QgsEditorWidgetWrapper.__attribute_docs__={'valueChanged':'Emit this signal, whenever the value changed.\n\n:param value: The new value\n\n.. deprecated:: 3.10\n\n Use valuesChanged signal instead.\n','valuesChanged':'Emit this signal, whenever the value changed.\nIt will also return the values for the additional fields handled by the widget\n\n:param value: The new value\n:param additionalFieldValues: A map of additional field names with their corresponding values\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.10\n','constraintStatusChanged':'Emit this signal when the constraint status changed.\nconstraintStatusChanged\n\n:param constraint: represented as a string\n:param desc: is the constraint description\n:param err: the error represented as a string. Empty if none.\n:param status:\n','constraintResultVisibleChanged':'Emit this signal when the constraint result visibility changed.\n'}