"description": "Returns a geometry formed by buffering out just one side of a linestring geometry. Distances are in the Spatial Reference System of this geometry.",
"description": "buffer distance. Positive values will be buffered to the left of lines, negative values to the right"
}, {
"arg": "segments",
"optional": true,
"default": "8",
"description": "number of segments to use to represent a quarter circle when a round join style is used. A larger number results in a smoother buffer with more nodes."
}, {
"arg": "join",
"optional": true,
"default": "1",
"description": "join style for corners, where 1 = round, 2 = miter and 3 = bevel"
}, {
"arg": "miter_limit",
"optional": true,
"default": "2.0",
"description": "limit on the miter ratio used for very sharp corners (when using miter joins only)"