2006-01-08 01:18:20 +00:00
QgsCoordinateTransform.h - Coordinate Transforms
begin : Dec 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 Tim Sutton
email : tim at linfiniti.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
//qt includes
2006-03-10 03:11:06 +00:00
#include <QObject>
2006-01-08 01:18:20 +00:00
//qgis includes
#include "qgspoint.h"
#include "qgsrect.h"
#include "qgscsexception.h"
#include "qgsspatialrefsys.h"
class QDomNode;
class QDomDocument;
//non qt includes
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
extern "C"{
#include <proj_api.h>
class QString;
/*! \class QgsCoordinateTransform
* \brief Class for doing transforms between two map coordinate systems.
* This class can convert map coordinates to a different spatial reference system.
* It is normally associated with a map layer and is used to transform between the
* layer's coordinate system and the coordinate system of the map canvas, although
* it can be used in a more general sense to transform coordinates.
* All references to source and destination coordinate systems refer to
* layer and map canvas respectively. All operations are from the perspective
* of the layer. For example, a forward transformation transforms coordinates from the
* layers coordinate system to the map canvas.
class QgsCoordinateTransform: public QObject
/*! Default constructor. Make sure you use initialised() manually if you use this one! */
QgsCoordinateTransform() ;
2006-03-04 14:30:15 +00:00
/** Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using QgsSpatialRefSys objects.
* @param theSource SRS, typically of the layer's coordinate system
* @param theDest SRS, typically of the map canvas coordinate system
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QgsCoordinateTransform(const QgsSpatialRefSys& theSource,
const QgsSpatialRefSys& theDest);
* Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using the Well Known Text representation
* of the layer and map canvas coordinate systems
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* @param theSourceWKT WKT, typically of the layer's coordinate system
* @param theDestWKT WKT, typically of the map canvas coordinate system
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QgsCoordinateTransform(QString theSourceWKT, QString theDestWKT );
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* Constructs a QgsCoordinateTransform using a Spatial Reference Id
* of the layer and map canvas coordinate system as Wkt
* @param theSourceSrid Spatial Ref Id of the layer's coordinate system
* @param theSourceWKT WKT of the map canvas coordinate system
* @param theSourceSRSType On of the enum members defined in QgsSpatialRefSys::SRS_TYPE
QgsCoordinateTransform(long theSourceSrid,
QString theDestWKT,
QgsSpatialRefSys::SRS_TYPE theSourceSRSType = QgsSpatialRefSys::POSTGIS_SRID );
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//! destructor
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//! Enum used to indicate the direction (forward or inverse) of the transform
enum TransformDirection{
2006-03-04 14:30:15 +00:00
FORWARD, /*!< Transform from source to destination SRS. */
INVERSE /*!< Transform from destination to source SRS. */
2006-01-08 01:18:20 +00:00
* Set the source (layer) QgsSpatialRefSys
* @param theSRS QgsSpatialRefSys representation of the layer's coordinate system
void setSourceSRS(const QgsSpatialRefSys& theSRS);
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* Mutator for dest QgsSpatialRefSys
* @param theSRS of the destination coordinate system
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void setDestSRS(const QgsSpatialRefSys& theSRS);
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* Get the QgsSpatialRefSys representation of the layer's coordinate system
* @return QgsSpatialRefSys of the layer's coordinate system
QgsSpatialRefSys& sourceSRS() { return mSourceSRS; }
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* Get the QgsSpatialRefSys representation of the map canvas coordinate system
* @return QgsSpatialRefSys of the map canvas coordinate system
QgsSpatialRefSys& destSRS() { return mDestSRS; }
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/*! Transform the point from Source Coordinate System to Destination Coordinate System
* If the direction is FORWARD then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* @param p Point to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to FORWARD)
* @return QgsPoint in Destination Coordinate System
QgsPoint transform(const QgsPoint p,TransformDirection direction=FORWARD);
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/*! Transform the point specified by x,y from Source Coordinate System to Destination Coordinate System
* If the direction is FORWARD then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* @param x x cordinate of point to transform
* @param y y coordinate of point to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to FORWARD)
* @return QgsPoint in Destination Coordinate System
QgsPoint transform(const double x, const double y,TransformDirection direction=FORWARD);
/*! Transform a QgsRect to the dest Coordinate system
* If the direction is FORWARD then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* It assumes that rect is a bounding box, and creates a bounding box
* in the proejcted CS, so that all points in source rectangle is within
* returned rectangle.
* @param QgsRect rect to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to FORWARD)
* @return QgsRect in Destination Coordinate System
QgsRect transformBoundingBox(const QgsRect theRect,TransformDirection direction=FORWARD);
// Same as for the other transform() functions, but alters the x
// and y variables in place. The second one works with good old-fashioned
// C style arrays.
void transformInPlace(double& x, double& y, double &z, TransformDirection direction = FORWARD);
void transformInPlace(std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double>& y, std::vector<double>& z,
TransformDirection direction = FORWARD);
/*! Transform a QgsRect to the dest Coordinate system
* If the direction is FORWARD then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* @param QgsRect rect to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to FORWARD)
* @return QgsRect in Destination Coordinate System
QgsRect transform(const QgsRect theRect,TransformDirection direction=FORWARD);
/*! Transform an array of coordinates to a different Coordinate System
* If the direction is FORWARD then coordinates are transformed from layer CS --> map canvas CS,
* otherwise points are transformed from map canvas CS to layerCS.
* @param x x cordinate of point to transform
* @param y y coordinate of point to transform
* @param direction TransformDirection (defaults to FORWARD)
* @return QgsRect in Destination Coordinate System
void transformCoords( const int &numPoint, double *x, double *y, double *z,TransformDirection direction=FORWARD);
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* Flag to indicate whether the coordinate systems have been initialised
* @return true if initialised, otherwise false
bool isInitialised() {return mInitialisedFlag;};
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/*! See if the transform short circuits because src and dest are equivalent
* @return bool True if it short circuits
bool isShortCircuited() {return mShortCircuit;};
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public slots:
/*! Change the destination coordinate system by passing it a qgis srsid
* A QGIS srsid is a unique key value to an entry on the tbl_srs in the
* srs.db sqlite database.
* @note This slot will usually be called if the
* project properties change and a different coordinate system is
* selected.
* @note This coord transform will be reinitialised when this slot is called
* to check if short circuiting is needed or not etc.
* @param theSRSID - A long representing the srsid of the srs to be used */
void setDestSRSID (long theSRSID);
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2006-01-08 01:18:20 +00:00
//!initialise is used to actually create the Transformer instance
void initialise();
/*! Restores state from the given DOM node.
* @param theNode The node from which state will be restored
* @return bool True on success, False on failure
bool readXML( QDomNode & theNode );
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/*! Stores state to the given DOM node in the given document
* @param theNode The node in which state will be restored
* @param theDom The document in which state will be stored
* @return bool True on success, False on failure
bool writeXML( QDomNode & theNode, QDomDocument & theDoc );
/** Signal when an invalid pj_transform() has occured */
void invalidTransformInput();
* Flag to indicate that the source and destination coordinate systems are
* equal and not transformation needs to be done
bool mShortCircuit;
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* flag to show whether the transform is properly initialised or not
bool mInitialisedFlag;
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2006-01-08 01:18:20 +00:00
* QgsSpatialRefSys of the source (layer) coordinate system
QgsSpatialRefSys mSourceSRS;
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* QgsSpatialRefSys of the destination (map canvas) coordinate system
QgsSpatialRefSys mDestSRS;
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* Proj4 data structure of the source projection (layer coordinate system)
projPJ mSourceProjection;
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2006-01-08 01:18:20 +00:00
* Proj4 data structure of the destination projection (map canvas coordinate system)
projPJ mDestinationProjection;
//! Output stream operator
inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const QgsCoordinateTransform &r)
QString mySummary ("\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\nCoordinate Transform def begins:");
mySummary += "\n\tInitialised? : ";
if (r.isInitialised())
mySummary += "Yes";
mySummary += "No" ;
mySummary += "\n\tShort Circuit? : " ;
if (r.isShortCircuited())
mySummary += "Yes";
mySummary += "No" ;
mySummary += "\n\tSource Spatial Ref Sys : ";
if (r.sourceSRS())
mySummary << r.sourceSRS();
mySummary += "Undefined" ;
mySummary += "\n\tDest Spatial Ref Sys : " ;
if (r.destSRS())
mySummary << r.destSRS();
mySummary += "Undefined" ;
mySummary+=("\nCoordinate Transform def ends \n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n");
return os << mySummary.toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl;