QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorType.HintOnly.__doc__="Line anchor is a hint for preferred placement only, but other placements close to the hint are permitted"
QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorType.Strict.__doc__="Line anchor is a strict placement, and other placements are not permitted"
QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorClipping.UseVisiblePartsOfLine.__doc__="Only visible parts of lines are considered when calculating the line anchor for labels"
QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorClipping.UseEntireLine.__doc__="Entire original feature line geometry is used when calculating the line anchor for labels"
QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorClipping.__doc__='Clipping behavior for line anchor calculation.\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.20\n\n'+'* ``UseVisiblePartsOfLine``: '+QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorClipping.UseVisiblePartsOfLine.__doc__+'\n'+'* ``UseEntireLine``: '+QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorClipping.UseEntireLine.__doc__
QgsLabelLineSettings.AnchorTextPoint.FollowPlacement.__doc__="Automatically set the anchor point based on the lineAnchorPercent() value. Values <25% will use the start of text, values > 75% will use the end of text, and values in between will use the center of the text"