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2012-10-04 19:33:47 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : August 2012
Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya
Email : volayaf at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
__author__ = 'Victor Olaya'
__date__ = 'August 2012'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
import sys
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from qgis.core import *
from sextante.core.GeoAlgorithm import GeoAlgorithm
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
from sextante.core.QGisLayers import QGisLayers
from sextante.core.GeoAlgorithmExecutionException import GeoAlgorithmExecutionException
from sextante.parameters.ParameterVector import ParameterVector
from sextante.parameters.ParameterString import ParameterString
from sextante.parameters.ParameterNumber import ParameterNumber
from sextante.parameters.ParameterSelection import ParameterSelection
from sextante.outputs.OutputVector import OutputVector
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
class FieldsPyculator(GeoAlgorithm):
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
TYPE_NAMES = ["Integer", "Float", "String"]
TYPES = [QVariant.Int, QVariant.Double, QVariant.String]
# def getIcon(self):
# return QtGui.QIcon(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../images/qgis.png")
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
def defineCharacteristics(self):
self.name = "Advanced Python field calculator"
self.group = "Vector table tools"
self.addParameter(ParameterVector(self.INPUT_LAYER, "Input layer", ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_ANY, False))
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
self.addParameter(ParameterString(self.FIELD_NAME, "Result field name", "NewField"))
self.addParameter(ParameterSelection(self.FIELD_TYPE, "Field type", self.TYPE_NAMES))
self.addParameter(ParameterNumber(self.FIELD_LENGTH, "Field lenght", 1, 255, 10))
self.addParameter(ParameterNumber(self.FIELD_PRECISION, "Field precision", 0, 10, 0))
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
self.addParameter(ParameterString(self.GLOBAL, "Global expression", multiline = True))
self.addParameter(ParameterString(self.FORMULA, "Formula", "value = ", multiline = True))
self.addOutput(OutputVector(self.OUTPUT_LAYER, "Output layer"))
def processAlgorithm(self, progress):
fieldName = self.getParameterValue(self.FIELD_NAME)
fieldType = self.getParameterValue(self.FIELD_TYPE)
fieldLength = self.getParameterValue(self.FIELD_LENGTH)
fieldPrecision = self.getParameterValue(self.FIELD_PRECISION)
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
code = self.getParameterValue(self.FORMULA)
globalExpression = self.getParameterValue(self.GLOBAL)
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
output = self.getOutputFromName(self.OUTPUT_LAYER)
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
layer = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(self.getParameterValue(self.INPUT_LAYER))
provider = layer.dataProvider()
fields = provider.fields()
fields.append(QgsField(fieldName, self.TYPES[fieldType], "", fieldLength, fieldPrecision))
writer = output.getVectorWriter(fields, provider.geometryType(), layer.crs())
2012-12-10 00:12:07 +01:00
outFeat = QgsFeature()
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
new_ns = {}
#run global code
if globalExpression.strip() != "":
bytecode = compile(globalExpression, '<string>', 'exec')
exec bytecode in new_ns
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("FieldPyculator code execute error\n" +
"Global code block can't be executed!%s \n %s" %
(unicode(sys.exc_info()[0].__name__), unicode(sys.exc_info()[1])))
#replace all fields tags
fields = provider.fields()
num = 0
for field in fields:
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
field_name = unicode(field.name())
replval = '__attr[' + str(num) + ']'
code = code.replace("<" + field_name + ">", replval)
num += 1
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
#replace all special vars
code = code.replace('$id', '__id')
code = code.replace('$geom', '__geom')
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
need_id = code.find("__id") != -1
need_geom = code.find("__geom") != -1
need_attrs = code.find("__attr") != -1
bytecode = compile(code, '<string>', 'exec')
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("FieldPyculator code execute error\n"+
"Field code block can't be executed! %s \n %s",
unicode(sys.exc_info()[0].__name__), unicode(sys.exc_info()[1]))
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
features = QGisLayers.features(layer)
nFeatures = len(features)
nElement = 1
for feat in features:
progress.setPercentage(int((100 * nElement)/nFeatures))
attrs = feat.attributes()
feat_id = feat.id()
#add needed vars
if need_id:
new_ns['__id'] = feat_id
if need_geom:
geom = feat.geometry()
new_ns['__geom'] = geom
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
if need_attrs:
pyattrs = [self.Qvar2py(a) for a in attrs]
new_ns['__attr'] = pyattrs
#clear old result
if new_ns.has_key(self.RESULT_VAR_NAME):
del new_ns[self.RESULT_VAR_NAME]
exec bytecode in new_ns
#check result
if not new_ns.has_key(self.RESULT_VAR_NAME):
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("FieldPyculator code execute error\n" +
"Field code block does not return '%s1' variable! Please declare this variable in your code!" %
#write feature
nElement += 1
outFeat.setGeometry( feat.geometry() )
2012-09-15 18:25:25 +03:00
del writer
def Qvar2py(self,qv):
if qv.type() == 2:
return qv.toInt()[0]
if qv.type() == 10:
return unicode(qv.toString())
if qv.type() == 6:
return qv.toDouble()[0]
return None
def checkParameterValuesBeforeExecuting(self):
##TODO check that formula is correct and fields exist