<h1class='module'>Potential Incoming Solar Radiation</h1>
<divclass='author'>O.Conrad (c) 2010</div>
<divclass='description'>Calculation of potential incoming solar radiation (insolation).<br/>
<ul><li>Boehner, J., Antonic, O. (2009): Land Surface Parameters Specific to Topo-Climatology. in Hengl, T. & Reuter, H.I. [Eds.]: Geomorphometry - Concepts, Software, Applications.</li><li>Oke, T.R. (1988): Boundary Layer Climates. London, Taylor & Francis.</li><li>Wilson, J.P., Gallant, J.C. [Eds.] (2000): Terrain Analysis - Principles and Applications. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.</li></ul><br/>
*) Most options should do well, but TAPES-G based diffuse irradiance calculation ('Atmospheric Effects' methods 2 and 3) needs further revision!</div>
<dt>Grid system <divclass='type'>Grid system</div></dt><dd>Grid system <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Total Insolation <divclass='type'>Output Grid</div></dt><dd>Total insolation, the sum of direct and diffuse incoming solar radiation. <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Direct to Diffuse Ratio <divclass='type'>Output Grid</div></dt><dd><divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Duration of Insolation <divclass='type'>Output Grid</div></dt><dd><divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Sunrise <divclass='type'>Output Grid</div></dt><dd>time of sunrise/sunset is only calculated if time span is set to single day <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Sunset <divclass='type'>Output Grid</div></dt><dd>time of sunrise/sunset is only calculated if time span is set to single day <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Local Sky View Factor <divclass='type'>Boolean</div></dt><dd>Use sky view factor based on local slope (after Oke 1988), if no sky viev factor grid is given. <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Time Span [h] <divclass='type'>Value range</div></dt><dd>Time span used for the calculation of daily radiation sums. <divclass='constraints'>Minimum: 1.39579710889e-316; Maximum: 1.395734659e-316</div></dd>
<dt>Time Resolution [h]: Day <divclass='type'>Floating point</div></dt><dd>Time step size for a day's calculation given in hours. <divclass='constraints'>Maximum: 24.0</div></dd>
<dt>Time Resolution [d]: Range of Days <divclass='type'>Integer</div></dt><dd>Time step size for a range of days calculation given in days. <divclass='constraints'>Minimum: 1.0</div></dd>
<dt>Update <divclass='type'>Choice</div></dt><dd>show direct insolation for each time step. <divclass='constraints'>Available choices: do not update, update, color stretch for each time step, update, fixed color stretch</div></dd>
<dt>Atmospheric Effects <divclass='type'>Choice</div></dt><dd><divclass='constraints'>Available choices: Height of Atmosphere and Vapour Pressure, Air Pressure, Water and Dust Content, Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance</div></dd>
<dt>Height of Atmosphere and Vapour Pressure <divclass='type'>Node</div></dt><dd><divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Height of Atmosphere [m] <divclass='type'>Floating point</div></dt><dd><divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Water Vapour Pressure [mbar] <divclass='type'>Floating point</div></dt><dd>This value is used as constant if no vapour pressure grid is given. <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Air Pressure, Water and Dust Content <divclass='type'>Node</div></dt><dd><divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Water Content [cm] <divclass='type'>Floating point</div></dt><dd>Water content of a vertical slice of atmosphere in cm: 1.5 to 1.7, average=1.68 <divclass='constraints'></div></dd>
<dt>Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance [Percent] <divclass='type'>Floating point</div></dt><dd>The transmittance of the atmosphere, usually between 60 and 80 percent. <divclass='constraints'>Maximum: 100.0</div></dd>