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qgsgpsplugin.cpp - GPS related tools
Date : Jan 21, 2004
Copyright : (C) 2004 by Tim Sutton
Email : tim@linfiniti.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
// includes
#include "../../src/qgisapp.h"
#include "../../src/qgsmaplayerregistry.h"
#include "../../src/qgsmaplayer.h"
#include "../../src/qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "../../src/qgsdataprovider.h"
#include "qgsgpsplugin.h"
#include <qeventloop.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qmenubar.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qprocess.h>
#include <qprogressdialog.h>
#include <qsettings.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
//non qt includes
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
//the gui subclass
#include "qgsgpsplugingui.h"
// xpm for creating the toolbar icon
#include "icon.xpm"
#ifdef WIN32
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C"
static const char * const ident_ =
static const char * const name_ = "GPS Tools";
static const char * const description_ =
"Tools for loading and importing GPS data.";
static const char * const version_ = "Version 0.1";
static const QgisPlugin::PLUGINTYPE type_ = QgisPlugin::UI;
* Constructor for the plugin. The plugin is passed a pointer to the main app
* and an interface object that provides access to exposed functions in QGIS.
* @param qgis Pointer to the QGIS main window
* @param _qI Pointer to the QGIS interface object
QgsGPSPlugin::QgsGPSPlugin(QgisApp * theQGisApp, QgisIface * theQgisInterFace):
// delete all our babel formats
BabelMap::iterator iter;
for (iter = mImporters.begin(); iter != mImporters.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
for (iter = mDevices.begin(); iter != mDevices.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
* Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsGPSPlugin::initGui()
// add a menu with 2 items
QPopupMenu *pluginMenu = new QPopupMenu(mMainWindowPointer);
pluginMenu->insertItem(QIconSet(icon),"&Gps Tools", this, SLOT(run()));
pluginMenu->insertItem("&Create new GPX layer", this, SLOT(createGPX()));
mMenuBarPointer = ((QMainWindow *) mMainWindowPointer)->menuBar();
mMenuId = mQGisInterface->addMenu("&Gps", pluginMenu);
// add an action to the toolbar
mQActionPointer = new QAction("Gps Tools", QIconSet(icon), "&Wmi",0,
this, "run");
connect(mQActionPointer, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(run()));
//method defined in interface
void QgsGPSPlugin::help()
//implement me!
// Slot called when the buffer menu item is activated
void QgsGPSPlugin::run()
// find all GPX layers
std::vector<QgsVectorLayer*> gpxLayers;
std::map<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::const_iterator iter;
std::cerr<<"LAYERS: "<<mQGisInterface->getLayerRegistry()->
for (iter = mQGisInterface->getLayerRegistry()->mapLayers().begin();
iter != mQGisInterface->getLayerRegistry()->mapLayers().end(); ++iter) {
if (iter->second->type() == QgsMapLayer::VECTOR) {
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>(iter->second);
if (vLayer->providerType() == "gpx")
QgsGPSPluginGui *myPluginGui =
new QgsGPSPluginGui(mImporters, mDevices, gpxLayers, mMainWindowPointer,
"GPS Tools", true, 0);
//listen for when the layer has been made so we can draw it
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(drawRasterLayer(QString)),
this, SLOT(drawRasterLayer(QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(drawVectorLayer(QString,QString,QString)),
this, SLOT(drawVectorLayer(QString,QString,QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(loadGPXFile(QString, bool, bool, bool)),
this, SLOT(loadGPXFile(QString, bool, bool, bool)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(importGPSFile(QString, QgsBabelFormat*, bool,
bool, bool, QString, QString)),
this, SLOT(importGPSFile(QString, QgsBabelFormat*, bool, bool,
bool, QString, QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(downloadFromGPS(QString, QString, bool, bool,
bool, QString, QString)),
this, SLOT(downloadFromGPS(QString, QString, bool, bool, bool,
QString, QString)));
connect(myPluginGui, SIGNAL(uploadToGPS(QgsVectorLayer*, QString, QString)),
this, SLOT(uploadToGPS(QgsVectorLayer*, QString, QString)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(closeGui()), myPluginGui, SLOT(close()));
void QgsGPSPlugin::createGPX() {
QString fileName =
QFileDialog::getSaveFileName("." , "GPS eXchange file (*.gpx)",
mMainWindowPointer, "OpenFileDialog",
"Save new GPX file as...");
if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName);
std::ofstream ofs((const char*)fileName);
if (!ofs) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not create file",
"Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. "
"Try again with another name or in another "
emit drawVectorLayer(fileName + "?type=track",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", tracks", "gpx");
emit drawVectorLayer(fileName + "?type=route",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", routes", "gpx");
emit drawVectorLayer(fileName + "?type=waypoint",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", waypoints", "gpx");
void QgsGPSPlugin::drawVectorLayer(QString thePathNameQString,
QString theBaseNameQString,
QString theProviderQString)
mQGisInterface->addVectorLayer(thePathNameQString, theBaseNameQString,
// Unload the plugin by cleaning up the GUI
void QgsGPSPlugin::unload()
// remove the GUI
delete mQActionPointer;
void QgsGPSPlugin::loadGPXFile(QString filename, bool loadWaypoints, bool loadRoutes,
bool loadTracks) {
//check if input file is readable
QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
if (!fileInfo.isReadable()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "GPX Loader",
"Unable to read the selected file.\n"
"Please reselect a valid file." );
// remember the directory
QSettings settings;
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/gpxdirectory", fileInfo.dirPath());
// add the requested layers
if (loadTracks)
emit drawVectorLayer(filename + "?type=track",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", tracks", "gpx");
if (loadRoutes)
emit drawVectorLayer(filename + "?type=route",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", routes", "gpx");
if (loadWaypoints)
emit drawVectorLayer(filename + "?type=waypoint",
fileInfo.baseName() + ", waypoints", "gpx");
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::importGPSFile(QString inputFilename, QgsBabelFormat* importer,
bool importWaypoints, bool importRoutes,
bool importTracks, QString outputFilename,
QString layerName) {
// what features does the user want to import?
QString typeArg;
if (importWaypoints)
typeArg = "-w";
else if (importRoutes)
typeArg = "-r";
else if (importTracks)
typeArg = "-t";
// try to start the gpsbabel process
QStringList babelArgs =
importer->importCommand(mBabelPath, typeArg,
inputFilename, outputFilename);
QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs);
if (!babelProcess.start()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not start process",
"Could not start GPSBabel!");
// wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel)
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Importing data...", "Cancel", 0,
NULL, 0, true);
for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) {
if (progressDialog.wasCancelled())
// did we get any data?
if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) {
QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr());
QString errorMsg(QString("Could not import data from %1!\n\n")
errorMsg += babelError;
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Error importing data", errorMsg);
// add the layer
if (importTracks)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=track",
layerName, "gpx");
if (importRoutes)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=route",
layerName, "gpx");
if (importWaypoints)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=waypoint",
layerName, "gpx");
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::downloadFromGPS(QString device, QString port,
bool downloadWaypoints, bool downloadRoutes,
bool downloadTracks, QString outputFilename,
QString layerName) {
// what does the user want to download?
QString typeArg;
if (downloadWaypoints)
typeArg = "-w";
else if (downloadRoutes)
typeArg = "-r";
else if (downloadTracks)
typeArg = "-t";
// try to start the gpsbabel process
QStringList babelArgs =
mDevices[device]->importCommand(mBabelPath, typeArg,
port, outputFilename);
QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs);
if (!babelProcess.start()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not start process",
"Could not start GPSBabel!");
// wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel)
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Downloading data...", "Cancel", 0,
NULL, 0, true);
for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) {
if (progressDialog.wasCancelled())
// did we get any data?
if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) {
QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr());
QString errorMsg("Could not download data from GPS!\n\n");
errorMsg += babelError;
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Error downloading data", errorMsg);
// add the layer
if (downloadWaypoints)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=waypoint",
layerName, "gpx");
if (downloadRoutes)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=route",
layerName, "gpx");
if (downloadTracks)
emit drawVectorLayer(outputFilename + "?type=track",
layerName, "gpx");
// everything was OK, remember the device and port for next time
QSettings settings;
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastdldevice", device);
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastdlport", port);
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::uploadToGPS(QgsVectorLayer* gpxLayer, QString device,
QString port) {
const QString& source(gpxLayer->getDataProvider()->getDataSourceUri());
// what kind of data does the user want to upload?
QString typeArg;
if (source.right(8) == "waypoint")
typeArg = "-w";
else if (source.right(5) == "route")
typeArg = "-r";
else if (source.right(5) == "track")
typeArg = "-t";
else {
// try to start the gpsbabel process
QStringList babelArgs =
mDevices[device]->exportCommand(mBabelPath, typeArg,
source.left(source.findRev('?')), port);
QProcess babelProcess(babelArgs);
if (!babelProcess.start()) {
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Could not start process",
"Could not start GPSBabel!");
// wait for gpsbabel to finish (or the user to cancel)
QProgressDialog progressDialog("Uploading data...", "Cancel", 0,
NULL, 0, true);
for (int i = 0; babelProcess.isRunning(); ++i) {
if (progressDialog.wasCancelled())
// did we get an error?
if (babelProcess.exitStatus() != 0) {
QString babelError(babelProcess.readStderr());
QString errorMsg("Error while uploading data to GPS!\n\n");
errorMsg += babelError;
QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "Error uploading data", errorMsg);
// everything was OK, remember this device for next time
QSettings settings;
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastuldevice", device);
settings.writeEntry("/qgis/gps/lastulport", port);
emit closeGui();
void QgsGPSPlugin::setupBabel() {
// where is gpsbabel?
QSettings settings;
mBabelPath = settings.readEntry("/qgis/gps/gpsbabelpath");
if (mBabelPath.isEmpty())
mBabelPath = "gpsbabel";
// the importable formats
mImporters["Geocaching.com .loc"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("geo", true, false, false);
mImporters["Magellan Mapsend"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mapsend", true, true, true);
mImporters["Garmin PCX5"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("pcx", true, false, true);
mImporters["Garmin Mapsource"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mapsource", true, true, true);
mImporters["GPSUtil"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpsutil", true, false, false);
mImporters["PocketStreets 2002/2003 Pushpin"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("psp", true, false, false);
mImporters["CoPilot Flight Planner"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("copilot", true, false, false);
mImporters["Magellan Navigator Companion"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("magnav", true, false, false);
mImporters["Holux"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("holux", true, false, false);
mImporters["Topo by National Geographic"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("tpg", true, false, false);
mImporters["TopoMapPro"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("tmpro", true, false, false);
mImporters["GeocachingDB"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gcdb", true, false, false);
mImporters["Tiger"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("tiger", true, false, false);
mImporters["EasyGPS Binary Format"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("easygps", true, false, false);
mImporters["Delorme Routes"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("saroute", false, false, true);
mImporters["Navicache"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("navicache", true, false, false);
mImporters["PSITrex"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("psitrex", true, true, true);
mImporters["Delorme GPS Log"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpl", false, false, true);
mImporters["OziExplorer"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("ozi", true, false, false);
mImporters["NMEA Sentences"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("nmea", true, false, true);
mImporters["Delorme Street Atlas 2004 Plus"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("saplus", true, false, false);
mImporters["Microsoft Streets and Trips"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("s_and_t", true, false, false);
mImporters["NIMA/GNIS Geographic Names"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("nima", true, false, false);
mImporters["Maptech"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mxf", true, false, false);
mImporters["Mapopolis.com Mapconverter Application"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("mapconverter", true, false, false);
mImporters["GPSman"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpsman", true, false, false);
mImporters["GPSDrive"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("gpsdrive", true, false, false);
mImporters["Fugawi"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("fugawi", true, false, false);
mImporters["DNA"] =
new QgsSimpleBabelFormat("dna", true, false, false);
// and the GPS devices
mDevices["Garmin serial"] =
new QgsBabelCommand("%babel -i garmin -o gpx /dev/ttyS0 %out",
"%babel -i gpx -o garmin %in /dev/ttyS0");
QStringList deviceNames = settings.readListEntry("/qgis/gps/devicelist");
QStringList::iterator iter;
for (iter = deviceNames.begin(); iter != deviceNames.end(); ++iter) {
QString download = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/download").arg(*iter), "");
QString upload = settings.
readEntry(QString("/qgis/gps/devices/%1/upload").arg(*iter), "");
mDevices[*iter] = new QgsBabelCommand(download, upload);
* Required extern functions needed for every plugin
* These functions can be called prior to creating an instance
* of the plugin class
// Class factory to return a new instance of the plugin class
QGISEXTERN QgisPlugin * classFactory(QgisApp * theQGisAppPointer,
QgisIface * theQgisInterfacePointer)
return new QgsGPSPlugin(theQGisAppPointer, theQgisInterfacePointer);
// Return the name of the plugin - note that we do not user class members as
// the class may not yet be insantiated when this method is called.
QGISEXTERN QString name()
return name_;
// Return the description
QGISEXTERN QString description()
return description_;
// Return the type (either UI or MapLayer plugin)
QGISEXTERN int type()
return type_;
// Return the version number for the plugin
QGISEXTERN QString version()
return version_;
// Delete ourself
QGISEXTERN void unload(QgisPlugin * thePluginPointer)
delete thePluginPointer;