QgsAttributeForm.__attribute_docs__={'attributeChanged':'Notifies about changes of attributes, this signal is not emitted when the value is set\nback to the original one.\n\n:param attribute: The name of the attribute that changed.\n:param value: The new value of the attribute.\n\n.. deprecated:: 3.0\n','widgetValueChanged':'Notifies about changes of attributes\n\n:param attribute: The name of the attribute that changed.\n:param value: The new value of the attribute.\n:param attributeChanged: If ``True``, it corresponds to an actual change of the feature attribute\n','featureSaved':'Emitted when a feature is changed or added\n','filterExpressionSet':'Emitted when a filter expression is set using the form.\n\n:param expression: filter expression\n:param type: filter type\n','modeChanged':'Emitted when the form changes mode.\n\n:param mode: new mode\n','closed':"Emitted when the user selects the close option from the form's button bar.\n",'zoomToFeatures':'Emitted when the user chooses to zoom to a filtered set of features.\n','flashFeatures':'Emitted when the user chooses to flash a filtered set of features.\n','openFilteredFeaturesAttributeTable':'Emitted when the user chooses to open the attribute table dialog with a filtered set of features.\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.24\n'}