2010-06-04 00:31:48 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from qgis . core import *
from qgis . gui import *
from ui_widgetWarp import Ui_GdalToolsWidget as Ui_Widget
from widgetBatchBase import GdalToolsBaseBatchWidget as BaseBatchWidget
from dialogSRS import GdalToolsSRSDialog as SRSDialog
import GdalTools_utils as Utils
class GdalToolsDialog ( QWidget , Ui_Widget , BaseBatchWidget ) :
def __init__ ( self , iface ) :
QWidget . __init__ ( self )
self . iface = iface
self . resampling_method = ( ' near ' , ' bilinear ' , ' cubic ' , ' cubicspline ' , ' lanczos ' )
self . setupUi ( self )
BaseBatchWidget . __init__ ( self , self . iface , " gdalwarp " )
# set the default QSpinBoxes and QProgressBar value
self . widthSpin . setValue ( 3000 )
self . heightSpin . setValue ( 3000 )
self . progressBar . setValue ( 0 )
self . progressBar . hide ( )
self . outputFormat = Utils . fillRasterOutputFormat ( )
self . setParamsStatus (
( self . inputLayerCombo , [ SIGNAL ( " currentIndexChanged(int) " ) , SIGNAL ( " editTextChanged(const QString &) " ) ] ) ,
( self . outputFileEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged(const QString &) " ) ) ,
( self . sourceSRSEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged(const QString &) " ) , self . sourceSRSCheck ) ,
( self . selectSourceSRSButton , None , self . sourceSRSCheck ) ,
( self . targetSRSEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged(const QString &) " ) , self . targetSRSCheck ) ,
( self . selectTargetSRSButton , None , self . targetSRSCheck ) ,
( self . resamplingCombo , SIGNAL ( " currentIndexChanged(int) " ) , self . resamplingCheck ) ,
( self . cacheSpin , SIGNAL ( " valueChanged(int) " ) , self . cacheCheck ) ,
( [ self . widthSpin , self . heightSpin ] , SIGNAL ( " valueChanged(int) " ) , self . resizeGroupBox ) ,
( self . multithreadCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged(int) " ) ) ,
( self . noDataEdit , SIGNAL ( " textChanged( const QString & ) " ) , self . noDataCheck )
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self . connect ( self . inputLayerCombo , SIGNAL ( " currentIndexChanged(int) " ) , self . fillSourceSRSEditDefault )
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self . connect ( self . selectInputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillInputFile )
self . connect ( self . selectOutputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillOutputFileEdit )
self . connect ( self . selectSourceSRSButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillSourceSRSEdit )
self . connect ( self . selectTargetSRSButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillTargetSRSEdit )
self . connect ( self . batchCheck , SIGNAL ( " stateChanged( int ) " ) , self . switchToolMode )
self . fillInputLayerCombo ( )
# switch to batch or normal mode
def switchToolMode ( self ) :
self . setCommandViewerEnabled ( not self . batchCheck . isChecked ( ) )
self . inputLayerCombo . clear ( )
self . inputLayerCombo . clearEditText ( )
self . inputLayerCombo . setCurrentIndex ( - 1 )
self . outputFileEdit . clear ( )
if self . batchCheck . isChecked ( ) :
self . inFileLabel = self . label . text ( )
self . outFileLabel = self . label_2 . text ( )
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self . label . setText ( QCoreApplication . translate ( " GdalTools " , " &Input directory " ) )
self . label_2 . setText ( QCoreApplication . translate ( " GdalTools " , " &Output directory " ) )
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self . progressBar . show ( )
QObject . disconnect ( self . selectInputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillInputFile )
QObject . disconnect ( self . selectOutputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillOutputFileEdit )
QObject . connect ( self . selectInputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillInputDir )
QObject . connect ( self . selectOutputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillOutputDir )
else :
self . label . setText ( self . inFileLabel )
self . label_2 . setText ( self . outFileLabel )
self . fillInputLayerCombo ( )
self . progressBar . hide ( )
QObject . disconnect ( self . selectInputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillInputDir )
QObject . disconnect ( self . selectOutputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillOutputDir )
QObject . connect ( self . selectInputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillInputFile )
QObject . connect ( self . selectOutputFileButton , SIGNAL ( " clicked() " ) , self . fillOutputFileEdit )
def fillInputLayerCombo ( self ) :
self . inputLayerCombo . clear ( )
( self . layers , names ) = Utils . getRasterLayers ( )
self . inputLayerCombo . addItems ( names )
def fillInputFile ( self ) :
lastUsedFilter = Utils . FileFilter . lastUsedRasterFilter ( )
inputFile = Utils . FileDialog . getOpenFileName ( self , self . tr ( " Select the input file for Warp " ) , Utils . FileFilter . allRastersFilter ( ) , lastUsedFilter )
if inputFile . isEmpty ( ) :
Utils . FileFilter . setLastUsedRasterFilter ( lastUsedFilter )
self . inputLayerCombo . setCurrentIndex ( - 1 )
self . inputLayerCombo . setEditText ( inputFile )
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# get SRS for source file if necessary and possible
self . refreshSourceSRS ( )
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def fillOutputFileEdit ( self ) :
lastUsedFilter = Utils . FileFilter . lastUsedRasterFilter ( )
outputFile = Utils . FileDialog . getSaveFileName ( self , self . tr ( " Select the raster file to save the results to " ) , Utils . FileFilter . allRastersFilter ( ) , lastUsedFilter )
if outputFile . isEmpty ( ) :
Utils . FileFilter . setLastUsedRasterFilter ( lastUsedFilter )
self . outputFormat = Utils . fillRasterOutputFormat ( lastUsedFilter , outputFile )
self . outputFileEdit . setText ( outputFile )
def fillInputDir ( self ) :
inputDir = Utils . FileDialog . getExistingDirectory ( self , self . tr ( " Select the input directory with files to Warp " ) )
if inputDir . isEmpty ( ) :
self . inputLayerCombo . setCurrentIndex ( - 1 )
self . inputLayerCombo . setEditText ( inputDir )
filter = Utils . getRasterExtensions ( )
workDir = QDir ( inputDir )
workDir . setFilter ( QDir . Files | QDir . NoSymLinks | QDir . NoDotAndDotDot )
workDir . setNameFilters ( filter )
if workDir . entryList ( ) . count ( ) > 0 :
fl = inputDir + " / " + workDir . entryList ( ) [ 0 ]
self . sourceSRSEdit . setText ( Utils . getRasterSRS ( self , fl ) )
def fillOutputDir ( self ) :
outputDir = Utils . FileDialog . getExistingDirectory ( self , self . tr ( " Select the output directory to save the results to " ) )
if outputDir . isEmpty ( ) :
self . outputFileEdit . setText ( outputDir )
def fillSourceSRSEdit ( self ) :
dialog = SRSDialog ( " Select the source SRS " )
if dialog . exec_ ( ) :
self . sourceSRSEdit . setText ( dialog . getProjection ( ) )
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def fillSourceSRSEditDefault ( self , index ) :
if index < 0 :
self . refreshSourceSRS ( )
def refreshSourceSRS ( self ) :
crs = Utils . getRasterSRS ( self , self . getInputFileName ( ) )
self . sourceSRSEdit . setText ( crs )
self . sourceSRSCheck . setChecked ( not crs . isEmpty ( ) )
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def fillTargetSRSEdit ( self ) :
dialog = SRSDialog ( " Select the target SRS " )
if dialog . exec_ ( ) :
self . targetSRSEdit . setText ( dialog . getProjection ( ) )
def getArguments ( self ) :
arguments = QStringList ( )
if self . sourceSRSCheck . isChecked ( ) and not self . sourceSRSEdit . text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) :
arguments << " -s_srs "
arguments << self . sourceSRSEdit . text ( )
if self . targetSRSCheck . isChecked ( ) and not self . targetSRSEdit . text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) :
arguments << " -t_srs "
arguments << self . targetSRSEdit . text ( )
if self . resamplingCheck . isChecked ( ) and self . resamplingCombo . currentIndex ( ) > = 0 :
arguments << " -r "
arguments << self . resampling_method [ self . resamplingCombo . currentIndex ( ) ]
if self . cacheCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -wm "
arguments << str ( self . cacheSpin . value ( ) )
if self . resizeGroupBox . isChecked ( ) :
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arguments << " -ts "
2010-06-04 00:31:48 +00:00
arguments << str ( self . widthSpin . value ( ) )
arguments << str ( self . heightSpin . value ( ) )
if self . multithreadCheck . isChecked ( ) :
arguments << " -multi "
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if self . noDataCheck . isChecked ( ) :
nodata = self . noDataEdit . text ( ) . trimmed ( )
if not nodata . isEmpty ( ) :
arguments << " -dstnodata "
arguments << nodata
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if self . isBatchEnabled ( ) :
return arguments
if not self . outputFileEdit . text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) :
arguments << " -of "
arguments << self . outputFormat
arguments << self . getInputFileName ( )
arguments << self . getOutputFileName ( )
return arguments
def getInputFileName ( self ) :
if self . inputLayerCombo . currentIndex ( ) > = 0 :
return self . layers [ self . inputLayerCombo . currentIndex ( ) ] . source ( )
return self . inputLayerCombo . currentText ( )
def getOutputFileName ( self ) :
return self . outputFileEdit . text ( )
def addLayerIntoCanvas ( self , fileInfo ) :
self . iface . addRasterLayer ( fileInfo . filePath ( ) )
def isBatchEnabled ( self ) :
return self . batchCheck . isChecked ( )
def setProgressRange ( self , maximum ) :
self . progressBar . setRange ( 0 , maximum )
def updateProgress ( self , index , total ) :
if index < total :
self . progressBar . setValue ( index + 1 )
else :
self . progressBar . setValue ( 0 )