QgsMapLayerStore.__attribute_docs__={'layersWillBeRemoved':'Emitted when one or more layers are about to be removed from the store.\n\n:param layers: A list of layers which are to be removed.\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layerWillBeRemoved`\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layersRemoved`\n','layerWillBeRemoved':'Emitted when a layer is about to be removed from the store.\n\n:param layer: The layer to be removed.\n\n.. note::\n\n Consider using :py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layersWillBeRemoved` instead.\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layersWillBeRemoved`\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layerRemoved`\n','layersRemoved':'Emitted after one or more layers were removed from the store.\n\n:param layerIds: A list of IDs of the layers which were removed.\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layersWillBeRemoved`\n','layerRemoved':'Emitted after a layer was removed from the store.\n\n:param layerId: The ID of the layer removed.\n\n.. note::\n\n Consider using :py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layersRemoved` instead\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layerWillBeRemoved`\n','allLayersRemoved':'Emitted when all layers are removed, before :py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layersWillBeRemoved` and\n:py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layerWillBeRemoved` signals are emitted. The :py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layersWillBeRemoved` and\n:py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layerWillBeRemoved` signals will still be emitted following this signal.\nYou can use this signal to do easy (and fast) cleanup.\n','layersAdded':'Emitted when one or more layers were added to the store.\n\n:param layers: List of layers which have been added.\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layerWasAdded`\n','layerWasAdded':'Emitted when a ``layer`` was added to the store.\n\n.. note::\n\n Consider using :py:func:`~QgsMapLayerStore.layersAdded` instead\n\n.. seealso:: :py:func:`layersAdded`\n'}