2014-01-17 19:39:17 +01:00
<root >
<key > TrainImagesClassifier-boost</key>
<exec > otbcli_TrainImagesClassifier</exec>
<longname > TrainImagesClassifier (boost)</longname>
<group > Learning</group>
<description > Train a classifier from multiple pairs of images and training vector data.</description>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_InputImageList" > ParameterMultipleInput</parameter_type>
<key > io.il</key>
<name > Input Image List</name>
<description > A list of input images.</description>
<datatype />
<optional > False</optional>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_InputVectorDataList" > ParameterMultipleInput</parameter_type>
<key > io.vd</key>
<name > Input Vector Data List</name>
<description > A list of vector data to select the training samples.</description>
<datatype />
<optional > False</optional>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_InputFilename" > ParameterFile</parameter_type>
<key > io.imstat</key>
<name > Input XML image statistics file</name>
<description > Input XML file containing the mean and the standard deviation of the input images.</description>
<isFolder />
<optional > True</optional>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_OutputFilename" > OutputFile</parameter_type>
<key > io.confmatout</key>
<name > Output confusion matrix</name>
<description > Output file containing the confusion matrix (.csv format).</description>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_OutputFilename" > OutputFile</parameter_type>
<key > io.out</key>
<name > Output model</name>
<description > Output file containing the model estimated (.txt format).</description>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Float" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > elev.default</key>
<name > Default elevation</name>
2015-07-03 14:45:26 +02:00
<description > This parameter allows to set the default height above ellipsoid when there is no DEM available, no coverage for some points or pixels with no_data in the DEM tiles, and no geoid file has been set. This is also used by some application as an average elevation value.</description>
2014-01-17 19:39:17 +01:00
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 0</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Int" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > sample.mt</key>
<name > Maximum training sample size per class</name>
<description > Maximum size per class (in pixels) of the training sample list (default = 1000) (no limit = -1). If equal to -1, then the maximal size of the available training sample list per class will be equal to the surface area of the smallest class multiplied by the training sample ratio.</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 1000</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Int" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > sample.mv</key>
<name > Maximum validation sample size per class</name>
<description > Maximum size per class (in pixels) of the validation sample list (default = 1000) (no limit = -1). If equal to -1, then the maximal size of the available validation sample list per class will be equal to the surface area of the smallest class multiplied by the validation sample ratio.</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 1000</default>
2015-07-03 14:45:26 +02:00
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Int" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > sample.bm</key>
<name > Bound sample number by minimum</name>
<description > Bound the number of samples for each class by the number of available samples by the smaller class. Proportions between training and validation are respected. Default is true (=1).</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 1</default>
2014-01-17 19:39:17 +01:00
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Empty" > ParameterBoolean</parameter_type>
<key > sample.edg</key>
<name > On edge pixel inclusion</name>
<description > Takes pixels on polygon edge into consideration when building training and validation samples.</description>
<default > True</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Float" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > sample.vtr</key>
<name > Training and validation sample ratio</name>
<description > Ratio between training and validation samples (0.0 = all training, 1.0 = all validation) (default = 0.5).</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 0.5</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_String" > ParameterString</parameter_type>
<key > sample.vfn</key>
<name > Name of the discrimination field</name>
<description > Name of the field used to discriminate class labels in the input vector data files.</description>
<default > Class</default>
<multiline />
<optional > False</optional>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Choice" > ParameterSelection</parameter_type>
<key > classifier</key>
<name > Classifier to use for the training</name>
<description > Choice of the classifier to use for the training.</description>
<options >
<choices >
<choice > boost</choice>
<default > 0</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Choice" > ParameterSelection</parameter_type>
<key > classifier.boost.t</key>
<name > Boost Type</name>
<description > Type of Boosting algorithm.</description>
<options >
<choices >
<choice > discrete</choice>
<choice > real</choice>
<choice > logit</choice>
<choice > gentle</choice>
<default > 1</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Int" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > classifier.boost.w</key>
<name > Weak count</name>
<description > The number of weak classifiers.</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 100</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Float" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > classifier.boost.r</key>
<name > Weight Trim Rate</name>
<description > A threshold between 0 and 1 used to save computational time. Samples with summary weight < = (1 - weight_trim_rate) do not participate in the next iteration of training. Set this parameter to 0 to turn off this functionality.</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 0.95</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Int" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > classifier.boost.m</key>
<name > Maximum depth of the tree</name>
<description > Maximum depth of the tree.</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 1</default>
<parameter >
<parameter_type source_parameter_type= "ParameterType_Int" > ParameterNumber</parameter_type>
<key > rand</key>
<name > set user defined seed</name>
<description > Set specific seed. with integer value.</description>
<minValue />
<maxValue />
<default > 0</default>