* @param theExtent Extent used to calc statistics, if empty, whole raster extent is used.
* @param theSampleSize Approximate number of cells in sample. If 0, all cells (whole raster will be used). If raster does not have exact size (WCS without exact size for example), provider decides size of sample.
* @return Band statistics.
virtual QgsRasterBandStats bandStatistics( int theBandNo,
int theStats = QgsRasterBandStats::All,
const QgsRectangle & theExtent = QgsRectangle(),
int theSampleSize = 0 );
/** \brief Returns true if histogram is available (cached, already calculated). * The parameters are the same as in bandStatistics()
* @return true if statistics are available (ready to use)
virtual bool hasStatistics( int theBandNo,
int theStats = QgsRasterBandStats::All,
const QgsRectangle & theExtent = QgsRectangle(),
int theSampleSize = 0 );
/** \brief Get histogram. Histograms are cached in providers.
* @param theBandNo The band (number).
* @param theBinCount Number of bins (intervals,buckets). If 0, the number of bins is decided automaticaly according to data type, raster size etc.
* @param theMinimum Minimum value, if NaN, raster minimum value will be used.
* @param theMaximum Maximum value, if NaN, raster minimum value will be used.
* @param theExtent Extent used to calc histogram, if empty, whole raster extent is used.
* @param theSampleSize Approximate number of cells in sample. If 0, all cells (whole raster will be used). If raster does not have exact size (WCS without exact size for example), provider decides size of sample.
* @param theIncludeOutOfRange include out of range values
* @return Vector of non NULL cell counts for each bin.
* @note theBinCount, theMinimun and theMaximum not optional in python bindings
virtual QgsRasterHistogram histogram( int theBandNo,
/** \brief Find values for cumulative pixel count cut.
* @param theBandNo The band (number).
* @param theLowerCount The lower count as fraction of 1, e.g. 0.02 = 2%
* @param theUpperCount The upper count as fraction of 1, e.g. 0.98 = 98%
* @param theLowerValue Location into which the lower value will be set.
* @param theUpperValue Location into which the upper value will be set.
* @param theExtent Extent used to calc histogram, if empty, whole raster extent is used.
* @param theSampleSize Approximate number of cells in sample. If 0, all cells (whole raster will be used). If raster does not have exact size (WCS without exact size for example), provider decides size of sample.