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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests corner cases and bugs.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import unittest
from jinja2.testsuite import JinjaTestCase
from jinja2 import Template, Environment, DictLoader, TemplateSyntaxError, \
TemplateNotFound, PrefixLoader
from jinja2._compat import text_type
env = Environment()
class CornerTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
def test_assigned_scoping(self):
t = env.from_string('''
{%- for item in (1, 2, 3, 4) -%}
[{{ item }}]
{%- endfor %}
{{- item -}}
assert t.render(item=42) == '[1][2][3][4]42'
t = env.from_string('''
{%- for item in (1, 2, 3, 4) -%}
[{{ item }}]
{%- endfor %}
{%- set item = 42 %}
{{- item -}}
assert t.render() == '[1][2][3][4]42'
t = env.from_string('''
{%- set item = 42 %}
{%- for item in (1, 2, 3, 4) -%}
[{{ item }}]
{%- endfor %}
{{- item -}}
assert t.render() == '[1][2][3][4]42'
def test_closure_scoping(self):
t = env.from_string('''
{%- set wrapper = "<FOO>" %}
{%- for item in (1, 2, 3, 4) %}
{%- macro wrapper() %}[{{ item }}]{% endmacro %}
{{- wrapper() }}
{%- endfor %}
{{- wrapper -}}
assert t.render() == '[1][2][3][4]<FOO>'
t = env.from_string('''
{%- for item in (1, 2, 3, 4) %}
{%- macro wrapper() %}[{{ item }}]{% endmacro %}
{{- wrapper() }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set wrapper = "<FOO>" %}
{{- wrapper -}}
assert t.render() == '[1][2][3][4]<FOO>'
t = env.from_string('''
{%- for item in (1, 2, 3, 4) %}
{%- macro wrapper() %}[{{ item }}]{% endmacro %}
{{- wrapper() }}
{%- endfor %}
{{- wrapper -}}
assert t.render(wrapper=23) == '[1][2][3][4]23'
class BugTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
def test_keyword_folding(self):
env = Environment()
env.filters['testing'] = lambda value, some: value + some
assert env.from_string("{{ 'test'|testing(some='stuff') }}") \
.render() == 'teststuff'
def test_extends_output_bugs(self):
env = Environment(loader=DictLoader({
'parent.html': '(({% block title %}{% endblock %}))'
t = env.from_string('{% if expr %}{% extends "parent.html" %}{% endif %}'
'[[{% block title %}title{% endblock %}]]'
'{% for item in [1, 2, 3] %}({{ item }}){% endfor %}')
assert t.render(expr=False) == '[[title]](1)(2)(3)'
assert t.render(expr=True) == '((title))'
def test_urlize_filter_escaping(self):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "http://www.example.org/<foo"|urlize }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '<a href="http://www.example.org/<foo">http://www.example.org/<foo</a>'
def test_loop_call_loop(self):
tmpl = env.from_string('''
{% macro test() %}
{{ caller() }}
{% endmacro %}
{% for num1 in range(5) %}
{% call test() %}
{% for num2 in range(10) %}
{{ loop.index }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcall %}
{% endfor %}
assert tmpl.render().split() == [text_type(x) for x in range(1, 11)] * 5
def test_weird_inline_comment(self):
env = Environment(line_statement_prefix='%')
self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string,
'% for item in seq {# missing #}\n...% endfor')
def test_old_macro_loop_scoping_bug(self):
tmpl = env.from_string('{% for i in (1, 2) %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}'
'{% macro i() %}3{% endmacro %}{{ i() }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '123'
def test_partial_conditional_assignments(self):
tmpl = env.from_string('{% if b %}{% set a = 42 %}{% endif %}{{ a }}')
assert tmpl.render(a=23) == '23'
assert tmpl.render(b=True) == '42'
def test_stacked_locals_scoping_bug(self):
env = Environment(line_statement_prefix='#')
t = env.from_string('''\
# for j in [1, 2]:
# set x = 1
# for i in [1, 2]:
# print x
# if i % 2 == 0:
# set x = x + 1
# endif
# endfor
# endfor
# if a
# print 'A'
# elif b
# print 'B'
# elif c == d
# print 'C'
# else
# print 'D'
# endif
assert t.render(a=0, b=False, c=42, d=42.0) == '1111C'
def test_stacked_locals_scoping_bug_twoframe(self):
t = Template('''
{% set x = 1 %}
{% for item in foo %}
{% if item == 1 %}
{% set x = 2 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ x }}
rv = t.render(foo=[1]).strip()
assert rv == u'1'
def test_call_with_args(self):
t = Template("""{% macro dump_users(users) -%}
{%- for user in users -%}
<li><p>{{ user.username|e }}</p>{{ caller(user) }}</li>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% call(user) dump_users(list_of_user) -%}
<dd>{{ user.realname|e }}</dd>
<dd>{{ user.description }}</dd>
{% endcall %}""")
assert [x.strip() for x in t.render(list_of_user=[{
'realname':'something else',
}]).splitlines()] == [
u'<dd>something else</dd>',
def test_empty_if_condition_fails(self):
self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, Template, '{% if %}....{% endif %}')
self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, Template, '{% if foo %}...{% elif %}...{% endif %}')
self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, Template, '{% for x in %}..{% endfor %}')
def test_recursive_loop_bug(self):
tpl1 = Template("""
{% for p in foo recursive%}
{% for f in p.fields recursive%}
{% if f.rec %}
{{ loop(f.sub) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
tpl2 = Template("""
{% for p in foo%}
{% for f in p.fields recursive%}
{% if f.rec %}
{{ loop(f.sub) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
def test_else_loop_bug(self):
t = Template('''
{% for x in y %}
{{ loop.index0 }}
{% else %}
{% for i in range(3) %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
self.assertEqual(t.render(y=[]).strip(), '012')
def test_correct_prefix_loader_name(self):
env = Environment(loader=PrefixLoader({
'foo': DictLoader({})
except TemplateNotFound as e:
assert e.name == 'foo/bar.html'
assert False, 'expected error here'
def test_contextfunction_callable_classes(self):
from jinja2.utils import contextfunction
class CallableClass(object):
def __call__(self, ctx):
return ctx.resolve('hello')
tpl = Template("""{{ callableclass() }}""")
output = tpl.render(callableclass = CallableClass(), hello = 'TEST')
expected = 'TEST'
self.assert_equal(output, expected)
def suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite