2011-03-15 11:40:45 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from qgis . core import *
from qgis . gui import *
from ui_widgetDEM import Ui_GdalToolsWidget as Ui_Widget
from widgetPluginBase import GdalToolsBasePluginWidget as BasePluginWidget
import GdalTools_utils as Utils
class GdalToolsDialog ( QWidget , Ui_Widget , BasePluginWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , iface ) :
QWidget . __init__ ( self )
self . iface = iface
self . modes = ( " hillshade " , " slope " , " aspect " , " color-relief " , " TRI " , " TPI " , " roughness " )
self . setupUi ( self )
BasePluginWidget . __init__ ( self , self . iface , " gdaldem " )
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self . outSelector . setType ( self . outSelector . FILE )
self . configSelector . setType ( self . configSelector . FILE )
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# set the default QSpinBoxes and QProgressBar value
self . bandSpin . setValue ( 1 )
self . hillshadeZFactorSpin . setValue ( 1 )
self . hillshadeScaleSpin . setValue ( 1 )
self . hillshadeAltitudeSpin . setValue ( 45.0 )
self . hillshadeAzimuthSpin . setValue ( 315.0 )
self . slopeScaleSpin . setValue ( 1 )
2011-03-23 16:57:22 +00:00
# set the default color configuration file to terrain
import os . path
colorConfigFile = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " terrain.txt " )
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self . configSelector . setFilename ( colorConfigFile )
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2011-03-15 11:40:45 +00:00
self . outputFormat = Utils . fillRasterOutputFormat ( )
self . setParamsStatus (
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( self . inSelector , SIGNAL ( " filenameChanged() " ) ) ,
( self . outSelector , SIGNAL ( " filenameChanged() " ) ) ,
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( self . computeEdgesCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged(int) " ) , None , " 1.8.0 " ) ,
( self . bandSpin , SIGNAL ( " valueChanged(int) " ) , self . bandCheck ) ,
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( self . algorithmCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged(int) " ) , None , " 1.8.0 " ) ,
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( self . creationOptionsTable , [ SIGNAL ( " cellValueChanged(int, int) " ) , SIGNAL ( " rowRemoved() " ) ] , self . creationGroupBox ) ,
( self . modeCombo , SIGNAL ( " currentIndexChanged(int) " ) ) ,
( [ self . hillshadeZFactorSpin , self . hillshadeScaleSpin , self . hillshadeAltitudeSpin , self . hillshadeAzimuthSpin ] , SIGNAL ( " valueChanged(double) " ) ) ,
( self . slopeScaleSpin , SIGNAL ( " valueChanged(double) " ) ) ,
( self . slopePercentCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged(int) " ) ) ,
( [ self . aspectTrigonometricCheck , self . aspectZeroForFlatCheck ] , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged(int) " ) ) ,
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( self . configSelector , SIGNAL ( " filenameChanged() " ) ) ,
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( [ self . colorExactRadio , self . colorNearestRadio ] , SIGNAL ( " toggled(bool) " ) , self . colorMatchGroupBox ) ,
( self . colorAlphaCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged(int) " ) )
2011-04-15 18:30:10 +00:00
self . connect ( self . inSelector , SIGNAL ( " selectClicked() " ) , self . fillInputFileEdit )
self . connect ( self . outSelector , SIGNAL ( " selectClicked() " ) , self . fillOutputFileEdit )
self . connect ( self . configSelector , SIGNAL ( " selectClicked() " ) , self . fillColorConfigFileEdit )
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self . connect ( self . modeCombo , SIGNAL ( " currentIndexChanged(int) " ) , self . showModeParams )
def showModeParams ( self , index ) :
self . stackedWidget . setVisible ( index < 4 )
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self . algorithmCheck . setVisible ( index < 3 )
if index > = 3 :
self . algorithmCheck . setChecked ( False )
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def onLayersChanged ( self ) :
2011-04-15 18:30:10 +00:00
self . inSelector . setLayers ( Utils . LayerRegistry . instance ( ) . getRasterLayers ( ) )
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def fillInputFileEdit ( self ) :
lastUsedFilter = Utils . FileFilter . lastUsedRasterFilter ( )
inputFile = Utils . FileDialog . getOpenFileName ( self , self . tr ( " Select the file for DEM " ) , Utils . FileFilter . allRastersFilter ( ) , lastUsedFilter )
if inputFile . isEmpty ( ) :
Utils . FileFilter . setLastUsedRasterFilter ( lastUsedFilter )
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self . inSelector . setFilename ( inputFile )
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def fillOutputFileEdit ( self ) :
lastUsedFilter = Utils . FileFilter . lastUsedRasterFilter ( )
outputFile = Utils . FileDialog . getSaveFileName ( self , self . tr ( " Select the raster file to save the results to " ) , Utils . FileFilter . allRastersFilter ( ) , lastUsedFilter )
if outputFile . isEmpty ( ) :
Utils . FileFilter . setLastUsedRasterFilter ( lastUsedFilter )
self . outputFormat = Utils . fillRasterOutputFormat ( lastUsedFilter , outputFile )
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self . outSelector . setFilename ( outputFile )
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def fillColorConfigFileEdit ( self ) :
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configFile = Utils . FileDialog . getOpenFileName ( self , self . tr ( " Select the color configuration file " ) )
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if configFile . isEmpty ( ) :
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self . configSelector . setFilename ( configFile )
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def getArguments ( self ) :
mode = self . modes [ self . modeCombo . currentIndex ( ) ]
arguments = QStringList ( )
arguments << mode
arguments << self . getInputFileName ( )
if mode == " color-relief " :
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arguments << self . configSelector . filename ( )
outputFn = self . getOutputFileName ( )
arguments << outputFn
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if mode == " hillshade " :
arguments << " -z " << str ( self . hillshadeZFactorSpin . value ( ) )
arguments << " -s " << str ( self . hillshadeScaleSpin . value ( ) )
arguments << " -az " << str ( self . hillshadeAzimuthSpin . value ( ) )
arguments << " -alt " << str ( self . hillshadeAltitudeSpin . value ( ) )
elif mode == " slope " :
if self . slopePercentCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -p "
arguments << " -s " << str ( self . slopeScaleSpin . value ( ) )
elif mode == " aspect " :
if self . aspectTrigonometricCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -trigonometric "
if self . aspectZeroForFlatCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -zero_for_flat "
elif mode == " color-relief " :
if self . colorAlphaCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -alpha "
if self . colorMatchGroupBox . isChecked ( ) :
if self . colorExactRadio . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -exact_color_entry "
elif self . colorNearestRadio . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -nearest_color_entry "
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if self . algorithmCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -alg " << " ZevenbergenThorne "
2011-03-15 11:40:45 +00:00
if self . computeEdgesCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -compute_edges "
if self . bandCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -b " << str ( self . bandSpin . value ( ) )
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if not outputFn . isEmpty ( ) :
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arguments << " -of " << self . outputFormat
if self . creationGroupBox . isChecked ( ) :
for opt in self . creationOptionsTable . options ( ) :
arguments << " -co " << opt
return arguments
def getInputFileName ( self ) :
2011-04-15 18:30:10 +00:00
return self . inSelector . filename ( )
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def getOutputFileName ( self ) :
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return self . outSelector . filename ( )
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def addLayerIntoCanvas ( self , fileInfo ) :
self . iface . addRasterLayer ( fileInfo . filePath ( ) )