2012-12-02 00:03:21 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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postgis_utils . py
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date : November 2012
2012-12-15 18:49:32 +01:00
Copyright : ( C ) 2012 by Martin Dobias
2012-12-02 00:03:21 +01:00
Email : volayaf at gmail dot com
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or *
* ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2012-12-15 18:49:32 +01:00
__author__ = ' Martin Dobias '
2012-12-02 00:03:21 +01:00
__date__ = ' November 2012 '
2012-12-15 18:49:32 +01:00
__copyright__ = ' (C) 2012, Martin Dobias '
2012-12-02 00:03:21 +01:00
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = ' $Format: % H$ '
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
PostGIS Manager
Copyright 2008 Martin Dobias
licensed under the terms of GNU GPL v2
Good resource for metadata extraction :
http : / / www . alberton . info / postgresql_meta_info . html
System information functions :
http : / / www . postgresql . org / docs / 8.0 / static / functions - info . html
import psycopg2
import psycopg2 . extensions # for isolation levels
import re
# use unicode!
psycopg2 . extensions . register_type ( psycopg2 . extensions . UNICODE )
class TableAttribute :
def __init__ ( self , row ) :
self . num , self . name , self . data_type , self . char_max_len , self . modifier , self . notnull , self . hasdefault , self . default = row
class TableConstraint :
""" class that represents a constraint of a table (relation) """
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TypeCheck , TypeForeignKey , TypePrimaryKey , TypeUnique = range ( 4 )
types = { " c " : TypeCheck , " f " : TypeForeignKey , " p " : TypePrimaryKey , " u " : TypeUnique }
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on_action = { " a " : " NO ACTION " , " r " : " RESTRICT " , " c " : " CASCADE " , " n " : " SET NULL " , " d " : " SET DEFAULT " }
match_types = { " u " : " UNSPECIFIED " , " f " : " FULL " , " p " : " PARTIAL " }
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def __init__ ( self , row ) :
self . name , con_type , self . is_defferable , self . is_deffered , keys = row [ : 5 ]
self . keys = map ( int , keys . split ( ' ' ) )
self . con_type = TableConstraint . types [ con_type ] # convert to enum
if self . con_type == TableConstraint . TypeCheck :
self . check_src = row [ 5 ]
elif self . con_type == TableConstraint . TypeForeignKey :
self . foreign_table = row [ 6 ]
self . foreign_on_update = TableConstraint . on_action [ row [ 7 ] ]
self . foreign_on_delete = TableConstraint . on_action [ row [ 8 ] ]
self . foreign_match_type = TableConstraint . match_types [ row [ 9 ] ]
self . foreign_keys = row [ 10 ]
class TableIndex :
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def __init__ ( self , row ) :
self . name , columns = row
self . columns = map ( int , columns . split ( ' ' ) )
class DbError ( Exception ) :
def __init__ ( self , message , query = None ) :
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
# save error. funny that the variables are in utf8, not
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
self . message = unicode ( message , ' utf-8 ' )
self . query = unicode ( query , ' utf-8 ' ) if query is not None else None
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " MESSAGE: %s \n QUERY: %s " % ( self . message , self . query )
class TableField :
def __init__ ( self , name , data_type , is_null = None , default = None , modifier = None ) :
self . name , self . data_type , self . is_null , self . default , self . modifier = name , data_type , is_null , default , modifier
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def is_null_txt ( self ) :
if self . is_null :
return " NULL "
else :
return " NOT NULL "
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def field_def ( self ) :
""" return field definition as used for CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE command """
data_type = self . data_type if ( not self . modifier or self . modifier < 0 ) else " %s ( %d ) " % ( self . data_type , self . modifier )
txt = " %s %s %s " % ( self . _quote ( self . name ) , data_type , self . is_null_txt ( ) )
if self . default and len ( self . default ) > 0 :
txt + = " DEFAULT %s " % self . default
return txt
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def _quote ( self , ident ) :
if re . match ( r " ^ \ w+$ " , ident ) is not None :
return ident
else :
return ' " %s " ' % ident . replace ( ' " ' , ' " " ' )
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class GeoDB :
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def __init__ ( self , host = None , port = None , dbname = None , user = None , passwd = None ) :
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# regular expression for identifiers without need to quote them
self . re_ident_ok = re . compile ( r " ^ \ w+$ " )
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self . host = host
self . port = port
self . dbname = dbname
self . user = user
self . passwd = passwd
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if self . dbname == ' ' or self . dbname is None :
self . dbname = self . user
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try :
self . con = psycopg2 . connect ( self . con_info ( ) )
except psycopg2 . OperationalError , e :
raise DbError ( e . message )
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self . has_postgis = self . check_postgis ( )
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def con_info ( self ) :
con_str = ' '
if self . host : con_str + = " host= ' %s ' " % self . host
if self . port : con_str + = " port= %d " % self . port
if self . dbname : con_str + = " dbname= ' %s ' " % self . dbname
if self . user : con_str + = " user= ' %s ' " % self . user
if self . passwd : con_str + = " password= ' %s ' " % self . passwd
return con_str
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
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def get_info ( self ) :
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , " SELECT version() " )
return c . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
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def check_postgis ( self ) :
""" check whether postgis_version is present in catalog """
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = ' postgis_version ' " )
return ( c . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ] > 0 )
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def get_postgis_info ( self ) :
""" returns tuple about postgis support:
- lib version
- installed scripts version
- released scripts version
- geos version
- proj version
- whether uses stats
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , " SELECT postgis_lib_version(), postgis_scripts_installed(), postgis_scripts_released(), postgis_geos_version(), postgis_proj_version(), postgis_uses_stats() " )
return c . fetchone ( )
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def list_schemas ( self ) :
get list of schemas in tuples : ( oid , name , owner , perms )
c = self . con . cursor ( )
sql = " SELECT oid, nspname, pg_get_userbyid(nspowner), nspacl FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname !~ ' ^pg_ ' AND nspname != ' information_schema ' "
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
return c . fetchall ( )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
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def list_geotables ( self , schema = None ) :
get list of tables with schemas , whether user has privileges , whether table has geometry column ( s ) etc .
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geometry_columns :
- f_table_schema
- f_table_name
- f_geometry_column
- coord_dimension
- srid
- type
c = self . con . cursor ( )
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if schema :
schema_where = " AND nspname = ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema )
else :
schema_where = " AND (nspname != ' information_schema ' AND nspname !~ ' pg_ ' ) "
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# LEFT OUTER JOIN: like LEFT JOIN but if there are more matches, for join, all are used (not only one)
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# first find out whether postgis is enabled
if not self . has_postgis :
# get all tables and views
sql = """ SELECT pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relkind, pg_get_userbyid(relowner), reltuples, relpages, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
FROM pg_class
JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace . oid = pg_class . relnamespace
WHERE pg_class . relkind IN ( ' v ' , ' r ' ) """ + schema_where + " ORDER BY nspname, relname "
else :
# discovery of all tables and whether they contain a geometry column
sql = """ SELECT pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relkind, pg_get_userbyid(relowner), reltuples, relpages, pg_attribute.attname, pg_attribute.atttypid::regtype, NULL, NULL
FROM pg_class
JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace . oid = pg_class . relnamespace
LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attribute ON pg_attribute . attrelid = pg_class . oid AND
( pg_attribute . atttypid = ' geometry ' : : regtype
OR pg_attribute . atttypid IN ( SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typbasetype = ' geometry ' : : regtype ) )
WHERE pg_class . relkind IN ( ' v ' , ' r ' ) """ + schema_where + " ORDER BY nspname, relname, attname "
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self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
items = c . fetchall ( )
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# get geometry info from geometry_columns if exists
if self . has_postgis :
sql = """ SELECT relname, nspname, relkind, pg_get_userbyid(relowner), reltuples, relpages,
geometry_columns . f_geometry_column , geometry_columns . type , geometry_columns . coord_dimension , geometry_columns . srid
FROM pg_class
JOIN pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_namespace . oid
LEFT OUTER JOIN geometry_columns ON relname = f_table_name AND nspname = f_table_schema
WHERE ( relkind = ' r ' or relkind = ' v ' ) """ + schema_where + " ORDER BY nspname, relname, f_geometry_column "
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
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# merge geometry info to "items"
for i , geo_item in enumerate ( c . fetchall ( ) ) :
if geo_item [ 7 ] :
items [ i ] = geo_item
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return items
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def get_table_rows ( self , table , schema = None ) :
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s " % self . _table_name ( schema , table ) )
return c . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
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def get_table_fields ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" return list of columns in table """
c = self . con . cursor ( )
schema_where = " AND nspname= ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema ) if schema is not None else " "
sql = """ SELECT a.attnum AS ordinal_position,
a . attname AS column_name ,
t . typname AS data_type ,
a . attlen AS char_max_len ,
a . atttypmod AS modifier ,
a . attnotnull AS notnull ,
a . atthasdef AS hasdefault ,
adef . adsrc AS default_value
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_attribute a ON a . attrelid = c . oid
JOIN pg_type t ON a . atttypid = t . oid
JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON c . relnamespace = nsp . oid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef adef ON adef . adrelid = a . attrelid AND adef . adnum = a . attnum
c . relname = ' %s ' % s AND
a . attnum > 0
ORDER BY a . attnum """ % (self._quote_str(table), schema_where)
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
attrs = [ ]
for row in c . fetchall ( ) :
attrs . append ( TableAttribute ( row ) )
return attrs
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def get_table_indexes ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" get info about table ' s indexes. ignore primary key and unique index, they get listed in constaints """
c = self . con . cursor ( )
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schema_where = " AND nspname= ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema ) if schema is not None else " "
sql = """ SELECT relname, indkey FROM pg_class, pg_index
WHERE pg_class . oid = pg_index . indexrelid AND pg_class . oid IN (
SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index , pg_class
JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON pg_class . relnamespace = nsp . oid
WHERE pg_class . relname = ' %s ' % s AND pg_class . oid = pg_index . indrelid
AND indisunique != ' t ' AND indisprimary != ' t ' ) """ % (self._quote_str(table), schema_where)
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
indexes = [ ]
for row in c . fetchall ( ) :
indexes . append ( TableIndex ( row ) )
return indexes
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def get_table_constraints ( self , table , schema = None ) :
c = self . con . cursor ( )
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schema_where = " AND nspname= ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema ) if schema is not None else " "
sql = """ SELECT c.conname, c.contype, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, array_to_string(c.conkey, ' ' ), c.consrc,
t2 . relname , c . confupdtype , c . confdeltype , c . confmatchtype , array_to_string ( c . confkey , ' ' ) FROM pg_constraint c
LEFT JOIN pg_class t ON c . conrelid = t . oid
LEFT JOIN pg_class t2 ON c . confrelid = t2 . oid
JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON t . relnamespace = nsp . oid
WHERE t . relname = ' %s ' % s """ % (self._quote_str(table), schema_where)
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self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
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constrs = [ ]
for row in c . fetchall ( ) :
constrs . append ( TableConstraint ( row ) )
return constrs
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def get_view_definition ( self , view , schema = None ) :
""" returns definition of the view """
schema_where = " AND nspname= ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema ) if schema is not None else " "
sql = """ SELECT pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON c . relnamespace = nsp . oid
WHERE relname = ' %s ' % s AND relkind = ' v ' """ % (self._quote_str(view), schema_where)
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
return c . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
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def list_tables ( self ) :
c = self . con . cursor ( )
c . execute ( " SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname !~ ' ^(pg_|sql_) ' AND relkind = ' r ' " )
return c . fetchall ( )
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def add_geometry_column ( self , table , geom_type , schema = None , geom_column = ' the_geom ' , srid = - 1 , dim = 2 ) :
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# use schema if explicitly specified
if schema :
schema_part = " ' %s ' , " % self . _quote_str ( schema )
else :
schema_part = " "
sql = " SELECT AddGeometryColumn( %s ' %s ' , ' %s ' , %d , ' %s ' , %d ) " % ( schema_part , self . _quote_str ( table ) , self . _quote_str ( geom_column ) , srid , self . _quote_str ( geom_type ) , dim )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def delete_geometry_column ( self , table , geom_column , schema = None ) :
""" use postgis function to delete geometry column correctly """
if schema :
schema_part = " ' %s ' , " % self . _quote_str ( schema )
else :
schema_part = " "
sql = " SELECT DropGeometryColumn( %s ' %s ' , ' %s ' ) " % ( schema_part , self . _quote_str ( table ) , self . _quote_str ( geom_column ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def delete_geometry_table ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" delete table with one or more geometries using postgis function """
if schema :
schema_part = " ' %s ' , " % self . _quote_str ( schema )
else :
schema_part = " "
sql = " SELECT DropGeometryTable( %s ' %s ' ) " % ( schema_part , self . _quote_str ( table ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def create_table ( self , table , fields , pkey = None , schema = None ) :
""" create ordinary table
' fields ' is array containing instances of TableField
' pkey ' contains name of column to be used as primary key
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if len ( fields ) == 0 :
return False
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table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
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sql = " CREATE TABLE %s ( %s " % ( table_name , fields [ 0 ] . field_def ( ) )
for field in fields [ 1 : ] :
sql + = " , %s " % field . field_def ( )
if pkey :
sql + = " , PRIMARY KEY ( %s ) " % self . _quote ( pkey )
sql + = " ) "
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
return True
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def delete_table ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" delete table from the database """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " DROP TABLE %s " % table_name
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def empty_table ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" delete all rows from table """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " DELETE FROM %s " % table_name
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def rename_table ( self , table , new_table , schema = None ) :
""" rename a table in database """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( new_table ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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# update geometry_columns if postgis is enabled
if self . has_postgis :
sql = " UPDATE geometry_columns SET f_table_name= ' %s ' WHERE f_table_name= ' %s ' " % ( self . _quote_str ( new_table ) , self . _quote_str ( table ) )
if schema is not None :
sql + = " AND f_table_schema= ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def create_view ( self , name , query , schema = None ) :
view_name = self . _table_name ( schema , name )
sql = " CREATE VIEW %s AS %s " % ( view_name , query )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def delete_view ( self , name , schema = None ) :
view_name = self . _table_name ( schema , name )
sql = " DROP VIEW %s " % view_name
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def rename_view ( self , name , new_name , schema = None ) :
""" rename view in database """
self . rename_table ( name , new_name , schema )
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def create_schema ( self , schema ) :
""" create a new empty schema in database """
sql = " CREATE SCHEMA %s " % self . _quote ( schema )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def delete_schema ( self , schema ) :
""" drop (empty) schema from database """
sql = " DROP SCHEMA %s " % self . _quote ( schema )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def rename_schema ( self , schema , new_schema ) :
""" rename a schema in database """
sql = " ALTER SCHEMA %s RENAME TO %s " % ( self . _quote ( schema ) , self . _quote ( new_schema ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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# update geometry_columns if postgis is enabled
if self . has_postgis :
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sql = " UPDATE geometry_columns SET f_table_schema= ' %s ' WHERE f_table_schema= ' %s ' " % ( self . _quote_str ( new_schema ) , self . _quote_str ( schema ) )
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self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def table_add_column ( self , table , field , schema = None ) :
""" add a column to table (passed as TableField instance) """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s " % ( table_name , field . field_def ( ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def table_delete_column ( self , table , field , schema = None ) :
""" delete column from a table """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( field ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def table_column_rename ( self , table , name , new_name , schema = None ) :
""" rename column in a table """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s RENAME %s TO %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( name ) , self . _quote ( new_name ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
# update geometry_columns if postgis is enabled
if self . has_postgis :
sql = " UPDATE geometry_columns SET f_geometry_column= ' %s ' WHERE f_geometry_column= ' %s ' AND f_table_name= ' %s ' " % ( self . _quote_str ( new_name ) , self . _quote_str ( name ) , self . _quote_str ( table ) )
if schema is not None :
sql + = " AND f_table_schema= ' %s ' " % self . _quote ( schema )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
def table_column_set_type ( self , table , column , data_type , schema = None ) :
""" change column type """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %s TYPE %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( column ) , data_type )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
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def table_column_set_default ( self , table , column , default , schema = None ) :
""" change column ' s default value. If default=None drop default value """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
if default :
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %s SET DEFAULT %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( column ) , default )
else :
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %s DROP DEFAULT " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( column ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def table_column_set_null ( self , table , column , is_null , schema = None ) :
""" change whether column can contain null values """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( column ) )
if is_null :
sql + = " DROP NOT NULL "
else :
sql + = " SET NOT NULL "
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
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def table_add_primary_key ( self , table , column , schema = None ) :
""" add a primery key (with one column) to a table """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ADD PRIMARY KEY ( %s ) " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( column ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def table_add_unique_constraint ( self , table , column , schema = None ) :
""" add a unique constraint to a table """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s ADD UNIQUE ( %s ) " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( column ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def table_delete_constraint ( self , table , constraint , schema = None ) :
""" delete constraint in a table """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( constraint ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def table_move_to_schema ( self , table , new_schema , schema = None ) :
if new_schema == schema :
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " ALTER TABLE %s SET SCHEMA %s " % ( table_name , self . _quote ( new_schema ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
# update geometry_columns if postgis is enabled
if self . has_postgis :
sql = " UPDATE geometry_columns SET f_table_schema= ' %s ' WHERE f_table_name= ' %s ' " % ( self . _quote_str ( new_schema ) , self . _quote_str ( table ) )
if schema is not None :
sql + = " AND f_table_schema= ' %s ' " % self . _quote_str ( schema )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
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def create_index ( self , table , name , column , schema = None ) :
""" create index on one column using default options """
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
idx_name = self . _quote ( name )
sql = " CREATE INDEX %s ON %s ( %s ) " % ( idx_name , table_name , self . _quote ( column ) )
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def create_spatial_index ( self , table , schema = None , geom_column = ' the_geom ' ) :
table_name = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
idx_name = self . _quote ( " sidx_ " + table )
2012-12-15 18:49:32 +01:00
sql = " CREATE INDEX %s ON %s USING GIST( %s ) " % ( idx_name , table_name , self . _quote ( geom_column ) )
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def delete_index ( self , name , schema = None ) :
index_name = self . _table_name ( schema , name )
sql = " DROP INDEX %s " % index_name
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def get_database_privileges ( self ) :
""" db privileges: (can create schemas, can create temp. tables) """
sql = " SELECT has_database_privilege( ' %(d)s ' , ' CREATE ' ), has_database_privilege( ' %(d)s ' , ' TEMP ' ) " % { ' d ' : self . _quote_str ( self . dbname ) }
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
return c . fetchone ( )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def get_schema_privileges ( self , schema ) :
""" schema privileges: (can create new objects, can access objects in schema) """
sql = " SELECT has_schema_privilege( ' %(s)s ' , ' CREATE ' ), has_schema_privilege( ' %(s)s ' , ' USAGE ' ) " % { ' s ' : self . _quote_str ( schema ) }
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
return c . fetchone ( )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def get_table_privileges ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" table privileges: (select, insert, update, delete) """
t = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = """ SELECT has_table_privilege( ' %(t)s ' , ' SELECT ' ), has_table_privilege( ' %(t)s ' , ' INSERT ' ),
has_table_privilege ( ' %(t)s ' , ' UPDATE ' ) , has_table_privilege ( ' %(t)s ' , ' DELETE ' ) """ % { ' t ' : self._quote_str(t) }
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
return c . fetchone ( )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def vacuum_analyze ( self , table , schema = None ) :
""" run vacuum analyze on a table """
t = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
# vacuum analyze must be run outside transaction block - we have to change isolation level
self . con . set_isolation_level ( psycopg2 . extensions . ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT )
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , " VACUUM ANALYZE %s " % t )
self . con . set_isolation_level ( psycopg2 . extensions . ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def sr_info_for_srid ( self , srid ) :
if not self . has_postgis :
return " Unknown "
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
try :
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , " SELECT srtext FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = ' %d ' " % srid )
srtext = c . fetchone ( ) [ 0 ]
# try to extract just SR name (should be qouted in double quotes)
x = re . search ( ' " ([^ " ]+) " ' , srtext )
if x is not None :
srtext = x . group ( )
return srtext
except DbError , e :
return " Unknown "
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def insert_table_row ( self , table , values , schema = None , cursor = None ) :
""" insert a row with specified values to a table.
if a cursor is specified , it doesn ' t commit (expecting that there will be more inserts)
otherwise it commits immediately """
t = self . _table_name ( schema , table )
sql = " "
for value in values :
# TODO: quote values?
if sql : sql + = " , "
sql + = value
sql = " INSERT INTO %s VALUES ( %s ) " % ( t , sql )
if cursor :
self . _exec_sql ( cursor , sql )
else :
self . _exec_sql_and_commit ( sql )
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def _exec_sql ( self , cursor , sql ) :
try :
cursor . execute ( sql )
except psycopg2 . Error , e :
raise DbError ( e . message , e . cursor . query )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def _exec_sql_and_commit ( self , sql ) :
""" tries to execute and commit some action, on error it rolls back the change """
try :
c = self . con . cursor ( )
self . _exec_sql ( c , sql )
self . con . commit ( )
except DbError , e :
self . con . rollback ( )
def _quote ( self , identifier ) :
""" quote identifier if needed """
identifier = unicode ( identifier ) # make sure it's python unicode string
# is it needed to quote the identifier?
if self . re_ident_ok . match ( identifier ) is not None :
return identifier
# it's needed - let's quote it (and double the double-quotes)
return u ' " %s " ' % identifier . replace ( ' " ' , ' " " ' )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def _quote_str ( self , txt ) :
""" make the string safe - replace ' with ' ' """
txt = unicode ( txt ) # make sure it's python unicode string
return txt . replace ( " ' " , " ' ' " )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
def _table_name ( self , schema , table ) :
if not schema :
return self . _quote ( table )
else :
return u " %s . %s " % ( self . _quote ( schema ) , self . _quote ( table ) )
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
# for debugging / testing
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
db = GeoDB ( host = ' localhost ' , dbname = ' gis ' , user = ' gisak ' , passwd = ' g ' )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
print db . list_schemas ( )
print ' ========== '
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
for row in db . list_geotables ( ) :
print row
print ' ========== '
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
for row in db . get_table_indexes ( ' trencin ' ) :
print row
print ' ========== '
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
for row in db . get_table_constraints ( ' trencin ' ) :
print row
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
print ' ========== '
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
print db . get_table_rows ( ' trencin ' )
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
#for fld in db.get_table_metadata('trencin'):
# print fld
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2012-11-07 21:04:51 +01:00
# db.create_table('trrrr', [('id','serial'), ('test','text')])
#except DbError, e:
# print e.message, e.query
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00