2012-12-02 00:03:21 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : November 2012
Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya
Email : volayaf at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
__author__ = 'Victor Olaya'
__date__ = 'November 2012'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
2012-11-05 20:07:16 +01:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
2013-08-12 20:44:27 +02:00
from processing.admintools.geoserver.layer import Layer
from processing.admintools.geoserver.store import coveragestore_from_index, datastore_from_index, \
2012-11-05 20:07:16 +01:00
UnsavedDataStore, UnsavedCoverageStore
2013-08-12 20:44:27 +02:00
from processing.admintools.geoserver.style import Style
from processing.admintools.geoserver.support import prepare_upload_bundle, url
from processing.admintools.geoserver.layergroup import LayerGroup, UnsavedLayerGroup
from processing.admintools.geoserver.workspace import workspace_from_index, Workspace
2012-11-05 20:07:16 +01:00
from os import unlink
from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
from urlparse import urlparse
2013-08-12 20:44:27 +02:00
from processing.admintools import httplib2
2012-11-05 20:07:16 +01:00
logger = logging.getLogger("gsconfig.catalog")
class UploadError(Exception):
class ConflictingDataError(Exception):
class AmbiguousRequestError(Exception):
class FailedRequestError(Exception):
def _name(named):
"""Get the name out of an object. This varies based on the type of the input:
* the "name" of a string is itself
* the "name" of None is itself
* the "name" of an object with a property named name is that property -
as long as it's a string
* otherwise, we raise a ValueError
if isinstance(named, basestring) or named is None:
return named
elif hasattr(named, 'name') and isinstance(named.name, basestring):
return named.name
raise ValueError("Can't interpret %s as a name or a configuration object" % named)
class Catalog(object):
The GeoServer catalog represents all of the information in the GeoServer
configuration. This includes:
- Stores of geospatial data
- Resources, or individual coherent datasets within stores
- Styles for resources
- Layers, which combine styles with resources to create a visible map layer
- LayerGroups, which alias one or more layers for convenience
- Workspaces, which provide logical grouping of Stores
- Maps, which provide a set of OWS services with a subset of the server's
- Namespaces, which provide unique identifiers for resources
def __init__(self, service_url, username="admin", password="geoserver", disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False):
self.service_url = service_url
if self.service_url.endswith("/"):
self.service_url = self.service_url.strip("/")
self.http = httplib2.Http(
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.http.add_credentials(self.username, self.password)
netloc = urlparse(service_url).netloc
(username, password),
self._cache = dict()
def delete(self, config_object, purge=False, recurse=False):
send a delete request
XXX [more here]
rest_url = config_object.href
#params aren't supported fully in httplib2 yet, so:
params = []
# purge deletes the SLD from disk when a style is deleted
if purge:
# recurse deletes the resource when a layer is deleted.
if recurse:
if params:
rest_url = rest_url + "?" + "&".join(params)
headers = {
"Content-type": "application/xml",
"Accept": "application/xml"
response, content = self.http.request(rest_url, "DELETE", headers=headers)
if response.status == 200:
return (response, content)
raise FailedRequestError("Tried to make a DELETE request to %s but got a %d status code: \n%s" % (rest_url, response.status, content))
def get_xml(self, rest_url):
logger.debug("GET %s", rest_url)
cached_response = self._cache.get(rest_url)
def is_valid(cached_response):
return cached_response is not None and datetime.now() - cached_response[0] < timedelta(seconds=5)
def parse_or_raise(xml):
return XML(xml)
except (ExpatError, SyntaxError), e:
msg = "GeoServer gave non-XML response for [GET %s]: %s"
msg = msg % (rest_url, xml)
raise Exception(msg, e)
if is_valid(cached_response):
raw_text = cached_response[1]
return parse_or_raise(raw_text)
response, content = self.http.request(rest_url)
if response.status == 200:
self._cache[rest_url] = (datetime.now(), content)
return parse_or_raise(content)
raise FailedRequestError("Tried to make a GET request to %s but got a %d status code: \n%s" % (url, response.status, content))
def reload(self):
reload_url = url(self.service_url, ['reload'])
response = self.http.request(reload_url, "POST")
return response
def save(self, obj):
saves an object to the REST service
gets the object's REST location and the XML from the object,
then POSTS the request.
rest_url = obj.href
message = obj.message()
headers = {
"Content-type": "application/xml",
"Accept": "application/xml"
logger.debug("%s %s", obj.save_method, obj.href)
response = self.http.request(rest_url, obj.save_method, message, headers)
headers, body = response
if 400 <= int(headers['status']) < 600:
raise FailedRequestError("Error code (%s) from GeoServer: %s" %
(headers['status'], body))
return response
def get_store(self, name, workspace=None):
#stores = [s for s in self.get_stores(workspace) if s.name == name]
if workspace is None:
store = None
for ws in self.get_workspaces():
found = None
found = self.get_store(name, ws)
# don't expect every workspace to contain the named store
if found:
if store:
raise AmbiguousRequestError("Multiple stores found named: " + name)
store = found
if not store:
raise FailedRequestError("No store found named: " + name)
return store
else: # workspace is not None
if isinstance(workspace, basestring):
workspace = self.get_workspace(workspace)
if workspace is None:
return None
logger.debug("datastore url is [%s]", workspace.datastore_url )
ds_list = self.get_xml(workspace.datastore_url)
cs_list = self.get_xml(workspace.coveragestore_url)
datastores = [n for n in ds_list.findall("dataStore") if n.find("name").text == name]
coveragestores = [n for n in cs_list.findall("coverageStore") if n.find("name").text == name]
ds_len, cs_len = len(datastores), len(coveragestores)
if ds_len == 1 and cs_len == 0:
return datastore_from_index(self, workspace, datastores[0])
elif ds_len == 0 and cs_len == 1:
return coveragestore_from_index(self, workspace, coveragestores[0])
elif ds_len == 0 and cs_len == 0:
raise FailedRequestError("No store found in " + str(workspace) + " named: " + name)
raise AmbiguousRequestError(str(workspace) + " and name: " + name + " do not uniquely identify a layer")
def get_stores(self, workspace=None):
if workspace is not None:
if isinstance(workspace, basestring):
workspace = self.get_workspace(workspace)
ds_list = self.get_xml(workspace.datastore_url)
cs_list = self.get_xml(workspace.coveragestore_url)
datastores = [datastore_from_index(self, workspace, n) for n in ds_list.findall("dataStore")]
coveragestores = [coveragestore_from_index(self, workspace, n) for n in cs_list.findall("coverageStore")]
return datastores + coveragestores
stores = []
for ws in self.get_workspaces():
a = self.get_stores(ws)
return stores
def create_datastore(self, name, workspace=None):
if isinstance(workspace, basestring):
workspace = self.get_workspace(workspace)
elif workspace is None:
workspace = self.get_default_workspace()
return UnsavedDataStore(self, name, workspace)
def create_coveragestore2(self, name, workspace = None):
Hm we already named the method that creates a coverage *resource*
create_coveragestore... time for an API break?
if isinstance(workspace, basestring):
workspace = self.get_workspace(workspace)
elif workspace is None:
workspace = self.get_default_workspace()
return UnsavedCoverageStore(self, name, workspace)
def add_data_to_store(self, store, name, data, workspace=None, overwrite = False, charset = None):
if isinstance(store, basestring):
store = self.get_store(store, workspace=workspace)
if workspace is not None:
workspace = _name(workspace)
assert store.workspace.name == workspace, "Specified store (%s) is not in specified workspace (%s)!" % (store, workspace)
workspace = store.workspace.name
store = store.name
if isinstance(data, dict):
bundle = prepare_upload_bundle(name, data)
bundle = data
params = dict()
if overwrite:
params["update"] = "overwrite"
if charset is not None:
params["charset"] = charset
message = open(bundle)
headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/zip', 'Accept': 'application/xml' }
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
upload_url = url(self.service_url,
["workspaces", workspace, "datastores", store, "file.shp"], params)
2012-11-05 20:07:16 +01:00
headers, response = self.http.request(upload_url, "PUT", message, headers)
if headers.status != 201:
raise UploadError(response)
def create_featurestore(self, name, data, workspace=None, overwrite=False, charset=None):
if not overwrite:
store = self.get_store(name, workspace)
msg = "There is already a store named " + name
if workspace:
msg += " in " + str(workspace)
raise ConflictingDataError(msg)
except FailedRequestError:
# we don't really expect that every layer name will be taken
if workspace is None:
workspace = self.get_default_workspace()
workspace = _name(workspace)
params = dict()
if charset is not None:
params['charset'] = charset
ds_url = url(self.service_url,
["workspaces", workspace, "datastores", name, "file.shp"], params)
# PUT /workspaces/<ws>/datastores/<ds>/file.shp
headers = {
"Content-type": "application/zip",
"Accept": "application/xml"
if isinstance(data,dict):
logger.debug('Data is NOT a zipfile')
archive = prepare_upload_bundle(name, data)
logger.debug('Data is a zipfile')
archive = data
message = open(archive)
headers, response = self.http.request(ds_url, "PUT", message, headers)
if headers.status != 201:
raise UploadError(response)
def create_coveragestore(self, name, data, workspace=None, overwrite=False):
if not overwrite:
store = self.get_store(name, workspace)
msg = "There is already a store named " + name
if workspace:
msg += " in " + str(workspace)
raise ConflictingDataError(msg)
except FailedRequestError:
# we don't really expect that every layer name will be taken
if workspace is None:
workspace = self.get_default_workspace()
headers = {
"Content-type": "image/tiff",
"Accept": "application/xml"
archive = None
ext = "geotiff"
if isinstance(data, dict):
archive = prepare_upload_bundle(name, data)
message = open(archive)
if "tfw" in data:
headers['Content-type'] = 'application/archive'
ext = "worldimage"
elif isinstance(data, basestring):
message = open(data)
message = data
cs_url = url(self.service_url,
["workspaces", workspace.name, "coveragestores", name, "file." + ext])
headers, response = self.http.request(cs_url, "PUT", message, headers)
if headers.status != 201:
raise UploadError(response)
if archive is not None:
def get_resource(self, name, store=None, workspace=None):
if store is not None:
candidates = [s for s in self.get_resources(store) if s.name == name]
if len(candidates) == 0:
return None
elif len(candidates) > 1:
raise AmbiguousRequestError
return candidates[0]
if workspace is not None:
for store in self.get_stores(workspace):
resource = self.get_resource(name, store)
if resource is not None:
return resource
return None
for ws in self.get_workspaces():
resource = self.get_resource(name, workspace=ws)
if resource is not None:
return resource
return None
def get_resources(self, store=None, workspace=None):
if isinstance(workspace, basestring):
workspace = self.get_workspace(workspace)
if isinstance(store, basestring):
store = self.get_store(store, workspace)
if store is not None:
return store.get_resources()
if workspace is not None:
resources = []
for store in self.get_stores(workspace):
return resources
resources = []
for ws in self.get_workspaces():
return resources
def get_layer(self, name):
lyr = Layer(self, name)
return lyr
except FailedRequestError:
return None
def get_layers(self, resource=None):
if isinstance(resource, basestring):
resource = self.get_resource(resource)
layers_url = url(self.service_url, ["layers.xml"])
description = self.get_xml(layers_url)
lyrs = [Layer(self, l.find("name").text) for l in description.findall("layer")]
if resource is not None:
lyrs = [l for l in lyrs if l.resource.href == resource.href]
# TODO: Filter by style
return lyrs
def get_layergroup(self, name=None):
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
2012-11-05 20:07:16 +01:00
group_url = url(self.service_url, ["layergroups", name + ".xml"])
group = self.get_xml(group_url)
return LayerGroup(self, group.find("name").text)
except FailedRequestError:
return None
def get_layergroups(self):
groups = self.get_xml("%s/layergroups.xml" % self.service_url)
return [LayerGroup(self, g.find("name").text) for g in groups.findall("layerGroup")]
def create_layergroup(self, name, layers = (), styles = (), bounds = None):
if any(g.name == name for g in self.get_layergroups()):
raise ConflictingDataError("LayerGroup named %s already exists!" % name)
return UnsavedLayerGroup(self, name, layers, styles, bounds)
def get_style(self, name):
style_url = url(self.service_url, ["styles", name + ".xml"])
dom = self.get_xml(style_url)
return Style(self, dom.find("name").text)
except FailedRequestError:
return None
def get_styles(self):
styles_url = url(self.service_url, ["styles.xml"])
description = self.get_xml(styles_url)
return [Style(self, s.find('name').text) for s in description.findall("style")]
def create_style(self, name, data, overwrite = False):
if overwrite == False and self.get_style(name) is not None:
raise ConflictingDataError("There is already a style named %s" % name)
headers = {
"Content-type": "application/vnd.ogc.sld+xml",
"Accept": "application/xml"
if overwrite:
style_url = url(self.service_url, ["styles", name + ".sld"])
headers, response = self.http.request(style_url, "PUT", data, headers)
style_url = url(self.service_url, ["styles"], dict(name=name))
headers, response = self.http.request(style_url, "POST", data, headers)
if headers.status < 200 or headers.status > 299: raise UploadError(response)
def create_workspace(self, name, uri):
xml = ("<namespace>"
"</namespace>").format(name=name, uri=uri)
headers = { "Content-Type": "application/xml" }
workspace_url = self.service_url + "/namespaces/"
headers, response = self.http.request(workspace_url, "POST", xml, headers)
assert 200 <= headers.status < 300, "Tried to create workspace but got " + str(headers.status) + ": " + response
return self.get_workspace(name)
def get_workspaces(self):
description = self.get_xml("%s/workspaces.xml" % self.service_url)
return [workspace_from_index(self, node) for node in description.findall("workspace")]
def get_workspace(self, name):
candidates = [w for w in self.get_workspaces() if w.name == name]
if len(candidates) == 0:
return None
elif len(candidates) > 1:
raise AmbiguousRequestError()
return candidates[0]
def get_default_workspace(self):
return Workspace(self, "default")
def set_default_workspace(self):
raise NotImplementedError()