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2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Name : DB Manager
Description : Database manager plugin for QGIS (Oracle)
Date : Aug 27, 2014
copyright : (C) 2014 by Médéric RIBREUX
email : mederic.ribreux@gmail.com
The content of this file is based on
- PG_Manager by Martin Dobias <wonder.sk@gmail.com> (GPLv2 license)
- DB Manager by Giuseppe Sucameli <brush.tyler@gmail.com> (GPLv2 license)
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
# this will disable the dbplugin if the connector raise an ImportError
from .connector import OracleDBConnector
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import Qt, QSettings
2016-04-22 10:38:48 +02:00
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QIcon, QKeySequence
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QMessageBox
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer, NULL
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
from ..plugin import ConnectionError, InvalidDataException, DBPlugin, \
Database, Schema, Table, VectorTable, TableField, TableConstraint, \
TableIndex, TableTrigger
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
from qgis.core import QgsCredentials
2016-03-21 04:51:10 +01:00
from . import resources_rc # NOQA
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
def classFactory():
return OracleDBPlugin
class OracleDBPlugin(DBPlugin):
def icon(self):
return QIcon(":/db_manager/oracle/icon")
def typeName(self):
return 'oracle'
def typeNameString(self):
return 'Oracle Spatial'
def providerName(self):
return 'oracle'
def connectionSettingsKey(self):
return '/Oracle/connections'
def connectToUri(self, uri):
self.db = self.databasesFactory(self, uri)
if self.db:
return True
return False
def databasesFactory(self, connection, uri):
return ORDatabase(connection, uri)
def connect(self, parent=None):
conn_name = self.connectionName()
settings = QSettings()
self.connectionSettingsKey(), conn_name))
if not settings.contains("database"): # non-existent entry?
raise InvalidDataException(
self.tr('There is no defined database connection "{}".'.format(
from qgis.core import QgsDataSourceURI
uri = QgsDataSourceURI()
settingsList = ["host", "port", "database", "username", "password"]
2016-03-21 04:51:10 +01:00
host, port, database, username, password = [settings.value(x, "", type=str) for x in settingsList]
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
# get all of the connexion options
useEstimatedMetadata = settings.value(
"estimatedMetadata", False, type=bool)
uri.setParam('userTablesOnly', unicode(
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
settings.value("userTablesOnly", False, type=bool)))
uri.setParam('geometryColumnsOnly', unicode(
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
settings.value("geometryColumnsOnly", False, type=bool)))
uri.setParam('allowGeometrylessTables', unicode(
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
settings.value("allowGeometrylessTables", False, type=bool)))
uri.setParam('onlyExistingTypes', unicode(
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
settings.value("onlyExistingTypes", False, type=bool)))
uri.setParam('includeGeoAttributes', unicode(
settings.value("includeGeoAttributes", False, type=bool)))
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
uri.setConnection(host, port, database, username, password)
err = u""
return self.connectToUri(uri)
except ConnectionError as e:
err = unicode(e)
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
# ask for valid credentials
max_attempts = 3
for i in range(max_attempts):
(ok, username, password) = QgsCredentials.instance().get(
uri.connectionInfo(False), username, password, err)
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
if not ok:
return False
uri.setConnection(host, port, database, username, password)
except ConnectionError as e:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
if i == max_attempts - 1: # failed the last attempt
raise e
err = unicode(e)
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
uri.connectionInfo(False), username, password)
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
return True
return False
class ORDatabase(Database):
def __init__(self, connection, uri):
self.connName = connection.connectionName()
Database.__init__(self, connection, uri)
def connectorsFactory(self, uri):
return OracleDBConnector(uri, self.connName)
def dataTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None):
return ORTable(row, db, schema)
def vectorTablesFactory(self, row, db, schema=None):
return ORVectorTable(row, db, schema)
def info(self):
from .info_model import ORDatabaseInfo
return ORDatabaseInfo(self)
def schemasFactory(self, row, db):
return ORSchema(row, db)
def columnUniqueValuesModel(self, col, table, limit=10):
l = u""
if limit:
l = u"WHERE ROWNUM < {:d}".format(limit)
con = self.database().connector
# Prevent geometry column show
tableName = table.replace(u'"', u"").split(u".")
if len(tableName) == 0:
tableName = [None, tableName[0]]
colName = col.replace(u'"', u"").split(u".")[-1]
if con.isGeometryColumn(tableName, colName):
return None
query = u"SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM {} {}".format(col, table, l)
return self.sqlResultModel(query, self)
def sqlResultModel(self, sql, parent):
from .data_model import ORSqlResultModel
return ORSqlResultModel(self, sql, parent)
def toSqlLayer(self, sql, geomCol, uniqueCol,
layerName=u"QueryLayer", layerType=None,
avoidSelectById=False, filter=""):
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
uri = self.uri()
con = self.database().connector
uri.setDataSource(u"", u"({})".format(sql), geomCol, filter, uniqueCol.strip(u'"'))
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
if avoidSelectById:
provider = self.dbplugin().providerName()
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(False), layerName, provider)
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
# handling undetermined geometry type
if not vlayer.isValid():
wkbType, srid = con.getTableMainGeomType(
u"({})".format(sql), geomCol)
if srid:
vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(False), layerName, provider)
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
return vlayer
def registerDatabaseActions(self, mainWindow):
action = QAction(QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Re-connect"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Database"), self.reconnectActionSlot)
if self.schemas():
action = QAction(QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Create schema"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Schema"), self.createSchemaActionSlot)
action = QAction(QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Delete (empty) schema"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Schema"), self.deleteSchemaActionSlot)
action = QAction(QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "Delete selected item"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, None, self.deleteActionSlot)
action = QAction(QIcon(":/db_manager/actions/create_table"),
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Create table"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.createTableActionSlot)
action = QAction(QIcon(":/db_manager/actions/edit_table"),
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Edit table"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.editTableActionSlot)
action = QAction(QIcon(":/db_manager/actions/del_table"),
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Delete table/view"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.deleteTableActionSlot)
action = QAction(QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Empty table"), self)
mainWindow.registerAction(action, QApplication.translate(
"DBManagerPlugin", "&Table"), self.emptyTableActionSlot)
class ORSchema(Schema):
def __init__(self, row, db):
Schema.__init__(self, db)
# self.oid, self.name, self.owner, self.perms, self.comment = row
self.name = row[0]
class ORTable(Table):
def __init__(self, row, db, schema=None):
Table.__init__(self, db, schema)
self.name, self.owner, isView = row
self.estimatedRowCount = None
self.objectType = None
self.isView = False
self.isMaterializedView = False
if isView == 1:
self.isView = True
self.creationDate = None
self.modificationDate = None
def getDates(self):
"""Grab the creation/modification dates of the table"""
self.creationDate, self.modificationDate = (
def refreshRowEstimation(self):
"""Use ALL_ALL_TABLE to get an estimation of rows"""
if self.isView:
self.estimatedRowCount = 0
self.estimatedRowCount = (
(self.schemaName(), self.name)))
def getType(self):
"""Grab the type of object for the table"""
self.objectType = self.database().connector.getTableType(
(self.schemaName(), self.name))
def getComment(self):
"""Grab the general comment of the table/view"""
self.comment = self.database().connector.getTableComment(
(self.schemaName(), self.name), self.objectType)
def getDefinition(self):
return self.database().connector.getDefinition(
(self.schemaName(), self.name), self.objectType)
def getMViewInfo(self):
if self.objectType == u"MATERIALIZED VIEW":
return self.database().connector.getMViewInfo(
(self.schemaName(), self.name))
return None
def runAction(self, action):
action = unicode(action)
if action.startswith("rows/"):
if action == "rows/recount":
return True
elif action.startswith("index/"):
parts = action.split('/')
index_name = parts[1]
index_action = parts[2]
msg = QApplication.translate(
"Do you want to {} index {}?".format(
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
index_action, index_name))
if QMessageBox.question(
"DBManagerPlugin", "Table Index"),
QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No:
return False
if index_action == "rebuild":
2016-03-21 04:51:10 +01:00
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
(self.schemaName(), self.name), index_name)
return True
elif action.startswith(u"mview/"):
if action == "mview/refresh":
2016-03-21 04:51:10 +01:00
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
(self.schemaName(), self.name))
return True
return Table.runAction(self, action)
def tableFieldsFactory(self, row, table):
return ORTableField(row, table)
def tableConstraintsFactory(self, row, table):
return ORTableConstraint(row, table)
def tableIndexesFactory(self, row, table):
return ORTableIndex(row, table)
def tableTriggersFactory(self, row, table):
return ORTableTrigger(row, table)
def info(self):
from .info_model import ORTableInfo
return ORTableInfo(self)
def tableDataModel(self, parent):
from .data_model import ORTableDataModel
return ORTableDataModel(self, parent)
def getValidQgisUniqueFields(self, onlyOne=False):
""" list of fields valid to load the table as layer in Qgis canvas.
Qgis automatically search for a valid unique field, so it's
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
needed only for queries and views.
ret = []
# add the pk
2016-03-21 04:51:10 +01:00
pkcols = [x for x in self.fields() if x.primaryKey]
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
if len(pkcols) == 1:
# then add integer fields with an unique index
indexes = self.indexes()
if indexes is not None:
for idx in indexes:
if idx.isUnique and len(idx.columns) == 1:
fld = idx.fields()[idx.columns[0]]
if (fld.dataType == u"NUMBER"
and not fld.modifier
and fld.notNull
and fld not in ret):
# and finally append the other suitable fields
for fld in self.fields():
if (fld.dataType == u"NUMBER"
and not fld.modifier
and fld.notNull
and fld not in ret):
if onlyOne:
return ret[0] if len(ret) > 0 else None
return ret
def uri(self):
uri = self.database().uri()
schema = self.schemaName() if self.schemaName() else ''
geomCol = self.geomColumn if self.type in [
Table.VectorType, Table.RasterType] else ""
uniqueCol = self.getValidQgisUniqueFields(
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
True) if self.isView else None
uri.setDataSource(schema, self.name, geomCol if geomCol else None,
None, uniqueCol.name if uniqueCol else "")
# Handle geographic table
if geomCol:
return uri
class ORVectorTable(ORTable, VectorTable):
def __init__(self, row, db, schema=None):
ORTable.__init__(self, row[0:3], db, schema)
VectorTable.__init__(self, db, schema)
self.geomColumn, self.geomType, self.wkbType, self.geomDim, \
self.srid = row[-7:-2]
def info(self):
from .info_model import ORVectorTableInfo
return ORVectorTableInfo(self)
def runAction(self, action):
if action.startswith("extent/"):
if action == "extent/update":
2016-03-21 04:51:10 +01:00
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
return True
if ORTable.runAction(self, action):
return True
return VectorTable.runAction(self, action)
def canUpdateMetadata(self):
return self.database().connector.canUpdateMetadata((self.schemaName(),
def updateExtent(self):
(self.schemaName(), self.name),
self.geomColumn, extent=self.extent)
def hasSpatialIndex(self, geom_column=None):
geom_column = geom_column if geom_column else self.geomColumn
for idx in self.indexes():
if geom_column == idx.column:
return True
return False
class ORTableField(TableField):
def __init__(self, row, table):
""" build fields information from query and find primary key """
TableField.__init__(self, table)
self.num, self.name, self.dataType, self.charMaxLen, \
self.modifier, self.notNull, self.hasDefault, \
self.default, typeStr, self.comment = row
self.primaryKey = False
self.num = int(self.num)
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if self.charMaxLen == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.charMaxLen = None
self.charMaxLen = int(self.charMaxLen)
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if self.modifier == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.modifier = None
self.modifier = int(self.modifier)
if self.notNull.upper() == u"Y":
self.notNull = False
self.notNull = True
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if self.comment == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.comment = u""
# find out whether fields are part of primary key
for con in self.table().constraints():
if (con.type == ORTableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey
and self.name == con.column):
self.primaryKey = True
def type2String(self):
if (u"TIMESTAMP" in self.dataType
or self.dataType in [u"DATE", u"SDO_GEOMETRY",
return u"{}".format(self.dataType)
if self.charMaxLen in [None, -1]:
return u"{}".format(self.dataType)
elif self.modifier in [None, -1, 0]:
return u"{}({})".format(self.dataType, self.charMaxLen)
return u"{}({},{})".format(self.dataType, self.charMaxLen,
def update(self, new_name, new_type_str=None, new_not_null=None,
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
if self.name == new_name:
new_name = None
if self.type2String() == new_type_str:
new_type_str = None
if self.notNull == new_not_null:
new_not_null = None
if self.default2String() == new_default_str:
new_default_str = None
ret = self.table().database().connector.updateTableColumn(
(self.table().schemaName(), self.table().name),
self.name, new_name, new_type_str,
new_not_null, new_default_str)
# When changing a field, refresh also constraints and
# indexes.
if ret is not False:
return ret
class ORTableConstraint(TableConstraint):
TypeCheck, TypeForeignKey, TypePrimaryKey, \
TypeUnique, TypeUnknown = range(5)
types = {"c": TypeCheck, "r": TypeForeignKey,
"p": TypePrimaryKey, "u": TypeUnique}
def __init__(self, row, table):
""" build constraints info from query """
TableConstraint.__init__(self, table)
self.name, constr_type_str, self.column, self.validated, \
self.generated, self.status = row[0:6]
constr_type_str = constr_type_str.lower()
if constr_type_str in ORTableConstraint.types:
self.type = ORTableConstraint.types[constr_type_str]
self.type = ORTableConstraint.TypeUnknown
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if row[6] == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.checkSource = u""
self.checkSource = row[6]
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if row[8] == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.foreignTable = u""
self.foreignTable = row[8]
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if row[7] == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.foreignOnDelete = u""
self.foreignOnDelete = row[7]
2016-05-13 17:49:09 +02:00
if row[9] == NULL:
2015-07-25 16:31:11 +02:00
self.foreignKey = u""
self.foreignKey = row[9]
def type2String(self):
if self.type == ORTableConstraint.TypeCheck:
return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Check")
if self.type == ORTableConstraint.TypePrimaryKey:
return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Primary key")
if self.type == ORTableConstraint.TypeForeignKey:
return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Foreign key")
if self.type == ORTableConstraint.TypeUnique:
return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", "Unique")
return QApplication.translate("DBManagerPlugin", 'Unknown')
def fields(self):
""" Hack to make edit dialog box work """
fields = self.table().fields()
field = None
for fld in fields:
if fld.name == self.column:
field = fld
cols = {}
cols[0] = field
return cols
class ORTableIndex(TableIndex):
def __init__(self, row, table):
TableIndex.__init__(self, table)
self.name, self.column, self.indexType, self.status, \
self.analyzed, self.compression, self.isUnique = row
def fields(self):
""" Hack to make edit dialog box work """
fields = self.table().fields()
field = None
for fld in fields:
if fld.name == self.column:
field = fld
cols = {}
cols[0] = field
return cols
class ORTableTrigger(TableTrigger):
def __init__(self, row, table):
TableTrigger.__init__(self, table)
self.name, self.event, self.type, self.enabled = row