2002-10-13 21:35:17 +00:00
/* Test plugin for QGis
* This code is a test plugin for QGis and a demonstration of the API
* All QGis plugins must inherit from the abstract base class QgisPlugin. A
* plugin must implement the virtual functions defined in QgisPlugin:
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* *name
* *version
* *description
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* This list may grow as the API is expanded.
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* In addition, a plugin must implement a the classFactory and unload
* functions. Note that these functions must be declared as extern "C"
2003-03-09 15:44:11 +00:00
#include "qgistestplugin.h"
#include <qaction.h>
QgisTestPlugin::QgisTestPlugin(QWidget *qgis) : qgisMainWindow(qgis){
pName = "Test Plugin";
pVersion = "Version 0.0";
pDescription = "This test plugin does nothing but tell you its name, version, and description";
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// see if we can popup a message box in qgis on load
QMessageBox::information(qgisMainWindow,"Message From Plugin", "This message is from within the test plugin");
// add a test menu
QPopupMenu *pluginMenu = new QPopupMenu( qgisMainWindow );
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pluginMenu->insertItem("&Open", this, SLOT(open()));
pluginMenu->insertItem( "&New" , this, SLOT(newThing()));
// a test toolbar
QMenuBar *menu = ((QMainWindow *)qgisMainWindow)->menuBar();
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menu->insertItem( "&PluginMenu", pluginMenu );
QAction *fileSaveAction = new QAction( "Save File","&Save", CTRL+Key_S, this, "save" );
connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ) , this, SLOT( save() ) );
QToolBar * fileTools = new QToolBar( (QMainWindow *)qgisMainWindow, "file operations" );
fileTools->setLabel( "File Operations" );
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2002-10-14 15:43:42 +00:00
QString QgisTestPlugin::name(){
return pName;
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QString QgisTestPlugin::version(){
return pVersion;
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QString QgisTestPlugin::description(){
return pDescription;
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2003-03-09 15:44:11 +00:00
void QgisTestPlugin::open(){
QMessageBox::information(qgisMainWindow, "Message from plugin", "You chose the open menu");
void QgisTestPlugin::newThing(){
QMessageBox::information(qgisMainWindow, "Message from plugin", "You chose the new menu");
void QgisTestPlugin::save(){
QMessageBox::information(qgisMainWindow, "Message from plugin", "You chose the save toolbar function");
2002-10-14 16:03:46 +00:00
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extern "C" QgisPlugin * classFactory(QWidget *qgis){
return new QgisTestPlugin(qgis);
2002-10-13 21:35:17 +00:00
extern "C" void unload(QgisPlugin *p){
delete p;