"description": "Manage autoincrementing values in sqlite databases.<p>SQlite default values can only be applied on insert and not prefetched.</p><p>This makes it impossible to acquire an incremented primary key via AUTO_INCREMENT before creating the row in the database. Sidenote: with postgres, this works via the option <i>evaluate default values</i>.</p><p>When adding new features with relations, it is really nice to be able to already add children for a parent, while the parents form is still open and hence the parent feature uncommitted.</p><p>To get around this limitation, this function can be used to manage sequence values in a separate table on sqlite based formats like gpkg.</p><p>The sequence table will be filtered for a sequence id (filter_attribute and filter_value) and the current value of the id_field will be incremented by 1 and the incremented value returned.</p><p>If additional columns require values to be specified, the default_value map can be used for this purpose.</p><p><b>Note</b><br/>This function modifies the target sqlite table. It is intended for usage with default value configurations for attributes.</p><p>When the database parameter is a layer and the layer is in transaction mode, the value will only be retrieved once during the lifetime of a transaction and cached and incremented. This makes it unsafe to work on the same database from several processes in parallel.</p>",
{"arg":"default_values", "description":"Map with default values for additional columns on the table. The values need to be fully quoted. Functions are allowed.", "optional": true}