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2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name : DB Manager
2013-06-09 18:28:52 +02:00
Description : Database manager plugin for QGIS
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
Date : May 23, 2011
copyright : (C) 2011 by Giuseppe Sucameli
email : brush.tyler@gmail.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QObject, SIGNAL, qDebug, QByteArray, QMimeData, QDataStream, QIODevice, QFileInfo, \
QAbstractItemModel, QModelIndex, QSettings
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QIcon, QMessageBox
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
from .db_plugins import supportedDbTypes, createDbPlugin
from .db_plugins.plugin import BaseError, Table
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
from .dlg_db_error import DlgDbError
import qgis.core
from . import resources_rc
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
except ImportError:
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
class TreeItem(QObject):
def __init__(self, data, parent=None):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self.populated = False
self.itemData = data
self.childItems = []
if parent:
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def childRemoved(self, child):
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def itemChanged(self):
self.emit(SIGNAL("itemChanged"), self)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def itemRemoved(self):
self.emit(SIGNAL("itemRemoved"), self)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def populate(self):
self.populated = True
return True
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def getItemData(self):
return self.itemData
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def appendChild(self, child):
self.connect(child, SIGNAL("itemRemoved"), self.childRemoved)
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def child(self, row):
return self.childItems[row]
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def removeChild(self, row):
if row >= 0 and row < len(self.childItems):
self.disconnect(self.childItems[row], SIGNAL("itemRemoved"), self.childRemoved)
del self.childItems[row]
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def childCount(self):
return len(self.childItems)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def columnCount(self):
return 1
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def row(self):
if self.parent():
for row, item in enumerate(self.parent().childItems):
if item is self:
return row
return 0
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def data(self, column):
return "" if column == 0 else None
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def icon(self):
return None
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def path(self):
pathList = []
if self.parent():
return pathList
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
class PluginItem(TreeItem):
def __init__(self, dbplugin, parent=None):
TreeItem.__init__(self, dbplugin, parent)
def populate(self):
if self.populated:
return True
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
# create items for connections
for c in self.getItemData().connections():
ConnectionItem(c, self)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
self.populated = True
return True
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def data(self, column):
if column == 0:
return self.getItemData().typeNameString()
return None
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def icon(self):
return self.getItemData().icon()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def path(self):
return [self.getItemData().typeName()]
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
class ConnectionItem(TreeItem):
def __init__(self, connection, parent=None):
TreeItem.__init__(self, connection, parent)
self.connect(connection, SIGNAL("changed"), self.itemChanged)
self.connect(connection, SIGNAL("deleted"), self.itemRemoved)
# load (shared) icon with first instance of table item
if not hasattr(ConnectionItem, 'connectedIcon'):
ConnectionItem.connectedIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/plugged.png")
ConnectionItem.disconnectedIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/unplugged.png")
def data(self, column):
if column == 0:
return self.getItemData().connectionName()
return None
def populate(self):
if self.populated:
return True
connection = self.getItemData()
if connection.database() is None:
# connect to database
if not connection.connect():
return False
except BaseError as e:
DlgDbError.showError(e, None)
return False
database = connection.database()
self.connect(database, SIGNAL("changed"), self.itemChanged)
self.connect(database, SIGNAL("deleted"), self.itemRemoved)
schemas = database.schemas()
if schemas is not None:
for s in schemas:
SchemaItem(s, self)
tables = database.tables()
for t in tables:
TableItem(t, self)
self.populated = True
return True
def isConnected(self):
return self.getItemData().database() is not None
# def icon(self):
# return self.connectedIcon if self.isConnected() else self.disconnectedIcon
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
class SchemaItem(TreeItem):
def __init__(self, schema, parent):
TreeItem.__init__(self, schema, parent)
self.connect(schema, SIGNAL("changed"), self.itemChanged)
self.connect(schema, SIGNAL("deleted"), self.itemRemoved)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
# load (shared) icon with first instance of schema item
if not hasattr(SchemaItem, 'schemaIcon'):
SchemaItem.schemaIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/namespace.png")
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def data(self, column):
if column == 0:
return self.getItemData().name
return None
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def icon(self):
return self.schemaIcon
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def populate(self):
if self.populated:
return True
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
for t in self.getItemData().tables():
TableItem(t, self)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
self.populated = True
return True
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
class TableItem(TreeItem):
def __init__(self, table, parent):
TreeItem.__init__(self, table, parent)
self.connect(table, SIGNAL("changed"), self.itemChanged)
self.connect(table, SIGNAL("deleted"), self.itemRemoved)
# load (shared) icon with first instance of table item
if not hasattr(TableItem, 'tableIcon'):
TableItem.tableIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/table.png")
TableItem.viewIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/view.png")
TableItem.viewMaterializedIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/view_materialized.png")
TableItem.layerPointIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/layer_point.png")
TableItem.layerLineIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/layer_line.png")
TableItem.layerPolygonIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/layer_polygon.png")
TableItem.layerRasterIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/layer_raster.png")
TableItem.layerUnknownIcon = QIcon(":/db_manager/icons/layer_unknown.png")
def data(self, column):
if column == 0:
return self.getItemData().name
elif column == 1:
if self.getItemData().type == Table.VectorType:
return self.getItemData().geomType
return None
def icon(self):
if self.getItemData().type == Table.VectorType:
geom_type = self.getItemData().geomType
if geom_type is not None:
if geom_type.find('POINT') != -1:
return self.layerPointIcon
elif geom_type.find('LINESTRING') != -1:
return self.layerLineIcon
elif geom_type.find('POLYGON') != -1:
return self.layerPolygonIcon
return self.layerUnknownIcon
elif self.getItemData().type == Table.RasterType:
return self.layerRasterIcon
if self.getItemData().isView:
if hasattr(self.getItemData(), '_relationType') and self.getItemData()._relationType == 'm':
return self.viewMaterializedIcon
return self.viewIcon
return self.tableIcon
def path(self):
pathList = []
if self.parent():
if self.getItemData().type == Table.VectorType:
pathList.append("%s::%s" % (self.data(0), self.getItemData().geomColumn))
return pathList
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
class DBModel(QAbstractItemModel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self, parent)
self.treeView = parent
self.header = [self.tr('Databases')]
self.isImportVectorAvail = hasattr(qgis.core, 'QgsVectorLayerImport')
if self.isImportVectorAvail:
self.connect(self, SIGNAL("importVector"), self.importVector)
self.hasSpatialiteSupport = "spatialite" in supportedDbTypes()
self.rootItem = TreeItem(None, None)
for dbtype in supportedDbTypes():
dbpluginclass = createDbPlugin(dbtype)
item = PluginItem(dbpluginclass, self.rootItem)
self.connect(item, SIGNAL("itemChanged"), self.refreshItem)
def refreshItem(self, item):
if isinstance(item, TreeItem):
# find the index for the tree item using the path
index = self._rPath2Index(item.path())
# find the index for the db item
index = self._rItem2Index(item)
if index.isValid():
qDebug("invalid index")
def _rItem2Index(self, item, parent=None):
if parent is None:
parent = QModelIndex()
if item == self.getItem(parent):
return parent
if not parent.isValid() or parent.internalPointer().populated:
for i in range(self.rowCount(parent)):
index = self.index(i, 0, parent)
index = self._rItem2Index(item, index)
if index.isValid():
return index
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
return QModelIndex()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def _rPath2Index(self, path, parent=None, n=0):
if parent is None:
parent = QModelIndex()
if path is None or len(path) == 0:
return parent
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
for i in range(self.rowCount(parent)):
index = self.index(i, 0, parent)
if self._getPath(index)[n] == path[0]:
return self._rPath2Index(path[1:], index, n + 1)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
return parent
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def getItem(self, index):
if not index.isValid():
return None
return index.internalPointer().getItemData()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def _getPath(self, index):
if not index.isValid():
return None
return index.internalPointer().path()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def columnCount(self, parent):
return 1
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def data(self, index, role):
if not index.isValid():
return None
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
if role == Qt.DecorationRole and index.column() == 0:
icon = index.internalPointer().icon()
if icon:
return icon
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
if role != Qt.DisplayRole and role != Qt.EditRole:
return None
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
retval = index.internalPointer().data(index.column())
return retval
def flags(self, index):
if not index.isValid():
return Qt.NoItemFlags
flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
if index.column() == 0:
item = index.internalPointer()
if isinstance(item, SchemaItem) or isinstance(item, TableItem):
flags |= Qt.ItemIsEditable
if isinstance(item, TableItem):
flags |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled
# vectors/tables can be dropped on connected databases to be imported
if self.isImportVectorAvail:
if isinstance(item, ConnectionItem) and item.populated:
flags |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled
if isinstance(item, (SchemaItem, TableItem)):
flags |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled
# SL/Geopackage db files can be dropped everywhere in the tree
if self.hasSpatialiteSupport:
flags |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled
return flags
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole and section < len(self.header):
return self.header[section]
return None
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def index(self, row, column, parent):
if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
return QModelIndex()
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() else self.rootItem
childItem = parentItem.child(row)
if childItem:
return self.createIndex(row, column, childItem)
return QModelIndex()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def parent(self, index):
if not index.isValid():
return QModelIndex()
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
childItem = index.internalPointer()
parentItem = childItem.parent()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
if parentItem == self.rootItem:
return QModelIndex()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
return self.createIndex(parentItem.row(), 0, parentItem)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def rowCount(self, parent):
parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() else self.rootItem
if not parentItem.populated:
self._refreshIndex(parent, True)
return parentItem.childCount()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def hasChildren(self, parent):
parentItem = parent.internalPointer() if parent.isValid() else self.rootItem
return parentItem.childCount() > 0 or not parentItem.populated
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
def setData(self, index, value, role):
if role != Qt.EditRole or index.column() != 0:
return False
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
item = index.internalPointer()
new_value = unicode(value)
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
if isinstance(item, SchemaItem) or isinstance(item, TableItem):
obj = item.getItemData()
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
# rename schema or table or view
if new_value == obj.name:
return False
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
except BaseError as e:
DlgDbError.showError(e, self.treeView)
return False
return True
return False
def removeRows(self, row, count, parent):
self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, count + row - 1)
item = parent.internalPointer()
for i in range(row, count + row):
def _refreshIndex(self, index, force=False):
item = index.internalPointer() if index.isValid() else self.rootItem
prevPopulated = item.populated
if prevPopulated:
self.removeRows(0, self.rowCount(index), index)
item.populated = False
if prevPopulated or force:
if item.populate():
for child in item.childItems:
self.connect(child, SIGNAL("itemChanged"), self.refreshItem)
self.emit(SIGNAL("notPopulated"), index)
except BaseError as e:
item.populated = False
2012-04-16 13:19:40 +02:00
def _onDataChanged(self, indexFrom, indexTo=None):
if indexTo is None:
indexTo = indexFrom
self.emit(SIGNAL('dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)'), indexFrom, indexTo)
QGIS_URI_MIME = "application/x-vnd.qgis.qgis.uri"
def mimeTypes(self):
return ["text/uri-list", self.QGIS_URI_MIME]
def mimeData(self, indexes):
mimeData = QMimeData()
encodedData = QByteArray()
stream = QDataStream(encodedData, QIODevice.WriteOnly)
for index in indexes:
if not index.isValid():
if not isinstance(index.internalPointer(), TableItem):
table = self.getItem(index)
mimeData.setData(self.QGIS_URI_MIME, encodedData)
return mimeData
def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent):
if action == Qt.IgnoreAction:
return True
# vectors/tables to be imported must be dropped on connected db, schema or table
canImportLayer = self.isImportVectorAvail and parent.isValid() and \
2015-09-06 01:24:09 +02:00
(isinstance(parent.internalPointer(), (SchemaItem, TableItem)) or
(isinstance(parent.internalPointer(), ConnectionItem) and parent.internalPointer().populated))
added = 0
if data.hasUrls():
for u in data.urls():
filename = u.toLocalFile()
if filename == "":
if self.hasSpatialiteSupport:
from .db_plugins.spatialite.connector import SpatiaLiteDBConnector
if SpatiaLiteDBConnector.isValidDatabase(filename):
# retrieve the SL plugin tree item using its path
index = self._rPath2Index(["spatialite"])
if not index.isValid():
item = index.internalPointer()
conn_name = QFileInfo(filename).fileName()
uri = qgis.core.QgsDataSourceURI()
item.getItemData().addConnection(conn_name, uri)
item.emit(SIGNAL('itemChanged'), item)
added += 1
if canImportLayer:
if qgis.core.QgsRasterLayer.isValidRasterFileName(filename):
layerType = 'raster'
providerKey = 'gdal'
layerType = 'vector'
providerKey = 'ogr'
layerName = QFileInfo(filename).completeBaseName()
if self.importLayer(layerType, providerKey, layerName, filename, parent):
added += 1
if data.hasFormat(self.QGIS_URI_MIME):
for uri in qgis.core.QgsMimeDataUtils.decodeUriList(data):
if canImportLayer:
if self.importLayer(uri.layerType, uri.providerKey, uri.name, uri.uri, parent):
added += 1
return added > 0
def importLayer(self, layerType, providerKey, layerName, uriString, parent):
if not self.isImportVectorAvail:
return False
if layerType == 'raster':
return False # not implemented yet
inLayer = qgis.core.QgsRasterLayer(uriString, layerName, providerKey)
inLayer = qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer(uriString, layerName, providerKey)
if not inLayer.isValid():
# invalid layer
QMessageBox.warning(None, self.tr("Invalid layer"), self.tr("Unable to load the layer %s") % inLayer.name())
return False
# retrieve information about the new table's db and schema
outItem = parent.internalPointer()
outObj = outItem.getItemData()
outDb = outObj.database()
outSchema = None
if isinstance(outItem, SchemaItem):
outSchema = outObj
elif isinstance(outItem, TableItem):
outSchema = outObj.schema()
# toIndex will point to the parent item of the new table
toIndex = parent
if isinstance(toIndex.internalPointer(), TableItem):
toIndex = toIndex.parent()
if inLayer.type() == inLayer.VectorLayer:
# create the output uri
schema = outSchema.name if outDb.schemas() is not None and outSchema is not None else ""
pkCol = geomCol = ""
# default pk and geom field name value
if providerKey in ['postgres', 'spatialite']:
inUri = qgis.core.QgsDataSourceURI(inLayer.source())
pkCol = inUri.keyColumn()
geomCol = inUri.geometryColumn()
outUri = outDb.uri()
outUri.setDataSource(schema, layerName, geomCol, "", pkCol)
self.emit(SIGNAL("importVector"), inLayer, outDb, outUri, toIndex)
return True
return False
def importVector(self, inLayer, outDb, outUri, parent):
if not self.isImportVectorAvail:
return False
from dlg_import_vector import DlgImportVector
dlg = DlgImportVector(inLayer, outDb, outUri)
if dlg.exec_():