmType ) } )
for tagRec in c :
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
tags . append ( ( tagRec [ 0 ] , tagRec [ 1 ] . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) ) )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
c . close ( )
return tags
def getTagValue ( self , featId , featType , tagKey ) :
""" Gets tag value of given feature.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
Tag is returned no matter what ' s feature status: ' N ' , ' A ' , ' U ' , ' R ' .
@param featId identifier of feature
@param featType type of feature
@param tagKey key of tag to which we search the value
@return list of pairs ( tagKey , tagValue )
val = " "
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select val from tag where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and key=:tagKey and u=1 "
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType , " tagKey " : tagKey } )
for rec in c :
val = rec [ 0 ]
c . close ( )
return val
c . close ( )
return val
def setTagValue ( self , featId , featType , tagKey , tagValue ) :
""" Function sets value of given feature and given key.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
Tag is updated no matter what ' s feature status: ' N ' , ' A ' , ' U ' , ' R ' .
@param featId identifier of feature
@param featType type of feature
@param tagKey key of tag
val = " "
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " update tag set val=:tagVal where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and key=:tagKey and u=1 "
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
, { " tagVal " : unicode ( tagValue , ' utf-8 ' ) , " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType , " tagKey " : tagKey } )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
for rec in c :
val = rec [ 0 ]
c . close ( )
return val
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
return val
def getFeatureRelations ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Gets all relations connected to given feature.
Feature is given by its identifier and type .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@return list of relation identifiers .
rels = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select distinct relation_id from relation_member where member_id=:objId and u=1 "
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) } )
for record in c :
rels . append ( record [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
return rels
def changePointStatus ( self , pointId , oldStatus , newStatus ) :
""" Function changes status of given point.
Allowed statuses and their meanings : ' U ' = Updated , ' R ' = Removed , ' N ' = Normal , ' A ' = Added .
If oldStatus is not specified , status is changed to newStatus no matter what was its previous value .
@param pointId id of feature
@param oldStatus old status that should be change
@param newStatus new feature status
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if not oldStatus :
c . execute ( " update node set status=:newStatus where id=:pointId and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " pointId " : str ( pointId ) } )
else :
c . execute ( " update node set status=:newStatus where id=:pointId and status=:oldStatus and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " pointId " : str ( pointId ) , " oldStatus " : oldStatus } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def changeLineStatus ( self , lineId , oldStatus , newStatus ) :
""" Function changes status of given line.
Allowed statuses and their meanings : ' U ' = Updated , ' R ' = Removed , ' N ' = Normal , ' A ' = Added .
If oldStatus is not specified , status is changed to newStatus no matter what was its previous value .
@param lineId id of feature
@param oldStatus old status that should be change
@param newStatus new feature status
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if not oldStatus :
c . execute ( " update way set status=:newStatus where id=:lineId and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
else :
c . execute ( " update way set status=:newStatus where id=:lineId and status=:oldStatus and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " lineId " : str ( lineId ) , " oldStatus " : oldStatus } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def changePolygonStatus ( self , polygonId , oldStatus , newStatus ) :
""" Function changes status of given polygon.
Allowed statuses and their meanings : ' U ' = Updated , ' R ' = Removed , ' N ' = Normal , ' A ' = Added .
If oldStatus is not specified , status is changed to newStatus no matter what was its previous value .
@param polygonId id of feature
@param oldStatus old status that should be change
@param newStatus new feature status
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if not oldStatus :
c . execute ( " update way set status=:newStatus where id=:polygonId and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) } )
else :
c . execute ( " update way set status=:newStatus where id=:polygonId and status=:oldStatus and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " polygonId " : str ( polygonId ) , " oldStatus " : oldStatus } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def changeWayStatus ( self , wayId , oldStatus , newStatus ) :
""" Function changes status of given OSM way
no matter if exact feature type is ' Line ' or ' Polygon ' .
Allowed statuses and their meanings : ' U ' = Updated , ' R ' = Removed , ' N ' = Normal , ' A ' = Added .
If oldStatus is not specified , status is changed to newStatus no matter what was its previous value .
@param wayId id of feature
@param oldStatus old status that should be change
@param newStatus new feature status
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if not oldStatus :
c . execute ( " update way set status=:newStatus where id=:wayId and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) } )
else :
c . execute ( " update way set status=:newStatus where id=:wayId and status=:oldStatus and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " wayId " : str ( wayId ) , " oldStatus " : oldStatus } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def changeRelationStatus ( self , relId , oldStatus , newStatus ) :
""" Function changes status of given relation.
Allowed statuses and their meanings : ' U ' = Updated , ' R ' = Removed , ' N ' = Normal , ' A ' = Added
If oldStatus is not specified , status is changed to newStatus no matter what was its previous value .
@param relId id of feature
@param oldStatus old status that should be change
@param newStatus new feature status
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if not oldStatus :
c . execute ( " update relation set status=:newStatus where id=:relId and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
else :
c . execute ( " update relation set status=:newStatus where id=:relId and status=:oldStatus and u=1 "
, { " newStatus " : newStatus , " relId " : str ( relId ) , " oldStatus " : oldStatus } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def changeRelationType ( self , relId , newType ) :
""" Function changes type of relation.
If relation status is ' N ' ( Normal ) , it is automatically changed to ' U '
( Updated ) to keep data consistent .
@param relId identifier of relation
@param newType name of new relation type
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " update relation set type=:newType where id=:relId and u=1 "
, { " newType " : newType , " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
c . close ( )
# update relation record in database; mark relation as updated
self . changeRelationStatus ( relId , ' N ' , ' U ' )
# update tag with key "type"
self . changeTagValue ( relId , ' Relation ' , ' type ' , newType )
self . commit ( )
def changeTagValue ( self , featId , featType , key , value ) :
""" Function changes value for given feature and tag key.
Feature is given by its id and type .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@param key unique key of tag
@param value new tag value of feature
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " update tag set val=:val where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and key=:key and u=1 "
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
, { " val " : unicode ( value , ' utf-8 ' ) , " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType , " key " : str ( key ) } )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def isTagDefined ( self , featId , featType , key ) :
""" Finds out if tag with given key is defined for given feature.
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@return True if given tag already exists for given feature ; False otherwise
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
if key == None :
return False
if len ( key ) == 0 :
return False
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
tagEx = False
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select 1 from tag where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and key=:key and u=1 "
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType , " key " : key } )
for rec in c :
tagEx = True
c . close ( )
return tagEx
def updateVersionId ( self , featId , featOSMType , newVerId ) :
""" Function updates version identifier of given feature.
It performs commit .
@param featId identifier of feature
@param featOSMType OSM type of feature ( one of ' node ' , ' way ' , ' relation ' )
@param newVerId new version id
if not newVerId :
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " update version set version_id=:verId where object_id=:featId and object_type=:featType "
, { " verId " : str ( newVerId ) , " featId " : str ( featId ) , " featType " : featOSMType } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def updateUser ( self , featId , featOSMType , user ) :
""" Function updates user (owner) of given feature.
It performs commit .
@param featId identifier of feature
@param featOSMType OSM type of feature ( one of ' node ' , ' way ' , ' relation ' )
@param user new owner of feature
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
if featOSMType == ' node ' :
c . execute ( " update node set user=:user where id=:featId and u=1 "
, { " user " : user . toAscii ( ) . data ( ) , " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
elif featOSMType == ' way ' :
c . execute ( " update way set user=:user where id=:featId and u=1 "
, { " user " : user . toAscii ( ) . data ( ) , " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
elif featOSMType == ' relation ' :
c . execute ( " update relation set user=:user where id=:featId and u=1 "
, { " user " : user . toAscii ( ) . data ( ) , " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def convertToOsmType ( self , featType ) :
""" Function converts feature type ( ' Point ' , ' Line ' , ' Polygon ' , ' Relation ' )
to relevant osm type ( ' way ' , ' node ' , ' relation ' ) .
@param featType type of feature
@return OSM type that is corresponding to featType
osmType = " "
if featType in ( ' Point ' , ' point ' ) :
osmType = " node "
elif featType in ( ' Polygon ' , ' Line ' , ' polygon ' , ' line ' ) :
osmType = " way "
elif featType in ( ' Relation ' , ' relation ' ) :
osmType = " relation "
return osmType
def insertTag ( self , featId , featType , key , value , doCommit = True ) :
""" Function inserts new tag to given feature.
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@param key key of new feature tag
@param value value of new feature tag
@param doCommit if True then commit is performed after tag insertion
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
val = ' '
if value < > None :
val = unicode ( value , ' utf-8 ' )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " insert into tag (object_id, object_type, key, val) values (:objId, :objType, :key, :val) "
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType , " key " : str ( key ) , " val " : val } )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
c . close ( )
if doCommit :
self . commit ( )
def insertTags ( self , featId , featType , tagRecords ) :
""" Function inserts new tags to given feature.
It doesn ' t verify that tag keys are unique.
Function performs commit .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@param tagRecords list of new features ' tags
for tagRecord in tagRecords :
key = tagRecord [ 0 ]
val = tagRecord [ 1 ]
self . insertTag ( featId , featType , key , val , False )
self . commit ( )
def removeTag ( self , featId , featType , key ) :
""" Function removes tag of given feature. Tag is given by its key.
It performs commit .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
@param key unique key of tag to remove
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from tag where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and key=:key and u=1 "
2009-09-09 12:16:24 +00:00
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType , " key " : str ( key ) } )
2009-07-30 11:08:18 +00:00
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def removeFeaturesTags ( self , featId , featType ) :
""" Function removes all features ' tags.
It performs commit .
@param featId id of feature
@param featType type of feature
osmType = self . convertToOsmType ( featType )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from tag where object_id=:objId and object_type=:objType and u=1 "
, { " objId " : str ( featId ) , " objType " : osmType } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def getLinePolygonMembers ( self , featId ) :
""" Function returns all lines ' /polygons ' members.
@param featId id of feature
@return list of all lines ' /polygons ' members
mems = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select n.id,n.lat,n.lon from node n,way_member wm where n.u=1 and wm.u=1 and wm.way_id=:featId and wm.node_id=n.id and n.status<> ' R ' "
, { " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
for rec in c :
mems . append ( ( rec [ 0 ] , rec [ 1 ] , rec [ 2 ] ) )
c . close ( )
return mems
def getRelationMembers ( self , relId ) :
""" Function returns all members of given relation.
It doesn ' t check if relation has non-removed (<> ' R ' ) status.
@param relId identifier of relation
@return list of all relations ' members
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select member_id, member_type, role from relation_member where relation_id=:relId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : str ( relId ) } )
mems = [ ]
for row in c :
mems . append ( ( row [ 0 ] , row [ 1 ] , row [ 2 ] ) )
c . close ( )
out = [ ]
for mem in mems :
featId = mem [ 0 ]
osmType = mem [ 1 ]
featRole = mem [ 2 ]
# finding out if feature is polygon
isPol = self . isPolygon ( featId )
if osmType == " way " and isPol :
featType = " Polygon "
elif osmType == " way " :
featType = " Line "
elif osmType == " node " :
featType = " Point "
elif osmType == " relation " :
featType = " Relation "
out . append ( ( featId , featType , featRole ) )
return out
def getNodeParents ( self , node ) :
""" Function gets all features (lines,polygons) where given node is part of them.
It returns list where each item consists of three values : ( parentGeometry , memberIndex , isPolygonFlag ) .
< parentGeometry > is QgsGeometry of one node ' s parent. Position of node in this geometry is determined by <memberIndex>.
< isPolygonFlag > just says if return geometry is of type " polygon " .
@param node QgsFeature object of node
@return list of parents
if not self . currentKey : # no layer loaded
return [ ]
# initialization
parentFeats = [ ]
memberIndexes = [ ]
isPolygonFlags = [ ]
mapPoint = node . geometry ( ) . asPoint ( )
area = QgsRectangle ( mapPoint . x ( ) - 0.00001 , mapPoint . y ( ) - 0.00001 , mapPoint . x ( ) + 0.00001 , mapPoint . y ( ) + 0.00001 )
lay = self . lineLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
while result :
parentFeats . append ( feat )
pos = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select pos_id from way_member where way_id=:polId and node_id=:pointId and u=1 order by 1 asc "
, { " polId " : feat . id ( ) , " pointId " : node . id ( ) } )
for rec in c :
pos . append ( rec [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
memberIndexes . append ( pos )
isPolygonFlags . append ( False )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
lay = self . polygonLayers [ self . currentKey ]
lay . select ( [ ] , area , True , True )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
while result :
parentFeats . append ( feat )
pos = [ ]
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select pos_id from way_member where way_id=:polId and node_id=:pointId and u=1 order by 1 asc "
, { " polId " : feat . id ( ) , " pointId " : node . id ( ) } )
for rec in c :
pos . append ( rec [ 0 ] )
c . close ( )
memberIndexes . append ( pos )
isPolygonFlags . append ( True )
feat = QgsFeature ( )
result = lay . nextFeature ( feat )
return ( parentFeats , memberIndexes , isPolygonFlags )
def removeFromRelation ( self , relId , memberId ) :
""" Function removes (all occurances of) given feature from existing relation.
It performs commit .
@param relId identifier of relation
@param memberId identifier of feature to remove
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from relation_member where relation_id=:relId and member_id=:memberId and u=1 "
, { " relId " : relId , " memberId " : str ( memberId ) } )
c . execute ( " update relation set status= ' U ' where id=:relId and u=1 and status= ' N ' "
, { " relId " : relId } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def __convertPseudoLineToPoint ( self , lineId ) :
""" Function converts line with only 1 member ( " pseudo-line " ) to point.
It performs commit .
@param lineId identifier of line
affected = set ( )
# first change status of old line to 'R' ~ Removed
self . changeLineStatus ( lineId , None , " R " )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select node_id from way_member where u=1 and way_id=:lineId "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
for rec in c :
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " update node set usage=usage-1 where id=:pointId and u=1 "
, { " pointId " : str ( rec [ 0 ] ) } )
affected . add ( ( rec [ 0 ] , ' Point ' ) )
d . close ( )
c . execute ( " delete from way_member where way_id=:lineId and u=1 "
, { " lineId " : str ( lineId ) } )
# remove all lines' tags
self . removeFeaturesTags ( lineId , " Line " )
# and that's all...
c . close ( )
# don't forget to remove pseudo-line from existing relations
# note: we won't put node into relations instead of the line!
self . __removeFeatureFromAllRelations ( lineId , " Line " )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( lineId , ' Line ' ) )
return affected
def __convertPseudoPolygonToLine ( self , polId ) :
""" Function converts polygon with only 2 members ( " pseudo-polygon " ) to line.
Identifier of resulting line is the same as id of original polygon .
@param polId identifier of pseudo - polygon
affected = set ( )
# it's quite simple!
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " update way set closed=0,wkb=:wkb where id=:polId and u=1 "
, { " polId " : str ( polId ) , " wkb " : sqlite3 . Binary ( " " ) } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
affected . add ( ( polId , ' Polygon ' ) )
affected . add ( ( polId , ' Line ' ) ) # there's not a mistake here!
return affected
def isPolygon ( self , featId ) :
""" Function finds out if feature given by its identifier is polygon or not.
@param featId identifier of feature
@return True if feature is polygon ; False otherwise
isPol = False
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select 1 from way where id=:featId and closed=1 and u=1 "
, { " featId " : str ( featId ) } )
for rec in c :
isPol = True
c . close ( )
return isPol
def recacheAffectedNow ( self , affected ) :
""" Function calls recaching of all features that are given in parameter.
Recaching is called only if it is provided by vector layer interface .
@param affected list of features to be recached
if affected == None or len ( affected ) < 1 or not self . currentKey :
settings = QSettings ( )
cacheMode = settings . value ( " qgis/vectorLayerCacheMode " , QVariant ( " heuristics " ) ) . toString ( )
if cacheMode == " nothing " :
if not hasattr ( self . pointLayers [ self . currentKey ] , ' recacheFeature ' ) :
for ( fid , ftype ) in affected :
# cache is enabled; cache must refetch all affected features
if ftype == ' Point ' :
self . pointLayers [ self . currentKey ] . recacheFeature ( fid )
elif ftype == ' Line ' :
self . lineLayers [ self . currentKey ] . recacheFeature ( fid )
elif ftype == ' Polygon ' :
self . polygonLayers [ self . currentKey ] . recacheFeature ( fid )
def updateNodeId ( self , nodePseudoId , newNodeId , user ) :
""" Function updates node identification in sqlite3 database.
Used after uploading .
@param nodePseudoId identifier which was used for temporary identification of the node in database
@param newNodeId identifier that is for node valid in OSM server database
@param user new user name
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
now = datetime . datetime . now ( )
nowfmt = now . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " )
c . execute ( " update node set id=?, user=?, timestamp=?, status=? where id=? "
, ( newNodeId , user . toAscii ( ) . data ( ) , nowfmt , ' N ' , nodePseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " update tag set object_id=? where object_id=? " , ( newNodeId , nodePseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " update way_member set node_id=? where node_id=? " , ( newNodeId , nodePseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " insert into version (object_id,object_type,version_id) values (?, ' node ' ,?) " , ( newNodeId , 1 ) )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def updateWayId ( self , pseudoId , newId , user ) :
""" Function updates way identification in sqlite3 database.
Used after uploading .
@param pseudoId identifier which was used for temporary identification of the way in database
@param newId identifier that is for that way valid in OSM server database
@param user new user name
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
now = datetime . datetime . now ( )
nowfmt = now . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " )
c . execute ( " update way set id=?, user=?, timestamp=?, status=? where id=? "
, ( newId , user . toAscii ( ) . data ( ) , nowfmt , ' N ' , pseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " update tag set object_id=? where object_id=? and object_type= ' way ' " , ( newId , pseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " update way_member set way_id=? where way_id=? " , ( newId , pseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " insert into version (object_id,object_type,version_id) values (?, ' way ' ,?) " , ( newId , 1 ) )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def updateRelationId ( self , relPseudoId , newRelId , user ) :
""" Function updates relation identification in sqlite3 database.
Used after uploading .
@param relPseudoId identifier which was used for temporary identification of the relation in database
@param newRelId identifier that is for relation valid in OSM server database
@param user new user name
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
now = datetime . datetime . now ( )
nowfmt = now . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ " )
c . execute ( " update relation set id=?, user=?, timestamp=?, status=? where id=? "
, ( newRelId , user . toAscii ( ) . data ( ) , nowfmt , ' N ' , relPseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " update tag set object_id=? where object_id=? and object_type= ' relation ' " , ( newRelId , relPseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " update relation_member set relation_id=? where relation_id=? " , ( newRelId , relPseudoId ) )
c . execute ( " insert into version (object_id,object_type,version_id) values (?, ' relation ' ,?) " , ( newRelId , 1 ) )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def removeUselessRecords ( self ) :
""" Function removes all records with ' R ' status.
Uploader calls this function after upload process finishes .
It performs commit .
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from version where object_type= ' way ' and exists( select 1 from way w where object_id=w.id and w.status= ' R ' ) " )
c . execute ( " delete from version where object_type= ' node ' and exists( select 1 from node n where object_id=n.id and n.status= ' R ' ) " )
c . execute ( " delete from version where object_type= ' relation ' and exists( select 1 from relation r where object_id=r.id and r.status= ' R ' ) " )
c . execute ( " delete from node where status= ' R ' " )
c . execute ( " delete from way where status= ' R ' " )
c . execute ( " delete from relation where status= ' R ' " )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def removePointRecord ( self , featId ) :
""" Function removes database record of given point.
This deletion is not just setting point status to ' R ' ( Removed ) like removePoint ( ) function does .
This function removes point permanently and it should be called after upload operation only .
Function performs commit .
@param featId identifier of feature / point
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from node where status= ' R ' and id=:pointId and u=1 " , { " pointId " : str ( featId ) } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def removeWayRecord ( self , featId ) :
""" Function removes database record of given OSM way.
This deletion is not just setting way status to ' R ' ( Removed ) like removeLine ( ) / removePolygon ( ) function does .
This function removes way permanently and it should be called after upload operation only .
Function performs commit .
@param featId identifier of feature ( way )
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from way where status= ' R ' and id=:wayId and u=1 " , { " wayId " : str ( featId ) } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def removeRelationRecord ( self , featId ) :
""" Function removes database record of given relation.
This deletion is not just setting relation status to ' R ' ( Removed ) like removeRelation ( ) function does .
This function removes relation permanently and it should be called after upload operation only .
Function performs commit .
@param featId identifier of feature / relation
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from relation where status= ' R ' and id=:relId and u=1 " , { " relId " : str ( featId ) } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def commit ( self ) :
""" Performs commit on current database.
self . getConnection ( ) . commit ( )
def rollback ( self ) :
""" Performs rollback on current database.
self . getConnection ( ) . rollback ( )
def getCurrentActionNumber ( self ) :
""" Function finds out the highest identifier in editing history.
@return the highest identifier in editing history
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select max(change_id) from change_step " )
for rec in c :
c . close ( )
if not rec [ 0 ] :
return 0
return rec [ 0 ]
def removeAllChangeSteps ( self ) :
""" Function removes all records of editing history.
It performs commit .
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from change_step " )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def removeChangeStepsBetween ( self , fromId , toId ) :
""" Function removes all records of editing history that falls to given interval.
It performs commit .
@param fromId identifier of the row
@param toId identifier of the row
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " delete from change_step where change_id>=:fromId and change_id<=:toId "
, { " fromId " : str ( fromId ) , " toId " : str ( toId ) } )
c . close ( )
self . commit ( )
def getChangeSteps ( self , startId , stopId ) :
""" Function returns all records of editing history that falls to given interval.
@param startId identifier of the row
@param stopId identifier of the row
@return list of editing history records
c = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " select change_type,tab_name,row_id,col_name,old_value,new_value from change_step \
where change_id > : startId and change_id < = : stopId order by change_id desc "
, { " startId " : str ( startId ) , " stopId " : str ( stopId ) } )
chSteps = [ ]
for rec in c :
chSteps . append ( rec )
c . close ( )
return chSteps
def setRowDeleted ( self , tabName , rowId ) :
""" Function marks given row of given table as deleted.
@param tabName name of table
@param rowId identifier of the row
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " update " + tabName + " set u=0 where i=:rowId "
, { " rowId " : rowId } )
d . close ( )
def setRowNotDeleted ( self , tabName , rowId ) :
""" Function marks given row of given table as not deleted.
@param tabName name of table
@param rowId identifier of the row
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " update " + tabName + " set u=1 where i=:rowId "
, { " rowId " : rowId } )
d . close ( )
def setRowColumnValue ( self , tabName , colName , newValue , rowId ) :
""" Function sets new value in given table, row and column.
It doesn ' t perform commit.
@param tabName name of table
@param colName name of column
@param newValue new value to set
@param rowId identifier of the row
d = self . getConnection ( ) . cursor ( )
d . execute ( " update " + tabName + " set " + colName + " = ' " + newValue + " ' where i=:rowId "
, { " rowId " : str ( rowId ) } )
d . close ( )