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* @brief The QgsMapLayerProxModel class provides an easy to use model to display the list of layers in widgets.
* @note added in 2.3
class QgsFieldProxyModel : QSortFilterProxyModel
#include "qgsfieldproxymodel.h"
//! Field type filters
enum Filter
String, /*!< String fields */
Int, /*!< Integer fields */
LongLong, /*!< Longlong fields */
Double, /*!< Double fields */
Numeric, /*!< All numeric fields */
Date, /*!< Date or datetime fields */
Time, /*!< Time fields */
HideReadOnly, /*!< Hide read-only fields */
AllTypes, /*!< All field types */
typedef QFlags<QgsFieldProxyModel::Filter> Filters;
* @brief QgsFieldProxModel creates a proxy model with a QgsFieldModel as source model.
* It can be used to filter the fields based on their types.
explicit QgsFieldProxyModel( QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
//! Returns the QgsFieldModel used in this QSortFilterProxyModel
QgsFieldModel* sourceFieldModel();
* Set flags that affect how fields are filtered in the model.
* @param filters are Filter flags
* @see filters()
QgsFieldProxyModel* setFilters( const Filters& filters );
/** Returns the filters controlling displayed fields.
* @see setFilters()
2014-05-18 15:22:26 +02:00
const Filters& filters() const;
// QSortFilterProxyModel interface
bool filterAcceptsRow( int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent ) const;
bool lessThan( const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right ) const;
QFlags<QgsFieldProxyModel::Filter> operator|(QgsFieldProxyModel::Filter f1, QFlags<QgsFieldProxyModel::Filter> f2);