Qgs3DMapScene.__attribute_docs__={'terrainEntityChanged':'Emitted when the current terrain entity is replaced by a new one\n','terrainPendingJobsCountChanged':"Emitted when the number of terrain's pending jobs changes\n",'totalPendingJobsCountChanged':'Emitted when the total number of pending jobs changes\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.12\n','sceneStateChanged':"Emitted when the scene's state has changed\n",'fpsCountChanged':'Emitted when the FPS count changes\n','fpsCounterEnabledChanged':'Emitted when the FPS counter is activated or deactivated\n','viewed2DExtentFrom3DChanged':'Emitted when the viewed 2D extent seen by the 3D camera has changed\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.26\n','gpuMemoryLimitReached':"Emitted when one of the entities reaches its GPU memory limit\nand it is not possible to lower the GPU memory use by unloading\ndata that's not currently needed.\n"}