2019-01-08 17:38:42 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : June 2017
Copyright : (C) 2017 by CS Systemes d'Information (CS SI)
: (C) 2018 by Centre National d'Etudes et spatiales (CNES)
Email : rashad dot kanavath at c-s fr, otb at c-s dot fr (CS SI)
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
__author__ = 'Rashad Kanavath'
__date__ = 'June 2017'
__copyright__ = "(C) 2017,2018 by CS Systemes d'information (CS SI), Centre National d'Etudes et spatiales (CNES)"
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
import os
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QIcon
from qgis.core import (Qgis,
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from processing.core.parameters import getParameterFromString
from processing.algs.otb.OtbChoiceWidget import OtbParameterChoice
from processing.algs.otb import OtbUtils
class OtbAlgorithm(QgsProcessingAlgorithm):
def __init__(self, group, name, descriptionfile, display_name='', groupId=''):
self._name = name
self._group = group
self._display_name = display_name
self._groupId = ''
validChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789:'
if not groupId:
self._groupId = ''.join(c for c in self._group if c in validChars)
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self.pixelTypes = ['uint8', 'uint16', 'int16', 'uint32', 'int32',
'float', 'double', 'cint16', 'cint32', 'cfloat', 'cdouble']
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self._descriptionfile = descriptionfile
def icon(self):
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return QgsApplication.getThemeIcon("/providerOtb.svg")
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def createInstance(self):
return self.__class__(self._group, self._name, self._descriptionfile)
def tr(self, string):
return QCoreApplication.translate("OtbAlgorithm", string)
def name(self):
return self._name
def displayName(self):
return self._display_name
def group(self):
return self._group
def groupId(self):
return self._groupId
def descriptionfile(self):
return self._descriptionfile
def initAlgorithm(self, config=None):
#TODO: show version which is same as OtbAlgorithm rather than always latest.
def helpUrl(self):
return "https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/CookBook/Applications/app_" + self.name() + ".html"
def defineCharacteristicsFromFile(self):
line = None
with open(self._descriptionfile) as lines:
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
self._name = line.split('|')[0]
self.appkey = self._name
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
self.doc = line
self.i18n_doc = QCoreApplication.translate("OtbAlgorithm", self.doc)
#self._name = self._name #+ " - " + self.doc
self._display_name = self.tr(self._name)
self.i18n_name = QCoreApplication.translate("OtbAlgorithm", self._name)
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
self._group = line
self.i18n_group = QCoreApplication.translate("OtbAlgorithm", self._group)
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
while line != '':
line = line.strip('\n').strip()
if line.startswith('#'):
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
param = None
if 'OTBParameterChoice' in line:
tokens = line.split("|")
params = [t if str(t) != str(None) else None for t in tokens[1:]]
options = params[2].split(';')
param = OtbParameterChoice(params[0], params[1], options, params[3], params[4])
param = getParameterFromString(line)
#if parameter is None, then move to next line and continue
if param is None:
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
name = param.name()
if '.' in name and len(name.split('.')) > 2:
p = name.split('.')[:-2]
group_key = '.'.join(p)
group_value = name.split('.')[-2]
metadata = param.metadata()
metadata['group_key'] = group_key
metadata['group_value'] = group_value
#'elev.dem.path', 'elev.dem', 'elev.dem.geoid', 'elev.geoid' are special!
#Even though it is not typical for OTB to fix on parameter keys,
#we current use below !hack! to set SRTM path and GEOID files
#Future releases of OTB must follow this rule keep
#compatibility or update this checklist.
if name in ["elev.dem.path", "elev.dem"]:
if name in ["elev.dem.geoid", "elev.geoid"]:
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# outputpixeltype is a special parameter associated with raster output
# reset list of options to 'self.pixelTypes'.
if name == 'outputpixeltype':
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#parameter is added now and we must move to next line
line = lines.readline().strip('\n').strip()
except BaseException as e:
import traceback
errmsg = "Could not open OTB algorithm from file: \n" + self._descriptionfile + "\nline=" + line + "\nError:\n" + traceback.format_exc()
QgsMessageLog.logMessage(self.tr(errmsg), self.tr('Processing'), Qgis.Critical)
raise e
def preprocessParameters(self, parameters):
valid_params = {}
for k, v in parameters.items():
param = self.parameterDefinition(k)
#If parameterDefinition(k) return None, this is considered a invalid parameter.
#just continue for loop
if param is None:
# Any other valid parameters have:
#- empty or no metadata
#- metadata without a 'group_key'
#- metadata with 'group_key' and 'group_key' is not in list of parameters. see ParameterGroup in OTB
#- metadata with 'group_key' and 'group_key' is a valid parameter and it's value == metadata()['group_value']
if 'group_key' in param.metadata() and not param.metadata()['group_key'] in parameters:
valid_params[k] = v
elif not 'group_key' in param.metadata() or parameters[param.metadata()['group_key']] == param.metadata()['group_value']:
valid_params[k] = v
return valid_params
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback):
otb_cli_file = OtbUtils.cliPath()
command = '"{}" {} {}'.format(otb_cli_file, self.name(), OtbUtils.appFolder())
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outputPixelType = None
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for k, v in parameters.items():
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# if value is None for a parameter we don't have any businees with this key
if v is None:
# for 'outputpixeltype' parameter we find the pixeltype string from self.pixelTypes
if k == 'outputpixeltype':
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pixel_type = self.pixelTypes[int(parameters['outputpixeltype'])]
outputPixelType = None if pixel_type == 'float' else pixel_type
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param = self.parameterDefinition(k)
if param.isDestination():
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if isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterEnum):
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value = self.parameterAsEnum(parameters, param.name(), context)
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elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterBoolean):
value = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, param.name(), context)
elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterCrs):
crsValue = self.parameterAsCrs(parameters, param.name(), context)
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authid = crsValue.authid()
if authid.startswith('EPSG:'):
value = authid.split('EPSG:')[1]
raise QgsProcessingException(
self.tr("Incorrect value for parameter '{}'. No EPSG code found in '{}'".format(
2019-01-21 12:01:22 +01:00
elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterFile):
value = self.parameterAsFile(parameters, param.name(), context)
elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterMultipleLayers):
layers = self.parameterAsLayerList(parameters, param.name(), context)
if layers is None or len(layers) == 0:
2019-01-22 13:57:51 +01:00
value = ' '.join(['"{}"'.format(self.getLayerSource(param.name(), layer)) for layer in layers])
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elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterNumber):
if param.dataType() == QgsProcessingParameterNumber.Integer:
value = self.parameterAsInt(parameters, param.name(), context)
value = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, param.name(), context)
elif isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterRasterLayer, QgsProcessingParameterVectorLayer)):
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value = '"{}"'.format(self.getLayerSource(param.name(), self.parameterAsLayer(parameters, param.name(), context)))
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elif isinstance(param, QgsProcessingParameterString):
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value = '"{}"'.format(self.parameterAsString(parameters, param.name(), context))
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2019-01-21 12:01:22 +01:00
# Use whatever is given
value = '"{}"'.format(parameters[param.name()])
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# Check if value is set in above if elif ladder and update command string
if value and value is not None:
command += ' -{} {}'.format(k, value)
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output_files = {}
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2019-01-16 18:51:33 +01:00
for out in self.destinationParameterDefinitions():
filePath = self.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, out.name(), context)
output_files[out.name()] = filePath
if outputPixelType is not None:
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command += ' -{} "{}" "{}"'.format(out.name(), filePath, outputPixelType)
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command += ' -{} "{}"'.format(out.name(), filePath)
2019-01-08 17:38:42 +01:00
QgsMessageLog.logMessage(self.tr('cmd={}'.format(command)), self.tr('Processing'), Qgis.Info)
if not os.path.exists(otb_cli_file) or not os.path.isfile(otb_cli_file):
import errno
raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), otb_cli_file)
OtbUtils.executeOtb(command, feedback)
result = {}
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for o in self.outputDefinitions():
if o.name() in output_files:
result[o.name()] = output_files[o.name()]
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return result
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def getLayerSource(self, name, layer):
providerName = layer.dataProvider().name()
#TODO: add other provider support in OTB, eg: memory
if providerName in ['ogr', 'gdal']:
return layer.source()
raise QgsProcessingException(
self.tr("OTB currently support only gdal and ogr provider. Parameter '{}' uses '{}' provider".format(name, providerName)))