2011-02-08 00:09:24 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from qgis . core import *
from qgis . gui import *
from ui_widgetTileIndex import Ui_GdalToolsWidget as Ui_Widget
from widgetPluginBase import GdalToolsBasePluginWidget as BasePluginWidget
import GdalTools_utils as Utils
import os . path
class GdalToolsDialog ( QWidget , Ui_Widget , BasePluginWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , iface ) :
QWidget . __init__ ( self )
self . iface = iface
self . setupUi ( self )
BasePluginWidget . __init__ ( self , self . iface , " gdaltindex " )
self . setParamsStatus (
( self . inputDirEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged( const QString & ) " ) ) ,
#( self.recurseCheck, SIGNAL( "stateChanged( int )" ),
( self . outputFileEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged( const QString & ) " ) ) ,
( self . indexFieldEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged( const QString & ) " ) , self . indexFieldCheck ) ,
2011-03-13 23:21:00 +00:00
( self . absolutePathCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged( int ) " ) , None , " 1.5.0 " ) ,
( self . skipDifferentProjCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged( int ) " ) , None , " 1.5.0 " )
2011-02-08 00:09:24 +00:00
self . connect ( self . selectInputDirButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillInputDirEdit )
self . connect ( self . selectOutputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillOutputFileEdit )
def fillInputDirEdit ( self ) :
inputDir = Utils . FileDialog . getExistingDirectory ( self , self . tr ( " Select the input directory with raster files " ) )
if inputDir . isEmpty ( ) :
self . inputDirEdit . setText ( inputDir )
def fillOutputFileEdit ( self ) :
lastUsedFilter = Utils . FileFilter . lastUsedVectorFilter ( )
outputFile , encoding = Utils . FileDialog . getSaveFileName ( self , self . tr ( " Select where to save the TileIndex output " ) , Utils . FileFilter . allVectorsFilter ( ) , lastUsedFilter , True )
if outputFile . isEmpty ( ) :
Utils . FileFilter . setLastUsedVectorFilter ( lastUsedFilter )
self . outputFormat = Utils . fillVectorOutputFormat ( lastUsedFilter , outputFile )
self . outputFileEdit . setText ( outputFile )
self . lastEncoding = encoding
def getArguments ( self ) :
arguments = QStringList ( )
if self . indexFieldCheck . isChecked ( ) and not self . indexFieldEdit . text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) :
arguments << " -tileindex "
arguments << self . indexFieldEdit . text ( )
if self . absolutePathCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -write_absolute_path "
if self . skipDifferentProjCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -skip_different_projection "
arguments << self . outputFileEdit . text ( )
arguments << Utils . getRasterFiles ( self . inputDirEdit . text ( ) , self . recurseCheck . isChecked ( ) )
return arguments
def getOutputFileName ( self ) :
return self . outputFileEdit . text ( )
def addLayerIntoCanvas ( self , fileInfo ) :
vl = self . iface . addVectorLayer ( fileInfo . filePath ( ) , fileInfo . baseName ( ) , " ogr " )
if vl . isValid ( ) :
if hasattr ( self , ' lastEncoding ' ) :
vl . setProviderEncoding ( self . lastEncoding )