2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
import os.path
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import math
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from PyQt4 import QtGui
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2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
from qgis.core import *
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from sextante.core.GeoAlgorithm import GeoAlgorithm
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from sextante.core.QGisLayers import QGisLayers
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from sextante.parameters.ParameterVector import ParameterVector
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from sextante.outputs.OutputHTML import OutputHTML
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from sextante.outputs.OutputNumber import OutputNumber
from sextante.ftools import FToolsUtils as utils
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class NearestNeighbourAnalysis(GeoAlgorithm):
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2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
2012-09-28 15:00:06 +03:00
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
def getIcon(self):
return QtGui.QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/icons/neighbour.png")
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def defineCharacteristics(self):
self.name = "Nearest neighbour analysis"
self.group = "Analysis tools"
self.addParameter(ParameterVector(self.POINTS, "Points", ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POINT))
self.addOutput(OutputHTML(self.OUTPUT, "Result"))
self.addOutput(OutputNumber(self.OBSERVED_MD, "Observed mean distance"))
self.addOutput(OutputNumber(self.EXPECTED_MD, "Expected mean distance"))
self.addOutput(OutputNumber(self.NN_INDEX, "Nearest neighbour index"))
self.addOutput(OutputNumber(self.POINT_COUNT, "Number of points"))
self.addOutput(OutputNumber(self.Z_SCORE, "Z-Score"))
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def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
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layer = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(self.getParameterValue(self.POINTS))
output = self.getOutputValue(self.OUTPUT)
provider = layer.dataProvider()
spatialIndex = utils.createSpatialIndex(provider)
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feat = QgsFeature()
neighbour = QgsFeature()
distance = QgsDistanceArea()
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sumDist = 0.00
A = layer.extent()
A = float(A.width() * A.height())
current = 0
total = 100.0 / float(provider.featureCount())
while provider.nextFeature( feat ):
neighbourID = spatialIndex.nearestNeighbor(feat.geometry().asPoint(), 2)[1]
provider.featureAtId(neighbourID, neighbour, True)
sumDist += distance.measureLine(neighbour.geometry().asPoint(), feat.geometry().asPoint())
current += 1
progress.setPercentage(int(current * total))
count = provider.featureCount()
do = float(sumDist) / count
de = float(0.5 / math.sqrt(count / A))
d = float(do / de)
SE = float(0.26136 / math.sqrt(( count ** 2) / A))
zscore = float((do - de) / SE)
data = []
data.append("Observed mean distance: " + unicode(do))
data.append("Expected mean distance: " + unicode(de))
data.append("Nearest neighbour index: " + unicode(d))
data.append("Number of points: " + unicode(count))
data.append("Z-Score: " + unicode(zscore))
self.createHTML(output, data)
self.setOutputValue(self.OBSERVED_MD, float( data[ 0 ].split( ": " )[ 1 ] ) )
self.setOutputValue(self.EXPECTED_MD, float( data[ 1 ].split( ": " )[ 1 ] ) )
self.setOutputValue(self.NN_INDEX, float( data[ 2 ].split( ": " )[ 1 ] ) )
self.setOutputValue(self.POINT_COUNT, float( data[ 3 ].split( ": " )[ 1 ] ) )
self.setOutputValue(self.Z_SCORE, float( data[ 4 ].split( ": " )[ 1 ] ) )
def createHTML(self, outputFile, algData):
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f = open(outputFile, "w")
2012-09-28 15:00:06 +03:00
for s in algData:
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
f.write("<p>" + str(s) + "</p>")