2012-08-04 19:48:25 +02:00
InaSAFE Disaster risk assessment tool developed by AusAid -
**QGIS plugin test suite.**
Contact : ole.moller.nielsen@gmail.com
.. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
2012-12-07 21:11:56 +01:00
import sextante
2012-08-04 19:48:25 +02:00
__author__ = 'tim@linfiniti.com'
__version__ = '0.3.0'
__date__ = '10/01/2011'
__copyright__ = ('Copyright 2012, Australia Indonesia Facility for '
'Disaster Reduction')
import unittest
import sys
import os
# Add parent directory to path to make test aware of other modules
pardir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
import itertools
import time
from qgis.gui import QgsMapCanvas
from qgis.core import *
from qgis_interface import QgisInterface
from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget
from utilities_test import getQgisTestApp
#from gui.is_plugin import ISPlugin
from sextante.SextantePlugin import SextantePlugin
from sextante.core.Sextante import Sextante
from sextante.core.SextanteLog import SextanteLog
from sextante.gui.ParametersDialog import ParametersDialog
from sextante.parameters.ParameterRaster import ParameterRaster
from sextante.parameters.ParameterVector import ParameterVector
from sextante.parameters.ParameterNumber import ParameterNumber
from sextante.parameters.ParameterString import ParameterString
from sextante.parameters.ParameterBoolean import ParameterBoolean
from sextante.modeler.Providers import Providers
from sextante.outputs.OutputRaster import OutputRaster
from sextante.outputs.OutputVector import OutputVector
from sextante.core.SextanteConfig import SextanteConfig
from sextante.modeler.ModelerAlgorithm import ModelerAlgorithm
class bcolors:
INFO = '\033[94m'
WARNING = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
class SextantePluginTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test suite for Sextante QGis plugin"""
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def test_createplugin(self):
"""Initialize plugin"""
self.sextanteplugin = SextantePlugin(IFACE)
def test_sextante_alglist(self):
"""Test alglist"""
self.sextanteplugin = SextantePlugin(IFACE)
self.providerToAlgs = Sextante.algs
self.assertTrue(self.providerToAlgs, "Alg list")
class SextanteProviderTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, algId, alg, threaded, dialog = "none"):
self.algId = algId
self.alg = alg
self.threaded = threaded
self.msg = "ALG %s (%s %s)" % (self.algId, { True: "threaded" , False : "unthreaded"}[threaded], dialog)
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, "runalg_%s" % dialog)
def gen_test_parameters(self, alg, doSet = False):
b = False
for p in alg.parameters:
if isinstance(p, ParameterRaster):
l = IFACE.testRaster
if doSet: p.setValue(l)
yield l
elif isinstance(p, ParameterVector):
l = IFACE.testVector
if doSet: p.setValue(l)
yield l
elif isinstance(p, ParameterNumber):
n = 42
if p.max:
n = p.max
elif p.min:
n = p.min
if doSet: p.setValue(n)
yield n
elif isinstance(p, ParameterString):
s = "Test string"
if doSet: p.setValue(s)
yield s
elif isinstance(p, ParameterBoolean):
b = not b
if doSet: p.setValue(b)
yield b
if doSet: p.setValue(None)
i = 0;
for o in alg.outputs:
if o.hidden:
i = i + 1
outbasename = self.msg.replace('/', '-')
if isinstance(o, OutputRaster):
fn = 'outputs/%s - %i.tif' % (outbasename, i)
if doSet: o.setValue(fn)
yield fn
elif isinstance(o, OutputVector):
fn = 'outputs/%s - %i.shp' % (outbasename, i)
if doSet: o.setValue(fn)
yield fn
if doSet: o.setValue(None)
def setUp(self):
SextanteConfig.setSettingValue(SextanteConfig.USE_THREADS, self.threaded)
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2012-08-04 19:48:25 +02:00
print bcolors.INFO, self.msg, bcolors.ENDC,
print "Parameters: ", self.alg.parameters,
print "Outputs: ", [out for out in self.alg.outputs if not out.hidden],
self.args = list(self.gen_test_parameters(self.alg, True))
print ' => ', self.args, bcolors.WARNING,
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def runalg_none(self):
2012-12-07 21:11:56 +01:00
result = sextante.runalg(self.alg, *self.args)
2012-08-04 19:48:25 +02:00
print bcolors.ENDC
self.assertIsNotNone(result, self.msg)
if not result:
for p in result.values():
if isinstance(p, str):
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(p), "Output %s exists" % p)
def runalg_parameters(self):
dlg = self.alg.getCustomParametersDialog()
if not dlg:
dlg = ParametersDialog(self.alg)
# hack to handle that hacky code...
dlg.setParamValues = lambda: True
while (not dlg.executed):
def tearDown(self):
print bcolors.ENDC
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2012-08-04 19:48:25 +02:00
def algSuite(dialog = "none", threaded = True, unthreaded = True, provider = None, algName = None):
s = unittest.TestSuite()
for provider, algs in Sextante.algs.items():
if not algs.items():
print bcolors.WARNING, "WARNING: %s seems to provide no algs!" % provider,
print bcolors.ENDC
algId, alg = algs.items()[-1]
if threaded:
s.addTest(SextanteProviderTestCase(algId, alg, True, dialog))
if unthreaded:
s.addTest(SextanteProviderTestCase(algId, alg, False, dialog))
return s
def modelSuite(modelFile, dialog = "none", threaded = True, unthreaded = True):
s = unittest.TestSuite()
model = ModelerAlgorithm()
if model.provider is None: # might happen if model is opened from modeler dialog
model.provider = Providers.providers["model"]
if threaded:
s.addTest(SextanteProviderTestCase(modelFile, model, True, dialog))
if unthreaded:
s.addTest(SextanteProviderTestCase(modelFile, model, False, dialog))
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sextante test suite.')
parser.add_argument('-l', action='store_true', help='Test sextante loading only. Ignore further arguments.')
#~ parser.add_argument('-a', dest='algorithm', help='Test a particular alg.')
#~ parser.add_argument('-p', dest='provider', help='Test a particular provider.')
parser.add_argument('-m', dest='model', help='Test a particular model.', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-d', dest='dialog', help='Test a particular dialog.', default = "none")
parser.add_argument('-t', dest='tOnly', action='store_true', help='Enable threaded execution only.')
parser.add_argument('-u', dest='uOnly', action='store_true', help='Enable unthreaded execution only.')
parser.add_argument('-r', dest='raster', help='Use specified raster as input.', default='data/raster')
parser.add_argument('-v', dest='vector', help='Use specified vectro as input.', default='data/vector')
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args = parser.parse_args()
threaded = not args.uOnly or args.tOnly
unthreaded = not args.tOnly or args.uOnly
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2012-08-04 19:48:25 +02:00
loadSuite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SextantePluginTest)
if args.l:
if not os.path.exists(args.raster) or not os.path.exists(args.vector):
print "No data under %s or %s. Run with -h argument for help" % (args.raster, args.vector)
if args.model:
unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(modelSuite(args.model or 'data/model', args.dialog, threaded, unthreaded))
unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(algSuite(args.dialog, threaded, unthreaded, args.dialog))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print bcolors.ENDC, "Test interrupted."