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# -*- coding: ISO-8859-15 -*-
# =============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2008 Tom Kralidis
# Authors : Tom Kralidis <tomkralidis@gmail.com>
# Contact email: tomkralidis@gmail.com
# =============================================================================
import sys
from dateutil import parser
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
from owslib . etree import etree
import urlparse , urllib2
from urllib2 import urlopen , HTTPError , Request
from urllib2 import HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm
from urllib2 import HTTPBasicAuthHandler
from StringIO import StringIO
import cgi
from urllib import urlencode
import re
Utility functions and classes
class RereadableURL ( StringIO , object ) :
""" Class that acts like a combination of StringIO and url - has seek method and url headers etc """
def __init__ ( self , u ) :
#get url headers etc from url
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self . headers = u . headers
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#get file like seek, read methods from StringIO
content = u . read ( )
super ( RereadableURL , self ) . __init__ ( content )
class ServiceException ( Exception ) :
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#TODO: this should go in ows common module when refactored.
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# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6256183/combine-two-dictionaries-of-dictionaries-python
dict_union = lambda d1 , d2 : dict ( ( x , ( dict_union ( d1 . get ( x , { } ) , d2 [ x ] ) if
isinstance ( d2 . get ( x ) , dict ) else d2 . get ( x , d1 . get ( x ) ) ) ) for x in
set ( d1 . keys ( ) + d2 . keys ( ) ) )
# Infinite DateTimes for Python. Used in SWE 2.0 and other OGC specs as "INF" and "-INF"
class InfiniteDateTime ( object ) :
def __lt__ ( self , other ) :
return False
def __gt__ ( self , other ) :
return True
def timetuple ( self ) :
return tuple ( )
class NegativeInfiniteDateTime ( object ) :
def __lt__ ( self , other ) :
return True
def __gt__ ( self , other ) :
return False
def timetuple ( self ) :
return tuple ( )
first_cap_re = re . compile ( ' (.)([A-Z][a-z]+) ' )
all_cap_re = re . compile ( ' ([a-z0-9])([A-Z]) ' )
def format_string ( prop_string ) :
Formats a property string to remove spaces and go from CamelCase to pep8
from : http : / / stackoverflow . com / questions / 1175208 / elegant - python - function - to - convert - camelcase - to - camel - case
if prop_string is None :
return ' '
st_r = re . sub ( ' (.)([A-Z][a-z]+) ' , r ' \ 1_ \ 2 ' , prop_string )
st_r = st_r . replace ( ' ' , ' ' )
return re . sub ( ' ([a-z0-9])([A-Z]) ' , r ' \ 1_ \ 2 ' , st_r ) . lower ( )
def xml_to_dict ( root , prefix = None , depth = 1 , diction = None ) :
Recursively iterates through an xml element to convert each element in the tree to a ( key , val ) . Where key is the element
tag and val is the inner - text of the element . Note that this recursively go through the tree until the depth specified .
== == == == == =
: root - root xml element , starting point of iteration
: prefix - a string to prepend to the resulting key ( optional )
: depth - the number of depths to process in the tree ( optional )
: diction - the dictionary to insert the ( tag , text ) pairs into ( optional )
== == == =
Dictionary of ( key , value ) ; where key is the element tag stripped of namespace and cleaned up to be pep8 and
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value is the inner - text of the element . Note that duplicate elements will be replaced by the last element of the
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same tag in the tree .
ret = diction if diction is not None else dict ( )
for child in root :
val = testXMLValue ( child )
# skip values that are empty or None
if val is None or val == ' ' :
if depth > 1 :
ret = xml_to_dict ( child , prefix = prefix , depth = ( depth - 1 ) , diction = ret )
key = format_string ( child . tag . split ( ' } ' ) [ - 1 ] )
if prefix is not None :
key = prefix + key
ret [ key ] = val
if depth > 1 :
ret = xml_to_dict ( child , prefix = prefix , depth = ( depth - 1 ) , diction = ret )
return ret
def openURL ( url_base , data , method = ' Get ' , cookies = None , username = None , password = None ) :
''' function to open urls - wrapper around urllib2.urlopen but with additional checks for OGC service exceptions and url formatting, also handles cookies and simple user password authentication '''
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url_base . strip ( )
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lastchar = url_base [ - 1 ]
if lastchar not in [ ' ? ' , ' & ' ] :
if url_base . find ( ' ? ' ) == - 1 :
url_base = url_base + ' ? '
else :
url_base = url_base + ' & '
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if username and password :
# Provide login information in order to use the WMS server
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# Create an OpenerDirector with support for Basic HTTP
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# Authentication...
passman = HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm ( )
passman . add_password ( None , url_base , username , password )
auth_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler ( passman )
opener = urllib2 . build_opener ( auth_handler )
openit = opener . open
else :
# NOTE: optionally set debuglevel>0 to debug HTTP connection
#opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0))
#openit = opener.open
openit = urlopen
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try :
if method == ' Post ' :
req = Request ( url_base , data )
# set appropriate header if posting XML
try :
xml = etree . fromstring ( data )
req . add_header ( ' Content-Type ' , " text/xml " )
except :
else :
req = Request ( url_base + data )
if cookies is not None :
req . add_header ( ' Cookie ' , cookies )
u = openit ( req )
except HTTPError , e : #Some servers may set the http header to 400 if returning an OGC service exception or 401 if unauthorised.
if e . code in [ 400 , 401 ] :
raise ServiceException , e . read ( )
else :
raise e
# check for service exceptions without the http header set
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if u . info ( ) [ ' Content-Type ' ] in [ ' text/xml ' , ' application/xml ' ] :
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#just in case 400 headers were not set, going to have to read the xml to see if it's an exception report.
#wrap the url stram in a extended StringIO object so it's re-readable
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u = RereadableURL ( u )
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se_xml = u . read ( )
se_tree = etree . fromstring ( se_xml )
serviceException = se_tree . find ( ' { http://www.opengis.net/ows}Exception ' )
if serviceException is None :
serviceException = se_tree . find ( ' ServiceException ' )
if serviceException is not None :
raise ServiceException , \
str ( serviceException . text ) . strip ( )
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u . seek ( 0 ) #return cursor to start of u
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return u
#default namespace for nspath is OWS common
OWS_NAMESPACE = ' http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1 '
def nspath ( path , ns = OWS_NAMESPACE ) :
Prefix the given path with the given namespace identifier .
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- - - - - - - - - -
- path : ElementTree API Compatible path expression
- ns : the XML namespace URI .
if ns is None or path is None :
return - 1
components = [ ]
for component in path . split ( ' / ' ) :
if component != ' * ' :
component = ' { %s } %s ' % ( ns , component )
components . append ( component )
return ' / ' . join ( components )
def nspath_eval ( xpath , namespaces ) :
''' Return an etree friendly xpath '''
out = [ ]
for chunks in xpath . split ( ' / ' ) :
namespace , element = chunks . split ( ' : ' )
out . append ( ' { %s } %s ' % ( namespaces [ namespace ] , element ) )
return ' / ' . join ( out )
def cleanup_namespaces ( element ) :
""" Remove unused namespaces from an element """
if etree . __name__ == ' lxml.etree ' :
etree . cleanup_namespaces ( element )
return element
else :
return etree . fromstring ( etree . tostring ( element ) )
def testXMLValue ( val , attrib = False ) :
Test that the XML value exists , return val . text , else return None
- - - - - - - - - -
- val : the value to be tested
if val is not None :
if attrib :
return val . strip ( )
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elif val . text :
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return val . text . strip ( )
else :
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return None
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else :
return None
def testXMLAttribute ( element , attribute ) :
Test that the XML element and attribute exist , return attribute ' s value, else return None
- - - - - - - - - -
- element : the element containing the attribute
- attribute : the attribute name
if element is not None :
return element . get ( attribute )
return None
def http_post ( url = None , request = None , lang = ' en-US ' , timeout = 10 ) :
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Invoke an HTTP POST request
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- - - - - - - - - -
- url : the URL of the server
- request : the request message
- lang : the language
- timeout : timeout in seconds
if url is not None :
u = urlparse . urlsplit ( url )
r = urllib2 . Request ( url , request )
r . add_header ( ' User-Agent ' , ' OWSLib (https://geopython.github.io/OWSLib) ' )
r . add_header ( ' Content-type ' , ' text/xml ' )
r . add_header ( ' Content-length ' , ' %d ' % len ( request ) )
r . add_header ( ' Accept ' , ' text/xml ' )
r . add_header ( ' Accept-Language ' , lang )
r . add_header ( ' Accept-Encoding ' , ' gzip,deflate ' )
r . add_header ( ' Host ' , u . netloc )
try :
up = urllib2 . urlopen ( r , timeout = timeout ) ;
except TypeError :
import socket
socket . setdefaulttimeout ( timeout )
up = urllib2 . urlopen ( r )
ui = up . info ( ) # headers
response = up . read ( )
up . close ( )
# check if response is gzip compressed
if ui . has_key ( ' Content-Encoding ' ) :
if ui [ ' Content-Encoding ' ] == ' gzip ' : # uncompress response
import gzip
cds = StringIO ( response )
gz = gzip . GzipFile ( fileobj = cds )
response = gz . read ( )
return response
def xml2string ( xml ) :
Return a string of XML object
- - - - - - - - - -
- xml : xml string
return ' <?xml version= " 1.0 " encoding= " ISO-8859-1 " standalone= " no " ?> \n ' + xml
def xmlvalid ( xml , xsd ) :
Test whether an XML document is valid
- - - - - - - - - -
- xml : XML content
- xsd : pointer to XML Schema ( local file path or URL )
xsd1 = etree . parse ( xsd )
xsd2 = etree . XMLSchema ( xsd1 )
doc = etree . parse ( StringIO ( xml ) )
return xsd2 . validate ( doc )
def xmltag_split ( tag ) :
''' Return XML element bare tag name (without prefix) '''
try :
return tag . split ( ' } ' ) [ 1 ]
except :
return tag
def getNamespace ( element ) :
''' Utility method to extract the namespace from an XML element tag encoded as {namespace} localname. '''
if element . tag [ 0 ] == ' { ' :
return element . tag [ 1 : ] . split ( " } " ) [ 0 ]
else :
return " "
def build_get_url ( base_url , params ) :
''' Utility function to build a full HTTP GET URL from the service base URL and a dictionary of HTTP parameters. '''
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qs = [ ]
if base_url . find ( ' ? ' ) != - 1 :
qs = cgi . parse_qsl ( base_url . split ( ' ? ' ) [ 1 ] )
pars = [ x [ 0 ] for x in qs ]
for key , value in params . iteritems ( ) :
if key not in pars :
qs . append ( ( key , value ) )
urlqs = urlencode ( tuple ( qs ) )
return base_url . split ( ' ? ' ) [ 0 ] + ' ? ' + urlqs
def dump ( obj , prefix = ' ' ) :
''' Utility function to print to standard output a generic object with all its attributes. '''
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print " %s %s : %s " % ( prefix , obj . __class__ , obj . __dict__ )
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def getTypedValue ( type , value ) :
''' Utility function to cast a string value to the appropriate XSD type. '''
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if type == ' boolean ' :
return bool ( value )
elif type == ' integer ' :
return int ( value )
elif type == ' float ' :
return float ( value )
elif type == ' string ' :
return str ( value )
else :
return value # no type casting
def extract_time ( element ) :
''' return a datetime object based on a gml text string
ex :
< gml : beginPosition > 2006 - 07 - 27 T21 : 10 : 00 Z < / gml : beginPosition >
< gml : endPosition indeterminatePosition = " now " / >
If there happens to be a strange element with both attributes and text ,
use the text .
ex : < gml : beginPosition indeterminatePosition = " now " > 2006 - 07 - 27 T21 : 10 : 00 Z < / gml : beginPosition >
Would be 2006 - 07 - 27 T21 : 10 : 00 Z , not ' now '
if element is None :
return None
try :
dt = parser . parse ( element . text )
except Exception :
att = testXMLValue ( element . attrib . get ( ' indeterminatePosition ' ) , True )
if att and att == ' now ' :
dt = datetime . utcnow ( )
dt . replace ( tzinfo = pytz . utc )
else :
dt = None
return dt
def extract_xml_list ( elements ) :
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Some people don ' t have separate tags for their keywords and separate them with
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a newline . This will extract out all of the keywords correctly .
keywords = [ re . split ( r ' [ \ n \ r]+ ' , f . text ) for f in elements if f . text ]
flattened = [ item . strip ( ) for sublist in keywords for item in sublist ]
remove_blank = filter ( None , flattened )
return remove_blank
def bind_url ( url ) :
""" binds an HTTP GET query string endpiont """
if url . find ( ' ? ' ) == - 1 : # like http://host/wms
binder = ' ? '
# if like http://host/wms?foo=bar& or http://host/wms?foo=bar
if url . find ( ' = ' ) != - 1 :
if url . find ( ' & ' , - 1 ) != - 1 : # like http://host/wms?foo=bar&
binder = ' '
else : # like http://host/wms?foo=bar
binder = ' & '
# if like http://host/wms?foo
if url . find ( ' ? ' ) != - 1 :
if url . find ( ' ? ' , - 1 ) != - 1 : # like http://host/wms?
binder = ' '
elif url . find ( ' & ' , - 1 ) == - 1 : # like http://host/wms?foo=bar
binder = ' & '
return ' %s %s ' % ( url , binder )