on the type of parameter or output to be described. All declarations are contained
in a single line, with elements separated by the symbol "|"
- A raster layer
ParameterRaster|[name of GRASS parameter]|[description of parameter to show]|True/False, indicating if the parameter is optional or not
Example: ParameterRaster|base|base|False
- A vector layer
ParameterVector|[name of GRASS parameter]|[description of parameter to shown]|[A number indicating the type of geometry]|True/False, indicating if the parameter is optional or not
ParameterVector|input|Name of input vector map|-1|False
To indicate the type of geometry, use the following values:
-1: any geometry
0: points
1: lines
2: polygons
- A numerical value
ParameterNumericalValue|[name of GRASS parameter]|[description of parameter to show]|[min value]|[max value]|[default value]
"None" can be used for both min and max values to indicate that there is no lower
or upper limit.
If the default value is written as a real number (i.e. it contains a decimal
point, even if it is an integer value like 4.0), the parameter can take any value,
including decimal ones. If it is written as an integer (i.e. 4), the parameter is
assumed to accept only integer values
Example: ParameterNumber|levels|levels|1|256|32
- A string
ParameterString|[name of GRASS parameter]|[description of parameter to show]|[default value]
- A value to select from a list
ParameterSelection|[name of GRASS parameter]|[description of parameter to show]|[list of possible values, separated by semicolons]|[zero-based index of default value]
- A boolean value
Example: ParameterBoolean|-c|-c|True
- Outputs
All outputs are added with the following syntax:
[type of output]|[name of GRASS output]|[description of output to show]
The following types are available
-OutputFile (for any file that is not a layer or table of a format supported by QGIS)
- Advanced parameters
to tag a parameter as "advanced", just add "*" before its declaration. For instance:
In some cases, it might be interesting to take the console output from GRASS and
extract a part of it for saving or formatting.
Two things can be done about this:
- Creating an HTML file with output. Just add an output of type OutputHTML.
It's value will not be passed to GRASS, but you can use it later to create the
HTML file from the console output. You should create a python file in the
grass/ext package, with the same name as the grass module, with dots replaced
by low hyphens (for instance r_quantile.py for the r.quantile command), and
add a postProcessResults(alg) method. It will be called when the execution of
the GRASS command is finished.
- Creating a text file. Do as above, but adding an output of type OutputFile.
Since some GRASS commands might use this type of output, and to make sure that
the value of this output is not passed to the GRASS command when calling it,